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Rattled by spectator's insult, Osaka loses at Indian Wells


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Man oh man she is so fragile! I'm not sure sports and being in the spotlight is best for her anymore, time to rethink her future, maybe get into coaching or something like that.

21 ( +53 / -32 )

People need to get a life. Being cruel to someone who has done nothing to them, is beyond the pale.

24 ( +47 / -23 )

Toughen up. People are going to say things to you that you won’t want to hear or disagree with. That’s life, move on!

41 ( +61 / -20 )

I wonder how the pubic would react if a star in the Premier League, MLB, NFL, or NBA began to cry after hearing “You suck” from a spectator?

30 ( +46 / -16 )

Try your best Osaka. Don't let the haters get to you.

18 ( +30 / -12 )

She should've done what many a WWE wrestler has done. Stand defiantly in the middle of the court and shout ''Come over here and say that to my face ! ''

35 ( +42 / -7 )

So fragile and unprofessional. She can never be considered a great with that lack of focus.

I think the moment she started all the black lives stuff it all went wrong for her. She should have either focussed in the tennis, or at least thought about who she is and about all of the halfu Japanese girls that are suffering discrimination and spoke up about that. Instead she went with the easy fad stuff and at the same time screwed up all of her tennis. I feel sorry for her, she must regret that I'll thought out phase

14 ( +45 / -31 )

This behavior seems way too fragile. The comment was a pretty standard insult in a sporting arena; distasteful for tennis, but nothing too personal?

Maybe she was more upset at her own performance and this provided a mental 'out' for her that she zeroed in on. You'd want to work on that if you were her coach.

First thing I'd say to her under my breath at the start of a match....(?)

12 ( +23 / -11 )

If you can’t stand it, try something else, preferably far from public, spectators or mass media.

18 ( +34 / -16 )

On the other hand....it's not something we like from a tennis crowd...so she was also right to call it out.

-10 ( +13 / -23 )

I wonder how the pubic would react if a star in the Premier League, MLB, NFL, or NBA began to cry after hearing “You suck” from a spectator?

It comes with the territory in those sports. Not tennis, although it sounds like you get a lower class of fan at Indian Wells.

11 ( +20 / -9 )

Seems like sticks and stones and names can hurt her. She should not be a public athlete.

8 ( +23 / -15 )

She is quite fragile, but I do not blame her or the Williams sisters if they choose never to play there again.

9 ( +18 / -9 )

If she needs help, she has time and means to obtain it. Many don't and never receive help. I try to help those latter.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

I will say Osaka is a great tennis player, I’m still hesitant to label her one of the greatest. As for the heckler, the tournament knows who she is or will know she is soon. The woman is likely to be given a warning or a quiet short term ban.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )

Naomi Osaka is a proven champion.

Naomi has time and again won championship/tournaments.

Naomi needs to turn round and shout flip off. Then Channel that aggression into her game.

-22 ( +9 / -31 )

If a heckler has got up your nose, stop, racket up, approach the umpire, I want to reply, and retort flip you.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Naomi has basically lost it!

Tennis is a mental game

and she is just a shell of an inspiration she once was!’

She became outspoken and then all of a sudden became mentally incompetent to compete.

15 ( +27 / -12 )

She was playing against a Russian and they heckled her, then we it also happened to the William sisters in the same place.

So what do these 3 women have in common?

Perhaps Indian Wells should not longer be a place to hold these games and a more civilised place can be found!

-11 ( +9 / -20 )

Everyone in sport gets heckled if they're anyone (or WERE anyone) in sport, and she should try to develop a thicker skin, because you can only blame so much on other people. The headline and article make it sound like she lost BECAUSE of the heckling, rather than being heckled because she was losing already. It's a big step above people suggesting the Japanese athlete was saving his/her energy, or the other player's arms were too long that day, but still. She is not doing well, and if not doing well makes he unwell mentally and do even worse, perhaps it's time to throw in the towel on the professional game.

