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paris 2024 olympics

Subplots of Paris Olympics became fodder for politicians, and that's not unusual in history


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Look at the picture.

The individual has a body frame of man.

Science is correct, if you carry the Y gene, you are male and you will go through male puberty.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

BanthuToday 07:02 am JST

Look at the picture.

The individual has a body frame of man.

Science is correct, if you carry the Y gene, you are male and you will go through male puberty.

Unless of course they have androgen insensitivity syndrome, in which science is quite clear they will not go through male puberty or male anything.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Look at the picture.

The individual has a body frame of man.

Science is correct, if you carry the Y gene, you are male and you will go through male puberty.

That is irrelevant, and even worse it is false.

Pretending to be able to do karyotype based on how a person looks is obviously irrational, and pretending the science of two centuries back is the current status is even worse. People that actually know about the topic say you are wrong, as proved the moment you were unable to support this claim you made with the opinion of the experts.

In reality the whole scandal was political from the very beginning, a manipulation of the public so the same people that depend on antiscientific propaganda to incite fear and anger could use it to get more popularity. As Trump lied about it many others did the same trying to convince less informed people to be enraged and support the people that demand discrimination of others, sometimes based on how people look as you tried to do.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Pretending to be able to do karyotype based on how a person looks is obviously irrational

No, karyotype based on genetic tests (twice).

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

No, karyotype based on genetic tests (twice).

Still a baseless claim, the IBA has never defined what tests they did much less the results, for all you know they just looked at their faces. This is the reason you have never produced any source where the tests are described.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

As Rawbeer already told you, according to the IBA

"Following many complaints from several coaches, boxers agreed to gender testing. Blood sample collection was made on 17 May 2022. Sistem Tip Laboratory from Istanbul (License Number: 194-MRK) issued its report on 24 May 2022, after the competition ended. The laboratory detected results that didn’t match the eligibility criteria for IBA women’s events."

"At the next IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships 2023 in New Delhi, Khelif and Lin were tested following their consent again before their first fights. Blood sample collection was made on 17 March 2023. Dr Lal PathLabs from New Delhi issued its report on 23 March 2023. The findings were absolutely identical to the first test results."

"These tests affect the private life of the person concerned and constitute medical information protected as personal data. We are not allowed to publish these documents without the agreement of the person concerned. However, both Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting received a copy of these tests, and they never disputed it. They know these tests exist and it is not fake."

So they were each tested twice and they never disputed the results. The IOC, not wanting to acknowledge the IBA's contributions, have stubbornly refused to do any genetic test.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

As Rawbeer already told you, according to the IBA

Exactly, zero mention of karyotype, that is your claim, apart from that no detail whatsoever about the tests, just recognizing that they violated the rights of the boxers by conducting targeted tests (without saying what were those tests) and giving again zero details about the results.

Making up a terribly bad excuse about protecting the rights of the women while first recognizing they completely violated those rights is nonsensical, they are recognizing already a much bigger transgression so the excuse given for not divulging the results becomes invalid.

Not to mention that not releasing even the kind of test supposedly performed is not even included in the excuse. An organization with literally decades of corruption being documented asking people to trust them about the women not disputing the results is not exactly a good argument either.

So, no karyotype, no genetic testing. Just disqualification based on something they did but that they never even mention.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Exactly, zero mention of karyotype,

I guess you my post from yesterday:

Dr. Ioannis Filippatos, the former Chair of IBA Medical Committee and an OB/GYN with three decades of experience:

"The medical result, blood result, looks - and the laboratory says - that these boxers are male."

"The problem is that we have two blood exams with karyotype of male. This is the answer from the laboratory."

Why didn't the IOC do a similar test?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Not to mention that not releasing even the kind of test supposedly performed is not even included in the excuse.

It is, if only you bothered to read the posts:

"These tests affect the private life of the person concerned and constitute medical information protected as personal data. We are not allowed to publish these documents without the agreement of the person concerned. However, both Imane Khelif and Lin Yu-ting received a copy of these tests, and they never disputed it. They know these tests exist and it is not fake."

I can't figure why you are insisting on allowing these two genetically male boxers beat up women.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Look at the picture.

The individual has a body frame of man.

Science is correct, if you carry the Y gene, you are male and you will go through male puberty.

Exactly. And no biological-born male (with a penis) should be anywhere near in any changing room with a biological female, that is just obvious.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The IBA is run by a Russian with close ties to the Kremlin. We all know how reliable they are when it comes to testing Olympic athletes.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

How much hatred the MAGA gang have in their hearts...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

And no biological-born male (with a penis) should be anywhere near in any changing room with a biological female, that is just obvious.

Would this also apply to the changing rooms of, say, beauty pageants?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

How much hatred the MAGA gang have in their hearts...

None. And it has nothing to do with MAGA, but Republicans that are trying to protect women in "women's" sports and THEY are the hateful ones???

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Would this also apply to the changing rooms of, say, beauty pageants?

Walking into a changing room and actively participating and training in a sports event of biological-born women are two entirely different things. You can quickly go in and out of a changing room, a sports event that is long term and indefinite depending on the situation.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

bass4funkToday 06:55 am JST

Would this also apply to the changing rooms of, say, beauty pageants?

Walking into a changing room and actively participating and training in a sports event of biological-born women are two entirely different things. You can quickly go in and out of a changing room, a sports event that is long term and indefinite depending on the situation.

Wait, so men can enter women's changing rooms no problem? An interesting migration of opinions from you.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

She’s not transgender and she’s from a Muslim country where, if she were, it is a punishable crime. People really are ignorant.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I guess you my post from yesterday:

Still a proven corrupt official without any evidence asking people to trust he stopped being corrupt just for this.

Not really an argument.

Specially damning is that Dr Lal PathLabs from New Delhi don't offer karyotype testing, the more details the divulge the easiest is to catch the lies, probably that is why they try to hide as much as possible.

It is, if only you bothered to read the posts:

It is still nonsense by the reasons you repeatedly failed to address, if targeted testing is already a violation of the rights of the women, that makes it irrational to claim they don't release details from the tests nor the results to avoid doing precisely that, if that were a factor they would not have conducted targeted tests on the first place, so it is an obvious excuse to avoid having any transparency.

Exactly. And no biological-born male (with a penis) should be anywhere near in any changing room with a biological female, that is just obvious.

Absolutely irrelevant for the situation of the article. Why come just to make off topic comments?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Walking into a changing room and actively participating and training in a sports event of biological-born women are two entirely different things. You can quickly go in and out of a changing room, a sports event that is long term and indefinite depending on the situation.

So there are situations where a man may enter a women's changing room? Unless it's, for example, some kind of emergency, or the man is in fact a woman, I can't think of many situations where this would be acceptable. The man who just walked into a women's changing room while it's in use for any other reason (e.g. he claims he's "allowed") might have his intentions questioned.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

No, karyotype based on genetic tests (twice).

Impossible to believe, specially since one of the supposed testing laboratories don't even offer karyotype.

Look at the picture.

The individual has a body frame of man.

Is this your first time seeing an athlete specializing in a strength based sport? You are going to have a big surprise when you check the rest of the sports and see how many of the athletes don't adhere to your personal standard of how a woman must look like.

Exactly. And no biological-born male (with a penis) should be anywhere near in any changing room with a biological female, that is just obvious.

Still completely irrelevant for the topic of the article since the athlete is a biological-born female. Are you trying to get japantoday included on the defamation lawsuit?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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