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© Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Matsui, Angels reportedly reach agreement
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How embarassing. If it even eventuates.
Retiring after winning the "World" Series and being MVP would have been the smartest thing to do. It's not like he needs the money. And he probably won't be worth it in a season to be marred by injury. Downward embarassing spiral. Shame, Matsui, Shame.
And while I'm here, why did you have to look so awkward in front of the crowds at the victory parade? That's why they didn't renew ya Godzilla. People probably thought you were going to breathe fire on them at any point.
That's a pretty good deal - for the Angels. I would have thought he could command about 8-10 million, but the climate is difficult right now.
Give me his name! Her name?
And how familiar? Is there a sexy underside to this story? Fine wining and five star rooms familiar? Or just Yoshinoya and Gas Panic familiar?
On another point, how did Matsuya's manager get the job anyway? What a rich dufus.
Matsuya means Matsui. I think it's time for breakfast.
He still wants to play the game. The Yankees clearly were not interested. Can't blame Matsui for moving on. But, as a Yankees fan, my heart hurts. I will really miss him :(
Better weather in Anaheim, so that would be a good deal. Plus a large Japanese fan base out there. He's a class act and I wish him the best.
I think so too but many athletes resemble punch drunk boxers who dont know when they should quit.
Lennox Lewis knew when it was time. Footballer Nakata knew when it was time.
Matsuis wife is probably behind him getting a few more million. With woman, its never enough.
matsui has to be excited to be in and around the san fernando valley. i am sure his legendary video collection will increase immensely.
Matsui was a good player in his day, but face it fans, his knees are gone, so there goes the power -- the Yankees knew this. Stop with the Ichiro-think, baseball is a team sport. Players are just tools to get the job done, anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional...
But as opposed to a punch drunk boxer, Hideki Matsui is the current World Series MVP. Unless you are implying that even a punch drunk player can be World Series MVP.
Are you serious ? He just won the World Series for the Yankees.
Matsui had the highest OPS of any DH last year...He's not washed up, he just has to be treated with a bit of care.
Why is this lead-off news on NHK? Is the Japanese psyche that battered?
The guy can still play. Let him play.
One year contract? Emtional injuries added to his physical suffering...! I fully agree with RogueFive comments reported at 10:58AM JST.
he obviously doesn't need the money after making $73m with the Yanks in 7 his knees are almost shot so he's kinda limited to playing DH, which means AL-only...add to that the real chance at the playoffs again next year, and all home games in warm weather, and its not a bad deal for him at all...and he must also make millions in endorsements, especially in japan
I'll admit that It'll make cheering for him a lot easier. I cannot STAND the Yankees. I hoep he does well with Anaheim.
Looking at the New York Yankees homepage, all I can see are a lot of people who are sad to see a standup humble guy like Matsui go. A lot of New Yorkers considered Matsui their favorite Yankee, after all the out-of-baseball turmoil that guys like ARod created. Yet, they all wish him the best and are glad that at least he isn't going to their hated rivals the Boston Red Sox. I was especially impressed with his loyalty to New York, even though his could have commanded a bigger contract when he was a free agent several years ago. New Yorkers still remember how quickly he got his new contract worked out and thus remained a Yankee. All I heard this guy do was show up for work and play his hardest for his team. He also regularly donates much of his money to charity, like the 500,000 dollars he gave towards relief victims of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake.
Good luck with your new team Godzilla!
Bah I say good riddance to this fire-breathing menace called Matsui. Enjoy half of your current salary cos that's all you're gonna get at the Angels.
Well a lot more didn't. One survey I saw had him at 15th or 16th for players people wanted the Yankees to retain into 2010.
Has someone been watching too much NHK? I know I have, and they just keep interviewing people until they find someone who says something they agree with. Down with Matsui and down with NHK too.
So it's goodbye to Yankees broadcasts, and hello to Angels games on TV here.
Eikaiwa teacher: Do you like baseball?
Student: Ahh, yes. My favorite is Angels.
ET: The Angel? Hmm... why do you like the Angels?
S: Matsui plays for Angels.
ET: Uhh... do you know who the best players are on the Angels?
S: Ehhtooo... nandake, ehhh...
ET: So does anyone here like rugby?
And so it goes...
