Japan Today

Saudi Arabia will host 2034 World Cup. But when exactly?


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But Saudi Arabia has even stricter rules on alcohol — and there is no indication that will change.

But Saudi Arabia has even stricter rules on gays — and there is no indication that will change.

But Saudi Arabia has even stricter rules on women — and there is no indication that will change.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ronaldo, Benzema, Neymar, N'Golo, and Mitrovic are all doing fine. In recent years, top European football managers, referees, match officials, and quality footballers from European and Latin American leagues, have been creating passion and love for football across Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, and across football crazy Asia. Like FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, Saudi Arabia 2034 FIFA World Cup will be yet another feather in the cap for world football governing body FIFA and for the magnanimity and generosity of the hosting nation.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

FIFA gross error

5 ( +5 / -0 )

It's all about the CA$$$$$$H at FIFA.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Ronaldo, Benzema, Neymar, N'Golo, and Mitrovic are all doing fine.

Topping up their pension pots in the dullest league in football. No passion, no fans. No point.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Like FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, Saudi Arabia 2034 FIFA World Cup will be yet another feather in the cap for world football governing body FIFA and for the magnanimity and generosity of the hosting nation.

I usually like your positivity Doc, but this is a pretty low point for FIFA and Infantino.

I bloody hate FIFA and wish football federations would show a bit of backbone and show a bit more collective integrity. The sport is wealthy enough to not need the money from a brutal petrocracy.

Barney Ronay writes well about this in the Guardian


3 ( +3 / -0 )

I usually like your positivity Doc, but this is a pretty low point for FIFA and Infantino.

Given Infantino’s past nonsense, he might bring up the history of witch burning in Europe when asked about Saudi Arabia’s revolting human rights record.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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