Japan Today

Florida offers to host Olympics if Tokyo backs out: state official

By Philip FONG

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Immmm... in a state proven to have played down the virus under Ron DeSantes in The States, which is the hardest hit nation in the world, Florida wants to host it if Japan bails for safety reasons after pressure from the world?

28 ( +32 / -4 )

Who wants to go to the US at the moment for the Olympics?

Maybe the Russians and Chinese!

It is the COVID-19 "Murder Capital of the World"!

The current death count is 418,000+ and rising thanks to the former failed president!

Luckily, the adults have been elected, and they will stamp out such nonsense from the "Peanut Gallery".

11 ( +20 / -9 )

The fact that a country needs years of preparations for an Olympic, there's no chance in hell it would happen in Florida this year! Hell! the odds are low enough for it happening in Japan.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

Make the tickets valid.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I don't know what those guys are smoking in Florida, but it must be really good and strong. Jimmy is tripping badly

23 ( +25 / -2 )

Go for it. Ain’t humid or hot there like Tokyo.

-22 ( +7 / -29 )

Lol...That is the funniest thing I heard for a long time.

The country that handled the Virus in the most worse way wants to host the Olympics???

That is really funny!

15 ( +23 / -8 )

Jesus what an idiotic thing to offer.

Its just so stupid on so many levels.

17 ( +21 / -4 )

Yes, let’s hold the Games in a Covid hot spot. Good idea. I’m sure the people of Florida are thrilled at the prospect.

20 ( +21 / -1 )


6 ( +8 / -2 )

I'm sure this is an early April Fool's joke. For me, reading this headline is like "Out of the frying pan and into to fire."

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The Tory candidate for the London mayoral elections made the same offer last February.

Seems to be a right-wing obsession, the Olympics....

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Laughable. Florida is one of the worlds worst Covid disaster zones. It will take at least a year or two for it to recover. Thousands of safer places on earth - including Tokyo - to host the Olympics if they go ahead.

The Florida Governor is clearly a fool.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

I don't think the Florida guy realizes that holding the Olympics requires that bags of money changes hands...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Go for it. Ain’t humid or hot there like Tokyo.

Florida in July is both hot and humid.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

@NumanToday  Who wants to go to the US at the moment ...?

Actually, a number of foreigners are apparently traveling to Florida to get vaccinated. I have two family members who got the Moderna vaccine today. While in Japan, we wait.


4 ( +6 / -2 )

Florida? LOL. The US is basically having death tolls similar to 9/11 terror attack every day. Not so much for Tokyo. I wonder where is safer? What a complete tool.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

I'd much rather watch the Olympics if they were held in Florida. The scenery there is way more beautiful than drab gray Tokyo.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

"I am determined to realize a safe and secure Tokyo Games as proof that mankind will have overcome the virus," said Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.

Japan strikes me as being a country which is not too concerned about mankind as a whole, but only of Japankind. I would feel 10 times safer on Florida than I would in Japan regarding Cinvid-19.

I very kind offer from Florida, because Tokyo just looks more and more unfeasible. It is difficult to believe anything Japanese government bureaucracy says.

As a spectator, I would prefer to hear "welcome to Florida", rather than "this is Japan".

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Yeah! Let then have it! And Trump lives there now, so it is bound to be a really Bigli and Yuge event!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Assorted loons try this every time. Free publicity, that’s all it is.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

If they move it to the US they woild have to cancel, no one would turn up.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

" I would feel 10 times safer on Florida than I would in Japan regarding Cinvid-19."

Really? I suggest you read the article a little bit more carefully:

"But Florida has struggled badly in the coronavirus pandemic, with over 25,000 deaths so far in the state as the U.S. death toll nears 420,000."

5 ( +8 / -3 )


Actually, a number of foreigners are apparently traveling to Florida to get vaccinated. I have two family members who got the Moderna vaccine today. While in Japan, we wait.


Yes, I am aware of the medical tourism in Florida at the moment. However, there are also reports of people illegally obtaining doses which increases the potential for fraud. The rollout is slow now, but once the shortage starts. We will have to worry about people who think they are vaccinated when they are not. In addition, people having adverse effects to homemade version.

Where are they going to get all those doses to guarantee visitors are vaccinated?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Trump recently moved to Florida. Might there be a connection?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

How unusual! An American who doesn't realize that the rest of the world is in a far better situation than in his own country!