10 ( +23 / -13 )

Antiquesaving, that is duplicitous and conniving, she was playing against a Russian and they heckled her.


That is vague and ambiguous, designed to conceal the truth or mislead.

The context of your slur is disingenuous to a fault.

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

She was playing against a Russian and they heckled her, then we it also happened to the William sisters in the same place.

So what do these 3 women have in common?

And you can verify that no other tennis player, man or woman, was heckled in the 20 year span?

13 ( +18 / -5 )

All this just coz one person told her that she sucks? Such a fragile self-esteem.

15 ( +28 / -13 )

Wow, so much hate here. Prixe du jour.

-2 ( +14 / -16 )

I wonder how the pubic would react if a star in the Premier League, MLB, NFL, or NBA began to cry after hearing “You suck” from a spectator?

All this does is add fuel to hecklers who feel empowered just because they bought a ticket. Those that are already fragile are the easiest targets. Things have gotten worse in the NBA. Russell Westbrook is always a target because he tends to snap back. He is having a horrible season and fans are having a field day with him.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Sponsors must be contemplating.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

1 insult from 1 person manage to break her? Then it was way too early for her to return from her so called break. Good thing she is playing tennis, because it this was any other sports, you would see just how many insult fans can throw at players that they don't support. Soccer alone is brutal.

I never expected she was this fragile. Clearly she wasn't ready to go on the world stage again.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

Yes it's tennis where fans are expected to be more in control unlike the NFL, NHL, NBA, & MLB. Kind of what separates tennis from other sports. But that specific taunt is really innocuous in today's standard and if it so heavily affects your game and literally makes you cry, you really have to wonder what's going on in her head.

Even in the aforementioned sports racist, sexual, graphically violent taunts will now get you kicked out.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Imagine if she were a Premier League goalkeeper with thousands of fans shouting "you fat ba*****" in unison every time she takes a goal kick!

7 ( +12 / -5 )

She was playing against a Russian and they heckled her, then we it also happened to the William sisters in the same place.

So what do these 3 women have in common?

Perhaps Indian Wells should not longer be a place to hold these games and a more civilised place can be found!

Of course, because if a half black half Japanese tennis player is heckeled then it must be due to racism. Nice thought process.

How about she is a phoney Japanese who can't speak Japanese, doesn't care about issues for mixed race people struggling in Japan. Lives in a multi million dollar mansion in LA and preaches to people about far left ideologies. Perhaps she is an unlikable person because of her actions.

11 ( +20 / -9 )

She should just shout back..

"Yes, I suck...but you paid to watch me!

3 ( +10 / -7 )


-2 ( +5 / -7 )

I wonder how the pubic would react if a star in the Premier League, MLB, NFL, or NBA began to cry after hearing “You suck” from a spectator?

To be fair all those are 'team sports'. A quick word from your team-mate and you're good to go. Tennis is unusual in that the players might be on court for several hours without any interaction with their coaching staff. Female players can request to talk with their coach once per set - but that could be one hour long. I can't think of another 'fully professional' individual sport where this happens.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

A single "you suck" can hardly be even considered heckling now a days. Isn't she on social media? No one has ever told her that she sucks?

Sports really isn't for her if she can't even stay focused after one generic negative comment uttered by some random person in the stand.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

BNP Paris open should be fined for admitting such primitive spectators to

degrade the tennis sport.

Osaka is a real champion, gambatte Naomi-chan.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

She actually expected to be given a microphone to speak in the middle of the match. Hilarious the sense of entitlement.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

Friends have sent the media footage. Naomi Osaka is going to have to deal with this. A heckler can be silenced in a second. Best to ignore.

Naomi Osaka appeared fragile,

8 ( +9 / -1 )

She should come back in 5 years when she becomes an adult...

