Japan Today
beijing 2022 winter olympics

American Erin Jackson 1st Black woman to win speedskating gold; silver for Takagi


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The Chinese fan's heads will be exploding because an African-American from the sunny state of Florida just won one of the premiere individual competitions during the Winter Olympics. I am pretty sure WeChat and Weibo will be on high lockdown to edit the racist content coming out of Beijing.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Never heard of her with all the reporting by the J-media on Miho Takagi and the impression

given the Gold was Miho's to lose.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Excellent! Won't get any publicity in many circles and she's too dark for Japanese to care unless they can find a connection she has to the country.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Some very strange commentary. Kudos to Erin Jackson. As for the whiter than white slap at Miho Takagi, Jackson defeating Takagi is a measure of greatness.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Well done! Congrats! I had never heard of her either and instead heard nothing BUT Takagi this and that until her defeat. Kind of quiet now.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I’m confused… aside from announcing that who won the medal, local media always focuses on their national athletes especially if their are medal contenders. Of course they are going to cover Japanese athletes more than people from another country.

I was able to watch some US broadcasting, and they do the same thing… focus on US athletes on the podium regardless of medal color….

Unless someone is a legend in the sport, they won’t get much coverage in another country’s media.

Shawn White got plenty of coverage.

Anyhows, congrats to Jackson… lots of breakthrough black athletes from the US from the most recent summer & winter games!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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