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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Japan-Scotland Rugby World Cup game to go ahead
By JOHN PYE TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
( Japan - Scotland ) that is some good news... : )
Good! Now we can see who wins, without there being any complaints about how (well hopefully).
Bart Fargo
Glad it is on!
Absolutely disgusted by the Scottish rugby sportsmanship who tried to take legal action if the game had not gone through even though they acknowledged the rules before the tournament and signed. Similar action to what Japan's neighbors to the East would do....
Come on Brave Blossoms, smash the moaning Jocks!!!!!
Ganbare Japan!
Go Go Brave Blossoms! Crush the complaining Scottish, and make the final 8!
I usually don’t care about the results of international sport but this is one of the few times I’m rooting for a team.
Come on Scotland!
He said he would consider legal action. It would've been a disgrace if they canceled today's game. Also, teams agreed it would be a draw if games were canceled, but it doesn't mean world rugby had to cancel them outright. Moving the match wouldn't be a cancelation.
I think he meant to say ‘peak of the typhoon season’
The Scotland's team point was that more was not done to allow the match to go ahead. Options included relocating the match and changing the time and still having it on the same day.
There was plenty of warning about the typhoon and do plenty of time. The match might have been played without spectators but it could still have gone ahead without asking the Japanese organizers to break the rules.
Yet despite the apparent "robust contingency plans" cancellation appeared to be the only plan that they would consider.
Typhoons "season" runs from June to October, however typhoons can pop up at anytime of the year.
By considering the devastation of this typhoon, and all their silly complaints for a rule that was clear since the beginning, it's Scotland team who would do a nice gesture offering some help to Japanese people, to save their reputation. And also some people in this site were arrived to some ridiculous conspiracy theories about using the typhoon as an excuse to erase the game. Reflect on yourself, but I doubt these people will do it.
quercetum: "East?" It must mean Hawaii.
Not so much a conspiracy theory, but just an understandable concern that a decision on cancellation might have been taken just a little bit too casually. No harm in reminding the rugby authorities that they were being watched.
I feel sorry for the people in Kamaishi. The smallest of all the stadiums, but perhaps the most significant. I hope some other rugby event can be arranged there soon to make up for the cancellation.
@albaleo: what I read were some clear conspiracy theories, not all of them, but some of them. Anyway these people should be simply happy that they are alive and safe, unlike all the dead and the ones who are suffering for their lost ones. I don't understand humanity anymore. Italy match was erased, and I am sure many Italian rugby fans were upset, but fortunately I didn't se Italian press blaming Japan or something like that. Maybe because we know the word "natural disaster" very well, being the only Country prone to terrible earthquakes in Europe, together with Greece.
Here in Scotland, I haven' seen the Scottish press blaming Japan either, just reporting the words of the Scottish Rugby Union.
I agree it can look selfish showing concern over a game while people are suffering from a terrible event. But it's possible to do both. While I've been commenting on some of the rugby stories, we've been in contact with family in Saitama (three nieces and their seven kids) making sure they're OK. The teenage boys among them reminded me that Scotland are crap. But just like most boys in Scotland, they were referring to the football and not the rugby. :-)
@albaleo: I am glad Scottish press didn't blame Japan, but in this site there are some usual users that used also this tragedy for their agenda. :) They are clearly happy when something bad happens, that could "ruin" Japanese international reputation. I think it's also important to consider that the rules were established since the beginning, so it's a bit late to complain. And people from Countries that don't know the meaning of a true important natural disaster, should try to be a bit more sensitive. Also when an earthquake happens here in Italy, since we have a lot of foreign tourists, we are aware we must care about them too, and we do what we can for their safety, because they are also more confused being only on holidays in a foreign land. It's up to foreign tourists deciding if they want to visit a Country prone to earthquakes and hurricanes, we can't change our territory.
But hang on a minute...... ;)
@albaleo: you can also see the inconsistency and incoherence of some people. The "usual users" indeed always accused Japan for not scheduling the Olympics in September/October, by considering the heat problem in Summer. Apparently they forgot about typhoons, and now they are accusing Japan for scheduling Rugby World Cup during the typhoons season. Some of them suggested plans for rescheduling, but during a natural disaster everything isn't always so predictable, not only about the timing but also about the areas that could be involved, so maybe the organizers thought about those rules, together with World Rugby. Both World Rugby and IOC know Japanese territory and climate, but they gave Japan the games anyway. Complaining against Japan is silly, because everyone knows the peculiarity of this territory. Plus, unpredictable events can happen everywhere anyway. If I am not wrong, Turkey was another strong candidate for 2020 Olympics. But now you have a geopolitical event that wasn't predictable at the time: Turkey is attacking Syria and the situation is a mess, between Turkey and the West. What if Turkey had got the games? Could we predict the current events?! Unpredictable natural disasters, geopolitical, humanitarian, economic crisis, can happen everywhere, we can't know the future. Organizations like IOC, FIFA, World Rugby are interested mainly in the profits, and they will give the games to any Country ready to spend tons of money to host them, simply this.
