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© 2021 AFPHamilton's crown slipping as Verstappen increases pressure
By Raphaëlle PELTIER MEXICO CITY©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2021 AFP
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I guess Senna’a ‘Social Warrioring’ foundation that helps millions of poor Brazilian kids doesn’t count, since he isn’t black
What about his Mission 44 foundation? Still too wokey / virtue signally / media elitey etc for your charming brand of politics?
I agree with @ Fighto! Hamilton is the GOAT. There's no denying that in my mind.
Little joey
This just shows how clueless fanboys can be. I don't know if Max is going to be a "goat", I hope not, F1 has been so boring for the last 7 years with Lulu and his unbeatable machine, and the help of his Finnish lackey. Ferrari and McLaren are on their way back and Lulu finally getting some opposition within his own team from next season, things are looking excellent. I really don't care who becomes champion, mad max or Lulu, either deserves it this year, but let it be a battle till the end.
Mr Kipling
Mission 44? Not sure if its a tax dodge or a PR stunt, or both?
Fair point, I think it might be both. Money and petrol to burn in abundance.
He may not. But he sure will retire as the GOAT. And mad Max sure aint gonna get that title!
Would be good to see rising star Tsunoda promoted to the senior Red Bull team soon, and give Max a run for his money.
He may not. But he sure will retire as the GOAT
Would be good to see rising star Tsunoda promoted to the senior Red Bull team soon, and give Max a run for his money.
And the jokes keep coming!
The start was pretty much a foregone conclusion as Max had the well-known and long-discussed benefit of drag up to the first corner. No real surprise there.
On balance the Red Bull do look good. Behind the scenes of course Lady Luck and The Fates will be weaving their magic spells.
Somebody's got to take Hamilton down. I would hate to see him retire as the F1 champ.
Mr Kipling
Maybe more practice less social justice warrioring.
GOAT ?... Short memories?
Mr Kipling
Senna's foundation does some actual good. Hamilton's kneeling, not so much.
Hamilton, for all his virtue signaling, getting Merceds to change the team colors to black in support of BLM, coercing other drivers to take the knee, etc, has not a single black person on his team. Not one.
F1 has been so boring for the last 7 years with Lulu and his unbeatable machine, and the help of his Finnish lackey
So true.