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Florida lol its basically the capital of the world for infections at the moment, why would any sane Olympic team want to go there. lol

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Haha, one word: Dozo!!!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"I am determined to realize a safe and secure Tokyo Games as proof that mankind will have overcome the virus," said Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.

Brilliant, the millions who lost their lives as well as their relatives and loved ones will be cheering

and celebrating our victory over this virus. Hope Suga and Koike will do a victory lap and will be

provided a gold medal for the victory.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Yes, the US cannot become the most virus superspreading area from Olympic as they are already by far the one and only on the top of the list. lol

3 ( +4 / -1 )

As a resident of Florida, let me clarify a few things.

There is little self-isolation. No mask enforcement.

Vaccination rollout has been and continues to be a catastrophe.

The state data has been manipulated from Day One to downplay the spread.

This guy, our "CFO" has been complicit in not only the Covid disinformation but has been supporting legislation that removes liability from restaurant owners should their employees contract Covid. That means they could allow more table density, no masks and not have a concern about the consequences.

Keep the Olympics out of Florida (not that there is a chance in heck they come here). If they can't be played in Tokyo then we should just wait until it is safe enough for them to be held.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

As a spectator, I would prefer to hear "welcome to Florida", rather than "this is Japan"

As a spectator you’re going to be watching the 2021 Olympics on television or most likely not at all. Florida has 0% chance of hosting the Olympics. Why is this even being discussed?

11 ( +11 / -0 )

The chief financial officer's brain must be finally infected with corona virus.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

As a resident of Florida, let me clarify a few things.

There is little self-isolation. No mask

Vaccination rollout has been and continues to be a catastrophe.

Well toboiski, how do you think that the vaccination rollout should be done, and in what way do you think it could be done better. Japan does not have a vaccination rollout right now, perhaps you could assist the Japanese goverment and people(s) as to how it should be done.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Isn’t covid rampant is the USA ? It would be safer in Tokyo .

1 ( +4 / -3 )

If Trump puts up bamboo huts all over his property it could be a new Olympic village. And as long as Ivanka and Jerry are not there I am sure they can use the toilets as well.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

In terms of easiness social distancing Tokyo must be one of the worst places on this planet. All the spaces, open and covered, are cramped and crowded. In any other country where there is a bit of breathing space, most Olympic events, if not all, can be organized in the open air and with proper distancing. Swimming, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics - why not?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Oh, isn't that spectacular! If the Olympic is held in Florida, U.S. athletes will be awarded 3gold, 3silver and 3bronze medals each for all countries will relinquish.

Go have your way, we don't need the Olympic at this moment anyways.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

99.99999999% of 7.8 billion people are laughing.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Might as well go ahead and do the swimming competitions in the alligator infested swamps whilst they're at it.....

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Will they have a “Florida Man” race?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Trump recently moved to Florida. Might there be a connection?

Good point. Wouldn't surprise me.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Who cares let Florida have the Olympics at least it will take the burden off the Japanse GOVT to finally realize the COVID mess they have to tackle. Good riddinacce Tokyo Olympic. I do want to thank you for spending a lot of cash on making Tokyo, Shibuya, Shin-bashi station and area look nice only because of the Olympics which Americans wouldnt do as there infra is like the stone age ready to crumble.

This will be a lesson learned in life.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Who cares let Florida have the Olympics at least it will take the burden off the Japanse GOVT to finally realize the COVID mess they have to tackle. 

Quite agree, Re-apply for 2032 and this gives Japan plenty of time (11 years) to sort out, not only Covid, but other areas where Japan needs major reform. In the meantime, all the facilities built for the games have been a public investment for the good people of Tokyo.

PS. Now Tokyo should keep the old Harajuku Station.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Move the Olympics back to Greece, and leave them there forever.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Whatever precautions are required let's figure it out and get it done

There should be only one precaution and that is there is no chance competitors or spectators will die because of the virus during the games. If you can't guarantee that then the games shouldn't be held anywhere.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

1) I can't go to Florida because I am subject to a 2 week quarantine afterward, even if I had the vaccine.

2) Most of Europe, UK, South Africa, and Brazil are on US travel ban list. So hosting an Olympic requires lifting of these travel bans which I can't see happening.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Mo Farah says athletes have been told they will get vaccines, despite the GB Olympic association saying otherwise. Have the IOC been talking nonsense again? Will they take vaccines from older or vulnerable people just to keep the money rolling in? Of course they will.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Tokyo 2020

It's a curse

I wish for them to be cancelled completely.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This is just Florida having a joke. Less people will be willing to travel to the nation that is the epicenter of the virus than to Japan. Florida knows this but just wants to have a laugh.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Why all the fear mongering? If you feel unsafe, stay home. Let others live their lives, especially the young and healthy.

