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© Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.AKB48 creator joins Tokyo Olympic board; petition against him circulates
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If this guy is in charge of any of the entertainment Japan will be the laughing stock of the world
David Foley
Whats wrong with this guy? He is a women's hero. He gives them a job when they are perky and young and 'graduates' them out when they start showing their age. A real Olympic winner in women's rights.
Cool! Does this mean the female Japanese Olympic athlete's uniform will be a junior high school uniform?
Where do I sign that petition?
OK, jokes aside, I seriously think he should not be on that panel. Japan will be the laughing stock of the entire world if AKB or any group of that sort is featured in the Olympics, especially the opening ceremony.
This sentence technically leaves open the possibility that others do not find it musically inane and sexist. I think we need a re-write.
Maria M
Like them or not, AKB (and other all girl groups/Jpop) are one of the most known and popular exports from Japan (wherever AKB itself will still be by 2020 that's yet to be seen), so I don't really see anything wrong with that kind of entertainment being included in some part for the Olympics.
It doesn't matter what aspects of Japanese culture and society are featured in the opening ceremony, whether it is samurai, sumo wrestlers, robots or idol groups -- the Japan bashers on this site will always complain. I saw things at the London, Beijing and Sydney Olympic opening ceremonies that were really weird and made no sense to me, so it's all subjective anyway.
Mike DeJong
Does this mean that Japanese female athletes will now be penalized for having boyfriends? Will they have to shave their heads in shame?
What a bunch of malarkey. How do you revive a nation by appointing a bunch of over-the-hill old men to run it? Especially Mori, whi was laughed out of the PM job. .
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Please, no. No.
This hiring of younger people or females is just a facade. The old members and especially Mori will never listen to what the younger or female members have to say.
'The 34-member board now includes seven women'
Perhaps the seven can form a band and entertain the men with singing and dancing in between serving tea.
you know, akimoto is laughing alllllllll the way to the bank.
One question WHY would they appoint the founder of AKB to the board ?
Personally I do not like the group or they way they are presented it is all bad taste and talentless.
Eduardo Gonzalez
When there's Gundam, there's olympics, as Haro ain't being enough to get the job done.
But bring AKB48 to the openig ceremony, and we may have a scenarion similar to Sochi's "dormant ring", unless the Japanese government is considering to crush the band at full, seen to most as a "threatening insult to the emperor"
Knowing Japanese business practices, this was a move to get AKB on the campaign trail & into the Olympics ceremony. Mori is about 30 years past his prime and frankly won't give a damn.
It's going to be a total disaster. Any hint of AKB in this Olympics and I'm out.
In the opening or closing ceremony, can we please have the dancers and machines from the Robot Restaurant in Shinjuku?
If this happens, a yakuza-themed opening ceremony might not not be that far-fetched. lol
In all seriousness, as for Akimoto joining the board, I don't think it will necessarily mean having idols prancing throughout the ceremonies. Like him or not, he's a brilliant promoter and marketing genius, and was most likely picked for those strengths to promote the games. Like the China and Russia Olympics, the themes would probably be a blend of the traditional and modern culture of Japan. This is a major event, and it will surely spark the creativity of the Japanese planners to come up with something new and interesting to ensure it will be a success. I'm really looking forward to it.
"Cool Japan"?! It makes Japanese culture a laughing stock. It is not that the act is this mediocre, but that such a mediocre act gets such a following.
My god, heaven help us!!!!
Yasushi Akimoto is a genius in the show business, and the Olympics is some kind of show business. He definitely can give a new life to it.
How the hell is the president of Toyota on the Olympic board?! The AKB48 dude doesn't really make that much sense, does anyone really think that AKB48 will still be around in 2020?
Uh, yes! I'm guessing you don't know much at all about the business model of AKB48 to make such a naive comment. The current crop of girls won't be around, but AKB48 will be around with a new lineup of girls for as long as forty-year old otaku guys continue to buy their CDs/DVDs and concert tickets....
Sure hope Kitano doesn't try to speak English. That would just be sad.
The sooner Japan gets rid of this farce, the better reputation Japan should gain. These past months have especially not been kind to the country's status. AKB48 may be Japan's national hobby and probably treasure but globally it's the fastest incentive for Japan to lose any respect, especially the times like this, when everything's trying to be politically correct.
