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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Japan's women curlers eliminated in round-robin stage
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Wish Japan team was there for little longer so that i could have enjoyed watching different hair styles of Mari Motohashi. No regrets since next Olympics will be there after four years !
An awful lot of air time devoted to a team that is 3 and 5. They got ten times the amount of coverage that alpine skiing has gotten, but there have been like 7 or 8 events in skiing. But, I digress, these are not the Olmypics, these are the J-focused Olmypics. Now we'll see nothing but figure skating for the next three days -- mark my words.
Well, they did a good job until now, despite the media's all-but-promised medal. And it served to increase interest in the sport in Japan, which in turn may help ensure Japan improves. That's the most important thing. There will be more medal chances in the future.
Cue the three move in to the tears welling up and her chin five, six, seven and eight get me as close to that tear without losing focus......ahhhh thats it.....great shot guys......thats a wrap.
Wasn't there? Yesterday, after losing a match on NHK BS1, they started showing highlights. OK, I thought, highlights straight after a match are normal. But then, I noticed these were highlights of ALL the Japanese matches so far. For God's sake, the curling event isn't even over yet, and instead of showing something live, they go over and over Japan's past matches. A real time waste!
Just like the ski jump event when the Japan team lost. They then decided to go over their victory in Nagano. (Probably because that's the only way to see Japan with gold - by going over ancient TV footage).
Just saw it. I don't think any other participants cry as much as the Japanese. Even the coaches of some foreign skaters were quoted as saying that they wish they would not cry in the kiss and cry area.
BTW, now that Japan is out of the semi-finals, I wonder whether we'll get to see those matches, or whether we'll be lumbered with 'Japanese highlights' again.
Ouch, 0-4 in their black and yellow outfits.
Good effort by Team Meguro. They're still young, so this will be a valuable learning experience and hopefully they get another chance in Sochi. One more match for them tonight, here's hoping they can come away with a victory!
Apparently the Chinese Coach - who is Canadian - is rumoured to be leaving the team in June. Maybe Team Aomori should give him a call? He helped China win the World Championships last year, so he can develop a winner.
Good effort by Japan. Congrats to Sweden, Canada, China, and Switzerland for making the semis. I guess Canada can get another medal and move closer to their promise of 30 medals or more. I personally believe they won't reach their prediction, but hey, I guess they can try.
Sad...I like the ka-musume....oh well another 4 years...
Love curling and the J-team did a great effort.
I actually got turned on to curling, thanks to the two particularly glowing J-gals. If I can find a facility here in Yokohama, I might give it a try. Seriously! I'm not kidding!
since curling is one of the few events you do not have to be stronger or faster than your opponent, I suppose Japan has a shot. Losers
I suppose this is because the country is intrigued by a sport where it is the women's job to sweep.
combinibento -- Lol. And probably why the Japanese men's team is so bad. No practical experience.
Just in -- The Japanese figure skaters are second (Asada) and fourth (Ando) after the short program. We know what we'll be seeing over-and-over again tonight.
Don't know why people are complaining about the coverage being focused on the events the Japanese are taking part in. It is frustrating, but after all this is Japan. It is unfortunate that Japan is no longer in the running for the curling gold, because as someone pointed out, we may not be able see the rest of the competition. Only highlights on the news. We will be guaranteed more than full coverage of the women's figure skating though....
i just watched the japanese players crying during their interview. i can understand the release of emotions for athletes who have made great sacrifices over the years and the tension is finally released. But curling doesn't quite fit into the olympics' "swifter, higher, stronger" philosophy and to cry simply because you are not good enough is a bit sad.
It's the roids speakin', dude.
"it is the women's job to sweep"
Ever hear of men's curling? They sweep too!
And Sweden beat Canada for the gold medal! I guess the Canadian fans couldn't shout loud enough to stop the Swedes, ha ha ha!