Japan Today


quote of the day

Stress and anxiety stemming from school closures due to the pandemic and other reasons might have affected them.


A spokesperson for the National Center for Child Health and Development, commenting on the results of a survey which show that new anorexia cases among people younger than 20 in Japan grew 60% from the previous year in fiscal 2020 amid the coronavirus crisis.

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Stress and anxiety stemming from school closures due to the pandemic and other reasons might have affected them.

Everything is going to be blamed on the pandemic, but it sure would have been nice to hear what other reasons they came up with as an excuse!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The media don't help, young people are generally not at risk at all from the coronavirus but they're still subjected to the same scaremongering

The media is not the one unilateraly saying that young healthy people are also at risk from the pandemic, medical and scientific professionals are, completely contradicting your "not at risk at all" baseless opinion.

Trying to misrepresent the scientific consensus as if it was just something media was making up evidence a desire to disinform people from taking appropiate care of not catching nor spreading a lethal disease.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Too much time watching skinny celebs on TikTok and Instagram!

Guess you dont know about Naomi Watanabe!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )


Guess you dont know about Naomi Watanabe!

Guess you neither or you should have noticed that in advertisement she is always displayed with underweight ladies, notice the plural. Average women are nowhere to be seen thought average men can be.

Let's just look at Kireimo.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


The media is not the one unilateraly saying that young healthy people are also at risk from the pandemic, medical and scientific professionals are, completely contradicting your "not at risk at all" baseless opinion.

Trying to misrepresent the scientific consensus as if it was just something media was making up evidence a desire to disinform people from taking appropiate care of not catching nor spreading a lethal disease.

"Lethal disease"... why the choice of words? Trying to stamp your point harder? Even a flu can be lethal, so are quite a lot of diseases none of which has been to so overblown and pushed down people's throats, which lead me to believe is for fearmongering. You can be honest and even reasonable in assessing the virus indeed requires extra precautions.

But putting things in perspective escapes you at some point. Is not as if Covid19 came to a void where human existence was completely 100% safe and death and disease were unheard of amongst us. Everyday we and our kids go about our things were are under risk of infection, accidents, crime and yes death. There's nothing new there. And we all accept to deal and live with those risks. There are far more deadly diseases, like those associated with tobacco consumption be it active or passive, and things with far more probability of death everyday (like riding a car or a bike) and yet tobacco is not even completely banned (is THEIR choice to die, right?, passive smokers... sorry), and road safety is well, road safety. Not to mention all other diseases, poisons and allergies out there by which anyone can at anytime die. And yet a disease with a death rate of around 0.02% globally, which is deceiving because in varies greatly depending on the age group, and more so separating those of higher risks groups, and the vast majority of population without added risks stays at about almost 0.00003% for some age groups.

And yet you claim you are the reasonable one. If reason and science is your high stance. Then age groups and risks groups should be first and foremost be the strategy to deal with the virus and not a blanket strategy.

Or you deny it is vastly different depending on the age and risk group. Secondly, detailed information and education should be promoted instead of fear mongering. Give not just daily data of contagions, but by age group, occupation, mobility rate (where they stationary, in what are confines where they moving), health risk, etc... thus a smart strategy plus an educated informed unified populace would prove to be more efficient in defeating the disease and keeping all of our lives and livelihoods intact.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Healthy women like me are thin and not obese. No shame in being body positive and healthy.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Healthy women like me are thin and not obese.

Healthy women are nether thin nor obese, but just right. (BMI 20-25)


Underweight people were expected to live the shortest lives and spend the fewest years in an active state compared with normal and overweight individuals. 

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

"Lethal disease"... why the choice of words? 

Because that is why it is so important to limit the spread, because the disease can kill and have done so to millions of people, including some that were completely healthy.

Do you want to know why influenza has not been the center of attention like COVID does? just compare the tiny fraction of the cases and deaths that influenza has caused while under the same preventive measures as COVID, that will let you know the huge difference in importance between both disease.

What "fearmongering" have you seen in the media that is not backed up by recommendations from experts? if the scientific consensus is that X, Y and Z measures are effective and necessary to limit the importance of the pandemic (with the data to prove it), while a nameless person on the internet say it is just fearmongering and that the disease is just like the flu (based on absolutely nothing), it is not difficult to know which side can be safely ignored.

