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Crystal Palace to investigate racial abuse of Kamada


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I’d like to know what racist abuse the British spectators hurled at the Japanese footballer exactly. Was it too inappropriate even to print?

8 ( +12 / -4 )

He was abused by some Palace supporters as he walked off the field. From info from my friends who were at the ground and witnessed the incident, they were ‘go back to where you came from” and also referring to him as a J@p in an insult with other offensive words.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Crystal Palace fans are pretty notorious for being as low class as their team.

Zero tolerance for this rubbish. They are not real sports fans. Life bans for those caught.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Crystal Palace fans are pretty notorious for being as low class as their team.

Zero tolerance for this rubbish. They are not real sports fans. Life bans for those caught.


5 ( +5 / -0 )


Actually that is false Information which you would know if you had any knowledge about the club. It’s in a racially diverse area, had many black players from the local area before that was the norm. It was one of the first clubs to make an area in the ground as a safe area for children in the 80’s. There are certain teams with fans that have bad histories of racism in London but Crystal Palace isn’t one of them.

The culprits will be located and dealt with.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

He was abused by some Palace supporters as he walked off the field

We usually say ‘pitch’ in England, Steve.

Anyway, find who did it and ban them.

Crystal Palace fans are pretty notorious for being as low class as their team

Harsh. Don’t judge them all like this.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I'm more surprised to hear of a Japanese player being sent off. Doesn't strike me as their general style.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I'm more surprised to hear of a Japanese player being sent off. Doesn't strike me as their general style.

You may be surprised, but it does happen. Japanese players are not always angelic on the pitch. And tackles can sometimes go very wrong.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Some fans use their anger and frustration at their team's loss and use racist chants. Hopefully, the other fans will report them and maybe spot them on camera. A very very long ban or Lifetime ban. Football, has been full of it for decades, and they never really took it seriously.(according to some black players).Somehow, your supposed to USE THAT POISON, and perform even higher, ironically. No player should have to USE it to PERFORM better to silence a racist. The other fans should be silencing the racists. Not the play on the pitch.

The fans should GRASS ON them.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Maybe he was blamed because he got a red card which contributed to the loss of his team ?

Then some supporters get crazy and starts throwing words because passion overides reason.

Banning for life supporters would make go broke many clubs, explaining why it barely happens unfortunately.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

There is no room for racism in football or any sport. Fans caught making racism need to be banned.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Fighto!Today  08:44 am JST

Crystal Palace fans are pretty notorious for being as low class as their team.

Zero tolerance for this rubbish. They are not real sports fans. Life bans for those caught.

I don't understand, you insult the Chinese and North Koreans very often (even racist) and now you are shocked if people do like you.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

I don't understand, you insult the Chinese and North Koreans very often (even racist) and now you are shocked if people do like you.

Having a hatred of totalitarian regimes - and some of these are white, some Asian - is hardly racism.

Angrily calling someone a "J@p" (as alleged here) IS racism. There is zero room nor tolerance for it - in football or life. Perpetrators should be banned from stadia for life.

0 ( +5 / -5 )


But you didn’t tell the truth, Palace fans don’t have a bad reputation. It was disgusted fans who reported the incident to the club owners,

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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