Ryo Konno, professor of gynecology at Jichi Medical University's Saitama Medical center, on why the number of deaths caused by cervical cancer has been increasing recently. (Japan Times)
© Japan TodayVoices
quote of the day
More than 90% of local governments only have enough funding to screen less than 25% of the women in their areas.
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cancer is caused by random sex and STDs and viruses.
HOw about some sex ed and telling women that they need to start getting paps done as soon as they start having sex?? How about including it in yearly check-ups for companies so the local government doesn't have to pay the bill? I was shocked that female check-ups are not automatically included in company checks and that you have to fill out more forms if you want one. For a "developed" nation, it certainly doesn't take health checks all that seriously.
I know that most company medical aids require a 6/12-month checkup and the test get stricter once you get older(40 is a big barrier).
I know they do check for breast-cancer, not sure if the facilities are setup for cervical cancer checks. As you ussually get the results at the end of the 1-day exam.
But I got a feeling many japanese women don't like to visit "Ladies Clinics".
Actually you should get paps once you turn 16 and then on every year (unless there is a problem and then every 6 months). That said, the screening here is pretty spotty. I am a cerv cancer survivor and my obgyn said that if I was in Japan when it was diagnosed that my treatment wouldn't have been as aggressive or as thorough (in Japan) as it was back home. Glad I got sick in my home country. otherwise I might be dead now. I get a yearly check up from hubby's company and yes, they have the cerv cancer screening. Not very thorough though, but you take what you can get!
One more thing, tmarie is right it is OPTIONAL meaninig you have to pay extra and fill out another little card for it.
That's strange, considering that we're being forced to take X-rays every single damn year - and increasing our chances of getting cancer.
Ah Pukey2 - but it's just 'women problems' and therefore not essential.