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Patriots, 49ers advance in NFL playoffs


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Niners!!! Great game

2 ( +3 / -1 )

GO PATS!!!... another Superbowl ring for Brady!!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Brady had an amazing game against Denver last night. His offensive line was great too. He just stood in the pocket all night and made mince meat out of their defense. He looks as good as ever and this could very well be the year that he matches Montana and Bradshaw with 4 Super Bowl wins. By contrast, Tebow was running for his life all night. Their offensive and defensive lines were terrible. Denver has a lot to be proud of this year despite the horrendous finish to their season. Looking forward to seeing how Tebow and the Bronco's do next year.

The 49er's - Saints game was fantastic!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

3 turn-arounds in the last 30 seconds of the game! My wife lived in San Francisco during the 1982 when the 49'ers made "The Catch" touchdown. She said this game was as exciting, and was jumping around so much she knocked me off the sofa and our dog hid under the table.

Going to be a lot of hangovers in San Francisco this morning.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Kudos to Alex Smith who has had a rough NFL career to date. He was drafted in the same year as Aaron Rogers (Green Bay) but their careers have gone in opposite directions. Smith has played hard, taken his lumps and even agreed to a salary cut before the beginning of this season in order to stay in S.F. Congratulations to Smith and the 49ers.

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I have serious doubts about Tebow being a successful starting QB next year, but he deserves a helluva lot of credit for his 8-5 mark this year, including the playoff win.

And he made not only a ton of money for himself, but also for the NFL as a whole.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

He was drafted in the same year as Aaron Rogers (Green Bay) but their careers have gone in opposite directions

But Smith will play next week, Rodgers won't.

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0 ( +0 / -0 )

I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I am sure all hell will brake loose their in downtown SF if the 49ers win.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

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