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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Djokovic's detention becomes political issue in Australia
Serves him right for being vocal about not wanting to be vaccinated. Should have kept quiet about his views.
wayan Ubud
No one is exempt in Australia and that includes this guy. Kudos to the Aussie government for standing firm on this issue.
What an ego. Vanity.
My name is Djokovic, I am the victim, covid boarder rules don't apply to the great Djokovic.
Djokovic father even ......
Novak Djokovic's Father Compares Son's Detainment in Australia to Crucifixion of Jesus
Sports celebrity entitlement has no bounds, even in a pandemic that has taken 2,301 Australian lives.
Rob Nads
haha, what a joke of a country and government. Athletes should boycott any future events held in Australia.
Djokovic should never have left Dubai without the proper documentation-that airline is going to get a fine
Looks like a knee-jerk reaction of a government which tries to score political points by riding on the public opinion against young, famous people with valid medical concerns against the vaccine.
Whilst Australia is in full panic and fear mode with thousands of cases community spread, food shortages due to staff shortages and states reimposing COVID restrictions all over the country, one can see how vital not allowing one particular individual ( tested COVID free and possessive of some immunity due to previous infections) is to the security and well being of the nation,
Of course it is not polical.
I would be surprised if Godwin's law has not been repeatedly proved by now.
"I'm an anti-vax nut job and I'm so important and above your rules. Let me in your country where I'm a guest or you're being political !"
He has said that he is not against vaccines, but it's his choice if he'll get a certain vaccine or not.
Happy Day
Perfectly understandable. Australia’s zero Covid policy was brilliant.
And if they let him in, it might lead to a spike in cases.
Sure and that choice means he can't play tennis in Australia, but he seems to want Australia to ignore the consequences of his choices. He wants to be treated special. What privilege. What entitlement.
Well, do you expect someone to form an international team of independent medical experts to look at his case? Cause apparently, no one believes the guys hired by Australia Open. And what about the other people who got through with the exact same exemption, why should they be allowed in? Call them liars, based on zero evidence, and kick them out.
’Migrant’ ‘Dirty’ ….a bare old fashioned appeal to an old fashioned audience!
I'm not disagreeing that it's not political. I'm just saying that because he didn't take a vaccine is the reason he isn't playing tennis in Australia. His decision, his consequences.
If you're talking about Djokivic, then Morrison's political diversion has worked. The diversion is to hide the failures of a stale government, a botched vaccination roll out and a PM obsessed with tawdry photo opportunities.
Mr. Noidall
Actually 77%, there. Better to get your facts straight. Most likely reason is Omicron variant. Vaccines are less effective for infection unless you have booster. This isn't rocket science.
A Political 100% . Who won last year Australian open ?? That right Djokovic. What the % of vaccinated Australian???? 0% last year yet they allow Djokovic entry. What is the reason why Djokovic rejection ??? He is a dangerous health risk to Australian. What is today vaccinated % of Australian ??? 93 %. So this year Djokovic is deem a health rise when 93 % of Australian are vaccinated but not allowed entry but last year when 0% of Australian were vaccinated but was allow entry. You don’t have be a doctor to know that last year Djokovic was more of a risk to Australian compared to today. This smell and taste more like political then a health issues. Australia have Borders Force office at any airport which has a direct flight into Australia. At Dubai the Border Force excepted his visa and allowed Djokovic onto the flight but when Djokovic arrive Border Force cancel his visa. Only 14 hour prior this Visa was legal. This has nothing to do with a health issue this is purely a political stunt play out to victimised And demonise Djokovic so Morrison can score Political points with the Australian voting public. I have pointed out the healths risk were way more dangerous than today but they allow Djokovic entry last year. Today unvaccinated Australian are not deem a health risk and allow entry but a unvaccinated Serbians are deem a health risk and not allow entry. That is a clear case of discrimination. I bet on Monday Djokovic will be granted entry and I can not wait for the interview. It will be political dynamite for Morrison. Macron was 100% correct when he labeled Morrison a LIAR.
2020hindsight. 77% no wrong incorrect. 93% It is. You are look at Early November figures. The site you look at has not up dated the figures to the correct % of 93%
Why would you exempt someone from following national laws because they are a tennis star?
This guy is so entitled to think he was above the law, serves him right.
Hervé L'Eisa
"... in a city where 92% of the eligible population is fully vaccinated." and yet "Melbourne reported 21,728 new COVID-19 cases on Friday"
So, the jabs not performing as advertised?
In Queensland right now you can go to a gym, vaxxed or unvaxxed, take a spin class, sweat and breathe on each other in an enclosed room for an hour, and that's okay. But you can't let a medically-exempt player from entering a tournament, and instead, send him home. It's an embarrassment, it's un-Australian, and people are waking up.
Whatever they've been doing for the last two years has not been working. Time for a snap election, let's get in someone new.