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© 2012 AFPArmstrong stripped of all 7 Tour de France titles
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Good! Cheats never prosper.
Makes you wonder about the rest of his team.
I'd love to see the details of the bio-chemical aspects to this case. Not that I'd understand it :(
If he were innocent, he would never stop fighting the charges. Having his 7 (7!) Tour de France titles stripped from him doesn't seem to have bothered him much. What little response he's given has all been about himself, nothing about the many, many fans he has disappointed.
They have all been proven guilty, admitted doping or sought arbitration. Basically the circle of friends who were standing by him was getting smaller and smaller.
You don't have to wonder. One was busted and ratted Armstrong out.
You couldnt have picked a worse example for this comment.
He is a multi-multi millionaire who is set for life and will still remain a hero to so many people. Cheat or not, he has prospered very nicely.
You didn't really win though, did you? Not even one.
Sad, very sad, but cheating never prevails. It was all a matter of time. Just like Marion Jones, Ben Johnson and the list goes on. When will these people ever learn?
Alex Einz
Bullshit, first of all its crap reporting - he is not yet proven to be guilty of anything, he is under investigation and the whole thing seems more and more as personal vendetta, even to the ruling judge. second, it is not even determined or makes any sense that USADA ( which is american organisation) can strip someone of international title not even taking place in US third, UCI - which is an international organisation and the one overseeing the tour - does not support USADA and was with Lance in court against USADA. fourth, the titles were won a while ago and he since retired ,a while ago too from any cycling events...which makes it seem again like just a vendetta. and 5th, even if he did, do you really think by taking some epa you or many people in this world can actually manage what he did after immense cancer recovery? he should be granted a title on this basis alone. Shame on you for repeating media bullshit and some vendetta of petty failed cyclist / bad lawyer in charge of USADA.
Alex Einz
sorry for the terrible formatting, I swear I pressed Enters...
With all the $$$ on the table with sports you pretty much now have to assume they all are cheating to some extent, its sad & part of the reason I have long given up on pro sports, between the drugs, $$, the prima donnas that "deserve" a championship ring balh blah blah, I have long since given a damn
Frank Vaughn
Well said, there is far TOO much emphasis placed on pro sports. Why is a (name a sport) player worth 100s of time more than the policeman or fireman who is actually protecting you (or those Prima Donna's)?
Finally. This guy was the very best cyclist during a long period when everyone else was doping just to be able to be competitive. His teammates have stated he used, his trainer is a convicted distributor.
Iso Poika
Sooo, who are the winners of those 7 Tours?
Hey, are there any Armstrong brand bicycles sold. If so, we might be able to get them quite cheap!
I'm a cycling fan and feel a little bad for Armstrong. I think he probably did dope, but so did probably every top 10 rider in the Tour. Lance had the biggest budget, so it stands to reason that he and his team had the best of everything including performance enhancing drugs. He helped to grow the sport in the US and his organization continues to help people battling cancer, not to mention the revenue he was generating for Nike. His teammates can admit their guilt and sink into obscurity (at least among non-cycling fans). If Lance admits guilt, he potentially takes down the entire sport's credibility (at least in the US), the LiveStrong foundation, a good chunk of Nike's revenue, his personal sponsors, the list goes on. His teammates had nothing to lose by admitting their guilt, but Armstrong has everything to lose by admitting his guilt.
Because policing and firefighting aren't money-making businesses.
That whole era of Tour de France should be stripped off the record books. The top competitors were all most likely on the juice. To whom else are they going to give the accolades? Most likely on the juice too. Everybody was cheating each other.
Armstrong has not been stripped of his titles. They were not awarded by USADA and USADA have no power to take them away.
I wonder who would be eligible to get the titles, if and when they are actually taken away by the relevant body (UCI?). Probably all the top 20 were doped, and maybe more.
Iso Poika
So if Madoff gives some money to a cancer foundation, that would make him a good guy.
There are potentially as many as 7 clean cyclists who were robbed of deserved recognition and instead might end up sinking into obscurity.
Before Armstrong, Greg Lemond had done a lot for the sport in America. I guess now Lemond will be considered America's greatest cyclist.
Some things Lemond said about Armstrong 5 years ago:
"Lance is ready to do anything to keep his secret. I don't know how he can continue to convince everybody of his innocence."
"I just think he's not a good person and that's all I can say. I mean, he's a facade, if you knew the real Lance Armstrong that I know. I think he fronts himself as a guy who is loving and caring. From my experience, he's not a nice guy and I've had some very difficult periods with him. And I don't believe he'll finish up having any friends in cycling."
