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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Japan's b-girl Ami wins Olympic breaking's first gold medal
By NOREEN NASIR PARIS©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Congratulations, Ami!
Incredible athleticism and creativity.
Hervé L'Eisa
How is this even considered a sport? What's next, Zumba?
It would have been nice to see some nods to the origins in the South Bronx and have some representation on the stands at Paris too.
Congrats to Ami and all the dancers.
If this isn't, then rhythmic gymnastics isn't.
Japan wins another Gold medal. This makes Japan one of the powerhouses in the Olympic movement as they are winning gold in every sport from the fastest, highest and strongest to the artistic events as well.
Well, at least it's a medal for Japan, good for her..
We know that this is to attract youth, but does this have to be an Olympic sport, after having removed karate, Baseball and softball???..
Olympic nonsense..
I'm watching her performance now. Pretty impressive.
Not a sport. Put it in a dance competition. Not a sport.
How is it not? It has scoring, and judges, and requires athletic ability.
Their physicality, creativity, strength and passion are awesome. Olympic ideals.
Is it sport? Meh. Who am I to say? Fun to watch, though.
Re: nod to origins in South Bronx
That’s the REASON that it’s in the Olympics. It’s an “inclusion” item, characteristic of the left taking over all aspects of society, including the Olympics.
What was unexpected out of all this was that Japan, being characteristically naive, would not see the origins and instead take it on as more high pressure training for national recognition.
Ditto for skateboarding.
Okay, these kids are good. Not taking anything away from them. Just sayin’
Like others have mentioned, it is not a sport.
One of the best break dancing movies was Electric Boogaloo
If that's what it takes. They just trying to make the Olympics relevant and "cool" to young people in order to keep the money coming in. That explains skateboarding, bouldering, etc etc.
And it's working. In the Skateboarding, You have competitors as young as 11 and an average age of 15.8. This shouldn't be allowed.
Hervé L'Eisa
I agree with that. Some things are more accurately "artistic expression", which is in fact entertaining, but doesn't rise to the category of sport (IMO).
Mr Kipling
I'm not an expert and have little idea of how it is scored but I've seen far more athletic street performers doing routines than these Olympic medalists.
Things like these are being considered a sports by IOC and given medals…lol ! How low have the Olympics games fallen from what prestige it used to be!!!
Hats off to Ami, and all of the b-Girl posse! I predicted success for Japan in breakdancing in light of its huge popularity with kids in urban areas in Japan - and the b-Boys will go in as strong contenders also. Shigekix - the Japanese flagbearer in the opening ceremony - is a favorite, along with Hiro10.
The judges in the photo are easily the coolest in the whole Olympics!
While I'm an oldie in my 40s who can't understand breakdancing, a lot of kids will be disappointed to see it finishing up as an Olympic sport after this.
This event will not last long in the Olympics, it should not even be an official sport, other all dances should be included
Congrats to Ami.
But the coolest break-dancer imo for just getting out there and doing it was Rachael Gunn, B-girl Raygun from Australia.
How much grit and nazz does it take for a 36 year old university professor, who took up breaking in her 20s, to get on the world's biggest stage with elite dancers many half her age.
And do it in her olympic uniform - lol.
Like breaking (sic) all the "set" cool rules.
Way down in performance, but way up there in what it takes.
It will not be featuring in LA, and probably not again. So the medallists here like Ami will have something unique!
Excellent work Ami San keep it up.
Loved comedian Jimmy Yang’s take on these judges in his Instagram story:
“And look at all these judges back there! They’re just like a bunch of amateur DJs. Look at that dude with the bucket hat. Just look like a bunch of dudes from ‘**ck Boy Island.’”
Mr Kipling
Odd the story didn't mention the Afghani girl and her overtly political statement. She took off her baggy shirt to reveal a cape with Free Afghan women printed on it
Wow, love the closed-mindedness of all people saying "breaking isn't a sport". And "Olympics are not what they were". Yawn indeed. Wanting to keep their own little private garden when the world evolves... Don't worry, it was Paris-only and you "woke"-hating (whatever that "woke" word might mean, I guess it is "I hate change") people will be able to go back to your "manly-men" sports like basebball (megaYAWN) next Olympics.
Because let's face it: if breaking doesn't have its place as a olympic sport, then gymnastics, trampoline, synchronized swimming, all ice-skating that is not speed skating, in short, every "sport" that has a judge and notation system shouldn't be considered as a sport.
We could even go back to the real "good ol' times", when women were banned from the sports and the athletes had to compete naked to bbe sure no woman had sneaking her way in.
Just dumb, for the artistry of it....ok, but it's pretty much all subjective as they all don't have a strict set of calculated moves they have to execute, it's ok, but to be in the Olympics as a so-called sport? Naw! I think this will be done and scrapped after the Los Angeles games in 2028. Look how long Karate lasted and that is a real sport.
Whatever the merits of having this in the Olympics, credit to those who put in the effort and dedication.
Not a sport, i.e. according to JT "expertise"!
