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© 2014 AFPFukushima governor wants 2020 Olympic torch relay to go past nuclear plant
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I don't know if it was on purpose but I think it would be amusing that the story directly after this one, lets all go running past Daiichi, is there are new problems with Daiichi if it was so depressingly serious.
Fukushima Governor, Japanese politicians in general, please get a clue... you created a self regulating nuclear power industry that lead to one of the world man made disasters in recent human history.. stop pretending nothing is going on and every thing is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.. I don't necessarily buy the worst estimates from people with agendas on the opposite side but I think its clear that area is no longer suitable for human habitation, agriculture or fishing ever again.
Good suggestion.
100% agree. In their pitch, the JOC made a big deal about how having the Olympics in Tokyo would "uplift" the spirits of the people in Fukushima. So it is absolutely correct that the torch relay, and other Olympic-related events, be staged there.
Patricia Yarrow
That has to be the stupidest publicity stunt of all time. Make sure the torch is carried by people who still live in shacks and can't go home again ever, just to draw attention. And while we are at it, run that torch way south by Taji and the dolphin slaughter cove, for good measure. Sheesh.
The relay in Fukushima would be a great idea to draw attention to the issue, but I'm sure the national government will quash this idea faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100m. They will prefer to sweep it all under the rug for 2020.
What a great idea!
But may we suggest you Mr. Yuhei Sato, the region’s governor, along with your family and other Fukushima authorities who support your idea and their family's be the torchbearers and run the area despite uncertainties over radioactive contamination there.
That might be just what it takes to convince those skeptics that uncertainties over radioactive contamination are over exaggerated and the area is truly recovering and safe. You and the others could start now by training daily for the run in the area you propose but something tells me however that you may find yourself training by yourself.
Get TEPCO management to run that leg of the relay.
Fukushima governor wants 2020 Olympic torch relay to go past nuclear plant
Carried by Mr. Ishihara ?!
The same thing was said about Nagasaki and Hiroshima back in 1945, but by 1946 these cities were already being rebuilt and reinhabited, weren't they? People are living in Nagasaki and Hiroshima now, aren't they?
We also can't honestly say that the nuclear plants were "self-regulating." The Daiichi plant was carefully built following the standards which the Japanese government required. Unfortunately, the tsunami was much higher than what government planners predicted when they set their requirements.
Running the torch past the powerplant is foolishness, and is just a ploy for the governor to get his name in the papers.
The worlds media will be converging on Japan and they will all be interested in the "Reconstruction",current state of affairs, the new lap(watchdog) and none will be covered by a secrecy act. It's going to be very regrettable when the world sees what's going on. No need to run the touch past, but it would focuss attention on what was played in a winning hand.
Ali Khan
This is our nuclear plant, let,s see what we have done. Mr, Governor after this stunt you have to give a lot of answers to the international media, are you preferred for that situation?
Oh some people really don't get it. Unless itis TEPCO board members running without protection, I do not agree with this at all.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki experienced a nuclear detonation that stopped showering the areas with radiation after the mushroom clouds drifted away.
That is in stark contrast to the Daiichi plant which continues to spew radiation from it's breached reactors and #4 units storage cooling pool into the atmosphere and into the countryside where it continues to accumulate with no end in sight and as a result workers are still wearing full protective gear and are time-limited in the area. The reactor buildings are structurally unstable and there are frequent leakages of storage tanks that contain highly contaminated water just to name a few of the problems that have overwhelmed TEPCO and government officials. What we do know is the tip of the iceberg and what don't know and aren't told really ought to make us think twice!
As long as they run really fast
sangetsu03: The Nagasaki bomb (Fat Man) contained 6.2 kg of plutonium. The Hiroshima bomb (Little Boy) contained 64 kg of uranium. After the explosions, the radioactive material was in a mushroom cloud. Some was brought down by rain, the rest drifted away. The #3 reactor at Fukushima alone contains a melted core of uranium, that will be there for a very long time, that weighs 90 TONS!
totally agree with @jerseyboy. once again, japan played the "we want the (insert any sporting event) in order to uplift the people of japan after 3.11. puh-lease. no sporting event will do that. the only thing that will do that is kicking the j-govt in the derriere.
Christopher Blackwell
I would agree the torch runners should be run past the plant and as a show of their confidence. The torch runners should be made up of top politicians in government, top officers of the chief clean up contractors, and upper level officers of Tokyo Electric Power Co. I am sure these good men will be willing to take this minor risk as a matter of honor to build confidence of the Japanese people over the clean up effort.
