Japan Today

S Korea to use radiation detectors, food from home at Tokyo Olympics

By Ju-min Park

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Another day, another masturbatory declaration from Korea. Copy-paste as many paragraphs about radiation as you want but everyone can see this is all about the boycott. Hopefully all the goods they ship over get "stuck in customs."

8 ( +16 / -8 )

Seoul has banned imports of seafood from Japan's Fukushima region since the nuclear disaster

Let's see if they also ban any Korean labeled seafood re exported from polluted East Asia sources.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

As should all other countries given the radiation hot spots just reported by green peace. The naysayers should lead by example and consume both the food and water from there. Simple.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

South Korea is a smart nation.

Fukushima is blending its rice with other regions ones to hide contamination.

no prevention is in place.

remember, the J-GOV hid radiation with piece of lead installed on the radiation detector to fake records.

that is why they banned foreign medias to check the place . to hide the gravity of the situation.

-4 ( +10 / -14 )

When they aren't whining about the Rising Sun flag, they're whining about radiation in food. Can you imagine the Korean athletes next year carrying radiation meters to test everything around them?

Grow up!

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Indigo, If S. Korea was a smart nation they would have made better decisions, especially since Moon came to power. It's been a disaster for the Korean people, KPOP, foreign policy, jobs, relations with Japan.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Grow up!

Yes. Quit whining about the chances of getting cancer in the future. It's all about the olympics and the glory of abe. Damn those radiation meters!!!

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Another day, another anti-Japan tantrum from South Korea. This is simply to make Japan look bad internationally. Well it wont work, SK. The world loves Japan and does not believe youre propaganda. If SK is going to be so negative about Tokyo 2020, follow thru on previous threats and just boycott.

South Korea, grow up!

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

We all have to die of something. Why not radiation poisoning?

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Although people seem to have forgotten, Japan is still a state of national emergency after the explosions at the power station, the government has yet to rescind the order and the amount of radiation considered safe (during the emergency) is 20 times what it was before.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The Koreans are right and it is NOT just Fukushima.

Other prefectures were also contaminated with radioactive fallout that lasts many many years!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

The Koreans are right and it is NOT just Fukushima.

Other prefectures were also contaminated with radioactive fallout that lasts many many years!

You don't need to be a Japan hater to realize the dangers of consuming or using contaminated food and materials from Fukushima and other prefectures affected by it.

South Korea is smart by playing it safe. Everyone participating should follow suit.

This is a direct result of an anti-Japan campaign in South Korea to declare Japan as 'unsafe', even though other countries - who take their sporting endeavours just as seriously, if not more than Korea - are completely fine with the radiation levels which are the same or slightly above normal background radiation in any developed country.


Where is your proof of that? Because I have an American friend who will be competing, and they are most definitely worried.

From a previous JT article, the US and other "First-world" countries have already said that they will be bringing their own supplies because of contamination, too.

South Korea isn't the only country!

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

S Koreans would boycott to go to Japan and buy any food here, so there seems no worry about radiations.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Japanese beer and ramen imports to South Korea dropped to zero this year. Nationalism is obviously more important than anything.

Having said that I see nothing wrong with playing safe. Just not quite so “in-your-face”.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Sure, the food is completely safe! (Sarcasm)

Radiation 'hot spots' near Olympic torch relay in Fukushima: Greenpeace


-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Not a fan of the never-ending whining of Korea about everything under the sun, but I don’t blame them one bit on this one. Do you trust the Jgovernment’s claims of safety/recovery from the disaster? I’m all for the clean up and recovery for those people and locales affected, but I don’t trust them at all on this one.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I thought korea was going to boycott the olympics?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Fukushima is blending its rice with other regions ones to hide contamination.

There is no evidence of that unless you can provide it.


It is common knowledge that food manufacturers in Japan using labeling and mixing as a way to sell unwanted food products

The "Rice Traceability Act" was created for that particular purpose, but like many Japanese laws, it has no real teeth and there are easy ways to get around it.

As a response to the *Osenmai Scandal, the government needed to alleviate consumers’ anxieties of food safety. This resulted in the establishment of the Rice Traceability Act in 2009. The Rice Traceability Act targets not only rice but also eight other types of foods processed mainly from rice; namely, Dango, Koji, Mirin, rice cake, rice flour, rice snack, rice wine, and Shochu *7. 

but here is where it gets interesting:

If rice harvested in different places is mixed into an RTA commodity, the name of the place should be noted in order of weight. If rice harvested in three or more places is mixed, it is compulsory to note the top two names while the other(s) can be noted as “other.” 

If I mix Fukushima rice with the majority of the rice coming from two or more other prefectures with good reputation, I can place the other prefecture names on the label and list the Fukushima rice as "other". Thus, I am able to hide the fact that some of the rice that the consumer is eating is contaminated with high levels radiation.


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

It is common knowledge that food manufacturers in Japan using labeling and mixing as a way to sell unwanted food products

Is it? Where are you getting this? It's not knowledge common to myself. Have you actually fact checked yourself on this claim?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

oldman_13: "When they aren't whining about the Rising Sun flag, they're whining about radiation in food."