At least I'll be able to see my Oakland A's on NHK more.....
angels are getting a class player & with the dh in the american league, he still can be productive even if his knees aren't what they once were. he proved as much with the yanks this year. & apparently he still loves the game, so a drop in salary doesn't hurt too much as he still gets to do what he loves.
the game's crazy like that. too many players moving too often. unfortunately he wasnt in the yankees plans anymore. I was always a fan of matsui and wish him well in sunny cali. he deserves it. only asian player to win the world series mvp. put that in yer pipe, rogue. no one's asking to watch NHK nor to be a fan of matsui's.
Matsui, Ichiro...the west coast just got a big boost in Japanese tourism. Otherwise, Matsui wants to play ball, not just be a DH, and the Angels gave him this opportunity. A smart move by both.
Rogue, tell me one bad thing that Matsui has done. He has not done one thing scandalous in his whole career spent with the Yankees. In fact, that is probably the only bad thing you can really say about him; his personal life outside of baseball is boring. What you can say and that every Yankee fan has said is that Matsui always comes each day to play and play hard. In fact, Godzilla is the polar opposite of Ichiro. There's always been rumors of Ichiro's clubhouse aloofness. Not so with Hideki. Guys like Jeter gush about how much he loves Matsui and wishes he could stay.
"It's not a stretch to say Matsui is as responsible for Japanese interest in the Yankees as Yao Ming is for the NBA in China. Matsui has yet another virtue that goes beyond mere statistics. In an age when athletes mock our reverence daily, he's exemplary in every aspect of his life. In January of 2003, his very first request upon landing in New York was to be taken to the Twin Towers memorial to pay his respects. He did this without publicity or fanfare. He did it because, he said, it was "the right thing to do." After the tsunami hit Indonesia at the end of 2005, Matsui, out his own sense of decency, donated $500,000 to UNICEF. He's one of those rare superstars who recognize the unique role his astonishing talent has given him and the good he can do for others."
Yeah, but another poll had him listed as their 2nd or 3rd favorite Yankee of all time, behind Derek Jeter of course.
Yanks could have a surplus in DH; the Angels need a DH to replace Vlad. So that's the best place for Matsui if he still wants to be an everyday player.
And with Seattle getting ex-Angels Figgins and ace Cliff Lee, expect more on the Ichiro/Matsui division rivalry.
Sorry, you need to state the source. I simply don't believe that.
Dude is washed up. Had a great post-season, but the dreams over. The knees are whack. And the 3rd most popular Yankee ever??? Are you fuc*king kidding me!?!?!? Yep, right behind Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Keep dreaming.
eresay, here you are: (The Official New York Yankees homepage)
(The yankee forum board where several fans write in and create independent polls of their favorite players. Mind you that most of them seem to think that only players they have seen in their lifetime can be considered as "all-time", which I failed to mention in my previous post)
Sorry, in no way is a public message board a credible poll.
Well, it is a lot more credible than a so-called survey that RogueFive claims there is, but refuses to state his source for:
Sorry for the late reply.
The survey I saw was on television (or tv, if you will) last week. About 65 percent of those polled said they wanted the fire-breathing menace in the line-up for 2010, which the Japanese commentators thought wasn't too bad, until they put it into persective and ranked it against other players' ratings, and he came in at a low and disappointing 15th or 16th.
He could have tried harder to show his appreciation to his fans, if he has any. (He doesn't.)
"slowed by surgically repaired knees"
Heck, my knees are still in good shape but I don't make anywhere near $6 million a year! I should have learned how to play baseball...
Yes, but 15th or 16th out of 260 Yankee players is not bad. After googling the show you mentioned, it said that a poll was taken of all 40 players on the active roster + the 220-man roster of all eight minor league Yankee minor affiliates (AAA, AA, and A); which boasts players like Kei Igawa who are either nursing injuries from being on the DL, or are often called up for spot duty on the active roster. That would mean that there are 245 players that Yankee fans would like to let go before Hideki Matsui. That's not bad if you ask me.
FYI, in addition to the Yankees major league team, there are:
The Scranton-Wilkes Barre Yankees Trenton Thunder Tampa Yankees Charleston RiverDogs Staten Island Yankees GCL Yankees DSL Yankees 1 DSL Yankees 2Of course, several of the players who played in 2009 on these farm systems have been either promoted (like Xavier Nady), or traded (like Angel Berroa), or are considered on the DL for the time being. But on average, there is a total of 220 players.
You don't really think any of these were in consideration, do you? Oh my god, you do.
Fact is, Yankees fans are only capable of naming up to 20 playes max before descending into rabid, animal-like behavior, meaning Matsui came close to dead last.
