Michimasa Tashiro, who heads the community development council in Shinkadonowaki, Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. He says many people from tsunami-hit areas do not want to return to their home communities, leaving many empty lots. (Yomiuri Shimbun)
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If this situation continues, the community will end up declining more even before being revitalized.
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Reckless, I'm not sure what you mean by that. There is risk everywhere one lives. These people have left land where their ancestors lived for generations, if not centuries. An important tie to the land and kami is being lost. Common sense would be for the government to secure funds for rebuilding and then get out of the way so industry can do what it does best: Hire people, put people to work, pay them wages and get the business of life going again as shareholder value is unlocked for international investors.