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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.2020 Tokyo Olympics consider daylight saving to beat heat
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Better still, put the clocks forward two or three months.
Alex Einz
is it for real? why not by 8 hours and just do it at night...
create extra work for transport, less annoyance to residents and beat the heat...
Anything, anything, but the obvious solution of delaying the Olympics until the autumn.
Cows will get confused
I thought the reason daylight saving is not used in Japan is it would cause too much confusion among the locals.
If they just start the games at 7 am there will be no need to change the clocks. Plus, people travelling to the games will be able to avoid the morning rush.
Alternatively, they could move the clocks back a couple of months so that July falls in September. Problem solved.
Daylight saving is one solution but even better would be to push them back to October.
“The CEO of the organizing committee, Toshiro Muto, was at the meeting and said such extreme heat had not entered into the Olympic planning.” ?????
Says something about their planning then!
Damn good idea.... considering that it gets light at around 4:30 AM in July and Aug., I would adjust it by 2 hours. Instead of starting a 9AM, you'd be looking at 7AM temperatures. Great Idea...... and, a summer night would last until around 10PM. Ahhhh yea! Love it!!!
Are you kidding me? After all the times they said it couldn't be done, because the cows and farmers would be confused, and oven clocks are just too hard to change and people's heads would fall off...? And now suddenly it's easier to introduce summertime than ban smoking indoors?
This is what it is all about, MONEY! Nobody cares about how many athletes and spectators become ill or die. As long as the sponsors and the TV networks are getting their cut, everything else is trivial.
jiji Xx
need to set up a committee to discuss the formation of a committee on the possibility of introducing daylight saving, but in order to determie if it's a viable option, it will be necessary for a working group to visit major world cities who currently utilize daylight saving, and blah blah blah.
then and only then can they implement a plan to change the time by 2 hours for the duration of the main Olympics, but only in those places in which events will take place... and then, for the paralympics, the time should be changed by only one hour due to them taking place a couple of weeks later. then, the entire train timetable-ing of the affected locations will need to be altered accordingly, to fit an adjusted workplace schedule in said areas designed to alleviate a double-rush-hour of commuters and spectators. this would entail extended railway operation times for the duration so that officeworkers who will now be required to start at 10 or 11 a.m. will be able to return home at 11 or 12 p.m.
of course, there will be logistical problems involved in synching those locations which engage in one or both of the periods of temporary daylight-saving and the rest of the nation which will continue as usual.
but there are two whole years till the Games.
This would be amazing and an absolute revelation to the people of Japan! But 2 hours is probably too long, it would mean sunrise at about 7am. Farmers would be up in arms, despite it being a massive boon to the rest of the country.
Good to know that the country's best and brightest were behind Tokyo's Olympic bid.
It will not happen, ever.
Patricia Yarrow
Keep DST out of it. Just start at 4 a.m.
Staging the Olympics is becoming a headache for the organizing committee! Later it will become a headache for the locals!
Hold on, Japan will actually adapt to a situation and make changes instead of doing nothing as usual? Mind blown!
Now, how do we avoid the typhoons and potential heavy rain during that time of the year? That would be a neat trick indeed!
Japan is OK for hosting the Winter Olympics, but the Summer Olympics should not be held in Tokyo. If they can't change from late July-early August ( the worst possible time period ) to October like they did in 1964, then better to change to the first runner-up city, Istanbul, even at this late stage.
I’d love to see the minutes of these planning meetings.
Daylight savings time but just during the games only? Setting it will be a mess and then setting it back will be a mess too. Especially if they do 2 hours.
Imagine being at work from 9am then working an hour and it’s still 9am. Then work another hour and it’s still 9am?
But of course when they set it back it will skip from midnight to 2am immediately. Get back to work!
As if it isn't enough to make the Olympics an uncomfortable event, PM Abe wants to make all Japanese uncomfortable for all seasons, by forcing a change of their habit. Such a reckless and incompetent govt can't be trusted, as simple as that.
I'm looking forward to the hottest olympics in history. Maybe even a real marathon when the winner dies of heat exhaustion.
Japan should have daylight saving every summer. If it doesn't confuse Britons, it shouldn't confuse anyone else.
For the Olympics thigh, they'd have to be putting the clocks forward by at least three hours.
It's one hour, and it makes life more comfortable, not less. I realise that most Japanese people want to be seen as different to other nations, they aren't alone in that, but this is a 'good thing'. Millions of people every year adjust their clocks twice a year and barely notice it. Trust me, you'll love having an extra hour of daylight for 6 months a year!
And you don't have to do it forever, you could just, you know, *try it** *for a year or two ,see if people like it.
......also, when the clocks go back in autumn you get an extra hour in bed / the nightclub, depending where you are.
An October games remains the only viable solution. Japanese of '64 knew this.
Scrote: "I thought the reason daylight saving is not used in Japan is it would cause too much confusion among the locals."
Exactly, Scrote. They have been pushing against it for ages and saying, "It won't happen", with many on here and in society saying it was just an Imperialist agenda, and Japan didn't need it, etc. and now they may make this COLOSSAL change to society over something as small as the Olympics? I guess if that's what it takes, great, but it only proves they are full of utter BS as to the reasons why it couldn't be changed before.
In any case, now they are absolutely desperate and they know it. Changing things back one hour won't do squat when the temperature is still above 30 in the morning and still a good 37 or so in the evening on some days.
Actually there won't be a chance in hell that all the country's IT systems could be reprogrammed in two years to handle DST clock changes. Bad enough that they've got to be programmed to cope with next year's change from Heisei to ...
Much simpler to start each day's games at 7am and start running the relevant public transport earlier each day.
It just might be cool and crisp beautiful week in 2020. Grand Solar Minimum is truly whats happening and expect cooler weather in future. China claims they can change weather if you want to try it :) Enjoy your Olympics Japan
The IOC needs to step in. FIFA eventually had the sense to move the 2022 World Cup to November / December because the Qatari organizers could only offer vague promises about new technologies to combat the summer heat, pretty much like Tokyo's empty promises. The Tokyo organizers have no idea because Mori and the like spend the summer being ferried around the capital in air-conditioned limousines.
1976 was a solar minimum too. But I don't recall the summer being cool.
Imagine the entire world having to adjust its schedule according to what's best for US broadcasters and football fans. Not merely that the games must take place in July-Aug, but that events (e.g. swimming) must be held at times inconvenient for the locals, you know the folks whose taxes are funding this boondoggle in the first place, with no return on their investment once the dust settles.
That said, the area where Japan deserves criticism is their choice of a host city and professed ignorance about summers here. Perhaps when you're an elite LDP mandarin, being whisked from your office to your bessou or the pricey onsen by your white-gloved driver, you lose sight of what your average Taro feels like walking about with his shirt stuck to his back hoping a truck hits him and ends his misery. But in their defense, it might be hard to consider a different city since that would defy the monomaniacal fixation on what's best for Tokyo, err, I mean Japan.
it's pointless to introduce daylight saving time. it's not like the games will only be played in the very early morning. the only solution to avoid the heat is to move the games up September/ October.
I wonder how japan got the Olympics. 2 years to go and problems are popping out one after another. I wonder if there were some brown bags involved.
You wanna bet on that?