Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike, announcing plans to introduce a system that would give metropolitan government workers the option to take three days off per week.
© Mainichi ShimbunVoices
quote of the day
We'll keep reviewing our work styles flexibly so that nobody has to give up their careers due to life events such as childbirth and child care.
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Many things in Japan really nice only on paper, from number paid holiday to people who can take to parental leave. However, number remain low and it's only on the paper.
Japan's public sector is way far ahead of the private sector when it comes to progressive workstyles and reform.
Sven Asai
Interesting in all such and similar discussions is that not a single nano sized thought is spent on all the children themselves. Only employers' , employees' interests and estimates of reform or workplace and lifestyle 'progressiveness' level are in focus. In fact, newborns and toddlers need their mother or parent(s) around them 7 days a week, not zero and not three.
Now be sure to enforce it. All the maternity leave and paper laws on the books mean nothing when your 50 year old manager says “well I didn’t take leave when my 5 kids were born, why should you” or “oh you got married this year? You must be having a baby soon right? Let me know when so your replacement can be ready”
So much easier to do when tax monies keep rolling in regardless of how efficient your workers are.
Much needed reform, Japan's birth situation FAR worse than what's reported. Why?
Because figures include all babies born to 1/2 JN's OUTSIDE of Japan, over 75K/Yr. For example, Naomi Osaka, tennis star's little girl was recently counted!
Most will never live in Japan, Japan's actual babies born to JN's in Japan this year = approx. 600K = approx. replacement population of South Korea
Number JN women of child rearing age set to collapse soon, as population ages = oldest country in world
LOL. I'll believe it when I see it.