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Asashoryu in trouble again for pumping his fist after victory
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oh sumo - get over yourself!!! it is nice to see some reaction.
outofmydepth -- agree completely. The only reason this last tournament was a big hit, both on TV and in terms of attendence, was Asa. But, they find a way to criticise him anyway. Wake up guys, he's paying the bills, so cut him a little slack.
Fist pumping.
Next, the winners might even start smiling.
The sacred sport of Sumo is ruined.
See what comes from letting foreigners in the dohyo?
Asa's only fault: He is a foreigner and a great great Yokozuna !
Clearly when one considers the number of Mongolians as well as those from Bulgaria, Russia, etc etc currently in Sumo, and that not too long ago Americans were at the top, the above statement is utter hogwash. That they still don't allow women on the Dohyo is what seems strange to me.
Hey head of sumo, in case you dont that whole sacred thing has gone out the window, flown the coop blah blah blah
Yr sumo aint sacred no more & hasnt been for a while, YOU need to start paying some attn
All the other sumo wrestler (gaijin or not) seem to have respect for the sport. One of Asa's many faults is he is unsportsman-like. This isn't football and this isn't the US (and yes I'm American). If you don't respect the local rules and standards of conduct you will of course become a target of criticism. Too bad he actually kicks butt, I so am looking forward to the day he goes on a loosing streak and is forced into retirement.
as long as the punishment suits the crime, i have no objection to any disciplinary action in this case.
I have to agree with shawnth in that Asa is very unsportsman-like. I have noticed that everytime he manages to push someone out of the ring and that it's obvious his opponent has lost, Asa still pushes him. The other day, it included a smack on the opponent's face. The Waka-Taka brothers hardly ever did that, and neither does Hakuho (to whom Asa did the same thing last year when he fell down).
outofmydepth, if its reaction you want, simply watch another sport! Problem solved! Seems to me the officials of this sport want to keep sportsmanship and calm dignified behavior alive. Those things are either dead or damaged in a lot of other sports. Go watch them.
herefornow, cut him slack because he pays the bills? Who needs principles when there is money to be had, right? Anything for a buck, anything.
The both of you are representatives of two slippery slopes other countries have gone down with sport. Both are big reasons why I never became a sports fan. I cannot stand wildly emotional brainless crowds, and that is where these displays of emotion eventually lead. Then you have the profit motive where it all becomes about money and commercialism.
So sorry you cannot see two overweight dudes in diapers slam into eachother without those things, but maybe you could leave just this one sport alone? Perhaps WWF wrestling is near enough to what you want to satisfy you?
These people need to seriously lighten up. With all this complaining people are already tired. At some point Japanese are going to stop tuning in. The sport I believe is dead. It died a few years ago. Let's face it. The top 2 people, for the past 10 years or so, aren't Japanese. Japanese never accept foreigners into their culture, so guess what, time to just stop wasting everyone's money and time and start focusing on closing up shop. Everyone knows the WWF is at least more fun to watch. Enough already. Sumo is dead.
Boohoo. What a bunch of whiners. Asa wasn't programmed by Sanyo. I hope Asa wins every Basho this year and when he receives the emperors cup from hopefully Aso, he dumps it on his head.
Well if they want to keep sumo as an "ancient" sport steeped in tradition, they shouldn't show it on TV where they can show commercials, nor let in foreginers, nor worry about attracting an audience.
They started down the slippery slope long before foreigners were allowed in.
Why hold silly dreams that won't come true FrEcKlEfAcE, when you could watch WWF this week? Not only I, but also noborito suggest it. Why ask for a WWF clone when you can already watch WWF?
Well then noborito, I say: let it stay dead.
Moderator: Readers, WWF is not relevant to this discussion.
shawnth- I, for one hope Asa doesn't go on a loosing streak. If he loost a lot, that would make sumo boring. We don't need more loosers like Kotooshu who loose a lot and then loose some more. They dont seem to care as much as Asa, who clearly hates loosing....
man, people sure have their dander up... gotta say, this whole "sumo's dead" biz is off-target, as well as the notion that the sumo association shouldn't bite the hand that feeds it or that somehow, because asashoryu's a foreigner, he's cut less slack. to the contrary, the sumo association has bent over backwards to accommodate asa--no doubt in large part for those very reasons (his "heel" role and winning ways have paid the bills and maybe, as a foreigner, he doesn't always "get" the bigger cultural picture. i actually was keen on seeing him go 15-0 and take the yuusho in a big comeback, while my wife's sympathies were with hakuho and all the rikishi who work so hard only to see some guy apparently cut corners in training and "just win, baby"... still, i do NOT have any great sympathy for a "champion" who's a sore winner any more than i care for sore losers. he seems to think that, as long as he gets the results, he scores carte blanche. incidentally, can't help but think that there are a lot of people posting who know little or nothing about sumo. fine and dandy, but not the best position from which to cast stones... and WWF??? more like WTF!!!???!!!
