Naha assemblyman Toru Kinjo, saying that he will continue demanding the Futenma base be moved out of Okinawa. (Jiji Press)
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It's hard to understand why the government intends not to ease even slightly Okinawa's burden (of hosting the bases) while allowing all Japanese people to equally enjoy the benefits of the Japan-U.S.
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It's easy to understand. The Japanese people have a "not in my backyard" attitude when it comes to bases. They firmly want the American military to be here, but they just don't want to say so, although they'll express pity for the plight of the Okinawans at the same time.
Disingenuous? Two-faced? You bet.
Moron. At a time when China is playing up he wants to bleat on about moving US bases from Okinawa?
Kazuaki Shimazaki
Look, like it or not, you guys live on the equivalent of a national border. Where do you think the bases should be?
Fukuoka, Yamaguchi, etc.. Niigata and Noto Peninsula are also pretty strategic, as China, N. Korea and Russia lie directly on the other side.
I think all prefectures should share the burden.
There are US bases in other parts of Japan, so Okinawa is not in a unique situation. In addition to this, Okinawa is the base closest to the Senkaku islands, and if things keep goung as they are, it is likely that the base in Okinawa will become more necessary than it is now.
I don't see why they don't move the bases, or some of them, to Tottori, a massively depopulated area that would surely like the economic benefit. Of course Okinawa, already desperately poor by Japanese standards, would become a third world country if the U.S. pulled out (of Okinawa, not of any Okinawans).
Common sense dictates that rotary aircraft must be near the troops they will transport and train with. Not sure how anyone can ignore this key detail.
Isn't it about time we stopped this charade?
The only reason for US troops infesting Okinawa is that the government of Japan (a US puppet government, by the way) lobs out so much money to them.
There is no danger from NK or China. There is only the danger that the U.S.A. is trying to create.
The biggest threat to world peace is the secret government of the U.S.A.
US troops protect NO ONE in Okinawa.
Peace is not created with force, violence, drones and other high tech weapons.
The Okinawan people want the US bases OUT!
You are correct. There are three contingency plans for which US Forces stationed on Okinawa are tailored: 1) defense of Japan, 2) response to armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula, and 3) response to Chinese military action against Taiwan. Moving our forces off of Okinawa north to the mainland significantly undermines our ability to fulfill the third requirement and so will never happen. All three missions contribute to the region's overall stability and balance of power and the Government of Japan realizes this and accepts the "burden" of permanently forward deployed US Forces on its soil, particularly Okinawa. Because the PRC is seen by most nations as the primary threat to stability in the region, Okinawa is the most strategically suitable location for PRC-containment force placement. In fact, it's so suitable for sheer geographical reasons and for the availability of training areas that the ships and aircraft of the Carrier Strike Group and Carrier Air Wing in Yokosuka and Atsugi and the Expeditionary Strike Group in Sasebo would be far more effective and efficient if stationed together with the Marines on Okinawa and not in Yokosuka and Atsugi. Unfortunately (fortunately for the Okinawans) there isn't the requisite infrastructure, primarily a full service military port/ship repair facilities on island to make this possible.
And why do they "lob" out so much money to them? Because they want the American military in Japan. The American military is an invited guest. They have more right to be here than you or I.
Well there we go everyone. The Wooster has spoken. No danger at all. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Wrong. The biggest threat to world peace is people who think their wishes are more important than the wishes of the majority. People who think they are special. That the rules don't apply to them and theirs.
Wrong again. US troops protect everyone in Okinawa (even ingrates like you) and everyone in Japan.
Wrong again. When you have certain people intent on raising trouble no matter what, the only way to deal with them is to smash them into submission. Its a pity you have lived this long and still maintain such a "Coke and a smile" view of the world.
Fortunately for the rest of us, its really irrelevant what the citizens of Okinawa prefecture want. This latest little shit show by the PRC is going to make everyone except Okinawa independence activists want to "lob" out even more money to the Americans. How much do you think that picture of those B52s going for a leisurely fly were worth to Abe's government?
Make no mistake the American bases are here to stay - at least for the rest of your lifetime. At some point in the distant future that could change, but if it does that will mean that Japan has amended her Constitution and will have an army of her own that requires bases. Guess where they are going to put those bases? Yup. Okinawa.
I'm not sure if its noble or sad that you don't realize the Quixotic nature of your continued protests.
Okinawans don't want war on their Island again and as long as bases are on Okinawa they will suffer in the event of war.
Obviously, and in the event of a war people in their vicinity will suffer wherever they are placed. However, seeing as how the Western Pacific is not a particularly peaceful region, they are realistically a necessary evil, both as a deterrent to actual all out war and as a means of winning a war if one should ever break out, so the logical thing to do is to have them where they are most effective. Unfortunately for Okinawans, that happens to be Okinawa.
You don't know what you're talking about.
The majority of the Japanese public wants the US military to be here. That's the essence of the injustice indicated by the comment this whole thread is about. I mean, come on.
The majority of the Japanese public considers - because that is what the media tells it - and, let us not forget that the Japanese public sets the standard for gullibility - that the US military will protect them from the "terrifying dangers" of China and NK.
Yet, according to the SOFA agreement, that is not so.
The majority of the Japanese public living in Honshu wants the US military as far away from them as it's possible to get. That is why they are in Okinawa and not in the outskirts of Tokyo.
Whether the majority of Okinawans want them here or not, I cannot say. I suspect they don't, based on the turnout in demonstrations and conversations with local people.
I do think it is time for a referendum to find out exactly what Okinawans feel about US military infesting their land.
Please explain this because from my understanding of the SOFA, and I wager I know just a little more about it than you, it has absolutely nothing to do with how we go about helping to defend Japan in the event of an armed attack by a foreign enemy. My guess is that you're confusing the "SOFA" with the "Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan", an easy mistake when you know next to nothing about the U.S. military in Japan...