8 ( +15 / -7 )

We're starting to see the effect of our "safe space" culture now, on society.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

So fragile now. The Multimillionaire should retire

5 ( +11 / -6 )

She couldn't channel her frustration into action and lost instead. Whether internal or external, that's kinda the job? Sport is about overcoming obstacles. But one or more hecklers made her lose, that's just silly and she should retire.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

For starters, she should have never agreed to play tennis in a town with a racist name if she really believes in the fight against racism or is it all just about her.

-17 ( +3 / -20 )

A veritable avalanche of hysterics from the basement here.

I haven’t seen a thread spammed so much since the appalling delirium following the 2020 election.

Naomi Osaka is a paragon of rationality compared to this.

-17 ( +6 / -23 )

My favorite thing about Osaka is the RAGE she evokes from far-right extremists. Her very existence causes the blood to flow to their eyes. Pure and utter entertainment.

Go get 'em Osaka! Make them raaaaaaaaaage.

-16 ( +8 / -24 )

"Being called " You suck" is part and parcel of being an athlete. I have been called a lot worse and you have to just battle down and play better.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

She should've done what many a WWE wrestler has done. Stand defiantly in the middle of the court and shout ''Come over here and say that to my face ! ''

Oh Yeah! WWE style professional tennis! Racket duels! Net strangling! 'Accidental' ref traumas! Chair bashing of fans! Can't wait, it might actually make tennis interesting...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The women spectator is a amateur. No thought at all with content. Like if you going to slag a competitor of high standing put some effort in it. Like “Looks like the O in Osaka stands for this set Naomi”. But simple suck show the intelligence of tennis spectators.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

It seems she's only happy when she gets everything exactly she wants. And lashes out at others when things don't go exactly her way. A sign of a very sheltered and privileged upbringing.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

One person, two words, tears.

She should start carrying a little pack of tissues.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

Her weight gain has caused her performance decline, which I believe has led to her mental decline.

If you don't understand the relationship between body composition and sports performance.... Do some study before censorship..

That extra 5kg is slowing her down.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

grow a backbone FFS!! Imagine that, a professional sports star got heckled (and lets face it, it was hardly the most insulting thing to say) while playing....what is the world coming to?! I've heard some real close to the bone things being shouted at the football.......often sung by most of the stadium and targeted at a particular player....they didn't start crying or ask to speak to the crowd or whatever.....just get on with the bloody game, if you can't hack it then perhaps you need to find a new job....

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Naomi-chan was right to call this out. This happens far too often and we need to get on top of it.

One day I was writing on the blackboard and one of my students said I was writing too faint and said "you suck!"

I said you can't be serious, man. You cannot be serious. Chalk flew up!

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

It you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

15 ( +18 / -3 )

it just doesnt get the same level of sympathy without the sexist or racist angle.

just "you suck" yelled by a woman.

Meh, can overcome that easily. how is that an excuse for losing?

12 ( +15 / -3 )

My favorite thing about Osaka is the RAGE she evokes from far-right extremists. Her very existence causes the blood to flow to their eyes. Pure and utter entertainment.

Go get 'em Osaka! Make them raaaaaaaaaage.


this particular poster, in addition to being a victim of rage that he attributes to others ( I mean, man. Just look at that anger!) also suffers from a unique flaw of the left;

They infantilize people of color by decreeing them off-limits to any and every criticism whatsoever.

As a person of color myself, I can't tell you the number of white leftists who have patronized me for being POC.

Its always the leftists.

0 ( +9 / -9 )

It happened before with the williams,

so it get nothing to do with her weight gain or her performance, Its pure racism from some haters that the world would be a better place without them.

nayal- not long ago there was a thread concerning the petulant behavior of Aussie tennis player Nick Kyrgios. He got a torrent of criticism from these pages. A white male.

How was that different from the standards we hold the likes of Osaka to?

