Educational consultant Toshimi Nakai, who says that single-sex schools, which are now a minority, have an advantage in terms of the advancement rate to prestigious universities. (Daily Yomiuri)
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From late primary school to middle school, girls develop faster than boys both physically and mentally. So it's inefficient for boys and girls to take the same classes together because their mental ag
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Good one Cleo! ;)
I thought it was based on some people being wrong.
In case you'd like to read up on it
A quick search of "Boys get more attention from teachers" turns up all kind of articles. Sad but it IS an issue.
2020, you can disagree but it doesn't make your opinion correct. Yes, if it was the other way around and girls were the ones getting all the attention, it would be sexist - no one is suggesting it wouldn't be so no idea where you grabbed that from or even thought it.
It IS about favoring boys. Perhaps you went to the one school in the world that doesn't have an issue with sexism but all others do. Even segregated ones do as Cleo pointed out, there are problems with course options. Guys are pushed towards math and science as early as ele schools while girls are pushed towards more "nurturing" courses. When guys are wild in class, there is often a "boys will be boys" attitude. The same can't be said for the girls.
And no, girls shouldn't have to change to get more attention. Attention should be given equally regardless of who is screaming out answers or goofing around. And it isn't. You can argue with me all you like on this but the research is out there. Who says that the girl's aren't actively participating? Even when they do put their hand up, boys get called on more often.
And no, it doesn't have to be a policy to be sexist. Do you think that some people thinking that men are smarter than women is based on a policy? It isn't. It is based on good old sexism.
I disagree. You haven't mentioned sex here and if it was the other way around (girls demanding more attention) then it would be just the same.
Disagree. This isn't about favoring boys.
Actually they should. You can teach your class but if some members are reluctant to actively participate then they will miss out. Sure you can come up with strategies to get girls to participate (and you should), but the fact is there is only so much a teacher can do.
It pretty much does. This goes back to your favoring boys comment.
Clearly you don't understand the issue. It IS sexism on the part of the teacher to pay more attention to those seeking attention - often negative. Girls shouldn't have to "demand" more attention to be given the same amount. It doesn't have to be a "policy" for something to be sexist.
2020 so did mine but how many all boy's schools do you think offer sewing and cooking? How many all girl's do you think offer metal and woodwork? My coed schools offered the same and they were compulsory. You're sort of proving the point about single sex schools - they are sexist in their own little way and create gender lines and divides by not offering the same classes.
I wouldn't call this sexist - there is no policy to pay more attention to boys. If girls demand more time then they will get it. It's one reason that girls do better in single sex schools.
My middle school offered sewing, cooking, metalwork and woodwork to boys and girls alike. Actually it was compulsory.
Not so, I certainly don't think that. I think that most co-ed schools in my area were not sexist.
And I think you'd be surprised by the research on how much class time gets spent on males and how little on females. I know I am guilty of it myself because boys demand more attention.
Pam, nothing is wrong with it if it were to be taught to males as well. Never seen a boy's school offer sewing, ikebana and the like. Why? Because these are "girl's" things that wifey should do. It is setting up the sexism and gender roles early on.
Why? what is wrong with those things?
I wasn't talking about maturity, except in the emotional sense.
Well I do admit that in co-ed schools guys are more pushy than girls and get to ask the questions. But studying at home everyone was equal. So I don't think you can make that assertion that the girls were smarter.
Not so, I certainly don't think that. I think that most co-ed schools in my area were not sexist.
**I don't think he is correct. Girls develop emotionally faster but I doubt that they have higher mental ages. I went to a coed school and in tests etc. the spread was pretty even across boys and girls at all stages of schooling.
Maturity isn't related to doing well in school. I already outlines why guys may do better in school than females. The fact that your tests were pretty even is actually an indication that the females in your school were actually smarter than the guys - unless you think you went to the first ever school that doesn't have sexism during co-ed education.
Mr. Nakai is wrong. What I've really seen is that girls develop faster only physically, but NOT mentally, never. And this is not a problem at all, this has never been a problem for anyone. Students who want to study are studying. Another issue is socialization that is one of the most important factors in such early age. Such segregated schools are absolutely unnatural. Do we really want even wider gap between sexes than we currently have? I don't think Japan needs this.
OMG: They still made them well 'bloomers' into the 90's, if you didn't know (skint-tight panty-like 'shorts'.... just look up Japanese female Olympians from the 80s and early 90s and you'll fear for your daughter for sure!). It's awesome that your kids are doing well, and no doubt part of why they are doing well is not only your good parenting, but people like Nakai are ignored and seen for what they are -- recruits for private schools.
