Japan Today

Djokovic denied entry to Australia; has visa canceled


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LOL! Looks like old Novak may have been falsifying his immigration documents. Bad move, Djoke, bad move! Maybe he can organize his own rival tournament in Serbia for the unvaxxed?!

Should've gotten vaxxed and all this could have been avoided.

Go Rafa!!

5 ( +41 / -36 )

Challenge in court? How does that work? Hang out in a detention centre for a couple of years first?

15 ( +22 / -7 )

What part of “Yeah, Na” doesn’t Djokovic understand. This saying “ Yeah, Na when translated into English is a definite NO!

8 ( +25 / -17 )

Stupidity is not a medical condition.

Too bad Djokovic realized it too late!!!

17 ( +43 / -26 )

The score is now tied at 1 all with Djokovic getting off to an ealy lead but struggling to handle the Australian's serve.

13 ( +25 / -12 )

I am waiting for the interview of Djokovic when a reporter asks him, Are you saying that Prime Minister Morrison lied? And Djokovic reply is “No I am not saying he lied, I know he lied “

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Bar his COVID-infected behind from entering the country.

-8 ( +18 / -26 )

Guess he still has time to fly back to Serbia, apply for the correct visa and then try again. If he can still win after that I will be amazed.

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

I guess his "advisors" might now be seeking alternative employment.

He came, he saw but did not conquer. How appropriate that he has the nickname of The Joker.

-3 ( +11 / -14 )

@Zoroto : I agree. Should never have been able to get on the flight. I just read on AP that the 'wrong' sub class of visa was applied for and the error discovered whilst he was in the air - that doesn't cover medical exemptions. Believe what you will.

29 ( +34 / -5 )

LOL. Djoke of 2022.

9 ( +18 / -9 )

I’m the first to speak out against draconian rules but the rules are the rules.

Djokovic is only a tennis player and it is to play tennis that he wishes to enter Australia.

It’s not a good enough reason to allow

an unvaccinated individual to enter.

Maybe, Australia could bend the rules after a 3 week quarantine ?

14 ( +23 / -9 )

Typical! It’s one rule for the elites and another for the.…oh wait.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Serbian authorities were taking measures “so the harassment of the best tennis player in the world be stopped 

an now the Serbian government’s harassment of the Australian government be started

5 ( +15 / -10 )

The overwhelming negativity towards Novak just shows how staggeringly effective the fear campaign has been for Covid. My fellow Australians have been turned into mindless drones incapable of assessing risk. If you're fat, old of unhealthy, you should probably get it. If not, then it should be your decision, just like it should be Novak's. Why shouldn't you be free to choose whether or not to take something that won't stop you from catching Covid, passing it on or ending up in ICU, but because it's mandated you have to take it or you'll lose your job, your freedom and be re-educated to not question the "experts?"

Trust us, citizen, it's for your own good.

-11 ( +23 / -34 )

There are plenty of countries that allow the unvaccinated to enter after a period of isolation-Australia is not one of them.

Novak knows that yet seemed to think that the rules were not applicable to himself…

10 ( +20 / -10 )

Despite all the hate from the readers who can't be bothered to read the article, this has nothing to do with his vaccination status, since he was granted a medical exemption. The people on his team handling travel did a huge mistake with the visa application, and they are probably looking for employment now.

Last time I visited Australia, the visa application was done online, so I wonder why they cannot reapply for the right visa from the airport?

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

Australian media reported that Djokovic’s team had applied for the wrong type of visa for a person with a medical exemption.

He could have passed through but his team stuff it up.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Don’t blame the team-Novak is responsible for his own visa and passport…

16 ( +25 / -9 )

Blame Australian Govt

-11 ( +13 / -24 )

What a disgrace of a country. I sincerely hope all athletes will take notice and boycott any future events in the country. Truly a third-world nation not deserving of hosting events on a global stage.

-21 ( +18 / -39 )

Serbian Government getting involved. No Idea what they think they can do to the Aus Government other than yell, scream and cry. Australian government is not likely to give a hoot about Seribain demands.

He could have gotten vaccinated and had no issue. His choice was not to.

He applied for an medical exemption based on having had covid in the past six months sometime, meaning he has now had covid at least twice, (June 2020 and within the past six months) and was apparently found to have an incorrect visa application.

A man proven to spread covid and catch it over and over should not be allowed into the country, no matter who they are. Gets covid twice and still will not vaccinate. No matter how many tennis games he may win in his life he will always be a loser in my eyes.

6 ( +20 / -14 )

These sport figures like Djokovich and Green Bay QB Rodgers of the NFL are quite arrogant and in a way reflect how many of these people who refuse to get vaccinated feel. They lie, cheat . . . basically, they don't give a damn about others. Whatever they want to do is the only thing that matters to them. If they go to a crowded bar or restaurant and are asked if they've been vaccinated, they'd say, "Yeah, sure I have!" And walk right on in without giving a damn for anybody else.

