Japan Today


quote of the day

He said he is ashamed of my ugliness.


Rina Bovrisse, 36, a former employee of Prada Japan who claims she was harassed by the local unit of the Italian fashion house for being ugly. She is suing the company, hoping to overturn her dismissal in the court case which begins on May 14. (AFP)

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Can't really comment without a picture....just sayin'

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she actually looks relatively good i think. even if she didn't, there must be a reason why they hired her in the first place.

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She's not that bad looking and apparently ran 40 stores. I mean, she must have been competent.

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I'd like to see a photo of this Prada Japan CEO idiot.

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The New York Mag gives a lot more information about this. The Prada Japan CEO ordered Rina to fire employees he thought were ugly.

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hope she wins this case. Miuccia should look more often in her mirror...

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