"a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job:"
While I can understand the arguments for break dancing to be a sport, be it requires skills, athleticism, hard work, practice, time, dedication, etc. I just can't see it being a sport in the Olympics because sure you may win gold, but I wouldn't say you are necessarily the best in the world at that sport because you won. It's like trying to find who is the best opera singer in the world.
B-boys and b-girls in the Olympics. Rap, hip-hop and breaking has gone from the gritty NYC playgrounds to the penthouse. I still can't believe it. Fresh! Congrats to her!
Perhaps free-style rapping/beat boxing would be good to bring in for the LA games? It will continue the trend of the IOC getting the kids involved, and eyeballs on TVs.
Just a thought anyway.
We should not let inclusion infringe on our Bronze Age athletic festival.
The Olympics should only consist of the original Greek Pentathlon.
Bob Fosse
Should they remove skiing and snowboarding from the Winter Olympics?
Why are there judges for gymnastics, ice skating and numerous other Olympic sports? ‘Objective’ wouldn’t require judges.
It's dancing, subjective. So if they have to dance and like Gymnastics do certain routines, then I understand, but there are no clear criteria for the event, I started street dancing when I was 15 and still dance on occasion, so with all my years of experience, I was very confused as to where they want to go with this and what exactly are the judges looking for, with the other sports you mentioned we do, but with Breaking we don't and that is the real frustrating part.
That it is. When I was a kid, I never had the coordination, skill, confidence, balance or discipline to even do cartwheels, handwalkings, jumping rope constantly or even skipping. And when breakdancing and hip-hop came around it was all that and the music had a purpose too - the lyrics were affirmative, positive and not this 'gangsta' braggadocio egotistical garbage. IOW, before the juvenile pukes 2 Liv Cru spoiled it all.
And make no mistake, all the breaking and popping moves are in coordination with the music. That takes skill and dexterity. So congrats to Ami for winning another gold medal for Japan.
Japan's b-girl Ami won gold at the Olympics' first breaking event by spinning, flipping and toprocking past a field of 16 dancers Friday in a high-energy competition that may not return for future Games.
Congratulations, Ami.
What are main outline parameters? They didn’t really define it. Yes, great to Ami and all the contestants that won, but a sport, really, artistry, sure.
Congrats Ami! You go garu!
An oldie in your 40s who doesn’t understand breakdancing?
I wonder what country you live in. Breakdancing started in the U.S. at least by 1980. So that would mean around the time you were born or a small child.
Not a sport. Dr. Raygun saw to that
Bob Fosse
Do you know the ‘outline parameters’ for synchronized swimming?
I think you can still enjoy it.
@ Corey - Definitely not "dissing" it (I think that's what the kids say these days) but I just don't understand the nuances, techniques and scoring as probably most middle-age Americans (and under) could.
In any case, enjoy the B-boys a poppin', headspinnin' and "bustin' a move" tonight. Sadly, they won't be seen at Olympics for many more years. LA has dropped it and added Baseball, Cricket, Flag Football, Lacrosse, Squash, Softball.
I have been to breaking events in the past and it is much better to be there in person. I don't like announcers talking over the music the entire time. I can't really hear the music or feel the atmosphere on TV. I changed it to the international stream and it was more of the same.
Bob Fosse
Great. Next google the ‘outline parameters’ for breaking and you’re all set.
No need, as you have it as well. Not sure what your point is, but….
Yes. And she/he would also find that in the collocation “outline parameters” that “outline” is a verb.
Of course we all know the “outline parameters” for the sport formerly known as synchronized swimming. And if I knew them, I would know that it has been called “artistic swimming” since 2017.
This doesn't belong at the olympic games. They might as well make the egg and spoon race a sport if this is considered one.
I agree.... breaking has been dead since the bad guy in Thrashin' (1986) said it. They should have fax machines next to the players as they do it.
That would be more exciting than golf, horse riding, shooting, walking, and soccer.
Most cringeworthy thing I've seen in an Olympics to date. I hope she's the first and only breaking Olympic gold medalist ever.
So, dancing in the water is a sport. ( Who played that as a kid and so niche It's actually called ARTISTC SWIMMING. may have been great in the 1930s when it was all the rage in hollywood and where are the teams from South America and Africa ( apart from Egypt)
Dancing on horses. ( anyone done that apart from the super-rich and the its the horse doing the dancing).
Now break dancing. ( How about team dancing)
To be honest, these aren't sports, they're art.
I think more people do ballroom dancing than these. Not to mention the many different ages that could take part.
It's called the Olympic GAMES for a reason. I might get my head around an E-Sports, ( games) with millions playing daily, but this is dancing.
If acting is art, music is art, and painting is art,,, what is dancing? I mean, we could give anything a score and call it a sport now. (especially if the women wear swimsuits or a bikini).
There abetter ways to get an audience,
I tried to be appreciative but the scoring seemed subjective. If there isn't a standard set of moves with known difficulties, I don't know how you judge the thing.
Bob Fosse
Explain how breaking is different from rhythmic gymnastics or ice skating.