Putting thins "in perspective" does absolutely nothing to reduce the importance the disease have, and the valid justification for measures to reduce that importance. Especially when you assume the whole importance of COVID would be exactly the same without the measures used to contain it. Once again if all the doctors and scientists of the world say it is important, one person trying to deceive by making invalid comparisons and assumptions is not even remotely as worth of listening.

And yet you claim you are the reasonable one. If reason and science is your high stance. Then age groups and risks groups should be first and foremost be the strategy to deal with the virus and not a blanket strategy.

That is another thing already proved wrong, what you call "blanket strategy" is actually stopping widespread transmission, which is (for a disease that can easily be transmitted by asymptomatic people) the only way to protect those in the risk groups, once again this is not some kind of super-secret only a few would understand but an open opinion of the experts when some people try to present this counterproductive "solution" as if had some scientific basis. It doesn't.

At the end you only qualify as fear mongering things you don't want to hear, and "education" those that you do, that is not an argument, it is just a personal opinion without any basis. Bring at least some expert, an authority that can prove this is not just your bias talking, else you have no point.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Bring at least some expert, an authority that can prove this is not just your bias talking, else you have no point.

You are right in asking me this. But I assume one thing: you already know there have experts the world about contradicting any and several of the claims made by mass media. If you haven't then that would leave me very surprised. Anyway I am not trying to avoid showing them to you. I just don't keep them handy to retrieve as a post on the fly. But I'll remember next time.

This wording of yours is off-putting "Once again if all the doctors and scientists of the world say it is important."

Do you honestly and in all use of your judgement believe all doctor and scientist of the world say something in unison??

I see your blanket strategy argument and I can't help but wonder... why, the, do we do not take blanket strategies against every other lethal thing? As I like to mention tobacco kills more people in Japan that anything, even passive smokers yet there is no blanket protection for them effective enough to bring their deaths to null. Let's not say food allergies, where the vast majority keep eating our thing no matter who is allergic.

I agree blanket strategies are sometimes needed, like with asbestos being prohibited to be used, but event then some countries haven't and some old places with it on them are still up.

My whole view here is the Covid-19 does not justify all the prohibitions and flaxes bequest upon healthy individuals.

That's where I see the fear mongering. Reporting the contagions and deaths without noting their age and standing, mobility rates.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

You are right in asking me this. But I assume one thing: you already know there have experts the world about contradicting any and several of the claims made by mass media. If you haven't then that would leave me very surprised. Anyway I am not trying to avoid showing them to you. I just don't keep them handy to retrieve as a post on the fly. But I'll remember next time.

And yet you bring nothing, may it be because the "experts" you mention have been proved wrong? or speak without any evidence? that would be enough to prove it was all about your own bias and not any valid criticism. Again, what is that the experts (as in the whole world community) contradict about the measures used to control the pandemic? how about one single institution of science or medicine in the whole wrold that say the pandemic is not actually dangerous, or that you can let the infection run wild in the general population without risking many unnecessary deaths? You can't find any? that is because they all agree the disease is dangerous and what you call "fear mongering" is actually valid, scientifically based recommendations.

Do you honestly and in all use of your judgement believe all doctor and scientist of the world say something in unison??

As in general? yes, as easy to prove as you will not be able to find any institution that shares your mistaken opinion. You may find exceptions for everything, there will be around "experts" saying microbes do not exist, or that praying can be proved to cure all diseases for example, but that do not mean that the scientific opinion about those things is not unified. It just mean you will always find people that are mistaken, or pretend to be to obtain some benefits, but the scientific opinion remains in consensus.

My whole view here is the Covid-19 does not justify all the prohibitions and flaxes bequest upon healthy individuals.

And since you hold no authority to judge it, while the experts of the world do, and explicitly contradict you based on well researched scientific evidence that still means you are wrong and they are right.

That's where I see the fear mongering. Reporting the contagions and deaths without noting their age and standing, mobility rates.

That just mean you don't understand enough of the problem to know the importance of reporting cases or deaths, and like to pretend that the uncontrolled contagions means no risk to anybody, the reality is the opposite, and reporting the numbers of cases and deaths gives a very good idea of how good or bad is the current control of the spreading, which is reflected in making the control measures more relaxed or strict.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

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