Japan Today

Hadid says Japan trying to take her Olympic stadium design copyrights


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Asking for transfer of copyright sounds like tacit admission of copying to me.

26 ( +29 / -3 )

Surprised anyone wants to claim copyright for this steaming mess.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

“We can confirm that we received and rejected a written request from the Japan Sport Council to modify our existing contract to allow the transfer of the copyright of the detailed design for Japan National Stadium, owned by ZHA, in exchange for an overdue final payment,” the company said in a statement.

ZHA’s statement said it had also refused to sign another new clause for the contract, in exchange for the payment, requiring her design team to not “provide information or comment on the project.”

Essentially confirming the design is not of Japanese origin and a lawsuit is probably pending. Oh man, just when you thought the saga was over...

20 ( +21 / -1 )

Zaha Hadid cannot keep the cake and eat it, too. For what is she receiving the money? If the money is not the consideration for the copy right of her design, what is it for?

-24 ( +7 / -30 )


Looks like Japan is trying to skip out on services rendered.

24 ( +26 / -2 )

"Your stadium is an expensive eyesore and we don't want it anymore. But we do want to copy it, and we want you to shut up about it. Sign here please, pick up the cheque on the way out". Such a shabby saga.

20 ( +24 / -4 )

No Japan, extortion is not a mean to resolve copyrights issues in the civilized world....

9 ( +15 / -6 )

KHA might want to seek damages through the IOC. Will that be chapter 3?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Wow Japan seriously how many FU's can you have on one event?

Oh wait... I forgot Abe and his cronies are in charge of the "budget"

10 ( +12 / -2 )

ClippetyClopJAN. 14, 2016 - 04:59PM JST

"Your stadium is an expensive eyesore and we don't want it anymore. But we do want to copy it, and we want you to shut up about it. Sign here please, pick up the cheque on the way out". Such a shabby saga.

You forgot the very important fact that she warranted her design was within the 130 billion yen budget which was the condition of the international design competition.

I think Japan should not pay her any money and make her compensate for all the additional costs incurred because of her failure.

-19 ( +7 / -26 )


That's extortion after the fact. Usually against the law. Japan signed a contract and they will either honour it or get raked through the coals. It's perplexing since Japan has many worthy architects that can do this so copying KHA and not paying contract payments is just more ammunition against Japan that didn't need to exist. Why join China as just another copying Asian country?

14 ( +17 / -3 )

@CH3CHO That is now irrelevant, and its hardly surprising the costs spiralled. ZHA warned the government about selecting contractors too early in a heated construction market and for the lack of competition. If you don't want to pay her money, no problem! But you can't use her designs. She holds all the cards, she can hold you to ransom on the new stadium. This is a major miscalculation by the JSC, you may need to find a third design! Deary me, what an absolute shambles

10 ( +13 / -3 )

You forgot the very important fact that she warranted her design was within the 130 billion yen budget which was the condition of the international design competition.

No, no, no. The Japanese authorities agreed with Hadid for the price of her design back to 2012, well before Japan got the Olympics. What they agreed back then (and which was within the budget consensus) was screwed up by shady decision making in choosing the construction companies to build the thing.

In other words, the typical corruption within the Japanese construction companies and their close relations with the governments were responsible for the strong increase of the stadium cost. It was notably reported that the name of the construction companies involved for the bidding and likely to win it, were known even before any decision was made. And you can imagine that the old boys did not refrain themselves to inflate their price knowing that no competition (notably foreign) was actually possible. Again usual manipulations and corruptions.

On top of that, the cost for the construction materials has sky-rocketed, precisely because of Abe's government devaluation policy of the yen.

What did you say again?

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Japan oh Japan...................please oh PLEASE can you do ANYTHING right...............

Your looking really bad on this one, which when piled on the other screw ups related to 2020 is very embarrassing is it not...........

Just imagine all the stuff that hasn't hit the news, insane!!

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Mr. Ito, the other architect in the last competition has said after the defeat that he didn't mind the Japan Sport Council use his design any way they want. So If there is similarity in the Zaha's and Kuma's, they should use Ito's design.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Mark my words, the new rip-off design will end up costing much the same as the rejected Hadid design - which I actually thought was OK. Now the JSC are going back on what was agreed in a freely signed contract and trying to force acceptance of their "revisions" by maliciously withholding payment. If they persist, the next stage is that Hadid's contract lawyers take this lottery-funded (i.e. public-funded) organisation to the cleaners.