Why does she get a pass?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

She is mentally weak. No wonder shes gone down the rankings. She is also way too entitled and spoiled. Just yesterday, the whole stadium booed messi and neymar but they didn't break down crying

8 ( +13 / -5 )


Do you have any sympathy for people like Naomi Osaka - those prone to having humiliating meltdowns?

As you are a new poster, you missed the continual abuse thrown at her on this site. When she was on top, she was attacked for being a ‘fake’ Japanese and a mercenary. After she showed support for BLM, the more trashy wing of the right got their claws out and hissed at her. After her mental issues came to light, they seemed to celebrate it and piled in like vicious schoolgirls.

All very ugly, pathetic and trashy. Maybe that was what strangerland was getting at.

I do think you have a point about double standards in some cases. I don’t see any racism in what was shouted at her, but I can’t know the mind of that individual.

For me, I think it’s sad that someone with obvious talent isn’t able to fulfill her potential. Then again, she isn’t going to be short of cash even if she hangs up her racquet today. I don’t think we’ll be seeing her in the bargain aisles of Costco in her crocs.

Maybe there’s also a hint of jealousy.

Anyway, hope that was helpful.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

She is mentally weak. No wonder shes gone down the rankings. She is also way too entitled and spoiled. Just yesterday, the whole stadium booed messi and neymar but they didn't break down crying

I don’t know the full reasons for her mental issues, but it looks like a long road back for her given her fragility.

I wouldn’t use Neymar as an example of the opposite here - his histrionics and acting are a touch excessive to say the least.

4 ( +7 / -3 )


of course I have sympathy for a humiliating meltdown. If its authentic and exceedingly rare.

I have no sympathy for those who exhibit entitled behavior when there is a clear pattern over time.

I find your explanation of all her critics being "right-wingers" as bizarre. Are you privy to their political beliefs and voting records?

But then in the next breath, you complain that her critics are now just jealous of her wealth.

Which is it?

If this is the case, are the wealthy now beyond reproach?

No, of course not. I certainly don't want my children to end up at 24 years of age a blubbering mess when faced with a tiny amount of adversity.

Surely you don't want your children to behave like this?

Anyway, hope you find that very helpful moving forward.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Jeez! She should have watch Happy Gilmore to toughen up!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I have viewed the match in its entirety.

Hands up i was a tad disingenuous to Antiquesaving.

Naomi Osaka appeared to lose concentration, the hecklers should have been laughed at.

However Naomi Osaka took the whole incident to heart.

For a four-time Grand Slam singles champion Naomi just buckled.

Maybe it is time to back to basics. Find a way to mentally toughen up.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Rattled by spectator's insult, Osaka loses at Indian Wells


Sometimes it is best for Osaka to not just walk away from a microphone but run at speed.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

of course I have sympathy for a humiliating meltdown. If its authentic and exceedingly rare

It’s good to have sympathy with those suffering from mental problems. I agree that when you see a pattern of ‘inauthentic’ behaviour over many years, you should have less sympathy. It’s just plain dishonest and these people deserve to be shunned. They deserve zero respect.

I think you are getting a bit hysterical posting I meant that all critics of Naomi Osaka are righwingers.

I clearly stated ‘the more trashy wing of the right’ had ‘authentic’ hissy fits after her support for BLM. I knew these posters well. Their views were clear. You weren’t posting at that time.

Also, I clearly stated ‘a hint of jealousy’. It wasn’t an either/or.

Sorry to go off point, but as for the kids question, I don’t discuss my current family situation, where I live now etc. I will give general points like where I’m from. Untrustworthy and dishonest types can get very creepy and weird. Some have even stalked other posters and revealed personal details. Again, you weren’t posting at the time and wouldn’t know this. Be careful with this. Stay out of the very personal stuff. Sorry if this sounds a bit cold.

I think there is fair criticism of Osaka, but you do see politically motivated and very infantile attacks. Not all.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

I think you are getting a bit hysterical posting I meant that all critics of Naomi Osaka are righwingers.