@OMGhontoni I totally agree ,SPOT ON......
Frungy, I presented the reference behind my statement. how about your "foregone conclusion"? you know, that's the beauty of science, there are no absolute truths. only religion has those
LoveNot: "...and from middle school on boys/men lose their ability to think in the presence of women"
LOL! Love, you're back! Cool!
Nakai is an adult, who shamefully cannot see the truth. All that says is that HE is not in a mature position to judge what should be what, and I bet you a million yen that he's got investments in juku and/or private schools while he makes this statement.
Hahaha, when I was a senior, I wouldn't had minded being put with freshmen girls!
I think a big part of the problem in Japan with Hikikomori kids AND adults, and Futouko kids (is that the right word? I mean school refusers) is that there is way too much emphasis on academic achievement, and way too little focus on basic social skills.
Plus emphasis in the wrong areas. Being part of a sports club that trains every morning at 6am, every weekend, and you are relegated to handing out balls or collecting jock straps for a season if you so much as miss one practice session does NOT encourage social development - again in my humble opinion, Im no expert. But seeing young kids crying their eyes out because their team lost their game while the coach bawls them out does not seem to me to contribute to their self-development or budding self esteem and identity. It all seems to be based on guilt and letting down the "group".
I am also pretty surprised and horrified by what people are saying here about single sex girls schools doing hand-sewing and ikebana classes. i dont have any experience of junior high here - is that really true?!
I have a child of elementary school age in a mixed school and it all seems wonderful to be honest. Ditto the kindergarten system. They are very happy, and well disciplined but able to develop in their own way. Compared to the system back home I am thrilled with how well they are doing TBH. I get the impression it just all seems to go wrong here from junior high onwards.
Repeatedly saying girls mature earlier than boys is about as mature as saying "my dad is stronger than your dad". Mental age depends on far more than just gender, so all those out there who love to yell "Sexism!" every chance they get; the stage is yours.
I don't think he is correct. Girls develop emotionally faster but I doubt that they have higher mental ages. I went to a coed school and in tests etc. the spread was pretty even across boys and girls at all stages of schooling.
I remember one time in my senior high school years I went to the local girls school for an inter-school debating contest. The girls were really badly behaved when there were no teachers around. It seemed to be a group thing. I'm sure if there were boys around they would change their behavior.
Why do so called "experts" like this even get any air time at all? We are not living in the dark ages here folks. Well maybe this guy is.
Never Submit:
Hey! How dare you introducing logic into a politically correct argument,
Actually a consensus was reached a long time ago, single-sex schooling is better for girls. The precise reasons for this are still under discussion, but the conclusion is foregone.
I'm not against single sex schools, per se, but I find the rationale that they can't relate to each other and will only serve as a distraction to be pretty alarming and embarrassing. Girls and boys aren't half as different as society tries to make them out to be, and communication between the genders is important.
I'd be additionally worried about the sexist implications of separating boys and girls, of schools being ranked higher or lower, and coincidentally the girls schools are lower despite high academic achievement... as has been done in the past.
Seems like some think that University (i hate the Aussie term Uni), is the target and best option for children. This is false and only benefits a small amount perhaps 20%.
A schol should help develop children into well rounded adults with creative independent thinking who aerea ware of the world around them. Mixed schools are nota problem, most single sex schools are private and thave parents who push their children more academically.
Instead of thinking about stuff like this, how about trying to make children look forward to better lives than we have had, not mass producing office workers.
Kudos to you OMGhontoni, I could not have said it better. Society is formed by both men and women, and they have to be able to communicate with and understand each other in order to have it work. And then people wonder why men hesitate to get a girlfriend and why there is a lack of communication inside marriage.
But we all know that there is an interest from the ones in power to keep the status quo so Japan keeps being the way it has been till now, with people raised with the just purpose to fit into a hand made society where everybody has it's role already decided by somebody else on the top of the piramid.