What, are they friggin nuts?? or just unGodly.
Kent D Hatashita
I think this may be part of the cause for Mr. Perfect's and B.B.Q.Demon's critique of your post. I think that all four of us share the same conclusion- that this is a bad idea, but they way in which it was written, statements that can be interpreted as opposing views, leaves room for critique.
Be my guests Fukushima authorities. This proposal sounds like it was made to mirror the spirit of TEPCO's totally irresponsibility.
What reconstruction? Would you like to move there even with reconstruction? Here's an equation- Fukushima=Chernobyl's big brother
Oh, heck no! How much you want to bet the Japanese Olympians won't have there training camp anywhere near Fukushima?
A flat out LIE!
Considering it's 10+ mSv along that very road, I doubt that's going to happen (I've seen it with my own eyes).
Bernard Maisel
sangetsu03 at Jun. 18, 2014 - 08:28AM JST
but I think its clear that area is no longer suitable for human habitation, agriculture or fishing ever again,
The same thing was said about Nagasaki and Hiroshima back in 1945, but by 1946 these cities were already being rebuilt and reinhabited, weren't they? People are living in Nagasaki and Hiroshima now, aren't they?
You are missing the important fact that the bombs detonated above the ground. They never hit the dirt. Thus the top layer was easily done away with. In this case, the radiation has basically seeped into the ground, deep down.
actually it's a straw man so that you don't insist they move the games out of the country. this way they have you arguing about whether or not to run it past fukushima.
Fukushima governor wants 2020 Olympic torch relay to go past nuclear plant
If he wants it that bad maybe he and his family will volunteer to carry it past the hot spot.
But, I guess he'll pass on that offer, better to put someone else in harms way.
errrrrrr.....a must watch 13 minute doco. here that conveys the status of TEPCO's reconstruction debacle very accurately
The place is an extremely dangerous mess.
Rather than playing games, he should work to help people.
Paulo Barbosa
Nothing against it.
They can wear Tyvek NPP suits in the same colour as the Olympic rings, should make a colourful spectacle, though there may be a few records set as they sprint past the plant!
Governor Sato. don't forget torch pass following tourist attraction by Aizu .
Tsuruga castle, a samurai castle originally built in the late 1300s, was occupied by the region’s governor in the mid 1800s, during a time of war and governmental instability Because of this, Aizuwakamatsu was the site of an important battle in the Boshin War, during which 19 teenage members of the Byakkotai committed ritual seppuku suicide. Their graves on Mt. Iimori are a popular tourist attraction.
Kitakata is well known for its distinctive Kitakata ramen noodles and well-preserved traditional storehouse buildings, while Ouchijuku in the town of Shimogo retains numerous thatched buildings from the Edo Period.
Mount Bandai, in the Bandai-Asahi National Park, erupted in 1888, creating a large crater and numerous lakes, including the picturesque 'Five Coloured Lakes' (Goshiki-numa). Bird watching crowds are not uncommon during migration season here. full citation needed] The area is popular with hikers and skiers. Guided snowshoe tours are also offered in the winter.[15][full citation needed]
The Inawashiro Lake area of Bandai –Asahi National Park is Inawashiro-ko, where the parental home of Hideyo Noguchi (1876 – 1928) can still be found full citation needed] It was preserved along with some of Noguchi's belongings and letters as part of a memorial Noguchi is famous not only for his research on yellow fever, but also for having his face on the 1,000 yen note
It seems only appropriate that the Olympic torch carrier who runs past, or through, the Fukushima No 1 plant should be the Prime Minister, Mr. Abe. A central issue to his selling Japan as 2020 host he assured the world that the situation was "under control." Perhaps he actually meant under his control, but it would be presumptuous for us to second guess his meaning. Ruuun Abe....Ruuuuuun!
windandseaJun. 18, 2014 - 12:40PM JST "It seems only appropriate that the Olympic torch carrier who runs past, or through, the Fukushima No 1 plant should be the Prime Minister, Mr. Abe. A central issue to his selling Japan as 2020 host he assured the world that the situation was "under control." Perhaps he actually meant under his control, but it would be presumptuous for us to second guess his meaning. Ruuun Abe....Ruuuuuun!"