Shame on them.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

@frontandcentre Exactly! Thats why ZHA holds a strong hand, such duplicity cannot succeed. However, upon final payment to Hadid don't the JSC get full rights on her stadium design? What are they actually paying for?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Zaha Hadid cannot keep the cake and eat it, too. For what is she receiving the money? If the money is not the consideration for the copy right of her design, what is it for?

There is a contract that states what each side is obliged to provide, and what they will receive. It sounds like Hadid is simply trying to have the sports authority act as they agreed they would, when they signed the contract. They on the other hand have suddenly realized they don't like what they agreed to, and are shifting the goalposts, trying to get Hadid to agree to this shifting by withholding payment. I hope Hadid has the means to hold out and take this to court and force the sports authority to live up to the agreement that they made.

Any attempts to justify the sports authority's position are ridiculous. If they wanted to have the rights to the design, they should have either ensured the original contract gave them those rights, or they should be negotiating the amount they will pay to get those rights - if Hadid even wants to sell them. Hadid is under no obligation to do so, but the sports authority is under an obligation to make the payment that they agreed to make without receiving the rights to the stadium.

It's despicable what they are trying to do, and any future contractors should be extremely careful working for them, as they have shown that they will go back on their agreements, and withhold payments they've agreed to make. I personally would never contract my company with any such organization without payment up front, as they cannot be trusted to make payment after the fact.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

The JSC is paying for work already done, especially to modify the original design after they decided they didn't really like it after all. Covered by the original agreement. The copyrights etc would be the subject of a separate agreement.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Corporate and govt Japan are so out of touch with modern business practices in the world - did they really think J-inc. intimidation and pressure tactics would work outside Japan?! On the bright side, all of Japan will learn from these embarrassing tactics and modernise and become more transparent and less corrupt.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

If the original contract did not have a clause that stipulated that copyrights were included in exchange for the payments made in the event of a cancellation, which sounds like is the case (not being included), then the JSC has no right contractually to withhold payment. It is that simple and they would be in breach of contract to withhold payment.

Sounds like they should have had better lawyers.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


did they really think J-inc. intimidation and pressure tactics would work outside Japan?


4 ( +7 / -3 )

Starting to look more and more like they aren't going to have a stadium built in time for the Olympics. What a gong show.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


I don't see why any company would ever take the chance, and then wait years later for resolution. If anything, future contracts will have even more protections

1 ( +1 / -0 )

On the bright side, all of Japan will learn from these embarrassing tactics and modernise and become more transparent and less corrupt.

One would hope so............not sure I would put my cash on that bet though.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

If the money is not the consideration for the copy right of her design, what is it for?

The money is to satisfy the contract the sports authority signed when they accepted Hadid's design. It is not Hadid's fault that the sports council could not accurately estimate the real cost of the stadium, nor is it Hadid's fault that the original stadium plans were scrapped due to cost overruns. Japan and the sports authority agreed to use her design, and then reneged on the contract they signed. Under the terms of the contract, the sports authority must pay.

The 2020 games are turning into a debacle, with the usual culprits being mixed up bureaucrats and their quasi government/businessman cronies so hungry to spend taxpayers money that they are stepping on their dicks.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

However, upon final payment to Hadid don't the JSC get full rights on her stadium design? What are they actually paying for?

They probably don't get the rights. What they get is the right to use the design. That's pretty common in a lot of industries. The rights to the designs themselves are usually require a separate agreement, and a lot more money. I don't know if this is true with architecture, but from this story, it sounds like it probably is.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

sangetsu03JAN. 14, 2016 - 06:17PM JST

nor is it Hadid's fault that the original stadium plans were scrapped due to cost overruns.

It is painfully clear that the cost overrun is her fault.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

sangetsu03JAN. 14, 2016 - 06:17PM JST

nor is it Hadid's fault that the original stadium plans were scrapped due to cost overruns.

It is painfully clear that the cost overrun is her fault.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

if Japan signs the TPP, KHA can probably sue the government through the TPP tribunal

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It is painfully clear that the cost overrun is her fault.