While I'm on the subject of AKB48, why are they so popular again? Is it the music or just the girls?
Anyone who appeared in the original 'Iron Chef' television show is OK by me.
By 2020, members of AKB48 and its sister groups will outnumber non-members by such a wide margin that the Olympics organisers will have no choice but to enlist their help as volunteers since there will be nobody else available.
Why do they need 34 people on an Olympics Board anyway? What do they do?
We'll there is any credibility out the window.
34 on board now. 14 more to hire and we got us a new group, JOC48. Can't wait to see their performance.
Simon Foston
Just like Frankenstein and his Monster.
The Olympics is being to look like a circus. Grow up people and stop embarrassing the people of Japan!
Mirai Hayashi
geez no! Now the olympics are going to turned into some kind of freak show circus catering to the social misfits.
As a female twenty something finance and economics graduate, on scoping ,"AKB48 creator joins Tokyo Olympic board" immediately brought tears to my eyes, unable to control my carnal naughty thoughts, I'm now head shaven, heavily rotating my fortune cookie in aimless apologies to my array of potted indoor shrubbery.
Actually it about time the world experienced a full on idolgasim, and what better place that Tokyo 2020.
After all, contemplating the 'sweet nothings' 76-year-old former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori will be whispering in the assembled awaiting ears truly makes the mind boggle.
As the petition shows, a lot of Japanese are equally unhappy with the appointment of Akimoto. I have more issues with the old people, especially Mori - why oh why a 76 year old? And honestly, I believe there is a lot of window-dressing going on here, at the end the old boys will probably pull all the strings.
Knox Harrington
What business does this guy have on the Olympic board? I wouldn't want to take away from him the success he's had with his girlie groups, but is this really the message Japan wants to broadcast to the world? These old fools are SO out of touch with what the public thinks is "cool" it doesn't matter what they do.vthey think they will go back to the glory days. I think they will show the world that Japan has lost its touch. Appointing Mori to head this group was mistake #1.
Karen M. Henton
I know somebody who tried teaching him English many years ago. I need to sign that petition.
This is a great idea. Those noce teenagers wearing school uniform
I 've always thought Akimoto is destroying Japan's music industry. Maybe all he cares is money, not music as art. Kitano is a long finished person as well.
Frank Thornton
Why does it have to be "poppy"? Japan has much traditional music and dance that the world would love to hear and appreciate. Ondekoza. Tsugaru-jamisen. Kagura....I can go on and on.
what's with the increasing number of board members?? Vancouver 2012 in comparison had only 20.
I'd rather see AKB48 at the opening ceremony than Kitano chasing a stooge around with a rubber sound FX hammer... or Yakuza hitmen... two things Kitano is famous for.
How will AKB make Japan a laughing stock? They dress in cute costumes and sing happy songs? Who cares? It's Japan's ceremony and represents Japan in the same way as Samurai, kimonos, Fuji, Cranes, Daihatsu 3 wheeler and Godzilla. How many of you cringed at the Sochi opening with the Russian national anthem full of the old Soviet power? Or was that just me?
To all the people sticking up for AKB on this thread, please don't waste your time. I've come to realize after following Japan Today for the past two years that anytime they are mentioned, people will bash and bash and bash them. People forget the huge impact AKB has had on the world, not just Japan. I guess people don't realize their video, Heavy Rotation, has over 100 million hits on youtube. Or the fact that they are the ONLY idol group in Japan that EVERY SINGLE MONTH goes to areas in Japan affected by the tsunami and performs for them... FOR FREE. Or the fact that they have raised MILLIONS to help the victims of the tsunami. Or the fact that their video, Koisuruu Fortune Cookie, has an infectious dance that literally people ALL OVER THE WORLD imitate and have made their own videos for. Yeah, let us NOT hire Aki-P since apparently he's so talentless and tasteless and has only the sexist and misogynistic intentions of showcasing pubescent girls in school uniforms in front of the world when it comes time for the Olympics. No wait, he'll probably be unoriginal and copy Russia's huge teddy bear style mascot and throw a young six year old up on a highwire and have her dance around in the sky like a blatant cirque du soleil rip off, much like Russia did. STOP HATING AKB on Japan today, please for the love of GOD! Aki-P is a genius, love him or hate him.