Get me a T-shirt, a flag and .... a bottle of LOCAL WATER to hand him in a cup as he runs by... barefoot!! The T-shirt could have the slogan "under control" written on it.
This tsunami was most lethal in Miyagi and Iwate. Either the nuclear problem is not that big and that means that Fukushima is just milking it while the devastation is bigger in other prefectures or the nuclear problems are galore and then don't go there ffs.
@windandseaJUN. 18, 2014 - 12:40PM JST It seems only appropriate that the Olympic torch carrier who runs past, or through, the Fukushima No 1 plant should be the Prime Minister, Mr. Abe. A central issue to his selling Japan as 2020 host he assured the world that the situation was "under control." Perhaps he actually meant under his control, but it would be presumptuous for us to second guess his meaning. Ruuun Abe.
Even if Abe want to become a torch runner, I doubt very much torch runner sponspr corporation will select him. Can he run as good as other candidates? Surely Coca Cola type sponsors will not take him to avoid lengthy lawsuits in case a runner dies with hear attack, etc.
Ali Khan
i love the innocence of the Japanese politicians, the Governor even do not know the seriousness of the matter. imagine if such a nuclear disaster happens in another country what kind of storm will come in the international media, in this case the international media never questioned the Japanese politicians neither the international community, instead the international community awarded Olympic Games to Japan. i am quite sure that Japan will never allow their citizens to travel to such a country {if similar disaster happen in another country }
Patricia Yarrow
wipeout-san, thanks for reinforcing my point. The whole "torch run" thing is quite political.
Who can become a torchbearer?
At least 14 yeas old. But minors need parental pernisssin'
only one application per a personhandicapped people can become.''
Torchbearer candidates can be people deserving the right through their work:
winners and prize-winners of sports competitions
leading coaches, sports veterans
Olympic champions
people who are actively involved in sport who are health-conscious
labor veterans
best physical education teacher winners, best coaches, best sport doctors, etc.
people who have committed heroic acts and served their country and region
people who have made a significant contribution to the good of society
philanthropists regularly supporting sport, social and children's organizations
media representatives who have made the greatest contributions to the promotion of physical education, sport and coverage of the sporting life of the region and country
students in secondary schools, winners of class Olympiads
emergency response staff distinguished in the line of duty (ambulance, Ministry of Emergencies, the fire service)It should be noted that people with disabilities could also become Olympic Flame Torchbearers. In order to become a torchbearer, there are no specific physical, occupational or age restrictions and requirements. A barrier-free environment will be created at the running stage for torchbearers with disabilities
If Fukushima ken is selected on the route, more like ly Fukushima people, including decendants of Ainu samurais for change in Japan. The beautiful lacquerware productions are unique there.
I really, really can't stand the lunacy that presides in the minds of Japanese politicians. How about after asking everyone to run with the torch in a non-safe zone to 'prove it's safe' they demand ambassadors eat seafood from the area as proof it's safe as well? This whole "Let's put you in harm's way to prove it's safe" doesn't sell internationally, Mr. Mori, so now are you going to have a tantrum like you did last time you were questioned over comments?
Now, having the torch go through parts of the areas ravaged by the earthquake and tsunami and ACTUALLY have reconstruction going on, some... what is it... 0.5%?... I can see and completely stand by, if it's safe (especially given they played the whole victim angle to get the Games, misusing Fukushima among other places!). Having them run close to an NPP that is still clearly not under control for the sake of politicians eager to restart power plants is not a good seller.
Hope torch sponsor organizations will donate some of its plenty ad income to Fukushima victims. We don;t know who are the sponsors yet. I'd bet there will be many more sponsors for Japanese Olympics than Sochi.
Kobuta Chan
I'll select Fukushima Government Yuhei Satoas as Olympic Torchbearer at part of Nuclear Plant. I have nothing to against it.
I absolutely support for Fukushima Government Yuhei Satoas as Olympic Torchbearer at part of Nuclear Plant.
History of Fukushima (Aizu) are full of Government opreesion since .it became last Shogun side force before Meiji. More than 200 years. They should have a bright news now. Torch bearer passing through w.ill enlighten Aizu people's mind Japan is not like USA. A small country. Hope Hokkaido to Osaka, torch bearers will run. Scewnery and Bandai mountains. But runners can go through its huge basins. Hope Yamaguchi-ken people created corporations such as Nissan, etc will sponsor Fukushima Torch running.