No, fact is that true Yankee fans know more than just 20 players. In fact, I peruse major league messageboards all the time and see posters always talking about the prospects that they have coming up through the farm system. Only casual observers would think that players like Joba Chamberlain was drafted last year, when in fact Yankee fans knew about him since 2006.
Again, thank you for stating your source. I've read it again, and it said that all "260 players" were considered, and fans voted Matsui 15th or 16th out of 260 players, meaning that he didn't come close to dead last.
For your information, there are more than 20 players on any ACTIVE roster of any Major League organization. Also, when September rolls around, teams are allowed to expand that roster. Fans who watch their players at the stadium and on television know all active players whether they be on the bench or playing in the field. Managers rotate their starting lineups constantly throughout the season and call up players from the minors all the time. So, even the average season ticket holder will see on average 50-60 players playing at least once during the 162-game season.
So which one was it?
For all your labouring you puzzingly still haven't narrowed that down, which is suspicious, to say the least.
15th or 16th? This is important when it's out of 20.
What a bizzare argument. Do you think that minor leaguers usually poll higher than major leaguers in the popularity stakes? By having to google and state the obvious, eg minor league afflilates, the number of games in a season etc it seems to me you are a newcomer to the game. BTW Nady was traded to the Yankees and didn't come up through the farm system. He might have played some games there but he was not a product of the Yankees farm system as he was traded from the Pirates last year.
Oh and 39 players played for Yankees last year not the 50 to 60 you quoted. Consider yourself schooled. Hope you enjoyed your first year of watching baseball. Any other questions? I'll be happy to help.
RogueFive, didn't you say this:
Notice the last part where you say, 15th or 16th. Which is it?
eresay, thank you for providing proof for RogueFive's fabrication. If what you say is true, that 39 players played for the Yanks last year, then his/her claim of only 20 having played then is false. Heck, I'm not a Yankee fan and can name 20 players who played for the Yankees last year. In fact, (as most true baseball fans know) in addition to the 39 players you mentioned who are on the active roster on any given day, there are several players (e.g. Kei Igawa) who was called up from minor league affiliates every now and then.
In any case, RogueFive is trying use a poll which he says measures THE PLAYERS THAT FANS WOULD LIKE TO SEE REACQUIRED IN 2010. This was in response to my statement that most fans LOVE MATSUI and consider him to be THEIR FAVORITE YANKEE. Do you see the difference? Wanting to have a player be resigned is a business decision with no personal attachments involved. Fans don't really like ARod, but understand he has talent and will show it at times, so would like to see him continue to be a Yank. It was a similar case with Ken Griffey Jr, when fans in Cincinnati loved him, but realized that he just couldn't play like he used to (hitting only 18 HRs in 2008). Thus he was traded to the White Sox for two little known players. Even then, fans loved him, but knew he couldn't play like he used to. Even in Seattle now, he is loved, but fans are iffy when it comes to him playing or not.
The bottom line is, why is RogueFive trying to use a poll which has nothing to do with the popularity of Hideki Matsui. Fact is, Matsui has done nothing scandulous, has endeared himself to the public, has donated his time and money to worthy causes, always did his job when it came to baseball, and has always been a monster in the clutch; and thus the fans love him for it. Casual baseball observers will say "But he didn't drive in 90 runs this year", while true baseball fans will realize that many of Matsui's hits came in clutch situations. Often times it is not how many hits you get, but when those hits are gotten, which is why I can't see how everyone loves Ichiro. After all, Matsui has a higher RISP and Clutch rating.
As a side note, RogueFive, pop quiz, name the TV station which showed the program with the poll you mentioned?
Now this is my point about you clearly being a newcomer to baseball. If you read my post AND did some research, you will see that only 39 players played in the bigs in TOTAL for the Yankees organization in 2009. What do you mean 39 players on an the active roster? Do your homework and check how many players make up an "active roster"! Check what an "active roster" is while you're at it.
Oh and get over your love-fest for Kei Igawa, he didn't even play in the majors in 2009. hotbox, wait until you know something about the game before posting.
Ahhh, hotbox08, my criticism is aimed at your comments
Wow. A lot of irate and clueless posters above. It really gets my goat when poster like RogueFive, Hotbox08, eresay, know nothing about the sport I grew up loving says off-the-collar things like this. You all obviously love Hideki Matsui since all you've been able to say bad about the man is that "he doesn't endear himself to his fan base". It speaks volumes about a baseball player, when haters can say nothing bad about their skills, contributions, and character, but only nitpick their "endearment".
Hotbox, I don't believe Hideki to be the most favorite player of all time. Please state your source. Messageboards are too subjective, if you ask me.
