Japan Today

Skiing Afghans determined to keep sport alive

By Abdullah HASRAT

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All of them are boys.

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I don't think you want girls out on them slopes. I been to India and went snow boarding not far from the Pakistan/ India/China border and the chair lift was a Yak and the guide had a AK47.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Women no longer participate since the Taliban authorities effectively banned women from all sports, despite previously making up a large number of skiers in Bamiyan, according to the federation.

Nasratullah Nasrat, who learned to ski from YouTube videos, said he hopes to one day ski for Afghanistan, but voiced concern about the "very limited resources" available to skiers.

The Olympics requires federations to allow women athletes

As long as the Afghan fed bans women athletes in a sport, they can't field a team

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