8 ( +20 / -12 )

Well, suck to be Australia.

Congratulations to the tennis player with principles!

-11 ( +20 / -31 )

What an arrogant fool.

Fifteen-hour flight?

Novak Djokovic team didn’t check basic paperwork.

Crocodile Dundee, was having none of that

4 ( +17 / -13 )

Djokovic is now being held in a Australian Detention Centre awaiting a federal count ruling on his entry rejection. The blame is solely on the Australian Prime Minister and his office. The PM office reassured Team Djokovic that they will be granted entry when they arrive 2 hours before their fight to Melbourne. Morrison has the power to overrule the rejection of entry but he and his government will loss the up and coming election. Once again Morrison has been caught out lying again. So Scomo are you going release yourself text message on the Djokovic drama.

1 ( +15 / -14 )

More importantly, if he is deported, he may have a re-entry ban to Australia. He will also have to declare any prior deportations when entering Any country in the future . . . . . Quite a stain on your passport!

This coulld be interesting.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Djokovic is still coming out the winner here. He's not a health risk to anyone, having already recovered from COVID and gaining natural immunity because of it. The federal and Victorian governments were going to let him in, but the public outcry made them do a U-turn at the last minute because it exposed them for the lying hypocrites they are. So the duplicitous b@stards cancelled his visa at the last minute and left him stranded at Melbourne airport.

Problem is, instead of giving the governments the one-finger salute they deserved and rising to mass non-compliance with tyrannical rules, a big proportion of the Australian population acted like petulant children under the spell of mass psychosis, blaming Djokovic instead of the source of the problem - the federal and state governments.

-8 ( +14 / -22 )

He's not a health risk to anyone, having already recovered from COVID and gaining natural immunity because of it.

Well he got covid in 2020 and that "natural immunity" wore off because he caught it again who knows how many times? Seems natural immunity from the virus is not effective so he should get vaccinated. But he wont. So why bother to let him in?

Most Australians want him out. Also anyone else not vaccinated that has been let in should also be sent packing. Or get vaccinated like the majority. Such a baby scared of a needle in the arm, poor boy.

9 ( +21 / -12 )

Right wing idiots throwing tantrums because another idiot was denied entry into Australia is hilarious!!!

Djokovic and other idiots like him now knows their star status is not bigger than the safety of decent people!

I wish more countries deny him entry and he is stuck in Serbia for the rest of his life!

10 ( +27 / -17 )

ulyssesToday  10:15 am JST

Right wing idiots throwing tantrums because another idiot was denied entry into Australia is hilarious!!!

Djokovic and other idiots like him now knows their star status is not bigger than the safety of decent people! 

I wish more countries deny him entry and he is stuck in Serbia for the rest of his life!

Clearly you have no argument. all you can do is toss up the infantile ad hom of "right-wing idiot." Says more about you than them.

-7 ( +16 / -23 )

To clarify, his medical exemption was that he had caught covid in the previous 6 months, which is a valid exemption accepted by Tennis Australia. The problem is however, it is NOT a valid exemption accepted by the Victorian federal border patrol (and is this is explicitly clear on their website), which is why he is being kicked out. Novak's team has made the mistake of assuming because Tennis Australia accepted a previous infection has being a valid exemption, that border authorities would also accept which not the case. Tennis Australia has screwed up big time, and to a degree Novak's team for not checking border rules properly.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

Well done Australia !!!...

A lesson in humility for those who believe they are privileged and can go over the rules.


6 ( +19 / -13 )

AntiquesavingToday  10:48 am JST

The overwhelming negativity towards Novak just shows how staggeringly effective the fear campaign has been for Covid.

The overwhelming negativity towards vaccines in general by supposedly educated people just shows how staggeringly effective the fear campaign has been by anti vaxxers/science and not just related to covid.

OK statement now fixed.

Not so fast.

The association between hesitancy and education level followed a U-shaped curve with the lowest hesitancy among those with a master’s degree, followed by those with a 4 year college degree, then a professional degree, and a doctorate. 

https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0260731 (peer reviewed)

The smartest ones, with PhDs, I guess can see through the BS dished out on a daily basis, whereas the smug respect-me-coz-I-got me-a-masters types who are overconfident about their intelligence are among the most likely to have been hoodwinked by the virus fear campaign. Funny, that. The smartest ones, though, understand the risks of the vaccines, contributing to their hesitancy.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

In addition, it is being reported by the Sydney Morning Herald, the federal government sent the head of Tennis Australia 2 letters in November clearly stating previous infection is not an acceptable reason for exemption into the state of Victoria, but received no reply from them. This is Tennis Australia's fault.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

Good riddance.

