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auto racing

Russell accuses Verstappen of bullying and threatening behavior as F1 feud deepens


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A very fast driver, but it wouldn't surprise me if Verstappen is an unlikeable piece of work. His dad was a one-time F1 driver and has frequently been before the courts for bashing women. Hopefully, little Max is not quite as bad as that.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Come on. George epitomizes the prima donna F1 driver that you should despise. He was absolutely in the wrong for reporting Max for driving slow/impeding when he (George) wasn't even on a flying lap and Max was driving the same speed as Alonso in front of him, and the FIA was absolutely wrong for entertaining it and penalizing Max. It was as petty as it gets. Max is what he is, a rough, tough, and cold as ice driver who's not going to cede anything to his competition. If George can't take it, he should go race at some other level.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I've met his father and will only comment that the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.

I suspect that sooner rather than later he will have another driver's death on his conscience, if indeed he has one.

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