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© 2019 AFPWorld Rugby slams Scotland legal threat over typhoon-hit game
By Talek Harris TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2019 AFP
I can appreciate Scotland's frustration. If I were them, I would also slam the decision to choose Japan as a host during its notorious typhoon season.
I expect similar issues will be raised this summer. Sigh.
IF Sunday's game is axed. Hopefully the bad weather will pass.
I've been looking forward to this match.
Haaa Nemui
I hope the game can go ahead and I’m sympathetic to them but these threats of legal action at this time kind of turn me off Scotland.
Haa Nemui . . . but these threats of legal action at this time kind of turn me off Scotland.
Not so much Scotland, but Scotland's rugby coach is showing poor sportsmanship.
It's not like Joseph and the Japan Team conjured up the typhoon.
Weather is the weather.
I could happen in Scotland, too .
They are known for their high gales and hurricanes.
Jefflee :I would also slam the decision to choose Japan as a host during its notorious typhoon season.
There is never a perfect time.
There are many factors involved in selecting countries
Scotland's coach is ill advised to cause such a flurry over a game directive he knowingly agreed to..
Haaa Nemui
semperfi - yep I agree. Just if it continues, as the head of the team he has an influence on the overall image. Long term behavior like this is really poor. I agree with World Rugby on this. Right now focus on what matters and that’s getting past this storm. Worry about the aftermath later.
robert maes
Scotland is absolutely correct to challenge loc2019 and irb for this shambolic non-organisation. That things went well thus far is no excuse, that is the norm for a worldcup organiser. But first challenge to their efficiency and preparation and it is chaos.
6 years to prepare and the contingency plan was to move games for 20km ? When could that ever have worked ? Obviously not in a typhoon, certainly not for an earthquake as the alternative stadium would have to undergo stability checks. Very unlikely in a case of volcanic eruptions... so.... when would it work ?
For everyone of the 48 games a contingency should have been in place and thanks to Japans geographic form, it was possible to do so. And this decision in this case could have been taken 4 to 5 days prior to the games as the typhoon has been announced for as long. Teams, fans( partly),press, broadcast, could all have been relocated.
It is unacceptable for IRB And Loc2019 not to reschedule all games. Unworthy for any worldcup organiser specially one proudly boasting for years about contingency plans for all eventualities.
Of course people’s safety comes first but using it as an excuse is poor skills.
People will actually die in this typhoon and damage repairs will take weeks if not months, so, the real human thing is to cancel the rest of the worldcup and for all teams, players, organisers fans, to help with the reconstruction in the form of physical help or monetary. The latter i am sure they will do.
But bad organisation skills should not be camouflaged with this typhoon. THAT is disrespectful to all, most of all to the people whom will suffer in this typhoon
I don't think it's the coach making the legal noises but the Scottish Rugby Union chief executive.
It would be kind of ironic if the game goes ahead but it ends up a draw anyway.
Yes, Scotland didn't insist to force game to be played in Tokyo despite Typhon. They just disappointed that their match being dropped because poor planing.
Completely agree with possibility of Legal action if Scotland are robbed of their chance to qualify. The whole tournament is a fast now as several possible outcomes have been changed. May as well just simulate all the games as the tournament is a dead rubber now and just seems like a fast. I've been watching Rugby my whole life and never known anything like this. Pathetic to have no back up plan in place for a scenario that is almost garnteed to happen. Never mind the fans like myself who have travelled 10000km from the Europe to watch a game that's now not happening. Wasted my time and money!!
Scotland did sign up to this 0-0 for 2 points rule before the WC, if they didn’t like it, why did they sign?
What info do their lawyers have that we don’t? Just bluster?
Huh, who was predicting a super typhoon in mid-October?
This is very unusual weather, hardly an annual event. Biggest since 1958...
What’s the bet that South Africa and New Zealand destroy their eventual opponents in the QFs anyway?
Mr Kipling
I’m sure the Japan players want the game to go ahead. No real sportsman would want to qualify in these circumstances. There would always be that * hanging over their achievements.
Typhoon will be long gone by kickoff time, if the stadium is safe...Game on!
Haaa Nemui
I totally feel for the Italians who were unable to retire from the game after playing what could have been a career highlight. I hope the Scotland Japan game goes ahead and I’ll feel sorry for Scotland if it doesn’t. But pre-empting the decision with threats of legal action is not displaying good sportsmanship and if the game goes ahead as planned their threats actually dampen the mood anyway. Yeah it sucks that the game might be cancelled and it hasn’t been organized in a way for the game to be postponed but they’re trying to influence the organizer’s decision and that’s dangerous not just because of this typhoon.
No, but there is an appropriate season or time of year. Which is why ski competitions aren't held in summer....or spring...or fall...or rainy season.
Yep, cuz rescheduling a makeup game in a World Cup playoff would be unfathomable, impossible, out of the question, and throw in some teeth sucking for good measure.
I agree with Scotland.
Invalid CSRF
The typhoon should be well gone by 9 or 10am Sunday morning so, as long as there isn't any damage to stadiums or train lines, 7:45pm game would definitely be on.