1 ( +13 / -12 )

Hats off to the Australian authorities.

Shame on the tennis organizers for being so gutless and Djokovic for thinking that he was special enough to flout the rules.

7 ( +17 / -10 )

Good on Autralia's border patrol. Nobody should be exempt from the rules.

11 ( +20 / -9 )

Clearly you have no argument. all you can do is toss up the infantile ad hom of "right-wing idiot." Says more about you than them.

Wonderful views dear sir, but then we have to toss up 'right wing idiots' to make sure the right wing idiots understand whom we are addressing!!!

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Look Djokovic has been told non vaccinated on entry repeatedly since the USA open. Now with this being told to him for months you have to wonder why was he was allow on the fight by Australian Border Force representative at the airport ????. I guarantee that Djokovic was reassured personal by the Prime Minister and his office that Djokovic and his team will be allow entry. This would have been the only reason or you would a be the worst management team involve in professional sport without getting this assurance before getting on that flight. Like these managers have been dealing with these issues for the last two years without any complications only when they arrive at Melbourne.. Without being provided a personal guarantee from a high government office, You wouldn’t risk the fallout if you were not granted entry and a notice of deportation on your passport. It will is known world wide that Prime Minister Morrison has a very bad name for lying and being a reactionary to any subject that involve voters. So I assume this has Morrison name all over this drama.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Who cares ?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

John-San Today  11:14 am JST

It will is known world wide that Prime Minister Morrison has a very bad name for lying and being a reactionary to any subject that involve voters. So I assume this has Morrison name all over this drama.

Spot on. This is entirely political and has nothing to do with protecting anyone's health.

-3 ( +13 / -16 )

If Djokovic and his team didn't anticipate the backlash of his coming to Australia then they need to get smarter. All that money in the word and no thinking ability, makes you wonder.......

14 ( +21 / -7 )

Novax, no play.

14 ( +23 / -9 )

LOL good riddance.

I guess the Aussies determined that his so-called medical exemption was pure BS. No surprise.

9 ( +17 / -8 )

This story is nothing to do with health or rules. It is all about the elections as the prime minister saw it is a booster for the coming election. He was so gleeful today saying how the rules apply to everyone although everyone knows they have been broken so many times for celebrities over the last two years. All he cares about is a hit to Victoria for granting the exemption and a boost to his election standing.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

BradleyToday  12:40 pm JST

So Novaks gets caught out telling fibs and the right wing lunatics and anti vax commenters here are immediately out in force throwing all the insults they can at Australia, Australians and their sovereignty. It's obvious from the way the voting has gone on comments today that the majority of the population of the world understand that the decision to decline to admit someone who lies on their visa application is an acceptable norm because mosts of us are intelligent enough to know that you don't do that if you expect a country to welcome you as a guest.

Congratulations on writing the most fact-free post so far today.

Novak didn't lie on his application; the government initially approved it then back-tracked to save political face thanks to the fuss over double standards. And how can you draw a conclusion about the world's population from the votes of the tiny number of people who vote up or down here? Then you double down by claiming yourself to be intelligent after the first two falsehoods. Not to mention smearing anyone who disagrees with you as "right wing lunatics". Very mature.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

What a disgrace of a country. I sincerely hope all athletes will take notice and boycott any future events in the country. Truly a third-world nation not deserving of hosting events on a global stage.

lol wont happen, Australia have held all world class events and will more in the future, because theyre a 1st world country that can afford it. Only soccer world cup to go.

but I have to admit, saltiness is oh so sweet lol

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Looks like Women's Tennis wears the pants and must lead the way against tyranny.

yes they do lead the way theyre all vaxxed.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Srdjan Djokovic, the Serb's rather unhinged father claimed: '...this is not just a fight for Novak, but a fight for the whole world!  If they don't let him go in half an hour, we will gather on the street, this is a fight for everybody.'

Novak represents the arrogance of entitlement and little else. Hardly a man of the people, let alone are the masses going to rise-up for a rather shallow, feeble-minded tennis star reeking of privilege.

Srdjan also failed to acknowledge his son was in a hotel in Melbourne pending the outcome of an appeal. Insisting he was being held indefinitely under guard in a small room, without, horror of horrors, access to the internet.

Djokovic was infected with SARSCoV-2 over six months ago, such is not a valid exemption.

The mighty Serbian government weighed in supporting their most famous import product with veiled threats that hold absolutely no meaning beyond pure rhetoric. Fact is, Djokovic lives in Monte Carlo, not Serbia.