Actually, thats called projection. Rather than discuss the situation at hand, your modus operandi is to call someone "hysterical".


And no, I see no politically motivated attacks. No one mentioned politics at all beside the same old characters going for the lazy and patronizing "Racist!" (TM) angle.

More projection.

And I don't think good parenting advice is akin to releasing your bank statements online. Surely any wise parent sees my point of view, no?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

I don’t know the full reasons for her mental issues, but it looks like a long road back for her given her fragility. 

using your own logic, this is the rhetoric of a hysterical right-winger.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

I think you are getting a bit hysterical posting I meant that all critics of Naomi Osaka are righwingers.

Actually, thats called projection. Rather than discuss the situation at hand, your modus operandi is to call someone "hysterical".


You posted that I labeled “all” her critics as rightwingers.

I clearly pointed out that I described those who lost the plot on this site after she showed support for BLM were the trashy elements of the right. Again, you weren’t posting at the time. I knew these posters and their views. I didn’t mention anything about the political views of those who labeled her as a fake or a mercenary.

At no point did I label all critics of Naomi Osaka as rightwing. Read it again without emotion. That’s the hysteria I was referring to. You are seeing what you want to see.

You asked about ‘your children’. This is a personal question. I don’t talk about these things. Too many stalkers and creeps. I would never ask a question like that.

If you ask what children in general should be taught and how they should be brought up, where do you start?

I’d say don’t spoil them, tell them not pretend to be something or someone they are not, be honest, learn enough to know how much there is to know, form your own opinions and don’t just swallow packages of beliefs etc.

In short, to help nurture people worthy of respect.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

The "spectator" should have been thrown out immediately. If they want to behave as hooligans, they should go to wrestling match.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

why does she want to play tennis?

2 ( +6 / -4 )


A veritable avalanche of hysterics from the basement here. 

I haven’t seen a thread spammed so much since the appalling delirium following the 2020 election. 


After she showed support for BLM, the more trashy wing of the right got their claws out and hissed at her.


I didn’t mention anything about the political views of those who labeled her as a fake or a mercenary.

At no point did I label all critics of Naomi Osaka as rightwing

0 ( +4 / -4 )

why does she want to play tennis?

my guess is she doesn't anymore. She has more money in the bank than she could spend in 2 lifetimes. I think its pretty clear she's lost her motivation. That may change but doesn't look like it now.

But now her entire sense of self is that of a tennis player.

If she quits, she has no other talent or skill that will allow her to keep any of the attention she's enjoyed through her misguided BLM/racism hectoring.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Naomi Osaka is a gifted tennis professional.

At 24, Naomi can step back and find a solution to her foibles.

If near a microphone, may I suggest break out into some karaoke catch the media off guard.

Go for an ABBA - The Winner Takes It All.

Just don't mention anything to do with politics.

Always look on the bright side of life.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

GenZ athletes lack resilience. Getting heckled or worse is expected if you're an athlete. Look at soccer matches, they literally throw things at the referee or the players, the whole stadium is singing for or against a team or a player...I don't justify or condone any of those ape-ish behaviors, but athletes of her level should be trained to deal with stuff like that more gracefully.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

could you imagine what would happen to Martina or Graff if this happened? They would have laughed and kicked their opponent's rear... Young people are way too soft

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I am afraid that Osaka is about done if she isnt already......if she cant handle a "you suck"......I mean that one is tossed around a LOT in sports & outside,.....if you cant handle that than best to call it a day perhaps

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Naomi should have realised long ago the world is chock full of complete and utter idiots. You walk past hundreds daily on any given city street. Occasionally you are going to hear one of them. They exist, they always have done and more than likely they will always be there in some shape or form. You live in the the same world as them. You can’t fight them as they are definitely the majority. You are public figure and with that comes a target placed squarely on your back for them to take pot shots at. It’s a choice you made and if you want to continue with that choice you need to accept as part and parcel of living on a planet inhabited by Homo sapiens. Look inward to where the strength that got you where you are today came from. It’s the same strength that will get you to where you want to be. Listen to yourself and not to others unless they share the same goal of getting you to where you WANT to be.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

it just doesnt get the same level of sympathy without the sexist or racist angle.

just "you suck" yelled by a woman.