I don't blame the Scots - and still feel very sorry for the Italians- tbh. The elephant in the room - and all rugby fans/players/pundits know it- is that if a rugby 'superpower' (NZ, SA, Eng possibly Fra, oz and Ireland) were in Italy/Scotland's position WR & rwc2019 organisers would have found a way to reschedule & play the game. No way they'd have told hansen/erasmus/ jones & co 'sorry mate, bloody typhoon! See you in 2023'.
Reeks of the old boys club but that's rugby.
If it were Scotland in pole position and Japan needing to win to get to the QFs, we might be able to talk.
But Japan has more points on the board and it is Scotland who whipped Japan at the last cup may lose their chance. I don’t see any old boys club there!
half-hearted jumper
"Notorious"? An interesting choice of adjective.
I hope the game is played. I also hope Japan beat the living daylights out of them.
Living daylights is strong but agreed otherwise, if they are up to it. Should be a great match!!
Shocking, are people brain death or what ? What is so difficult rescheduling this crucial game to be played the next day monday which happens to be a national holiday thus little effect on attendance. It is not like the typhoon hits an area and hovers there for days.
A very simple and easy matter has been made so difficult with a brainless decision.
Haaa Nemui
No decision has been made yet.
Regarding the Japan team and the game on Sunday.
Mr Kipling
The RWC has to fit in with the domestic play schedules of the competing countries. The hosting country HAS to hold the completion at this time. They do not bid to hold the RWC then choose the dates. The fact that it is also the typhoon season should have resulted in “extra” measures to ensure games were played. This will probably be factored in for future events.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Scotland has every right to challenge the result if indeed the game is cancelled. There was more than enough time to plan for this kind of thing, or change the dates.
The RWC organizers are lucky rugby is a minor sports, if this kind of brainless decision is implemented in a soccer WC there will be rioting.
Their decision to outright cancel rather than push the crucial group stage deciders tells us they don't think highly of the RWC.
Even, elementary school undokai that are held every year are rescheduled how much more for an event that is held every four years and the defining tournament for the careers of some players.
Craig Williams
It is not "disappointing" that Scotland are looking at legal action should the game be cancelled and nor is it undermining what Japan have achieved - in actually playing and winning games. Scotland are totally within their right to question the cancellation and subsequent points allocation. They are clearly hitting their straps and I suspect that they will beat Japan.
Dr Maybe
What’s the bet that South Africa and New Zealand destroy their eventual opponents in the QFs anyway?
Dr Maybe
Not so much Scotland, but Scotland's rugby coach is showing poor sportsmanship.
Are you for real?? The weather is not a sport. If you were told that you had been beaten at something, even though you weren't allowed to take part, don't you think you might feel a sense of injustice?
Japan gets typhoons from the summer onwards so why no contingency plans?
Why can't the match just postophoned?
Agreed, extremely poor planning.
Not very in keeping with rugby this talk of legal action.
Perhaps Scotland could’ve put in a better performance in its other games. Perhaps they should challenged the laws stipulating a declared draw in these circumstances.
As for those critiquing the choice of Japan fro the World Cup, typhoons hit all the time and are the equivalent of a British summer storm. This one is a once in a generation type, so most rare. Get over yourselves, Japan is a fantastic choice for host country who can’t account for all acts of God same as the rest of us.
Now the Scotland chief has said this I’m shouting louder for a Japan win, and knowing these typhoons it will have passed by morning and it will be game on. Know what you’re dealing with Scotland before you cry foul!
Normally when a sporting event has to be called off due to circumstances beyond anybody's control, (or any event for that matter), then the event is re-scheduled for another date.
Duriel Chew
I'm here in Tokyo experiencing the Typhoon as I type this. This natural disaster is no joke! Japan is getting rocked by Typhoon Hagibis. I doubt anyone here is thinking about the match in sunday at this point.
If Scotland is knocked out by default, that's part of the rules they signed up for. If they played as strong as they claim to be, they wouldn't be worried trying to make it into the knock-out stage.
Scotland has far less on the line, this whole country is at risk, & the many lives here are far more important than a match.
Typhoon Hagibis sounds like Scottish national dish 'Haggis'. Kinda ironic?
Japan not quantifying will be more disappointing than the weather. Japan has to win, even the finals.
This World Rugby's rule is stupid, I think almost everyone agrees with this opinion. But Scotland's attitude is even more stupid, they had to protest BEFORE signing and accepting the rule, not AFTER. Now Scotland looks only absurd.
And to all people who are saying Japan was a wrong choice to host the games, you should remember it isn't the only Country in the world with these problems. Are you suggesting all the Countries prone to earthquakes and hurricanes should be excluded from the list of possible hosts for sport event? That is ridiculous. In 2015 F1 Gp USA cancelled second session because of hurricane Patricia.
George Webb
Heads or tails?? You honestly think these decisions fair??
Without a doubt risk to life is paramount, so play the cancelled games on Monday.........simple.
Dr Maybe
Not very in keeping with rugby this talk of legal action.
Not very in keeping with the spirit of sport to say that a team can be knocked out of a competition without being given the chance to complete its allotted number of group games. Then again, England was gifted the one day cricket World Cup on the basis of a farcical, arbitrary rule that no one ever imagined would ever be called into effect. Maybe we should just toss a coin to see who wins this competition too.
The planning should have allowed for games to be postponed a day or two, long enough for a typhoon to pass. I was reading this morning that their contingency planning is to move games from Yokohama to Tokyo, completely useless in the face of a typhoon.