Canavan typifies the support for Djokovic. A right-wing, conservative legislator in Australia, Queensland senator Matt Canavan, falsely stated that, natural immunity by multiple studies is much, much stronger than the immunity you get from having a vaccination. Canavan is an acknowledged racist and an anti-vaxxer supporter.

Novak Djokovic has firmly stated: "I am opposed to vaccination."

Jelena Djokovic, Novak’s wife, claims that the 5G cellular data network spreads the coronavirus.

Djokovic is a man with serious issues concerning ordinary reality, let alone any comprehension of basic science. His understanding of SARSCoV-2 is a professed ignorance. Send him back to Dubai.

His best days as an athlete are behind him. For the moment he excels due to a lack of competition. Federer and Nadal are well beyond their primes and well into decline. The younger players are just beginning to excel. He is winning in a gap, which will soon close in on him. He should no longer be welcome, if unable to hew to common standards and protocol during a deadly pandemic. He's a passing phenomenon, the world will easily go on without him. His is cheap drama based on celebrity status as an athlete.  Go home and remain there.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

LOL! Looks like old Novak may have been falsifying his immigration documents. Bad move, Djoke, bad move! Maybe he can organize his own rival tournament in Serbia for the unvaxxed?!

Should've gotten vaxxed and all this could have been avoided.

Go Rafa!!

There are some key differences between the two spanning politics and immunology.

In politics, one is from an former socialist country where the general population is still openly sympathetic to such societies. And the government has absolutely rejected NATO membership and disallowed NATO forces using any part of it's territory or airspace for anything.

The other from a long-term fascist country which was a founding member of NATO.

To that end, during the shutdown of the tour one of them organized a fund to assist the lower ranked players who don't get huge paychecks. He personally paid the most into it. The other refused to contribute but instead got onto social media to show off his US$ 1 million watch.

This is why the ruling classes of the West hate one of them and do their best to condition the general public to hate him as well.

Insofar as immunology, both are immune to coronavirus. One got got infected before being vaccinated and one got infected after vaccination.....

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Well he got covid in 2020 and that "natural immunity" wore off because he caught it again who knows how many times?

As opposed to the limited 2~3 month immunity from the vaccine or + 10 days after the booster?

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Bradley: I am not left or right wing. You really should do your research on Morrison and you find that he can not be trusted. He will be a one term pm and the worst in The last 70 years. Do some research on his stint as The minister of Immigration or todays Border force. There was a total media ban during his time in immigration minister when 100,s of refugees die because of boats sinkings. These boats all sank just off shore after leaving. I assume asio ( Australian equal to the CIA) sabotage these boats just like the CIA and ASIO did when drilling holes in fishing boats in Hanoi Harbour to deter refugees leave Vietnam. This has Morrison name all over it. His office assured Djokovic of entry that why they got on the flight. Professional manager would not last long if they relied of elitism and wealth to path their way through these situations.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Sounds like he was approved for the tournament ($$$) but not for entering the country. Not much the Prime Minister could do about that.

Morrison already said Djokovic will "need to prove his medical exemption when he lands in the country or he will be on the next plane home".

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Novak’s treatment by the Australian government is the equivalent of the ruthless and utterly disrespectful booing he gets at Wimbledon despite being a top star.

Before you say “but he didn’t get a vaccine/etc”, yes I agree it’s a mistake to not get vaccinated. It’s harmless and a great move for public health and I’m at a loss for words why Novak’s team allowed him to not get vaccinated.

This is not the point. The point is he is being singled out, publicly, in a political farce, when even my Morrison’s admission more than TWO DOZEN other tournament players and/or team members also entered on the SAME medical exemption. The fact that perhaps Novak applied for the wrong type of visa for this is honestly not grounds for this kind of treatment.

Do you think a 1% rich person who made this kind of mistake (statistically they must!) would ever be denied entry? Of course not, with a wave of a hand and cheque all kinds of exemptions and expedited processing can be made. Heck you can even obtain an instant visa to enter countries like Vietnam if you pay enough money at the airport (I know, it happened to me as I didn’t know I needed a visa as a Canadian citizen, but I did, and I paid, and was allowed on the flight, no problem).

Do you think that Federer, the darling of Anglo-Saxon/Germanic dominant western culture (as opposed to Djokovic, who is a mere Slav), would EVER be allowed to be dragged through this public debacle? Hardly! In a similar situation, he’d be waved in by Morrison himself.

This is not squarely on Novak’s shoulders. If he did not have the correct visa, he should have been stopped from boarding the flight, period! It’s laughable that Morrison puts on a face of law and order, saying it’s a decision made according to rules and regulations, and “no one is above the rules”, yet fails to address the real issue, which is, why was Novak allowed on the flight in the first place? This was a terrible lapse in enforcement of these same rules, and that to a world class tennis player going to the very tournament that he is famous for and was the expected forerunner to win! It’s an utter disgrace for Morrison and Australia, no matter what anyone says and attempts to distract by bringing up Nobak’s dad or wife or whatever - itself a disgraceful thing to say… can you imagine anyone dragging up Federer’s family to criticize him on something? Unbelievable that this is permitted to remain on a forum.