U.S. COVID stats are greatly exaggerated because hospitals get rich off COVID. It's probably a little worse in the U.S. because people are not as healthy, but don't believe the hype. Watch for things to drastically "improve" now that Trump is gone.

Florida, including Disney World and Universal Studios which are both very large, has been open a while and is fine. They hosted the NBA bubble. They are hosting the Super Bowl. Perhaps that is why they are confident they could manage the games. Maybe not at 100% capacity, but it can be done.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

 I would prefer to hear "welcome to Florida", rather than "this is Japan".

I would think most non Americans would not.

As a child and later as a young man I would travel to the USA often, to see friends and family, vacation, etc... Since 2001 every time I entered or transit it was nothing but trouble, safety is not even a thing, I spent years refusing to go until 5 years ago I had no choice as a client insisted I attend a trade show ( no Japanese would go) nothing had changed still nothing but trouble entering, poor service, greasy food, etc...

Let's face it what tourist would prefer going to a country with little real culture and history, greasy food and thinks that because you pile on a ton of food on a plate that translates to good food.

When they can come to a clean, safe country with great culture, long history, great food, polite service, etc...

Never once in my life have a heard a European, Canadian, Australian, etc.. say wow it is my dream to one day visit the USA, but I regularly hear "wow it is my dream to on day visit Japan".

Don't get me wrong there are some very nice people in the USA but as a place non Americans can go and feel welcome and safe compared to Japan not even close especially with the Qrumpers movement still on going.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Move the Olympics back to Greece, and leave them there forever.

Now that I sort of agree with.

If we are not going to end these games permanently to end the corruption, then a permanent homeI, If not Greece then some place else.

No more wasting billions on building new facilities that most will never be used again.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

The fact that a country needs years of preparations for an Olympic, there's no chance in hell it would happen in Florida this year! Hell! the odds are low enough for it happening in Japan.

Florida has many world-class venues already. I suspect only the white-water rafting would need to be held out of state, in Georgia or TN or SC.

Isn’t covid rampant is the USA ? It would be safer in Tokyo .

In August, Tokyo will still be a dangerous place for COVID. Today, Tokyo is much safer than anywhere in the USA for COVID.

By August, almost all average people living anywhere in the USA will have been vaccinated. Visitors coming will probably be able to get vaccinated at almost any drug store by that point - just walk in. The magic of capitalism pays off in the long run. If there is money to be made, someone will step in. I wouldn't be surprised to see vaccinations available for international flights landing in the US by August.

The problem with NOT holding the games in Japan really comes down to sunk costs. If the IOC can shift all the games out 4 yrs and have Tokyo get the games in 2024, then the govt loans for the money spent, but not recovered wouldn't need to last so long.

I doubt the games will shift to Florida. Too many people have too much already spent.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Early April Fool's joke for sure. Doesn't make any sense.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Let's face it what tourist would prefer going to a country with little real culture and history, greasy food and thinks that because you pile on a ton of food on a plate that translates to good food.

When they can come to a clean, safe country with great culture, long history, great food, polite service, etc...

Never once in my life have a heard a European, Canadian, Australian, etc.. say wow it is my dream to one day visit the USA, but I regularly hear "wow it is my dream to on day visit Japan".

Don't get me wrong there are some very nice people in the USA but as a place non Americans can go and feel welcome and safe compared to Japan not even close especially with the Qrumpers movement still on going.

Excellent point.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

By August, almost all average people living anywhere in the USA will have been vaccinated. Visitors coming will probably be able to get vaccinated at almost any drug store by that point - just walk in. The magic of capitalism pays off in the long run.

Here is a reminder, 100 million doses in 100 days this does not mean 100 million people it means 50 million 2 doses each, August is about 200 days which if all goes well will mean about 100 million Americans nowhere near all the people living anywhere in the USA but about 1/3. And this is contingent on if the USA can secure enough doses in time.

The USA as of now has not secured enough doses for it population, unlike Japan that not only has secured enough but more than it needs and has priority due to contract timing.

The EU countries did the same and are now investigating the vaccine manufacturers because they suspect their details are due to diverting vaccines to the USA and others paying more.

If this is found to be true then all exports of Vaccine to the USA will be blocked.

