Japan Today

Japan's brother-and-sister act eye more Olympic judo gold


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Good luck. Bring gold to Japan.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

All the very best to Hifumi and Uta in successfully defending their gold medals in Paris!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Japanese judo is one of the highlights of any international sports competition.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Uta is gorgeous. If she does get gold, she will be the darling of the media and will become a megastar,

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Japanese judo is the real thing and retains its original spirit and beautiful technique.

Going “international” with judo was a double edged sword, with the resultant change in rules, uniform color, and the degradation of technique. Jigoro Kano would weep.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Going international was Kano’s dream. The only weeping would be about the domestic abuse of women in judo. I really hope that is behind us.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Going international was Kano’s dream. 

Yes it was. But he’d hate to see what became of that, as do many judo purists.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Good luck.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hopefully those will be my kids in the future.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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