In the last analysis, only one thing is 100% clear. Without the leading star of the Australian Open, it’s a huge, HUGE blow to both the tournament and to its reputation, as well as Australia’s reputation as a reliable sporting center. Let’s be clear, this denial of Djokovic was as much a political decision as anything else (Morrison falling over himself to emphasize it’s a purely border rule itself shows that it’s not …).

In the eyes of many, the Australian Open has just lost its prestigious status as a grand slam worthy tournament, whether this is officially seen or no.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Novax Djokovic has been turfed and rightly so. How many times has he traveled over the last 2 years.

Every man and his dog knows how strict australia is. Agree or disagree with it that is what it is.

It was clearly a systematic attemp to get into Aust. Even to blaming people on his team, hoping for a

sympathy let in. If all the people in his team had no idea of the rules, what visa to get they should be sacked.

But seriously come on, it is all on Novax Djokovic he wont get his tenth crown this time round. Onya mate.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

No need to refer to him as Novax. That is petty.

All that was required for Novak Djokovic, was to rise to the occasion, as a tennis great a true champion, an ambassador for his sport, support Australia vaccination program. simple out of empathy for a nation that has endured lockdown and loss.

But alas no, Novak Djokovic ego doubled fault up his own backside on the tarmac

1 ( +8 / -7 )


In the last analysis, only one thing is 100% clear. Without the leading star of the Australian Open, it’s a huge, HUGE blow to both the tournament and to its reputation, as well as Australia’s reputation as a reliable sporting center.

No, I don't think so. It's a huge blow to Novak's reputation.

Let’s be clear, this denial of Djokovic was as much a political decision as anything else (Morrison falling over himself to emphasize it’s a purely border rule itself shows that it’s not …).

I'll agree with that. It was a political show, that nobody is exempt from following the rules about vaccination - and denying Novak to the Aussie Open is a statement. And while I despise Morrison, I think it's a worthwhile statement.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

in the last analysis, only one thing is 100% clear. Without the leading star of the Australian Open, it’s a huge, HUGE blow to both the tournament and to its reputation, as well as Australia’s reputation as a reliable sporting center.

It's really time this 4th grand slam tournament moved to China. If you look at the sponsors, most of them are Chinese using Chinese characters in the advertisements.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Because getting the infection is inferior to vaccination,

Ok. Obviously nothing or no one will ever turn you against the dogma of vaccination. If I can just ask, do you understand the difference between 'relative risk reduction' and "absolute risk reduction' as it relates to vaccines?

a fact highlighted by the fact that he has got Covid twice already.

He hasn't. That's why they claim to be denying him entry. Because he recovered from infection more than 6 months ago.

Risk of heart attack isn't one of the rare side effects of the vaccine.

Ditto for my first point. Another question. Do you know why they use a placebo group and a vaccine group during vaccine trials?

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Immigration is serious. It doesn't discriminate; especially in Australia.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

That's why they claim to be denying him entry. Because he recovered from infection more than 6 months ago.

The rules apparently say you have to be either double-vaxxed, or to have recovered from Covid within the last 6 months.

They aren't claiming to be denying him entry, they are denying him entry. As per the rules.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

The overwhelming negativity towards Novak just shows how staggeringly effective the fear campaign has been for Covid.

No surprise when others put your life at risk because they are stupid and/or afraid of getting a jab.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Marcus Clark and 2020 hindsight: you have both left out the fact that it was Australian Border Force ( Australian Immigration) that check his paperwork and allowed Djokovic and his team on the fight but when they arrived it was Australian Border Force that deny only Djokovic entry. Now that Border Force office who check his status would surly known about Djokovic Heath status it is his job to know this and he knows that Djokovic is unvaccinated. This Border Force official knows that non vaccinated people are not allow entry. Why would this offical allow Djokovic on the flight because a directive from above. My guest the directive came from the Office of the Prime Minister. Djokovic was set up by Morrison to lift his standing in the poll which he really need at present because of all the backlash he is getting over his handling of Covid viruses. Like I really shouldn’t point this out to you two unless you are just Djokovic haters.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Morrison has the power to overrule the rejection of entry

Is that the fact? Can he really do that? Does he have this authority? What is the exact process for this executive decision? Please describe the paper trail when this happens.