Ah yes, a stern warning for fist-pumping by a foreigner, dismissal for carrying a loose joint for another foreigner. But bashing some poor blighter to death, by a couple of Japanese - hey, look out the window...
Yet another outside trait that can stay outside.
The crowd loved it. Thats all the JSA should be concerned with.
The Sumo Association are awfully quick to slag off Asa. They weren't in much of a hurry when sumo wrestlers were beating a young lad to death with bottles and bats. Maybe that's the kind of etiquette they favour?
I don't think the japanese are bad people. But in my opinion, they better to get changed little. If continue this way, there leave no friend to the japanese. Too much a something is bad enough. Too much asian culture is bad bad enough. It is modern time, the 21th century.
think freely behave normal , try to understand and feel the feelings of the others.
"The crowd loved it"
Especially when Asa ackowledged the crowd, raising his hands to them in all directions. All the other wrestlers simply ignore the crowd.
And he does the dohyo-iri at least as well as Hakuho, who does a pretty decent job.
what lacking in japanese are in my eye, fire, courage, being honest until die and keeping promise.
Asa is a great champion technically as good a Taiho or Chianofuji and provided he can continue to train diligently will surpass both but he has two big problems..He is a Gaijun and even minor indescretions have become major issues..The Sumo association also are well aware of what has happened to Judo since it 'globalised'..As a consequence there have been constant rule changes..changes to the scoring system. the Judogi worn have to conform and blue -coloured Judogi are mandatory..Many of the changes have horified the Japanese...Why did they wait until wed to complain
even they say Promise, very fake
likeitis -- The JSA love the fact that Asa is popular and brings much needed attention, fan interest (particularly younger ones), and, yes, money to their fading "sport", but, then turn right around and try to humiliate him. Respectfully, they can't have it both ways. They know they need him, but don't like that fact. So, either have the balls to make him resign, because he does not live up to their standards, or just shut up and accept his actions for what he brings to the sport. But quit pretending to be defenders of all that is "sacred", while laughing all the way to the bank.
"Asashoryu pumped both fists in the air in the middle of the dohyo, the sacred sumo ring." I have watched sumo over the years and I was happy to see Asashoryu win this tournament, because it was a grand come back. Rules are rules, so if the association feels Asa needs to bow with an apology, so be it. I never remember hearing, through the years, the Japan Sumo Association remark on the "butt-stained" cushions that make their way into the "sacred sumo ring" as can be seen in the picture above, but I guess the masses are immune from etiquette, and ditto to Scrotes comment.
he is not japanese. He is a mongolian with deep , warm heart who expresses his or her feelings, love, and respect sincerely. It is human behavior
Hit the nail right on the head here. Key word being foreigner.
Give him a break...the crowd reaction was fantastic and the atmosphere great.There wasn't one bad comment from the fans.For the sake of the sport let him be.I think as soon as he gets close to breaking the wins record they will find a reason to dump the guy...the Japanese way.
Yeah, like the guy who just lost the bout. I suspect that is one reason they do not want raised fist poses in the ring. Its humiliating to the loser.
And again, we have a nice "throw the principles out who needs 'em opinion". Can't quite put my finger on the problem with typical western thinking? You?
I think they need some foreigners in the JSA.
"And again, we have a nice "throw the principles out who needs 'em opinion"
Who needs the crowd?
Criticize the fist pump, but not the post-victory open-handed swing at Kotooshu in the last few days? Huh?
I was at the November Basho in Fukuoka, and there were empty seats all the way up until the end. Folks in the upper seats were able to come down and snag an open box. Who wasn't there? Yokozuna Asashoryu. The good son Hakuho was there, but he's just not that interesting.
Could it be that the JSA pumps each and every Asa-infraction up just BECAUSE he's Sumo's 'bad boy', and that's good for business? Yes, there are some frowning members of the Yokozuna Deliberation Council who obviously can't stand him. Clearly the JSA is not loath to use Asashoryu's behavior to generate publicity.
Sarge - Not the JSA, looking at their recent actions
Asashoryu is bringing excitement to the sport. Better get rid of him before Sumo becomes popular with a younger audience.
If the JSA keeps this up maybe after his next victory he'll pump up a few middle fingers, take his winnings, and go home!