Meh, can overcome that easily. how is that an excuse for losing?

you have to be careful these days, depending on the recipient's race, any criticism or disaprovement towards someone in a public space/work place might not end well for you..... just better avoid these kind of problems

3 ( +3 / -0 )

lolozo79Mar. 13  05:26 pm JST

She should've done what many a WWE wrestler has done. Stand defiantly in the middle of the court and shout ''Come over here and say that to my face ! ''

Have to agree, or better yet, had she yelled back, "No YOU suck", then she would have got rapturous applause and become a sort of folk hero......

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Maybe it’s about time she find another career. Being in public is tough. Nowadays people are cruel and nasty. Look at the politicians tough it out. She is too weak. I’m a woman. It makes women look soft. And I thought we were supposed to be tough. It’s bad enough to be in a very competitive world. But here she is in a truly 100% competitor’s arena. Better find a different career where she won’t use tears. I have never seen a player whimper all the time. Too sensitive. Sometimes people are just not cut out for the job even if you are good. It’s just not for everyone. You have to be tough and learn to ignore.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

no connection with japan!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

aww gee whiz, the poor helpless little girl, somebody should start her a fund raiser.

Where's her mommy and daddy, they should give her a great big hug and then send her up to her room early so she can play with her teddy bear.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

you have to be careful these days, depending on the recipient's race, any criticism or disaprovement towards someone in a public space/work place might not end well for you..... just better avoid these kind of problems

You can only be a complete coward for so long until everyone around you catches on to that fact. One things for sure when they do attack you, never apologize or they will make you pay for it until the day you die. I'm not speaking of racial things, I'm speaking of criticism to individuals who deserve it, no matter what they claim to be or actually are, if they deserve the criticism it's got to be said and meant. Otherwise you'll get walked all over until the day that you die.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Everyone is so mean!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Good lads.

The 94 preceding comments, some good, some bad, some the typical---all missed the point.

A quick replay: "I watched a video of Venus and Serena (Williams) getting heckled here. If you've never watched it you should watch it," Osaka said. "I don't know why, but it went into my head and it got replayed a lot. I'm trying not to cry."

A little history: The video she is describing is the one where "fans" at that same tournament were screaming the N-word at the sisters, in addition to other vitriol, and yelling comments like "Go back to Compton."

And the sisters boycotted that tournament for more than a decade.

So, when Osaka heard someone screaming an insult at her, and she recalled what the Williams sisters experienced, it had an effect on her, unlike it would have if she were not a person of color.

Puts things in perspective.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

This is just a lame excuse for a poor performance.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I thought the first person who should have told her she sucks in her performance is her coach!

Don't see a reason to remove the person who shouted out - is truth too much to handle?

On the opposite note I feel sorry for Osaka - it's a mental condition which is very difficult to address. She needs therapy and I hope she finds a way and help to overcame it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

What a primadonna, fragile as a crystal vase! Grow a thicker skin if you want to survive in this world!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Good lads?

One things for sure when they do attack you, never apologize or they will make you pay for it until the day you die. I

If mild knights of mordor don't do it for ya I guess its… womens tennis? Some of these takes are inches away from an I love putin or fauci vaxx is killin me so don't be surprised. Be prepared. They want to make it all a fear factory so you gotta side line the guano talk and see the message for what it is. Anyhow, we all know Naomi is rich, a bit rich. Gets political even before all the dudes. Way talented and completely human. Now 99% of the - makers here are meltdown mode anytime the name comes up. Fragile rock.

painkillerMar. 16 12:16 pm JST


Good lads.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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