'People forget the huge impact AKB has had on the world,'
Small world you must live in.
Has it occurred to you that perhaps some artists did help out in Tohoku - without having to make a giant spectacle of a circus a la AKB?
Ehh... Perhaps it's because in 2012 the Olympics were held in Vancouver, Canada - where Japan didn't have to build anything and this Olympic Committee has to get the venues built IN TOKYO by 2020? Just a guess.
Personally, I find having petitions signed simply because of who the guy produces to be a huge waste of energy. I'd say wait to see what aspect of the Olympics he will be involved with and grade him on how well that is completed, THEN decide whether to circulate a petition.
I think a petition to get rid of Mori would be a better idea...
Please don't let AKB48 or any of those stupid girl bands do any performances at the Olympic games. It will certainly be tragic.
What about all those ECC lessons he's had for years? (ie. that's what they'd have us believe)
It's a bit sad to read so much lack of information from so many people. Please, before commenting, just read a bit about who he is and what he has done even before AKB.
It's not going to be a "Idol" cerimony (with or without AKB). But, one thing I'm sure of: If they try to represent Japan's culture and they don't include contemporary music and art, they would be making a huge mistake. Contemporary japanese art is as good as any other art in this world.
I think some people would prefer to see the opening ceremony as a po-faced Edo Period theatre performance. Idol groups are part of Japanese pop culture - you can't leave them out of the musical soundscape of Japan. To do so is snobbery.
Michael Reed
AKB48 is a nice group, and congratulations for him. I hope that he will have a nice experience in the Olympics. :)
it must be a joke!!no?
Oh if they put AKB48 as the opening I would laugh. I don't personally have any dislike for them but i also don't bother listening or following them, but this is not the kind of act you put to represent your country.
On a side note did someone really compare AKB to Godzilla now that made me very sad, to think there are people who would even believe that.
hugoaMar. 19, 2014 - 11:43PM JST
Whoat? This guy has nothing to offer in projecting a true image of traditional Japan. I do not care what he has done before AKB (I know what he has done, and he is only good for Japanese audience), he cannot appeal to sophisticated international audience.
Agreed - when AKB48 actually perform and get laughed/embarrassed worldwide for lipsynching worse than Britney Spears, maybe Japan will realize their idols really are just eye candy.
Then again, cute girls in cute/skimpy outfits has definitely crossed borders, so you never know.
Come on people! If AKB48 performs, it will be only because the International Olympic Committee authorized them to!
Specifically, the Olympic Charter Rule 55.2 states:
So you're not going to see JPop of ANY kind in the ceremonies without the IOC's approval.
AKB is part of the Japanese culture... deal with it!
I'd rather watch some acrobatics with Kamen Riders.. I would be entertained...
It'd be to the IOC's PR benefit (and they definitely need it) to present something that looks progressive to women (especially with their push to raise female sports). World's female athletes may not look too kindly to female performers babying themselves to portray like vulnerable junior high girls to appeal to lolicon guys. Just sayin'.
Every Olympics opening and closing ceremonies include aspects of the host nation's culture. Rarely do those cultural aspects involve specific performing artists, but instead rely on hundreds of generic performers presenting the host nation's culture. There's no reason why Tokyo 2020 will be any different.
Michael Hart
Can we get Perfume on board for 2020!!!??? I feel like they are far more talented and can bring some cool technology based entertainment to the games
I'd rather see AKB there than Kitano Takeshi.
Kitano is has been unbearable for years, imagine how bad he will have got in another 6 years? If he is even alive.
Because traditional music is BORING?
Put Takashi Murakami in charge and at least have something memorable, not cringe-worthy.