This headline is factually incorrect and sensationalist. Armstrong has NOT been stripped of ANY Tours. He has mereley had enough of the witch hunt and wishes to concentrate on raising millions for his cancer charity (he has raised 500 million dollars).
Armstrong has been tested clean throughout his 7 Tour wins, and all of these accusations of steriod use would have shown up in these tests. The tests have always been clean, and the only evidence against him are the accusations.
The French (the Tour) will never back him because they hate the fact that an American won 7 Tours.
I wonder what Carl Lewis has to say on the matter.
Armstrong was an inspiration to many for battling back from cancer as a "clean" athlete. He became and American and world hero and stated many times that he didn't dope - and continues to.
It's a sad day. I'd like to think he didn't but, with teammates saying they saw him it doesn't look good - esp now that he says he won't fight it even if the titles are taken away. Zannen.
Regardless, I still respect him for beating the cancer and the funds he raises for cancer research. And he is still a good athlete, doping or not.
Even without doping most people couldn't live the schedule of a pro-athlete.
I have a friend who was on forced steroid treatments after a bad car-accident. These days athletes are way too limited as to what meds and treatments they can take.
Take the wrong meds and fail a drug test.
You're kidding ? The Tour (what you call the French) organizers covered him. For French sports spectators, the Tour has totally lost its appeal since the late 80's when Hinault retired as he was the last plausibly not doped winner (but maybe he was just hiding it better) and maybe Greg Lemond. BTW, if French cycle fans had anti-US feelings why do they like Greg so much ? No, it's really the doping that poisoned it all. Most French cyclists have lost public esteem. Fignon, well he's dead, but he said he not take "anything forbidden", but not nothing either. Even Longo was eventually caught (sad). Pre-war, up to the 70's that was extremely popular. Soccer recuperated the audience. So at some point, to revive the business, Americans in the Tour was the greatest thing. That made incredible PR for American tourism in France and that brought them millions from American sponsors. You realize that Lemond and Hinault were sponsored by a macrobiotic grocery store ? That was misery. And when the big American sponsors arrived, they were cycling in millions and buying the tests and maybe the whole race like you buy a newspaper. With his tear-jacking story of cancer survivor, Armstrong was ideal for the role. Except that was too obvious that he was not on the same EPO (Eau, Pastis, Olives ) as the spectators but something stronger. Pastis without water ?
Those that "tested clean" him have been caught at multiform treachery. They had to fire the whole team that worked on the tour in Armstrong years. So that's as if he was not tested.
All the doctors that were caring about him have been condemned for doping all their athlete patients. All his team mates have been caught. Only him was clean. And his defense is "they all lie because I'm the only saint.". Well, today, he comes out as guilty.
Not at all. The early accusations started with the organiser of the Tour.
You are getting as sensational as the newspapers. Where was this guilty verdict then? And the facts in court to prove his guilt? I take it you mean he is 'guilty' because he has finally had enough of spending all those legal fees and time to state that he will not bother with the litigation any longer. Does that make him guilty?
Taking drugs is normal in America, isn't it?
Look at the baseball... all the players take drugs...
M'eh, I'm guessing it was a level playing field for the most part. Those that didn't get the cutting edge drugs weren't at the top. Champion of the performance enhancing era. But don't listen to me, Barry Bonds was my favorite ball player.
Where else could they come from ? From the Miss Pageant Contest or at the Sumo Basho ?
They have been provided ages ago. All members of his team cheated and the team collectively cheated by covering one another. Any contestation ? No. So the team have been proven guilty. Unless he can prove that was not in this team....
That makes him as innocent as the Rosenbergs.
Bad loser.
He doesn't need to prove that he was clean. They need to prove that HE, not his team, was dirty.
They have failed to do so.
Actually they have the proof, that's why LA is bailing and not contesting the charges.
He has the best lawyers money can buy and the best they can do is tell LA to plead no contest.
Very funny. Unfortunately, if you have not proven a thing in court, then a wisecrack about 'as innocent as the Rosenbergs' doesn't prosecute anyone. You can accuse and claim all you like, but until you step into court with a winning case, then you are wasting your breath. Which you seem to do very well.
Twisting the response doesn't help your case. You claimed (incorrectly) that the Tour de France were supporters of Lance Armstrong (how wrong can you be). I educated you in that the organiser of the Tour was one of the first to make unjustified accusations.