The USA missed it's chance early on to secure more vaccine in priority so it will in the end have to wait after Japan and the EU get their orders.

The new USA administration is finding out now just how bad the situation is, stocks of vaccine are near empty and no one seems to know where it all went as no one was tracking anything.

But the the governor of Florida has been covering up just about all the facts about covid in the State going so far as to send the police to raid and intimidate a whistleblower despite whistleblower protection laws.

Yes we are really going to trust the USA and Florida when it comes to Covid-19, I don't think so.

I would say avoid the USA like the plague but then it is a plague out of control right now there.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Florida health experts and those involved in the vaccination, just announced that with the present system and how Florida is doing thing it will take until Thanksgiving to vaccinate 20 million out of a population of 40 million. And that is considered optimistic.

Yep great place to go, not.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Europe Is Flirting With a Vaccine Disaster

The bloc has only managed to administer about 8.9 million doses in total, according to the Bloomberg vaccine tracker, about two for every 100 citizens. The U.S. and the U.K. are running at seven and 10.5 respectively, while Israel is at 43. Since all vaccines that have been approved so far require two jabs to work, it’s a very steep mountain to climb to get the EU’s program on track.

The EU’s failures start with its pre-orders of vaccines.

It’s not too late to address earlier failings, but EU politicians must act quickly. The pursuit of normality is a race that has to be won, both for health-care and economic reasons. Those who arrive second will endure the consequences for a long time.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

 I would prefer to hear "welcome to Florida", rather than "this is Japan".

I would think most non Americans would not.

As a child and later as a young man I would travel to the USA often, to see friends and family, vacation, etc... Since 2001 every time I entered or transit it was nothing but trouble, safety is not even a thing, I spent years refusing to go until 5 years ago I had no choice as a client insisted I attend a trade show ( no Japanese would go) nothing had changed still nothing but trouble entering, poor service, greasy food, etc...

Let's face it what tourist would prefer going to a country with little real culture and history, greasy food and thinks that because you pile on a ton of food on a plate that translates to good food.

When they can come to a clean, safe country with great culture, long history, great food, polite service, etc...

Never once in my life have a heard a European, Canadian, Australian, etc.. say wow it is my dream to one day visit the USA, but I regularly hear "wow it is my dream to on day visit Japan".

Don't get me wrong there are some very nice people in the USA but as a place non Americans can go and feel welcome and safe compared to Japan not even close especially with the Qrumpers movement still on going.

It would seem that 1.3 million Japanese who live in the USA don't share your view, along with the millions of people worldwide who visit The US every year.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

What a laughable offer. Probably the only city in the US and maybe the whole world that could pull off a short notice summer Olympics is Los Angeles. All the required venues are there from the 1932 and 1984 Olympics.  Nearly all are being used as public recreation facilities and are well maintained or belong to a major university and are likewise ready to use.  Nothing new would have to be built. The dorms at USC could serve as lodging for the Olympians, just as they did in 1984. Los Angeles was about the only city to turn a profit from an Olympics in modern memory. Florida has never hosted one and doesn't even begin to have the necessary facilities.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

CONCLUSION: Out of the Frypan, Into the Fire!

Cause & Effect is so much greater if this was to happen.

This will ignite not just a SUPER-SPREADER, but A MEGA SPREADER.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Never once in my life have a heard a European, Canadian, Australian, etc.. say wow it is my dream to one day visit the USA, but I regularly hear "wow it is my dream to on day visit Japan".

Where I live we have an endless stream of European tourists coming to experience the desert in mid-summer., to experience heat and dryness not seen anywhere in Europe. There is a German company that keeps big sleeper buses in the US for use by the German tourists it books. Europeans have a hard time comprehending the vastness and lack of towns. There are places out here where the nearest towns are 250 km apart, with no gas or other services in between. No nothing, just open desert/rangeland interspersed with mountains and the occasional farm.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It's ridiculous. Makes no sense.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So China has less deaths than the USA from covid19? LOL!! The CCP propaganda has got you guys fooled. The USA has actual REAL data instead of just showing how much data they prefer to release to "look good" to the world. Big difference. But I don't expect people in this comment section to have enough intelligence enough to understand. OH yeah, btw Sweden had zero lockdowns for Covid19 and is doing far worse than the USA. The deaths to population ratio is worse there. So is Sweden a bad place or is this just hate against USA?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Florida remains the Florida of Florida

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Desert TortoiseToday  02:49 am JST

Where I live we have an endless stream of European tourists coming to experience the desert in mid-summer., to experience heat and dryness not seen anywhere in Europe. There is a German company that keeps big sleeper buses in the US for use by the German tourists it books.

