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© Thomson Reuters 2021.
60% of Japanese firms support Olympics this summer, poll shows
TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© Thomson Reuters 2021.
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So we've got about 60 companies surveyed saying go ahead with the games, and:
68 companies who have invested in the games and will be forced to completely write that off if the games are cancelled.
It would be cool if NHK could indicate how much overlap there are between these two groups. I doubt that the 100 companies they surveyed were chosen completely at random.
The public are more sensible and don’t want the Games.
60% of Japanese firms support getting full-paid for half-baked Olympics this summer, poll shows.
'Think about the athletes"!
Has the same ring in this situation as weapons manufacturers crying 'Think about the troops!' to whip up support for a war.
The Venn diagram of company support versus the public does not overlap often.
This poll brought to you by NHK and Dentsu
Comment, he wrote
Of course they do. ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
And also, that title gives soo misleading. It isn't that 60% of Japanese firms support the Olympics. 48 companies do.
Clearly 5,300,000 48
48 firms with vested interests (financial) in the games want it to go ahead(so they can get paid).
Enough said?
Patricia Yarrow
No companies named. Suspicious.
100 carefully selected companies... Polls can be made to say anything
Alfie Noakes
Really? Most Tokyo people I speak to think it's a total waste of money and they don't want their tax yen to be used for it. They think it's a scam.
If you ask 100 people and only 64 answer and of those 64, 48 say Yes!, 60% didn’t answer Yes! 80% said Yes! (How to lie with statistics 101). Get with the program NHK or your budget will be cut.
So they asked: Dentsu, Dentsu Tech, Dentsu Media, Dentsu Live, Dentsu PR, Vizeum, Carat, Isobar, Merkle, and the rest of the 21 companies in the Dentsu group! Add Panasonic and its subsidiaries - probably having to supply the AV tech; Toyota and its subsidiaries - the limousines, and your already well on the way to the selected 100!
Ricky Sanchez
If the Olympics come to Tokyo, Covid will have a field day.
Companies say...
Companies don't speak, people do. What kind of polling is this? Did they ask every employee of they asked one PR manager and concluded that "company said so"?
If you only counting athletes for Olympics, you needed to do same for handball championship.
Actually there are around 640 athletes playing in the handball championship right now in Egypt, but as you said with media, staff, team coordinators, team doctors etc, it makes 3,000.
You have average 4 to 5 extra headcount per athlete.
For Olympic expected game related headcount is 40-45.000k minimum, the level is incomparable with any other sport event going on right now.
Ricky Sanchez
¥of ¥ course ¥ they ¥ want the¥¥¥Olympics¥¥¥ to go on¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
There's a disconnect between the people and the companies.
There's also a disconnect between the people and the Tokyo Stock Exchange rates.
Maybe there's something wrong here.
Peter Neil
The Japanese economy is in perpetual need of recovery.
60% of Japanese companies have gone nuts! Cmon why would you risk the lives of your people ?
Sven Asai
Is there a listing of those? Just don’t want to support or order from those idiots more than necessary.
Bob Fosse
Publish the list.
Hideomi Kuze
Olympics in Japan is for politics-business circle merely, not for citizen.
And 60% of them said they would gain financially from the games.
Or over fears they might catch the virus while in Japan. Remember, these athletes are supposed to be vaccinated and tested multiple times before setting foot in Japan which is in the middle of a pandemic and where the low number of testing doesn't give a full picture of the scale of the problem.
I'd feel safer getting on a train from Narita airport because I know everyone else will have been tested, rather than getting on a train with the locals.
60% of shacho do, so 60 people, but 80% of the Japanese people do not, so well over 100,000,000. I rest my case.
There! Corrected it for you!
Good. Let them march and compete then. We'll watch. While on the toilet.
The propaganda begins, next mass book burning! 60% of business support that 80% of the public don't give a coitus.
Olymp, .... a place in Europe.
Still at the heartbeat of progress.
Is there a real, scientific poll on what the Japanese public wants?
After the Olympics came to my town, it was clear that all the hassles for millions of people didn't really pay for games. There are hundreds of games/matches in the preliminary rounds of some sports that take days and days to get through before the final event of final 2 matches that really matter to the average person. Getting tickets to the preliminary events 1 day before was pretty easy, unless the venue spectator areas were limited.
The Olympics is all about TV, non-local viewers, and the local politicians. They will add "Olympics" to their CVs and it will be forgotten 2 weeks later. If the loans are to the city and not paid by the next election, those people will usually be voted from office.
Olympic must go on
Thats 48%
Unfortunately same trick they did for people who supposedly dont want olympics.
They lumped together those who want it cancelled and those who want it postponed and headlined 80%dontbwant olympics held whatever schedule it is.
More proof that the corporate world is waaaaay out of touch with the public. Like I have always said.
My post was erroneous its not 48%, that 2nd paragraph shows that the number is 61%, 48+13
Also, the people survey breakdown was again mentioned in this article, correctly:
Great article in the Guardian today. The handball world championships are currently ongoing with 32 teams from all over the world in a bubble of 3,000 people in Egypt. The same will happen with Euro2020 (European professional football leagues and ECL are already operating in bubbles)
The Olympics will have 11,000 athletes, so just a little scale-up needed. The only question is how many (if any) fans will be allowed to attend. TV money is what makes the event tick, spectators are just a bonus for the host city's local economy.