Now let's say Morrison has this authority, why would he do it for just some stupid tennis player? I would understand doing it for someone who has the magical ability to fight and kill a bunch of fire breathing dragons invading Australia that no one else can fight - and will save the lives of countless Australians from these dragons. But that's a different scenario. Djokovic is just a tennis player who wins games - that's all. So what? You make an exception for a sports pro then what happens next? It ruins the integrity of the immigration system and makes it look like a clown show. Rules are rules (except for a situation above with the dragons attacking Australians).

1 ( +5 / -4 )

you have both left out the fact that it was Australian Border Force ( Australian Immigration) that check his paperwork and allowed Djokovic and his team on the fight

Is that how it works? There are Australian immigration officials located in NON Australia airports who allow people on flights to Australia? Of course the airlines' check-in staff check this stuff but not to the extent of any public official. The other thing is Djokovic is worth at least a quarter billion, which means he probably flew by private jet so they moved things along until the major road block by Australia immigration. Remember the story about Johnny Depp and his dogs that were almost euthanized when they all came by private jet? Rich have their privileges' and I'm all for that - especially traveling in luxury. But once immigration comes into play they will treat the rich like scum just like the poorest of poor travelers who are entering the country. Immigration staff are just doing their jobs and they don't mess around.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

No surprise when others put your life at risk because they are stupid and/or afraid of getting a jab.

Assuming you got the jab, it was because you were afraid of coronavirus. He had coronavirus and evidently, didn't fear it. Know he knows his immunity is far stronger than anyone relying on the Big Pharma vaccines, he'd have to be an utter moron to take it without massive coercion.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

I guarantee that Djokovic was reassured personal by the Prime Minister and his office that Djokovic and his team will be allow entry. 


So I assume this has Morrison name all over this drama.

Oh, assume. That was quick.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The point of vaccines is to preserve the healthcare system and not necessarily to save your life. If not enough people are vaxxed

I know they recently changed the definition. I don't need or want or want the rest of your diatribe. Read it too many times previously though.........

You have an accident, heart attack, something medical happens

Are you inadvertently referring to my second question without realizing? That is: Why do they use a placebo group and a vaccine group during vaccine trials?

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

nishikatToday  03:49 pm JST

you have both left out the fact that it was Australian Border Force ( Australian Immigration) that check his paperwork and allowed Djokovic and his team on the fight

Is that how it works? There are Australian immigration officials located in NON Australia airports who allow people on flights to Australia? Of course the airlines' check-in staff check this stuff but not to the extent of any public official. The other thing is Djokovic is worth at least a quarter billion, which means he probably flew by private jet so they moved things along until the major road block by Australia immigration. Remember the story about Johnny Depp and his dogs that were almost euthanized when they all came by private jet? Rich have their privileges' and I'm all for that - especially traveling in luxury. But once immigration comes into play they will treat the rich like scum just like the poorest of poor travelers who are entering the country. Immigration staff are just doing their jobs and they don't mess around.

His paperwork was all in order, which is why he was able to board the Emirates flight from Dubai. No private jet involved at all.

The problem was that the the Australian federal government and the Victorian state governments had cleared him to enter and play. But this raised a public backlash from a public cowed though nearly 2 years of lockdowns, mandates and incessant testing. Basically, the public's position was that if they're being treated with contempt, so should Novak. This prompted Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt (health minister) and probably whoever's supposed to be in charge in Victoria at the moment to get the border force to block Djokovic from entering once he arrived in Melbourne. Hunt has this power as health minister in order to prevent a risk to Australia's national health, which is the likely (spurious) "reasoning" behind the situation. This has everything to do with political point scoring/face saving and nothing to do with health. Originally these politicians and Tennis Australia were going to bend the rules because of Djokovic's status as the top player and the money he would bring in. But they couldn't handle the fact that he wouldn't capitulate to their vaccination demands and make them look foolish as a result. Hence the last-minute ban.

Thing is, the Australian Open needs him more than he needs it, and the whole thing is becoming a farce.

Game, set, match Djokovich.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Are you...

Djokovic is an anti-vaxxer and is seen as a risk to the integrity of the Australian healthcare system so they gave him the boot. He's an anti-vaxxer and that's bad for the heroes who work in hospitals as well as the vaxxed patients who really deserve ICUs. Japan, New Zealand, and Australia are doing much much better with mortality rate with COVID compared to the USA [FACT] and this is due to the Trump Freedom antivaxxers who are in the USA and thank god their presence is limited in Japan. Japan's vax rate seems to be about 20% higher than that of the USA.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

His paperwork was all in order, which is why he was able to board the Emirates flight from Dubai. No private jet involved at all.

Were they really checked by Australian government officials at the airport as some people say? Sorry, it's all wrong and he's not getting special treatment. Proof that Australia is doing the right thing is they are doing much better than USA's COVID mortality record with the Trump antivax freedom fighters who are destroying the country.