Sucked in Lance. If he was as innocent as he claimed he is he would have kept fighting to clear his name. This is basically an acknowledgement that he doesn't have a leg to stand on. His defence argument that "everyone is out to get me" and that he is just a "victim of a witch hunt" is just sad. I respect the bloke for his charity work, though - he was a tough as nails fighter who was given less than 10% chance of survival after his brain cancer. Just a shame he had to compensate his inferior athletic ability by cheating - like most recent cycling champions.
I don't think Lance should be scapegoated, though - the sport of cycling has as much credibility as bodybuilding. They're all doped - except Cadel, of course!
Don't think it was brain-cancer that he had, IIRC, it was either prostrate or testicular cancer.
Once cancer hits the brain the body starts to shut down and there is no comeback.
Last I checked, Armstrong didn't lose people's life savings. Let's compare apples to apples.
I disagree. Armstrong's wins brought a lot of attention to the Tour in the form of TV revenue. I'm sure with each of his successive wins, they were just crossing their fingers hoping the ride wouldn't end for a while.
BTW - if there is any justice - with Lance sure to be stripped of all his wins - Cadel will be given his 2nd win now for the 2005 tour. Check this out (from another blogger):
1st Lance (Gone), 2nd Basso (Gone), 3rd Ullrich (Gone), 4th Mancebo (Should be Gone - Basso, Ullrich and Mancebo were under investigation in the Operacion Puerto doping case), 5th Vinokourov (Gone), 6th Leipheimer (Gone - Old Team mate pf Lance and In 2010, Hans Michael Holczer, the team boss of Gerolsteiner in 2005, said that the UCI had informed him that Leipheimer had shown blood values just under the doping limit, and that Holczer suspected that Leipheimer was using doping, 7th Russmussen (Gone)
And the Winner is Cadel in 8th Place.
Why these jerks continue to bother athletes? Don't they have better things to do than harassing hard working people? Obviously they got too much time on their hands. In the mean time, they are draining precious tax dollars we surrendered to them. Money needs to be spent on better places!
Media blitz and Lance is guilty. I feel sorry for the guy. He fought cancer, was role model for many, won 7 tours, and lasted through numerous accusations and rats on his own team. I really don't care if he did dope or not, but he was a great athlete and inspiration. Doping? Who isn't doing it! Name a sport and find me a 50% clean percentage ... seriously. Just let it all through and let's be done with this phoney disgust of sport-enhancement. I am more surprised the USADA didn't chastise him for drinking a soda or smoking. Are people really that naive ... yes.
The USDA's is determination is pure BS, they have no physical evidence nor has Lance ever tested positive. Interesting that that Justice Department dropped their investigation earler this year but the USDA pressed on. Clearly the justice department concluded that they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law that Lance doped. The USDA on the other hand doea not have this burden and instead decided to drag Lances name through the mud once again and ultimately today to recommend to strip him of all of his titles based upon flimsy evidence that would not hold up in a Court of law. Shame on the USDA!
I'm calling BS on the USADA's witch hunt. This is more like McCarthyism finding commies behind every sofa. Armstrong passed his tests to the satisfaction of the international judges, the Tour and the US Justice Dept. The idea that the USADA will continue without enough evidence for all those others is and inquesition, not an investigation.
He used the same drugs and blood-boosters used by the Spanish soccer team. So, what's the deal.
he had it in the brain as well.
they do have the evidence and LA failed two tests that UCI covered up. Get your facts right. Justice department were investigating fraud not doping. UCI is not impartial so why would you just repeat LAs old worn out spin? he has plead guilty cause he was.
no, it's an admission he is tired of your BS and unrelenting harassment. The man has had enough. Everyone has their breaking point. Lance has a life and family and a charity to run (that has contributed nearly 500 million dollars to cancer research and counting) .He sees the witch hunt will get regardless of his innocence, they will get him no matter what. If I were him, I'd flip the bird to the USA and move abroad. Guilty until proven innocent. Great stuff.
gelendestrasse - spot on, it's McCarthyism 2012 style. Stripped of his titles? the USADA has no power to strip him of his titles, only the Cycling Union can do that. The head of the USADA Tygart sound like a real piece of work.
Read lance's statement
The bottom line is I played by the rules that were put in place by the UCI, WADA and USADA when I raced. The idea that athletes can be convicted today without positive A and B samples, under the same rules and procedures that apply to athletes with positive tests, perverts the system and creates a process where any begrudged ex-teammate can open a USADA case out of spite or for personal gain or a cheating cyclist can cut a sweetheart deal for themselves. Its an unfair approach, applied selectively, in opposition to all the rules. Its just not right.
There's a mountain of evidence against him. Don't convince yourselves that this is some vindictive witch-hunt.