To the person who snidely remarked I must be living in a small world because I mentioned AKB has had an impact on the world... Yeah, I guess going on youtube and seeing how many people in tons of countries all across the world dancing to Koisuruu Fortune Cookie is pretty small, right? They definitely didn't influence people with that song outside of Japan, huh? Do yourself a favor... go on youtube and see all the smiling faces of people everywhere in the world doing their dances to that song. Why on Earth wouldn't we want the person who came up with this idea doing the Tokyo Olympics? Also, I think JPOP, if we get any dosage of it at all in the Opening ceremonies, will probably be a medley of artists representing all facets of Japanese music. Or at least I hope. And I hope we get to see idol groups like AKB too. They are exactly what an opening ceremony for the Olympics need to keep us all from falling asleep, much like the snooze fest Russia gave us in February. And as for the person who said AKB lip syncs, sure, they do it no more than most acts do in Japanese contemporary dance and idol groups, but uh, have you HEARD Iwasa Misaki? And guess what? AKB has PLENTY of girls that can sing like her. You would know if you took five seconds to listen to them and give them a fair shot instead of bashing them. Go check out Wasamin's Enka album... it absolutely owns. OKAY all you AKB Antis, READY? SET! THUMBS DOWN!!!!!
Mirai Hayashi
He has his place, I agree. I don't agree that its on the Olympic committee. What is he going to do on the committee? Really....what is it that he could possibly contribute to an international sporting even that practically every single country will be watching and judging us on. I certainly hope that he is not coordinating the opening or closing ceremony and planning to put his girls in the act. That would be an absolute embarrassment to Japan, and would only emphasize how socially out of touch Japan is with the rest of the world when it comes to entertainment.
Its a sporting event, not a show...this is the exact type of mentality that makes the international community not want to take Japan seriously when it comes to stuff like this.
There are plenty of really talented artists out there already have gotten international media attention for their talent and not because they are some kind of silly little freak show for small children or the socially awkward like AKB or Kyaripamu pamu...or whatever that little child wants to call herself. Hikaru Utada, Misia, DCT, etc would be great opening/closing ceremony because they have a true international following for their music and not for their silliness. it isn't! It represents a small subculture, that became popular to aging old men who grew up fantasizing about anime characters or for those who are borderlined pedophiles who have issues with forming relationships with real people. It in no way do they reflect Japanese culture as a whole, and your logic is seriously flawed if you think it does.
I have to disagree. My wife isn't into their music at all, but she could tell you who the main singers are, and a bunch of other useless information about them. They appear on TV regularly, and news about them is on the news.
They may not be a great part of Japanese culture, but regardless, they are part of the culture.
As for their 'creator' being on the Olympic committee, the guy is a marketing genius. I have no idea if his skills will be transferable to the Olympics, but if you look at the business behind AKB48, the guy has had some brilliant ideas.
Mirai Hayashi
Just because your wife can recall trivial information about AKB48, doesn't automatically make them a part of Japanese culture. At best, they are are a PART of Japanese "pop culture", which itself is a subculture. I, nor does the majority of the Japanese public go around singing their songs; its not a part of the national anthem. The majority of population don't dress in lolita-type school girl uniforms as everyday clothes. The don't have a history or a rich heritage that goes back more than a decade. They are not celebrated with national holidays, and they only have a following of a small part of the Japanese population (regardless of what AKB48's marketing team and Akimoto would like you to think) Hence, the are not a part of main stream culture. They are subset of pop culture, which not everyone knows about nor is involved with.
I am not saying to ban him completely from the media. He has his place, but the Olympic committee is not one of them. Now I am inclined to think that the 2020 Olympics is just going to me one big embarrassing circus act and these silly little children are going to be the clowns.
No, but being Japanese, on TV, in the music, and in the media, a product of Japan, and produced by a Japanese producer most definitely does make them part of Japanese culture.
Do you not know what the 'pop' in 'pop culture' stands for?
Look, I understand your dislike of them. I don't like them myself. I also don't like the idolization of school girls by old men. I don't even necessarily think this means that their 'creator' should be on the Olympic committee, at least I sure hope he isn't part of the opening ceremonies planning. But regardless of my or your feelings on him or them, they are part of the culture.
Mirai Hayashi
No...this isn't personal feelings I am venting here...its a fact. Saying that AKB48 is a part of Japanese culture is like saying that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West is part of American culture. (They are not, by the way). AKB48 is surely not Japanese culture...they are a part of popular culture which is only a small subset of mainstream culture. In 10-15 years time, AKB48 probably won't even exist. I would even go as far as saying that they will probably be either on a steep downcline, or not even exist by the time the Olympics come to Japan, as their fan base either grow up, or find other things fantasize over.