But this raised a public backlash

Really? so the public could just call it and dictate what immigration does? I was not aware of that. That's how it really works? What is the phone number for that?

This prompted Scott Morrison and Greg Hunt (health minister) and probably whoever's supposed to be in charge in Victoria at the moment to get the border force to block Djokovic from entering once he arrived in Melbourne.

Please explain the exact paper trail. There would be documents that show and prove this. When there is an executive decision there is always one, and where is it the connects Morrison to the actual immigration people?

Tennis Australia were going to bend the rules

Tennis Australis has authority over immigration? That's really interesting. Did Craig Tiley, who is the CEO of tennis Australia call Australia immigration and order them to let Djokvic in? That's exactly how it works? Tiley has authority over Aus. immigration?

Djokovic's status as the top player and the money he would bring in

But the damage from his anti-vax influence would have even more financial damage to Australia. from the anti-vax Djokovic

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

John-san " Australian Border Force ( Australian Immigration) that check his paperwork and allowed Djokovic and his team on the fight but when they arrived it was Australian Border Force that deny only Djokovic entry"

They dont paperwork or allow people to fly or get on planes. They check documents and visa's upon entry to Australia, if it is not up to scratch entry is not allowed. It is up to the traveler to make sure their documents are in order. Australian Border Force is just that, at the border or entry points into Australia, same as immigration and customs at every airport in every country across the world.

The guy simply tried to get around the law, thought he would be able to and failed. Some have mentioned it might be tennis Australia fault, and some of the blame might well be theirs, but at the end of the day.... he is not getting in. Lets see how his court case goes. That is under way at the moment.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Djokovic is an anti-vaxxer and is seen as a risk to the integrity of the Australian healthcare system so they gave him the boot. 

More ad hominem nonsense. Being seen as a risk and actually being a risk to the healthcare system aren't the same thing. The only risk Djokovic poses to Australia is to its governments' public image. In his own polite way, he's making a mockery of their policies and showing them up as liars and shameless hypocrites that they are, constantly changing the rules and cracking down on dissent to save their own skins. Health has nothing to do with it.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

第一: What's the difference between 'relative risk reduction' and "absolute risk reduction' as it relates to vaccines?

According to Pfizer's own trials, the 'relative risk reduction' was around 95% and the "absolute risk reduction' (which is what the FDA generally recommends we use) was 0.84%.

第二: Why they use a placebo group and a vaccine group during vaccine trials?

To confirm both safety and effectiveness. And Pfizer's own trials actually showed that the vaccine did more harm than good:


Djokovic should stick with his principles and avoid the vaccine, especially since he reportedly already tested positive for Covid.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Please Novak Djokovic thought and actions must be with the people of Australia.

First and foremost.

If the requirement to enter the Country is proven full vaccination, those are the rules and all abide by them.

The Principals are clear.

Novak Djokovic was/is fully aware of the the boundaries before Djokovic boarded that flight.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Djokovic should stick with his principles and avoid the vaccine, especially since he reportedly already tested positive for Covid.


4 ( +8 / -4 )

His paperwork was all in order, which is why he was able to board the Emirates flight from Dubai. 

When you get on a plane to leave a country, the Immigration people there check you out of the country. They do not check you into the country you are going to. That doesn't happen till you get to where you are going and the Immigration people there check your paperwork.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

nishikatToday  04:51 pm JST

His paperwork was all in order, which is why he was able to board the Emirates flight from Dubai. No private jet involved at all.

Were they really checked by Australian government officials at the airport as some people say? Sorry, it's all wrong and he's not getting special treatment. Proof that Australia is doing the right thing is they are doing much better than USA's COVID mortality record with the Trump antivax freedom fighters who are destroying the country.

With all due respect, you might benefit from gaining deeper insight into how deeply cynical politics and politicians are. They'll appease the mob when it suits them and ignore the public when it doesn't. Once you understand that, apart from a tiny minority of politicians, this situation makes a lot more sense. You see, everything was OK a day or so ago, but when the news broke in the media that Djokovic would be coming, the mob bayed for blood and got it because ScoMo etc didn't want to look weak ahead of an election. If there'd been no backlash, Novak would've entered quietly and played. He wasn't the one making a fuss, and there are other unvaccinated players cleared to enter and play. But they wanted to make an example of him because he made them look foolish. That beats health concerns any day of the week when you're a politician.

Please explain the exact paper trail. There would be documents that show and prove this. When there is an executive decision there is always one, and where is it the connects Morrison to the actual immigration people?

Do you really think there'll be a publicly available paper trail for this?