How is Hadid responsible for corruption in the construction industry in Japan?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

@Strangerland Riiiiight, so they get the right to use the actual stadium Hada designed, but not the rights to the designs and techniques used in that stadium, right? If that's the case then ZHA could renegotiate a completely new deal and shake the JSC down for an absolute fortune, and they'd have to pay it or resort to a new third design. Priceless incompetence!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

so they get the right to use the actual stadium Hada designed, but not the rights to the designs and techniques used in that stadium, right?

That's what I assume, based on this story, as otherwise this story wouldn't seem to have a reason to exist. But I could be missing something, and be wrong. Sometimes assumptions work that way.

If that's the case then ZHA could renegotiate a completely new deal and shake the JSC down for an absolute fortune, and they'd have to pay it or resort to a new third design.

If I was Hadid, I probably wouldn't negotiate a sale of the rights to them for two reasons:

1) They're refusing payment that they agreed to. This would likely make me not want to deal with them on anything that I was not obligated to.

2) The reason designers will keep the rights to their designs, is to ensure that their brand image isn't hurt. Giving the rights to the stadium so that some other company can do what they want to it opens up a good possibility of harm to their brand.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

At least the logo's legit. Oh, hold on...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@Strangeland Yeah, who could blame ZHA for wanting to have nothing more to do with these Olympics. If they go down that road then the JSC is in such a pickle, they may end up using a bouncy castle. @CH3CHO You are still discussing something that is now irrelevant. The who is-to-blame ship has long since sailed. Either way, the buck stops here in Japan, stop blaming a bunch of architects for a home made debacle. Lets see how much All Nippon Stadium MkII ends up costing shall we?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I don't think the 2020 Olympics will be derailed by the long overdue earthquake but by a manmade Japanese blunder and bureaucratic stupidlity.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

"Don't worry, Hadid-san. We'll just shave a bit off the "comfort women" money that we were going to give to Korea. They're not going to take down the statue, so they don't deserve it."

S. Abe

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It is painfully clear that the cost overrun is her fault.

Arguments based on nationalism rather than facts and logic tend not to convince.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

That's extortion after the fact. Usually against the law. Japan signed a contract and they will either honour it or get raked through the coals. I

Hold your horses, this article reports only one side, there are not enough details, but I guess that won't stop the anti Japan lot on here

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Here's my input into this whole ordeal...Zahas project could have been built and within the estimated budget...IF AND ONLY IF, Abe would have given the contractor/construction companies the same deal as he did to Kengo and the current contractor/construction company... In my opinion, this is what I think happened under the table... Abe told the Architect and contractor, "please build/design the stadium for this amount of money...do it for your country...and later I will hook you guys up with future projects where you can make your money back!" It's the only possible way... And the Japanese Sports Council had no power... DENTSU has the power to influence. They are the company basically funding the Olympics! So who knows if Abe even had any say in this ordeal. Anyways like all Olympics there are under the table negotiations happening all of the time. It's time there should be Transparency.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Hold your horses, this article reports only one side, there are not enough details, but I guess that won't stop the anti Japan lot on here

It's really not a one sided report if you have been following the story. She did claim the layout of the seating was identical to her design when Kuma's design was chosen. Now, JSC wants to shut her up about it withholding payments.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

theeastisredJAN. 14, 2016 - 07:09PM JST

It is painfully clear that the cost overrun is her fault.

Arguments based on nationalism rather than facts and logic tend not to convince.


The cost jumped from 130 billion to 360 billion. The explanation from Zaha Hadid was that the general construction costs in Japan had increased by 25%. It is painfully clear the rest is her fault, even if we believe her excuse.


-9 ( +3 / -12 )

It's really not a one sided report if you have been following the story. She did claim the layout of the seating was identical to her design when Kuma's design was chosen. Now, JSC wants to shut her up about it withholding payments.

My comments are based on THIS story.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Ever get the feeling that that might NOT be a stadium because this group of idiots cannot make up their mind and there are JUST TOO MANY hands in the till? This corruption might be just what it takes for the people to wake up and smell the coffee. If Japan cannot handle a mere stadium, how is it going to handle the thousands of other projects and millions of tourists?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Its interesting to me that a lot of commenters want to debate matters around the whole stadium debacle that really aren't relevant to this particular matter.

Hadid and the JSC had a contract for services. The contract stipulated what would and would not be provided and what would be paid and on what basis it would be paid.

If the JSC owes money to Hadid for the work that she already did and those payments did not require her to transfer copyright to the JSC in return, then any withholding of those payments is a breach of contract. End of story.