Here is what is considered true Japanese culture: the food, cherry blossoms, calligraphy, anime (in general), the language, the literature, bamboo, rice paper, technology, sumo wrestling, enka music, the imperial family, etc....those things have been around for decades, if not centuries and will probably be around for decades or centuries more. AKB48 is a fad that is popular among a relatively small group of people, and the mass media that hypes them. If you truly believe that they are a part of main stream culture, then you have been sucked into the hype and or watch way too much TV.
Readers, instead of just bashing AKB48, please make some suggestions as to what aspects of Japanese culture you would like to see included in the Olympic opening ceremony.
Mirai HayashiMar. 20, 2014 - 02:43PM JST
Mirai, you are right on. AKB is a small subset of Japanese POP culture. It does not represent a whole set of Japanese culture. AKB will be gone within ten years from today. Sounds like you have a good understanding of sociology #101. I l enjoy reading a post with clear mind.
Well, I'd like to see "Cool Japan" put its money where its mouth is and produce something along the lines of an opening spectacle where we start with an epic shogun battle, then move up to Gundam robots, Evangelion robots, a giant Godzilla and then top it off with Goku floating down with a massive genki-dama above him. Of course, synchronised drifting around the running track the entire time would be essential.
But hey, that's why I'm not in charge ;)
Eduardo Gonzalez
And of course, the best replacement for AKB48...yes, Shonen Knife, since their inception in 1983 in Osaka (The only eliminated city during the 2008 host city election). They even speak english real well as it has been the language they used as default.
Miku Hatsune is also comin' in, not to mention the United Voices of Macross (Mari Iijima, Yoshiki Fukuyama, Chie Kajiura, May'n, Megumi Nakajima)
And please, Kyary Pyamu Pyamu ain't welcome. Perfume neither. We all know that AKB48, is gonna get CRUSHED by the state, before 2020
Kimokekahuna Hawaii
seems to be a conflict of interest and how old is this dude going to be in 20/20... ABK48 will not be significant by then anyway... Japanese entertainment is run by old men who think that girls are dolls and toys and this is not healthy to say it politely. Japanese entertainment needs an overhaul with artists who can actually sing and sing in English without an accent.... girls and boys who can dance other than in cheezy group line dances ... you have to envision what the world is going to be like in 2020 and what will showcase Japan as a leader not some tacky rip off.
My response to this...HELL TO THE NO. Do not let AKB48 ruin the Olympics.
Where does it say that Akb48 will perform?
Mirai Hayashi
i doesn't...but its pretty obvious what Akimito's intentions are
Trio Yang
Oh please,i wonder if AKB still exist in 2020 although i'm an AKB fan too soon to say something about this And Akimoto not only created AKB but also other groups too maybe Nogizaka46 not AKB LOL
Ummm... l am sorry to break this to you but yes they are a part of Japanese culture. Like it or not, the concept of 'idols' originated in the Japanese entertainment industry. I cannot think of another country that really has anything quite like it. Although idols are rather new as opposed to say making pottery, it is a part of the Japanese music scene and therefore one aspect of Japanese culture.
I have never liked the fact that the opening and closing ceremonies are such a big part of what is supposed to be a sporting event. Regardless, these occasions call for huge artistic shows. Since there are literally hundreds of members of his groups I can see how Akimoto could help the Japanese Olympic Committee organize these kinds of excessively large programs. There are obviously many foreign people on JT that do not like idols as entertainment. I think it best to leave it up to the Japanese to decide what to present to the world in the Olympics. Fears that it will be one big AKB48 concert are likely overblown.
I have to agree with the above poster. AKB48 is undeniably part of Japanese culture, and Kim Karashian and Kanye West are undeniably part of American culture. Dislike of them does not somehow remove them from the culture.
Trio Yang
you all are overacting,
this year is 2014 not 2020 who knows AKB still exist in 2020 or not,
somehow those comments bashing AKB look ridiculous LOL
Better safe than sorry Trio deary.
Trio Yang
Yeah,just keep bashing AKB And I bet you all will forget this news after 6 years LOL
Learn what bashing means Trio, criticism is hardly bashing. Maybe it will take all of 6 years LOL