Thanks for your posts. I generally agree with your thoughts about the usual Japan-blaming crowd. However, that doesn't mean we can't get mad at the IOC, FIFA, World Rugby, World Curling Federation, etc. :-)
@albaleo: sure, you can get mad at them, absolutely! XD I was only speaking about some typical Japan-bashing that you see from the usual crowd here. I stopped care about international sports competition, exactly because I lost any trust in those organizations. :/
Have you actually cross-checked the names? I wonder if the same people are in both groups.
Both RWC and Olympics should probably have avoided the Aug to Oct period completely. Taking extreme heat and typhoons away as risks, that would leave the risk of a large earthquake disrupting the event. Japan has a higher exposure to natural disasters than many other countries - that’s the reality. To schedule something in Japan means taking those risks.
On the other hand Canada team whose game was canceled volunteers and join the effort of locals to clean up in Kamaishi. Nice.
Dr Maybe
*Absolutely disgusted by the Scottish rugby sportsmanship who tried to take legal action if the game had not gone through even though they acknowledged the rules before the tournament and signed. *Similar action to what Japan's neighbors to the East would do....
Which neighbors to the east are those? Have those naughty dudes in Hawaii been saying something not so nice? Shame on them!
Both RWC and Olympics should probably have avoided the Aug to Oct period completely. Taking extreme heat and typhoons away as risks, that would leave the risk of a large earthquake disrupting the event. Japan has a higher exposure to natural disasters than many other countries - that’s the reality. To schedule something in Japan means taking those risks.
I remember a time when most Japanese had heard of Rugby, but did not really know what it was. (One or two expat Japanese in my home town knew about Rugby because the Japanese company sponsored the local team). 99% of Japanese I met in Japan thought it was a kind of American Football.
This is why I felt Japan was a strange place to have the a Rugby tournament, not because of weather conditions.
I remember the World Cup in 1970. Many people were moaning then about what effect the high altitude of Mexico City would have on the athletes.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Japan is giving us a good show so far! 14-7
Bugle Boy of Company B
21-7 Japan
Scotland is making a fair bit of fouls. Not sure if they are getting sloppy or frustrated. But the last knockdown call was pretty borderline. Scotland likely would have tied up if not for that call.
Good work Japan. Totally outplaying Scotland
Ganbare Japan!
Unbelievable performance by Brave Blossoms so far! Matsushima-san and Fukuoka-san are unstoppable by Scotland, theyre tries were awesome.
Miracle of Yokohama coming up! South Africa will be getting worried now, flashbacks of Brighton! LOL!
I hope so. :-)
Japan are playing fantastic rugby so far, and would deservedly top their pool if they finish off the Scots in the second half.
Scots to try to get their hands on the ball in the second half, one assumes...
By the way, these are no miracles just good play, and making the most of home ground advantage.
28-7 now Scotland getting creamed.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Scotland is making a wee bit of a comeback.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Congrats japan!
Haaa Nemui
Fantastic game. Incredibly tense at the end. Well deserved win by Japan.
Great final - quality rugby.
Get up Japan and have a crack at South Africa next week!
Ganbare Japan!
Un-Be-Lie-Va-Ble!! The miracle of Yokohama comes true! Brave Blossoms made Japan so proud and cheered them after this week.
Bring on South Africa, Brave Blossoms can do it again!!
Finished, JAPAN WIN!
Ganbare Japan!
Japan and NZ = the only unbeaten teams. They should both make the final... what a game that would be!
Well, Japan can go into the QFs with pride.
That was more exciting than a cancellation. Great game. Well done, Japan. Brilliant defense.
it was the match I wanted to see, but somehow I imagine the final will be contested by another pair, but what a great performance by the Japan reps - I’ve been impressed especially by Hineno, and Matsushima obviously. This pair could be playing in Super Rugby teams next season.
Himeno I meant