RogueFive, which television show did you watch? It seems mighty convenient to be ambiguous and say "I watched some tv show last week and it said nani nani nani .... when you can't even recall the name of the show, which station it was on, and so on. I would really like to search Youtube or something to watch it myself to confirm your statement.
eresay, please get your facts right before posting. In MLB, there are 25 players on an active roster at any point in the season. There is a 40 man roster which is the 25 men, plus 15 active men who could be called up at any point in the season from the minors. Of course, which players among the 15 men that can be called up could be switched at any point in the season. Then, when September rolls around, that roster gets expanded.
flavorflav read my posts carefully. Where did I say anything otherwise to what you posted about what constitutes an active roster? I was ridiculing what hotbox called an active roster. I told him to go and look up what an active roster actually was. Again, if you read carefully, the 39 players I mentioned was to contradict the "50 to 60 players" that hotbox played in the majors for the Yankees in the 2009 season. He was even claiming Kei Igawa played this year for the Yanks which wasn't the case.
I've played and watched baseball for over 30 years so you can get off your high horse bud. You're good at stating the obvious, the same obvious points I told hotbox to look up but you're pretty careless when it comes to reading. If you can find any quotes which justifies your rant against me. Please feel free to have another go. I think you'll find you were a bit too quick to post without bothering to read what I posted.
flavorflav, messageboards are some of the best sources of what fans really think. That is why I posted them. If anything, they know a lot more about baseball than so-called fans like eresay and you (who by the way, I've never seen posting to sports articles until now).
eresay, funny that you should mention that. 39 players? Where did you get those suspicious facts? From quickly scanning Wikipedia batting and pitching stats? Frankly, I wouldn't trust Wikipedia all that much. If you actually knew anything about baseball, you would know that such sites would not show stats of all players who have appeared and played for the Yankees team.
I was curious to the actual number which had any playing time in 2009, so I did a bit of my own thinking.
Off the top of my head, I came to 24 players (ARod, Jeter, Godzilla, Posada, Teixiera, Cano, Damon, C.C. Sabathia, Swisher, Rivera, Burnett, Joba Chamberlain, Hughes, Mitre, Gaudin, Pettite, Hinske, Nady, Ransom, Wang, Cervelli, Aceves, and Miranda).
Then, after checking the website for the New York Yankees and their 2009 schedule, and checking the stats for each and every regular season game (believe me, it was time-consuming to say the least), I came to an additional 22 players (Gardner, Pena, Albaladejo, Bruney, Coke, Marte, Ramirez, Veras, Hairston, Molina, Cabrera, Robertson, Claggett, Melancon, Dunn, Berrora, Guzman, Duncan, Towers, Brett Tomko, Ian Kennedy, and Kevin Cash).
Now, if my math is correct, that is a total of 46 players; NOT th 39 you claim played this year for the Yankees.
Of course, that doesn't even begin to count the number that played in exhibition games just before the season and would count as having played for the Major league team; Guys like Doug Bernier were signed to a contract to play in Spring training, but never made the cut. Nevertheless, fans did get to see these players play.
Hotbox, yes, there are some intelligent fans on messageboards, but there are also a lot who are not. We call them idiots and trolls (posting from other teams). Thus, I would not believe a lot of what is said on messageboards.
Bottom line is, this article is about Matsui's deal with the Angels. I fail to see how what you are all griping about something so off topic.
IMHO, While I don't think Matsui is the greatest Yankee, he was a very clutch hitter and always handled himself professionally. He did deserve the MVP award, but from a business standpoint, it was time for him to move on. I wish him luck with his new team.
Sorry, my bad. Bad math. There was a total of 45 players who played in 2009 for the Yankees.
Baseball Refernce says the number is 45.
Thank you Junnama. The Baseball Reference website looks like a good baseball reference site. It would've saved me a lot more time if I only checked it from the start. Thanks again. It looks like just one part of a larger website called the "Sports Reference".
Oh and by the way flav, I'm killing myself laughing that you actually went to wikipedia, arguably the world's most unreliable source of information and counted the number of players who qualified for stats. That is too funny!! You're a real purist huh??
If you think that's so, then why do you continue to look at it as your sports bible. For someone who claims to know baseball, you sure have a lot to learn.
Again, you go ahead and stand by your 39 players that played for the Yankees "fact".
I did the legwork using more reliable sources like, and stand by my findings of 45 players that played for the Yankees.
I dare you to disprove my findings. Go ahead.
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