Sakie Fukushima, chief executive of G&S Global Advisers, a Tokyo recruitment firm. With schools starting summer vacation and property contracts approaching renewal deadlines, many foreign professionals are deciding to leave Japan. (Reuters)
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There is particular concern among foreign residents with children. And on the professional level, some are worried about the economy and their employment situation.
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what is wrong with doing what you think is best for you and your family???
Gotta go where the money is. And unfortunately for an increasing number, that ain't Japan.
I believe it is more accurate to say: the COMPANIES are deciding to relocate or fire their expats in Japan as a consequence of the economical situation here. Many of the foreigners I know here are not willing, but forced to leave.
Before Fukushima, we were probably here in Japan for the rest of our lives, now we are applying for work outside of Japan. Japan is finished.
Can't say I blame the people leaving for their kids. Fukushima has really pushed a lot people to change life plans- or speed them up. But would be unwise to write Japan off on the business front. Wolf in sheeps threads. Still a lot of cash both personal and corporate around town.
Can you blame them? No idea if the food is safe and labeled properly, air quality unsure, water, unsure... If I was a foreigner here on a few years contract, I would get out as well.
"foreigners" ? That's not about us, the zainichi people, isn't it ? Well, expat population is rotating. An earthquake, an economic crisis, they go away. A big project, an economic boom, they come by thousands.
@Tmarie, "No idea if the food is safe and labeled properly, air quality unsure, water, unsure... "
Exactly... so they relocate to Shanghai, And there food is safer, air and water quality so much better ?
Famille Lancien
As a foreigner (I've lived in Japan over half my life and I'm 44) who started my family in Japan...I loved it, where else could I let them ride the train to school or play in the park and not need to be a helicopter parent? We were on a train from Tokyo to Kyushu by 5 pm on Sunday the 13th..hours after the initial explosion. Why...we have young children. We went on to return to our home country with one suitcase and are just now getting our apartments etc sorted out because my husband had to return for work. The children are our future..why risk their health any further than the current environment does? I suppose some would say we are husband is risking his life by working there and we are living in the US. The separation is by no means easy, but we are the adults in this situation and it's our responsibility to give our kids a fighting chance in life so we have to step up. Believe me...I miss the nanny, housekeeper, ease of the trains, supermarkets that bag and deliver...etc but to keep my kids safe I can do it all myself too!
Boo hoo hoo - cry me a river!
Nicky Washida
Oh yes, those Tokyo dodgy ramen joints are pretty deadly aren`t they? Give me a break!
Cry me one too! What planet are you on??!
Nicky Washida
You go girl! Good for you, stepping up to the challenge by bagging your own groceries and doing your own housework!