A Defense Ministry official. Japan is worried that after President Donald Trump returns to the White House in January, he may press Japan to increase funding for U.S. forces stationed in the country.
© Asahi ShimbunVoices
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We are sure to be in for a rough time. You never know what he might come up with. We might be forced to shell out vast amounts of money for weapons purchases and other issues.
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Missiles never expire. This is a positive.
Missiles do expire, as soon as adversaries have defence systems that can take them out. Then you have to buy newer ones without ever using the originals. And there is not always a second hand market, as it can be a security issue.
As well as the EU and SK, Trump will squeeze Japan, particularly if it wants to continue to trade with China. Like NATO member Turkey's links to Russia, Japan's economic ties to China may be an issue for the USG. And then there are those 'beautiful' tariffs on cars and tech. But Trump is Trump, so it depends on what mood he is in and how much cash is flowing to Washington. Dropping import restrictions on US stuff may be enough - a win-win solution as it would reduce retail inflation and specific shortages in Japan.
Not all US mil kit purchases arrive. It is a good way to fund black ops.
Try to bring those revised defense budget to opposition party, good luck with that.
Not if they are of high quality they don't. Tomahawks have a 40 year history and with the right software and upgrades can still inflict massive damage on China/russia.
Peter Neil
don’t need to increase the japanese “sympathy budget.”
make japan an unaccompanied tour and send all the dependents home. there are 45,000 (45,000!) dependents in japan.
plus another 10,000 civilian employees plus their dependents. send ‘em home along with all the teachers.
If Trump does completely abandon NATO by pulling all U.S. forces out, will he abandon Asia too?
After WWI, the U.S. went into isolationist mode and look what happened . . . WWII.
It’s 4 years, just refuse to pay for any up charges nonsense. It will be over soon. Besides the defense minister is probably going to change 6 times between now and then. It’s fine
You can always say no.
Just stop buying from a country that starts war, supplies weapons for genocide, overthrows democratically elected governments it doesn't like. If you can't stop buying, refuse to buy, make it illegal to buy from any country that supports genocide, and tell the US your order depends on the US halting weapon supplies to any country that uses them for genocidal purposes.
dobre vam zajebava
you still can buy weaponry from Russia or China so can save tons of wasted taxpayers money so STOP MOANING.
dobre vam zajebava
another option.
send US boys ladies and others back home and money you save by this action use for wellbeing of japanese taxpayers and sure will have a lot of cash left form some weaponry shopping as mentioned above...
think twice smart man...
Sven Asai
First I would give it all into a practice test, if this discussion is really about more own defense capabilities, by simply producing all those things here, which is of course also cheaper and also allows a more outnumbering defense potential. But if it's not for defense and just only for US producers' and shareholders' profits, then it is maybe partially not really needed and one could present instead an own empty bottle. Where do they all think the money for new armaments comes from? It comes only from money for invented, produced and globally or locally sold products. And as said this bottle is nearly empty, with no more children, leading to less students , then no more potential for discoveries, less inventions, less producing workforces also. And raising taxes for financing defense?, that's bringing not much with already legions in minimum wages, 103,000yen or let it be 178,000yen part-time jobs, doesn't make a difference in that sector due to inflation; and general aging and more and more dependent seniors. Just quickly forget it, my guess is, big new defense budgets are an illusion and will quickly become limited by reality in daily life of shrinking society and less financial possibilities.
I agree that Japan should stop buying natural gas from russia.
Highest figure I've seen is that Japan pays about 60% of the cost of hosting US forces there.
Why not pay at 100%? What security system only charges you 60%?
Pay up Japan and quit complaining.