If the JSC is not satisfied with the work that she provided in relation to the payments that she is owed, including if they believed she inaccurately estimated construction costs and is contractually at fault for this, then they should withhold payment based on the specific non-performance clauses in the contract that allow them to withhold payment. End of story.

Contracts are contracts. Contractual disputes may arise, but that is what lawyers and contract dispute resolution processes, including lawsuits, are for.

It is true, we may not have all of the facts. However, on the surface, based on the contents of this article, it sure seems like the JSC is trying to withhold payment for something they already owe in order to get something that they are not contractually obligated to.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

They shouldn't have destroyed that former Olympic stadium before other matters like this one was resolved. This reflects exactly what is wrong and going wrong with Japan under Abe. I predict Japan will be the laughing stock of the world instead of being a proud nation it wanted to show by hosting the 2020 Olympics

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Given the backdrop to this whole sorry process in awarding the new stadium design to Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA), despite the lavish wow factor of the design, add ZHA cost overrun to the London 2012 Aquatics Centre, the Japan Sport Council cannot complain after putting pen to paper, all must honour an agreement/contract and pay what's agreed or promised to do accordingly. No umming and ahhing, or ducking and diving, no inclusion of clauses that are not necessary in the relevant contractual scenario.

Both ZHA and the Japan Sports Council must honour what has been agreed, nothing will be solved with these embarrassing public displays of bickering.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

CH3cho - did you even read the link you gave?

All of the points ZHA gave concerned realized facts.

Japan Construction Inc has big mud on it's face, as does the inept clowns of JSC masquerading as mega-project experts totally out of their depth.

It'd be nice if just for once, that's just for once, a controversy concerning Japan & others, where the Japan side is probably as much or more at fault, to acknowledge such and respectfully say sorry or we made a mistake or we should have researched better etc. But no, it's more than likely always the others fault.

Accept the miss, show a little bit of contrition, breath deeply, put it behind and stride forward preferably together - but no - we are right and you are wrong, just like a spoilt kid.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Stadium must be built. Doesn't matter what the contract stipulated at this point. Do people really think the building will stop to satisfy an architect with ego issues? Even Frank Lloyd Wright had to make concessions on The Imperial Palace.

-Maybe Donald Trump needs to step in to get this stadium built.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Fortunately for the JOC, the 2016 Olympics will be held in Rio, so perhaps in comparison, things won't look as pathetic as they actually are.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Moderator for Japan Today.

Must be a vindictive little guttersnipe, with degree in 'toss-pottery'.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


They shouldn't have destroyed that former Olympic stadium before other matters like this one was resolved.

True, but hindsight is always 20/20.

This reflects exactly what is wrong and going wrong with Japan under Abe.

Is this necessarily an Abe thing? Like most high-profile projects, his only involvement would probably be taking credit if it was successful and hiding from the press if it was a howling failure. He's a politician; that's what they do.

I predict Japan will be the laughing stock of the world instead of being a proud nation it wanted to show by hosting the 2020 Olympics