Two things every nation has a right to talk about, unlike people who demand they simply accept the word of previous aggressors and proven liars with regard to the Fukushima disaster.

0 ( +5 / -5 )


All the rice from the contaminated areas is tested

Also, the government continues to raise the amount a radiation that is considered to be "safe for humans" despite research outside Japan showing otherwise.

 because of low sales much of it is being sold has "industrial rice" for sake making or bought by restaurant food chains and and sold in their restaurants.

'Sake' falls under the Rice Traceability Act since it is a rice product.

*The Rice Traceability Act targets not only rice but also eight other types of foods processed mainly from rice; namely, Dango, Koji, Mirin, rice cake, rice flour, rice snack, rice wine, and Shochu. *

The same loopholes exist, and sake is consumed by people. Restaurants, wholesalers, or anyone are still being mislead by the "other" labeling practices.

I blame the central government for misinformation dating back to 2011. I suggested then that the 30km exclusion zone should remain in place until the end of the nuclear disaster site in some 100 years. And no one allowed to return for living or farming.

The problem with that logic is the contamination does not stay only in that small area. Fukushima contamination has been traced to the West coast of the US to the shores of neighboring Asian countries. Therefore, it has definitely spread to other places in Japan. Not to mention, the contamination is in the parts of our food chain. Not just rice but fish, vegetables, and meats.

By the way, the same problem exists with mixing meats in Japan.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Will S.Koreans also import the air they will breathe?

if not, they should stay home and stop whining.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Hashidori: "if not, they should stay home and stop whining."

Might give Japan more medal chances in events they normally lose it, but SK and others have every right to question if the government is being truthful, especially now that it's known they have Olympic athletes doing the torch relay in radiation hotspots, but which they deny is a problem.

Numan: "Also, the government continues to raise the amount a radiation that is considered to be "safe for humans" despite research outside Japan showing otherwise."

Bingo! And this is after changing the labels of fish and other goods caught/produced in affected areas from "Made in Fukushima" to "Made in Japan" or "Caught in the Pacific".

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


remember, the J-GOV hid radiation with piece of lead installed on the radiation detector to fake records.

that is why they banned foreign medias to check the place . to hide the gravity of the situation.

Is that true!!? I pray it isn't but if it is, very troubling to say the least.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

for zichi

is there evidence that you exist? for you my love:

Citizens Continue To Find Inaccurate Govt. Radiation Monitors In Fukushima

Citizens continue to find government radiation monitoring stations that read lower than the actual reading for the location. This one in Tomioka was off by a full microsievert per hour. These discrepancies become a considerable problem when they are then used to estimate possible human exposure on an annual scale or to declare potential health risks over time.

This article would not be possible without the extensive efforts of the SimplyInfo research team


you need to know Fox that it is at that moment that japan made a law regarding secret, and close the mouth of journalist who does not comply why official report, guess why....

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

You don't need to be a Japan hater to realize the dangers of consuming or using contaminated food and materials from Fukushima and other prefectures affected by it.

I think it's because we love this country that we will question official claims and statistics that have come from the Govt and companies involved, after the disaster.

We want Japan to be safe from harm. We want the people to be safe.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

ALmostToday  04:20 pm JST

Is that true!!? I pray it isn't but if it is, very troubling to say the least.


I saw foreign video showing block of lead just around the sensor as well.

it seems that detectors were made in order to fake the real radiation value as well.

with the recent typhoons , guess where radiation has gone...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

As some have stated. Grow up.

If in fact Korea has concerns about the radiation levels of the event sites, why not have them inspect beforehand and check for themselves.

if and when, the results do indeed confirm their concerns, SIMPLY BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS.


If they don’t want to go though the above hassles, SIMPLY BOYCOTT THE OLYMPICS NOW!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Kaori Sakuma, from Koriyama, evacuated her two young sons more than 500 miles from the Fukushima accident. She reluctantly brought them back after the government raised the allowable radiation limits for communities, but she does not trust the government's radiation readings


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

zichi, go to live in fukushima and send me a postcard 10 years later

also check the thyroid problem as well , give us the data. thanks

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

during Chernobyl disaster, the Gov lied to people to not take responsibility in the future.

now , some governments are paying for thyroid problem victims.

does Japan gave iodine pill to people in case of nuclear disaster??

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

zichiToday  05:54 pm JST

But really you don't need to worry

stop to tell to people what to do.

be careful about GOV report and info to insure our own security, that is the point.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

S Korea to use radiation detectors, food from home at Tokyo Olympics

I guess that'll be domestic non-banned Hite beers all round please..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

As I posted yesterday, Japan is about 10 x stricter for radioactive content in food than the EU or the USA. (Bq/kg). I hope South Koreans will carry their own food without prejudice around the globe.


2 ( +2 / -0 )

What is Japan thinking ???. Does the japanese side knows the responsibilities to the world ???.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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