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Judge rules as Yankees clinch last-gasp playoff berth


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Let's get number twenty-eight! Hope this goes like '78!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Yanks and Sox games are always fun to watch! I'd be a Sox fan if I wasn't from NY

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The last day of the MLB season had a lot to play for:

There could've been a 2-way tie for the division (and best record) between the SF Giants and LA Dodgers

There could've been a 4-way tie for the last 2 playoff spots between the Red Sox, Yankees, Toronto Blue Jays, and Seattle Mariners

162 games, and the playoff contenders are separated by just a couple of wins

Also of note, the AL East division was the toughest - 4 out of the 5 teams in the division finished with 91 wins or more. Since they played each other 19 times, that means each of those 4 teams played 57 (19 x 3) out of 162 games against teams who won 91-plus games. And that's not even counting teams from other divisions who also won 90 games or more

Imagine playing at least every 1 out of 3 games against the very top-est opposition. And yet, they all still managed to win 91 games or more. That's statistically nuts

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