Well, there aren't any tourists now.

Alan ReeceToday  03:29 am JST

So China has less deaths than the USA from covid19? LOL!! The CCP propaganda has got you guys fooled. The USA has actual REAL data instead of just showing how much data they prefer to release to "look good" to the world. Big difference. But I don't expect people in this comment section to have enough intelligence enough to understand. OH yeah, btw Sweden had zero lockdowns for Covid19 and is doing far worse than the USA. The deaths to population ratio is worse there. So is Sweden a bad place or is this just hate against USA?

Howdy Alan. I know we're not very intelligent and don't have big brains like you, but did you know that Sweden is 21st in the whole big wide world in deaths per population? Golly, there are a hundred or so other countries better than Sweden.

Gee whiz, Sweden has 10 times the deaths of Norway and Finland (they're right next to Sweden) combined.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So China has less deaths than the USA from covid19? LOL!! The CCP propaganda has got you guys fooled. 

We had family members in China, to our great dismay, traveling between cities by car during their "lock-down". Any city as big as those in China is highly porous and people were moving between them official pronouncements and videos of roadblocks notwithstanding.

Howdy Alan. I know we're not very intelligent and don't have big brains like you, but did you know that Sweden is 21st in the whole big wide world in deaths per population? Golly, there are a hundred or so other countries better than Sweden.

The point being made zoomed completely over your head. As I read the comment it was to say that yes Sweden did a terrible job of protecting its population against the pandemic but you don't see the degree of hate being aimed at Sweden that one sees hurled at the US.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Florida remains the Florida of Florida

I laughed

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Laughed when I read the article

and even harder when I read some of the

comments here.

Cant fix stupid...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Head or Tail, Flip the coin! It's still Tokyo for me.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The US has a vaccine rollout whereas Japan does not-the US has already vaccinated its military, showing that the country is leaps and bounds ahead of Japan which literally allows its own citizens the cruel fate of dying at home alone!

Florida is better able to handle the pandemic

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

OH yeah, btw Sweden had zero lockdowns for Covid19 and is doing far worse than the USA. The deaths to population ratio is worse there. So is Sweden a bad place or is this just hate against USA?

You did read the article or at least the tittle?

Sweden isn't offering to host the Olympics Florida is and until Florida move to Sweden, people will comment on the country where Florida is and that is the USA.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Where I live we have an endless stream of European tourists coming to experience the desert in mid-summer.........

Sure I said "Dream" not go for a cheap vacation.

You have a few bucks yep easy fast travel from Europe the USA is a quick choice.

You are planning the trip of a life time, you head to someplace far, with long long history and culture, etc....

Florida ain't it. Beaches sure, carjacking most definitely, over sides plates of food yep.

Safety, nope, long traditions and culture, nope.

Let's face it, can't get around without a car, which brings me to how car rental companies has to stop putting their names on their cars because it let people know the occupants were tourist and made them targets of criminals.

Nice places in the USA are plenty, Vermont, Maine, but not Florida.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Oh the irony. The obesity capital of the world hosting the Olympics. This without even considering the fact it is riddled with the virus.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

LOL, and here come the Florida Nuts into the conversation.

Do they think that people have seriously not been paying attention to all the garbage they have been up to the last few..................decades?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Trump set up a Former President Office. is this part of his strategy?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Move the Olympics to the country with the worst record on Earth for dealing with the pandemic?

What could go wrong?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

C'mon! Relocating the Games to the USA where the Covid numbers are the highest, and many idiots in Florida have been having 'Get CoVid parties'. Is Jimmy stoned? Just when I thought things couldn't get any dumber. Anything to make a buck. Words fail me.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well Biden in his all mighty wisdom, wants to have 150,000,000 immunized in the next 3-4 months. Problem is, there are over 300 million and about a quarter of them don’t want anything to do with a shot. It would Benefit the world to either move to next year or cancel all together. Sh#% happens.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

That sounds like a horrible idea. I cannot think of many places that have handled the pandemic worse than the state of Florida. I am sure this idea will go nowhere. If any place can do this effectively, it is Japan. Certainly not Florida.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

 If any place can do this effectively, it is Japan

Japan has not handled it well at all, have you been paying attention Stein?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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