Some of you guys are way too emotional
asashoryu had too much on his shoulders - the pressure and non-stop bullying by the media and fans alike - so i guess it was a perfect gesture to show his victory amidst all hammers above him! he's great! i liked the fact that he won! he's human that has emotion. sumo wrestlers have emotions too! thank god asashoryu is there to show to the world that champion sumo wrestlers also have souls! the ones who went before him didnt...
These JSA guys are killing sumo, it wont be what is was, these morons killed Sumo, it could have been massive internationally but they want to keep it all locked down and kiss ass.
And yet, Takamisakari - known for always pumping his arms as he prepares and showing his emotions with each completion, is not criticized. But then he is not yet a grand champion.
Human Nature.
Isn't this the group that stopped the traditional throwing of the cushions when there's an upset by tying them together? Actually I saw a couple of cushions flying when Ama, er, Harumafuji beat Hakuho - they must have ripped them apart, ha ha ha!
Fixing fights - OK. Killing a young wrestler, hammering his head with baseball bats - OK. Actually showing human emotion and enjoying victory - that is soooo ugly!
Asashoryu is the mike Tyson of SUMO. but he's the lone interessting wrestler.
Apparently the foreigners wish to rewrite the rules, foreigners on the inside and on the outside. All the shouting and offensive remarks are not going to achieve that any time soon. If there is a code of conduct you obey it, simple as that.
Dennis Bauer
If all the Mogolians in sumo would step down in Sumo, It ould become very Boring. The JSA needs a youth injection to get rid of the small minded members
The JSA is an old boys club and those old fools won't be retiring anytime soon, me thinks they will go down with the sinking ship
I guess the JSA feel that the number of sumo fans haven't dwindled low enough yet.
Fist pump, fist bump...
...why has fisting become so popular recently?
Asa excites the crowd and Sumo certainly needs something to liven up this fast dying sport. It's about time the old gits of the JSA were put out to pasture.
Where was all of this hoopla when Takanohana was baring his teeth after winning tourneys against Akebono, Musashimaru, and even his own brother, Wakanohana? How often, after slapping down an opponent and winning a trophy, did Takanohana show unrestrained emotion (yet not a word of criticism)? What a pathetic double-standard! Here Asashoryu was roasted by the press prior to the last tourney, with many calling for him to just hang it up, then he comeso ut, goes 5-1, wins the yusho, and, after an emotional victory over a very good opponent, with al the drama one could ask for, he pumps his fists in victory......and the JSA issues a "stern warning".
God forbid we have fun in Sumo. God forbid we actually enjoy ourselves when we win! This is more anti-Asashoryu Baloney that has no place in Sumo, or anywhere else.
likeitis, stop defending a jealous JSA Chief who seems to have too much time on his hands, in that he has to fault Asa, his beya, and the Oyaji. If this JSA Chief has to nitpick, then he needs to be removed from his position.
The article states that this might be normal in the NFL, but, in fact, too much celebration after a touchdown gets your team a penalty and the individual player can be fined.
If you are interested in watching rikishi celebrate after a win, you should watch college sumo. There is a lot of emotion there. I'm sure that's what makes it so popular.
The biggest problem with sumo that it is on from 4pm to 6pm every day, when most people are at work or school. It should be on later in the day, from 6 to 8 or even 7 to 9. That one move would fill up the stands and increase viewership at home.
JSA mind is living in 1850 lifestyle while whole world is living 2009 lifestyle. Grow up! Move on! JSA!
You see, this is why ppl go crazy & kill themselves... why in the hell are they trying to have control over over somebody elses emotions. He a friggin champion for crying out loud... CELEBRATE!
jp for you.unneccesary rules and traditions.Asashoryu is my man ,he brings such fun to sumo
Ken Watanabe
"Asashoryu in trouble again for pumping his fist after victory"
Huh? what do you mean by "again"? I understand that Sumo wrestlers are supposed to withhold their emotional behavior in the ring, but why is his action this time problematized as if he made the misconduct after the bout? You might want to problematize his action as a violation of cultural norm in Japan Sumo Association-- that's fine. But this stands on the different plane from his behavior off the ring and the past incidents mentioned in the last part of the article. It's less convincing to call his behavior this time "trouble." This kind of media blitz is more problematic than his characteristic behavior.
I see that Asa has said he is sorry for thrusting his fists in the air while still in the dohyo.
Asa: "It was my first title in a while and I let my emotions get away from me."
I think that is more than sufficient.
I like his Fanta commercial.
hey, if u allow fist pumping, the next thing u know they'll be studying nfl TD celebrations and doing the Iki Shuffle.
Patricia Yarrow
I just love Asashoryu.....and wish that was MY transgressive cushion sitting so prettily in the photograph. The next basho- can't arrive soon enough.