Japan Today


quote of the day

I want these events to help make the world a place where people don't need to be afraid of dying in childbirth, just like in Japan.


Model Ai Tominaga, who is a goodwill ambassador for charity events organized by White Ribbon Campaign, a global effort to improve health care and sanitation for pregnant women and infants in developing countries. (Yomiuri Shimbun)

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Ah Pukey, you beat me to the punch.

Yeah, my friends in the states have read about the hellish ambulance experiences in Japan and just hope National Health care won't lead the USA down that path. I tell them not to worry since western doctors actually have to take AND pass (college courses in) AND practice ethics.

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Sure, if I were bleeding or had other complications while the ambulance is being rejected by 15 hospitals, there still wouldn't be any reason to be afraid, right?

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