Takako Kadoshima, manager of a Lawson convenience store in Imizu, Toyama Prefecture, which is selling food items prepared according to Islamic law. All the items are certified as halal in their producing countries.
© Asahi ShimbunVoices
quote of the day
Convenience stores are convenient for us but that is not the case for Muslims.
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Mr Kipling
I really doubt that any Muslim coming to Japan isn't aware that Islam is a minority religion. They will be aware that food production will not be as it is back home. Those I know seem to manage perfectly well.
My guess is that there are a lot of car and machinery exporters from Pakistan living in that area of Toyama so the conbini owner saw an opening to improve his sales.
I can't buy bacon very easily in strict Islamic countries either. That's the price of travel or relocating. I imagine this guy's quote is taken out of context. Like Mr. Kipling says, he probably has a good number of Muslim customers. Otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense to stock up on halal foods. Konbini margins are way to thin to play around like that.
The same reason it's far easier to find Western chain restaurants in Tokyo than elsewhere in Japan. If there is a big enough population to create demand, somebody will meet the need.
There are five mosques in Japan and around each one are Muslim shops and restaurants. Halal foods can also be ordered online.
So then why can’t the Muslim community in Japan create their own stores that cater to their communities, that would be lot easier as the Japanese shouldn’t be burdened to have to study about the laws and dietary habits of a religion that Japanese know nothing about and add to the that the market needs to be researched as to what the demographics are and the makeup and size of the Muslim community. I don’t think them wanting a store that can cater to their communities is a bad thing, but laying it on the Japanese is wrong. You want it, buy, invest and build your own, create your own brand.
Why Halal?
Did you the 'Halal' slaughter method is brutal, barbaric and totally unnecessary. Don't believe me, look it up :( The animals spent their last few minutes terrified and in agony whilst they slowly bleed to death from having their throat slit and then being hung upside down drowning in their own blood. The 'Halal' method refuses to stun the animals first or use an instant death method. They prefer the slow agonizing death approach... This is factual. Halal method of slaughter is banned in many civilized European countries.
There is a Muslim community of more than 100,000 and includes many Japanese citizens.
there is nothing in the post in which you made your comment. Where does it say they wanted a store? The owner of a store decided to cater to a section of his customers using it. There are Japanese Muslims.
Jewish people although a smaller number have similar food problems along with Jains, vegetarians, and vegans.
Tokyo’s first vegan Japanese-style convenience store now open in Asakusa
Staying vegan and vegetarian in Japan while on a budget
There are 80 - 90 mosques in Japan.
A very good reason why halal meat should be banned in Japan and if its proponents don't like that they can go elsewhere.
A little research will tell you that there are a few, it's demand driven and few Japanese food suppliers care about religious minorities.
Commanteer,most convinence stores in America are own by Indian Hindu and Pakistan Muslim,do not Halal mean do not touch or consume product ,like beef jerky and pork rinds,that forbidden,but they sell to non believers for a high price
I was quoting 5-6 buildings constructed for mosques and not other buildings which have been converted for another use. LIke Kobe mosque for example.
Sven Asai
That’s not true because they are not at all obliged to fully keep and abide to their Muslim lifestyle in non-Islamic countries, which in a religiously sense all belong to the dar-al-harb, literally house of war, but in very most cases only meaning countries of non-Islamic / other religions or atheists majority. In fact they could even eat pork meat , drink alcohol or women walk around without covering their hair and body contours and so on, as long as they only excuse themselves honesty before their god during the prayers.
Of course you were.
You're going to have a hard time convincing Japanese people to change their eating habits too, because the Japanese slaughterhouses and animal factories are nothing to right home about. They show this on TV and they think nothing of the conditions.