Tennis Australia were going to bend the rules

Tennis Australis has authority over immigration? That's really interesting. Did Craig Tiley, who is the CEO of tennis Australia call Australia immigration and order them to let Djokvic in? That's exactly how it works? Tiley has authority over Aus. immigration?

Of course they have no authority over immigration, but there's no question they have influence when it comes to an international event like this. To believe otherwise is quaintly naive.

Djokovic's status as the top player and the money he would bring in

But the damage from his anti-vax influence would have even more financial damage to Australia. from the anti-vax Djokovic

Go on, explain how. Without using ad hominems.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

timeonToday 08:55 am JST

Despite all the hate from the readers who can't be bothered to read the article, this has nothing to do with his vaccination status, since he was granted a medical exemption. The people on his team handling travel did a huge mistake with the visa application, and they are probably looking for employment now.

Last time I visited Australia, the visa application was done online, so I wonder why they cannot reapply for the right visa from the airport?


You can only apply for a visa before you fly to that country.

To fly to a country you have to have a valid visa before flying, otherwise the airline would refuse to take you.

The problem with his visa was discovered during his flight.

I do not know for sure but i assume passenger details, like their visas, was sent to the destination after the aircraft took off and was checked at the destination airport. That is when the problem with his visa was discovered.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

cleoToday  05:10 pm JST

His paperwork was all in order, which is why he was able to board the Emirates flight from Dubai. 

When you get on a plane to leave a country, the Immigration people there check you out of the country. They do not check you into the country you are going to. That doesn't happen till you get to where you are going and the Immigration people there check your paperwork.

The Australian government issued him with a visa. They knew exactly what was going on, especially given Djokovic's high profile. Djokovic didn't just jump into the plane in Dubai and hope for the best. He knew he'd been issued with a visa to enter.

He wouldn't have boarded the flight if he knew he wouldn't be able to enter on arrival. It was only later when the rug was pulled from under him for political purposes.

How clear do I have to be?

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

you might benefit from gaining deeper insight into how deeply cynical politics and politicians are.

Statistics are not political and neither is a virus. Japan is doing much better because people vax up a lot more here and they wear masks when they should unlike the Trump freedom people back in the USA. Just look at the numbers.

cynical politics and politicians are

Then what political party is the virus?

Do you really think there'll be a publicly available paper trail for this?

For executive decisions, YES. Look at presidential pardons.

there's no question they have influence

So they can call the immigration people and ask nicely "pretty please with a strawberry on top"? How exactly does this influence work? Please be specific.

Go on, explain how. Without using ad hominems.

Australia knows what they are doing with the much lower COVID mortality rate. The proof is in the numbers.

Novak would've entered quietly and played

Can I just enter Australia quietly like that? All I have to do is move past the immigration people quietly as an antivaxxer and I can do the same thing?

But they wanted to make an example of him because he made them look foolish.

Who exactly? If I'm an Australia immigration official I doubt I would look foolish. I would not even care. No one knows who I am anyway. The immigration people care about feelings then? They are law enforcement people and have no feelings and don't care about you. They treat everyone like scum, which is a good thing.

That doesn't happen till you get to where you are going and the Immigration people there check your paperwork.

Ticketing people at the departure airport will check to make sure your documents are generally square to avoid the usual problems at the destination, but it is not their job to look at all the possible outcomes that might come up at the destination at the arrival immigration. That's impossible.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

He wouldn't have boarded the flight if he knew he wouldn't be able to enter on arrival. 

And you know this exactly how?

Nothing but assumptions and guesses for now. Cool your jets.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Bob FosseToday  05:38 pm JST

He wouldn't have boarded the flight if he knew he wouldn't be able to enter on arrival. 

And you know this exactly how? 

Nothing but assumptions and guesses for now. Cool your jets.

Would you get on a plane without knowing whether you'd be able to pass through border control on arrival?

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Would you get on a plane without knowing whether you'd be able to pass through border control on arrival?

Not talking about me.

But to answer your question, everybody does this every time they fly. That’s why there is border control. There are no guarantees.

Some people assume their paperwork is in order when it isn’t.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

But to answer your question, everybody does this every time they fly. That’s why there is border control. There are no guarantees.

I know some cases personally of people getting turned away when they reach the destination. Happens all the time. It never happened to me, but it did to other people I know about.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Bob FosseToday  05:50 pm JST

Would you get on a plane without knowing whether you'd be able to pass through border control on arrival?

Not talking about me. 

But to answer your question, everybody does this every time they fly. That’s why there is border control. There are no guarantees. 

Some people assume their paperwork is in order when it isn’t.

Sure, there are no guarantees, but Djokovic had been issued with an exemption and its reasonable for him to assume that he'd be able to enter on arrival. What happened was political interference to salvage the image of the government. Clear as day.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

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