Japan Today


quote of the day

A lot of animals that don't fit in people's lives are being killed.


Motoharu Iida, who made a documentary titled "Dogs, Cats & Humans," which looks at the plight of abandoned pets. He holds many small showings of the movie, with requests often coming from animal protection organizations. (Daily Yomiuri)

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Pukey2 - WHERE are the animal shelters? I would love to adopt a pet, but have come up empty handed each time I ask around about an animal shelter. No one seems to have a clue.

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And I think many don't realize that it's a 15 year commitment. Young, dumb and full of air.

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If people were to stop buying animals from pet shops willy-nilly, make sure that they're committed to looking after a fully-grown cat or dog, and have them neutered, lives wouldn't need to be wasted. NEVER BUY ANIMALS FROM PET SHOPS. There are plenty at animal shelters.

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