I predict that Japan will look exactly the same as all the other recent hosts - a huge advertising campaign with some sports in the background, only coming to the forefront when somebody has been dabbling in substances, then once it is all over Japan will have to find a use for it. May they have better luck than others in the same position in years gone by.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I have taken to this paper before about the rather odd take Japanese politicians, and even amongst the populace, have on contractural obligations. It seems to be "I agree" then later they start to claim they did not agree to this or that or act as if they made no agreement at all. Maybe it is the norm in Japan, or within one social group to-wards another (rich / poor)......I also detect a 'wishful thinking' trait. 'I see it this way' even 'tho it is painfully obvious to the rest of the world that is not the reality. And here we go again. In deciding to cancel the ZHA contract it seems to have been because of its design which they had already agreed to pay for. The cost overuns do not seem to have been cited the problem otherwise they would have gone ahead with the original design but refuse the overspend wouldn't they? That's what you do if you agree to pay for something in a shop, pick it up later and the shopkeeper tries to charge you more for it than originally agreed. Witholding payment of money to demand the copyright (for a design they don't want???) has written all over it they know the design HAS been used albeit in a modified form.....like a song or tune. And guys......you are naughty little boys and will not get away with it. Theft, fraud, dishonerable.....call it what you wish. Its still breaking the contract. If they thought ZHA was breaking the contract then they should have been made to put it right. It can hardly be said they are incompetent and 'fly by nights'. Its too late now and no point in wishful thinking and expecting ZHA to be discreet about it. Why should they? You have effectively brought them publicly into disrepute and are trying to continue to make them at fault. Its pay up or 'the courts' and that's all there is to it. Good luck and future contracters please note!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Yet another black eye for the Japanese gov't on the international stage. This time caught red-handed in an extortion attempt. Id call them shameless, but after years in Japan I know the naive dinosaurs that run this country are just clueless.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Pathetic, yes pathetic. Contract is contract. Negociation possible but agreed by both parties.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Interesting stuff in The Telegraph that claim to have seen many of the documents, including the revised agreement Link below) " In the revised agreement, a copy of which has been seen by The Telegraph, the JSC says the winner of a new competition for the design, which was announced in December, is "allowed to use any product of work ... regardless of its copyright". It adds that Zaha Hadid Architects permits the JSC to "use Project Work freely, without additional payment or restriction (includes alteration and any other use) and mutually agrees that [Zaha Hadid Ltd.] will consent without objection". "In a second additional clause to the existing contract, the JSC is demanding that the company "will not do or permit others (includes Dame Zaha Hadid) to obstruct the project ... or other related projects ... and will not do anything which is derogatory or detrimental to the goodwill and reputation of [the JSC] and/or the Project". "the geometry of the [new] stadium bowl, the ground level spectators' entrance, the internal planning, structural layout, landscape design, access strategies, service access and other components are considered to be virtually identical to the original design. " http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/12097541/Japan-Sports-Council-refusing-to-pay-British-architect-for-2020-Tokyo-Olympics-stadium-designs.html

0 ( +2 / -2 )

CH3CHO: You've been caught in the lie so many times I think deep down not even you believe your own denial these days. It was the fault of the JSC. Period. Now, once again, they are not only NOT being original, but stealing material and calling it their own, and them demanding the rights is the definitive proof. Stop trying to pass the buck and start putting the blame, for this and previous scandals, on where it belongs -- the Japan side. I know it is a wound to the nationalist pride, but denying the truth only makes people look sillier than they already do.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Dear Japan,

You are a small pathetic child.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Interesting stuff in The Telegraph that claim to have seen many of the documents, including the revised agreement Link below


That Telegraph article is much more in depth than this one we are commenting on here. It's appalling that the JSC would try to suddenly make Hadid sign such a contract after the fact, and bewildering how they think they could get away with it without being caught. I guess they thought she would be desperate for the money, and sign, but they sorely misjudged things. Now they have egg on their face and look foolish - plus they may be stuck with another stadium they can't build.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

It's funny. In a petty, pitiful, slightly painful way.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The only reason the Sports Authority would want the copyright to a design they rejected would be if they DID plagiarize part of the design into what they finally accepted.


Zaha Hadid cannot keep the cake and eat it, too. For what is she receiving the money? If the money is not the consideration for the copy right of her design, what is it for?

We have to assume the contract stipulated payment of a certain amount of funds for the submission of a design, without any requirement that the design ultimately be accepted in order for payment to proceed. It seems like an odd arrangement, but I guess high-end architects don't put a pencil to paper if there's no guaranteed payment.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The next issue is the construction. Any word on the construction put on hold again? At a time when Japan could not afford another delay it is caught shaking down an international company. IOC needs to step up if they want to salvage 2020

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If threats were made to withhold a payment contractually agreed, unless Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) accepted additional clauses, this must be the subject of an independent judicial inquiry. This attempt is evidence of extortion.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

3 P's for JaPan: Pathetic, Pitiful & Petty

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@strangerland, thanks for the Telegraph link.

It's not clear from the article that JSC is asking for the copyright, just that they can use the design. This is the extract from the article:

In the revised agreement, a copy of which has been seen by The Telegraph, the JSC says the winner of a new competition for the design, which was announced in December, is "allowed to use any product of work ... regardless of its copyright".

We don't have all the details of the original contract so it's hard to comment. But it might seem reasonable that JSC be allowed to use the design they are paying for, even if they don't hold the copyright. If the quote is the extent of the demand, it seems they are asking for a license, not ownership of the copyright.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Japan breaking contract, breaking promises, going back on their words, saying doublespeak, and trying squirm their way out of the deals. Big surprise there.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

It still isn't clear to me where any legal case might be heard. if it is in Japan then I have grave doubts that it would be a fair hearing, as courts are almost bound to side with Japan Inc and the state.