timeon, thanks for that article, very interesting. like it said and i said before most private schools have better results because of the nature of being private, picky and exclusive, with the weaker ones left behind. it has nothing to do with the sex of the students. I'd like to see them exclude all the girls from a public inner-city school in NY or London and see how well the boys that are left do then
If raising a child to adulthood successfully was only about academic achievement this professor may (depending on other recent studies timeon mentioned) have a valid point. But so much more than that goes into raising a happy, well balanced adult, and social skills are a major part of it. Segregating a child based on gender at just the most impressionable age does a child no favours at all IMHO
I did a bit of research for that article. Mr. Nakai is obviously ignorant of recent studies such as: D. F. Halpern et al, "The Pseudoscience of Single-Sex Schooling", Science, 2011, 333, 1706. Moreover, this study is under much debate, and a consensus in this issue has not been reached yet. Therefore, the advice of Mr. Nakai is irresponsible pseudo-science that ignores recent scientific data
I was educated in gender-balanced schools, and my students look at me when I speak without any inhibition to girls. many of my students come from boy schools, our department is mainly guys, so you have many guys who completely freak out when a girl is around. Also, my wife went to a girls school and totally hated it. While there may be academic advantages (not clear at the moment, see a recent study by Science), they are offset by behavioral and social issues. exactly the biggest problem in Japan at the moment
In physical development boys and girls do develop at different paces. In motor skills boys develop gross motor skills at a slightly faster pace than girls since they have higher levels pf physical activity. Therefore girls develop fine motor skills faster and may have an advantage over some boys when it comes to school. In spacial skills boys have a upper hand but girls excel at verbal and language skills. Thus differences in most skills are generally insignifficant and some will change due to the way society treats people based on gender. Hence boys and girls have different sensory approaches, modalities and rely on different parts of the brain. As a result their learning patterns are different and that could inform teaching and testing methods. Maybe their ought to be separate classes for boys and girls at school.
If we put only girls in the same class, we might end up with more of those decadent AKB48 commercials. So that's a pro.
....and from middle school on boys/men lose their ability to think in the presence of women.
To be fair to Nakai, studied have shown that girls do better academically in an all girl's school. I think that isn't to do with them being grouped together but that boys often get more attention - they call out more, demand more attention from teachers... It goes back to sexism and thinking that boys are better and will get better jobs so need more education than girls.
Funny then that more females go to uni and graduate than makes to in most western countries...
Nakai, sorry, you are simply WRONG!
As others have said single gender schools probably arent best for Japan where the sexes mix poorly from start to finish as it is, and while boys & girls mature at different physically/emotionally thats not so pertinent as far as school goes, pls dont make that mistake!
Johanes Weber said it all. Intellectual age and emotional age are completely different. Even then "from late primary school to middle school" is such a short time it hardly seems worth worrying about. Of course girls mature physically a little earlier than boys. So what? In addition, I would hazard single-sex schools have a higher progresiion rate to University firstly because they are private and reap all the benefits that can entail, and secondly because the kind of parent that would send their kid to a private school would do so because they were serious about their child's education, and it's that attitude that leads to higher University admission rates for children of those parents. I don't think it has anyting to do at all specifically with being in a class without boys or girls.
Cleo, my school did ikebana and the like. They were wild in class and had no sense of shame when it came to their behaviour. A few boys would have settled them down. Just like a few girls would settle down a rowdy class of boys.
Killthephonies, exactly. Japan already has enough socialization issues because sexes. Only makes it worse. I've seen first hand girls from all girl's schools and boy from all boy's school try and "mix". It is not a pretty sight at all. Bad enough school have different line ups for the boys and girls, different classes.... no thanks. If we want the sexes to be equal, they need to be taught together.
How can we claim that women develop faster than boys when the politically correct doctrine claims that men and women are exactly the same and equal, except for social conditioning
There should be more dancing. This evens everything out.
Dividing the sexes in Japan would lead to even more alienation and exploitation. Kids need to grow up socializing with both.
Don't have much experience with single-sex schools - made sure both mine went co-ed, the natural way - but a friend who sent her daughter to a very prestigious girl's school told me the girls were subjected to 30 minutes of hand-sewing every morning, supposedly to develop their housewifely skills. I think there are good reasons why single-sex schools are in the minority.
Gender segregated schools are a great way to promote social retardation. That is about the last thing Japan needs right now.
What I would do is stagger the ages by a year in general, but also allow plenty of opportunities for advanced students to attend higher level classes. Of course, ideally students should be studying at the level they can handle, and not thrown in a class determined by their birthdate anyhow.
I would answer "all of the above". I think gender has its effect as well.
Johannes Weber
Putting two different things into one pot. There is a Difference with capital "D" between "emotional age" and "intellectual age". And while girls on average surpass their male fellows in "emotional age" for a few years, this cannot be claimed for general "mental age", since it also includes "rational" and "analytical" features, which do not depend on gender, but on socialisation (and a bit on genes as well).
Physical deveopment shouldn't be a problem in class either. After all, class is not about physical contests (and even there boys fare better most of the time) or about showing off how far your body has developed towards adulthood.
The main reason why girl school students might be more successful is because there is less distraction at a girls-only school. But this reasoning would lead in the final consequence to private teachers for all students, whose parents can afford it. And the girls-only school students miss important aspects of social learning (like getting along with the other sex). There is no overall advantage of one system over the other.