I am also just waiting for that old "cultural" explanation that in Japan contracts are less important than convention and trust; not like the legalistic West. If it all goes belly up then this will be the explanation to the people of Japan. Of course, this ignores the convention that contracts are used to enforce conformity on the weak but can be freely ignored by the strong.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


But the geometry of the stadium bowl, the ground level spectators' entrance, the internal planning, structural layout, landscape design, access strategies, service access and other components are considered to be virtually identical to the original design.

Who will believe this? "Landscape design" is identical? The landscape design looks totally different to me.

"Spectators' entrance" is identical? Wow.

"Structural layout" is identical? I have hard time finding any similarity.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Then why is the JSC trying to get the rights to use her design? If nothing is the same, they would not care. Their own actions seem to show that they think that the designs are identical enough that they need the rights to use Hadid's work.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

How odd that any of the Japanese political elite or anyone in the Japanese construction industry would openly behave like yakuza ... who'da thunk it?

It may be business as usual domestically, but even the most compromised bureaucrat or politician must know that playing out this kind of act on the international stage, specially after the spotlight is on other international sports corruption scandals like the one currently engulfing FIFA, must know that their knickers are very publically showing. Do they really think they can get away with ignoring serious warnings, tearing up a contract, trying to gag someone, and extortion, without it all coming back to hit them in the face?

3 ( +4 / -1 )


The explanation from Zaha Hadid was that the general construction costs in Japan had increased by 25%. It is painfully clear the rest is her fault, even if we believe her excuse.

The main reason was that the contractors were appointed before any numbers were discussed, as your link helpfully pointed out. The reason I mention nationalism is that no other explanation of your interpretation of the facts makes any sense at all. If you have another rationale for your stance, since we have ruled out logic and you deny nationalism, perhaps you could share it with us?

ClippetyClop: Interesting but you should make clear that the provisions of the new agreement are what the JSC is asking for, not what Hadid has agreed to. Your post makes it sound a bit like she has agreed to the new provisions.

C3PO again:

Who will believe this? "Landscape design" is identical? The landscape design looks totally different to me. "Spectators' entrance" is identical? Wow. "Structural layout" is identical? I have hard time finding any similarity.

Are you an expert qualified to judge these things? Neither am I. Let's leave it to the experts, shall we?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

“We can confirm that we received and rejected a written request from the Japan Sport Council to modify our existing >>contract to allow the transfer of the copyright of the detailed design for Japan National Stadium, owned by ZHA, in exchange >>for an overdue final payment,”

I, too, call this "extortion", some type of Yakuza's business practice. First wire the unpaid money and eventually negotiate new addendum which must agreed by both parties. Hope ZHA can add penalties for late payment and sue them for breach of agreement if nothing come and apply for damage.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

CH3CHO: http://www.designboom.com/architecture/zaha-hadid-statement-national-olympic-stadium-tokyo-2020-japan-07-29-2015/

It looks like Beijing South Railway Station from above. Maybe THP Farrell should sue ZHA.

But how are ZHA, architects in London, responsible for construction cost increases in Japan?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There is a contract that states what each side is obliged to provide, and what they will receive. It sounds like Hadid is simply trying to have the sports authority act as they agreed they would, when they signed the contract. They on the other hand have suddenly realized they don't like what they agreed to, and are shifting the goalposts, trying to get Hadid to agree to this shifting by withholding payment. I hope Hadid has the means to hold out and take this to court and force the sports authority to live up to the agreement that they made.

@Strangerland. Agreed

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Strangerland: I hope Hadid has the means to hold out and take this to court and force the sports authority to live up to the agreement that they made.

I don't think she's hurting for means, there's a bunch of major projects listed on her wikipedia page, this isn't her first time doing something of this size.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It's about the principle. Personally I hope Japan's Olympic organisers get taught a sharp lesson

0 ( +3 / -3 )

oh man the Tokyo Olympic saga is turning out to be a best selling book you just cant stop reading. Stadium isnt even built yet and the dramas are never ending. I predict a huge rush to get everthing finished and a massive cost over run. The Tokyo Olympics is going to be the biggest white elephant that Japan has ever produced.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hadid has died. RIP.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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