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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.S Korea formally asks IOC to ban 'rising sun' flag at Tokyo Olympics
By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Sorry, but I would like if someone could explain me what is happening. Why isn't this flag illegal here in the West? It's perfectly legal. You can find it everywhere, as a decoration in t-shirts, jackets, etc. After 80 years, South Korea decided it's like Nazi Swastika, despite we know it was already used during the Edo period, so it wasn't born to celebrate Japanese imperialism, unlike Nazi Swastika. I don't like how South Koreans are rewriting history also for us Westerns. If the West will accept South Korean requests, I will start to doubt about ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING we have learned in the past decades in history classes, because they NEVER teached us that this flag was a Nazi symbol. This means only that the West is starting to pander to South Korea/China narratives, in this case well I could also think China version of the Tienanmen massacre is true, while the West version is fake, same for the narrative about Mao.
The West should think about what it is doing, pandering to any Korean/Chinese narrative about Japan. This is starting to show Western double standards. So, China tells the truth about anything related to Japan, while her narrative is fake about any other thing that isn't convenient to Western interests?! It's the West itself that is starting to hurt its own credibility in this way.
The Koreans really are hypocritical. Remember all those unified flags at their Winter Olympics incorporating Takeshima? The Koreans just won't drop this proxy war.
I do agree that I don't like the use of this flag and it should be removed in modern day Japan. But the Koreans are the last people to complain about controversial flag waving at an Olympics.
But exactly which is the problem with the use of this flag?! It's not related to Imperial Japan anymore. Or you should ban the Union Jack and many other flags used during Imperial times by many other colonial powers. It's stupid exactly how Japan's idea to remove the Buddhist symbol in the temples just because it could remind some people of the Nazi Swastika. It's NOT the Nazi Swastika, period. I agree with banning right wingers waving that flag in a politically motivated way. But the original meaning of that flag is a symbol of luck and peace, and now it's widespread use is that, only extreme right wingers use it in another way. Blame the user and his intentions, not the object itself.
Plus, I repeat: the West should be clear about this "problem". Seriously. Why, after WWII, the allied powers banned the Nazi Swastika, but not this flag? You can find this flag in any shirt in Western shops. Are we committing a crime when we wear clothes with that flag? What did it change during these decades?! At least, and I am speaking to our Western leaders, make up with your brain. Because you can't tell us that is okay to own merchandising with this flag and at the same time starting to tell us that for the past 80 years we used a Nazi symbol. You look only inconsistent and weak this way. It's only another example of Western decline and Chinese influence growth.
Did Japan even plan to use the "rising sun flag"? This will only move right wing Japanese in the audience to sneek in the flag and wave it.
South Korea is the country that is violating the Olympic Spirit promoting peace and love for humanity. Nations which fought Japan in WWII, the US UK Australia even Russia have no problem with this flag because they recognize that itiis not a "political" flag. All nations except for South Korea and China (when convenient) recognize that the Rising Sun flag is not the equivalent of the Nazi swastika. There is no end to South Korean revisionism, villification of Japan and looking foolish before the whole world. If South Korea seriously has a problem with this flag, just boycott the 2020 Olympics and make everybody else happy.
Ganbare Japan!
Its an official flag of Japan. Japanese have the right to wave it at Olympics. I hope IOC does not bow down to the SK pressure and bullying. Anyway, I thought SK was almost certain to boycott Olympics, so why do they care about the flags in the stadium?
Dear god SK.. It's just so embarrassing now..
Why don't they just get it over with and announce their boycott?
Their incessant whining is getting incessant.
@TigersTokyoDome - SK initially used a Unification Flag with Dokdo featured on the flag, but decided not to continue using the flag when Japan complained.
I wouldn't compare those "wars".
The first one is a large scale war including tortures, rapes and public executions.
The latter is a geopolitical argument about islands.
@Alex80 - SK is not asking Westerners or the rest of the world to start finding the Rising Sun flag offensive. SK is saying it is offensive to many Asians to suffered under brutal Imperial Japanese rule.
In fact the flag is banned by the AFC (Asian Football Federation), meaning that if Japanese fans wave the flag during an AFC Champions League match, the club will be fined.
@Heckleberry: no, no! Koreans are exactly asking to the West to fit their narrative! This is why I am tired with our Western leaders too. At least they could be clear about it, because for the past 80 years they told us another story.
Why are people downvoting my post stating that SK formally dropped the use of the Unification Flag featuring Dokdo, in response to Japanese complaints.
That is not an opinion. It's fact.
A modified Unification Flag was used during the Opening Ceremony and the rest of the games, one that had Dokdo removed.
Link :
@Ganbare - No it's not.
The official flag of Japan is called the Hinomaru. It is a red circle in the centre of an empty white background.
This is what it looks like:
Korean nationalists do not constitute "many Asians". Considering the size and populaton of "Asia" they are a miniscule insignificant bunch.The hypocrisy is that Koreans in the Imperial Japanese military forces invaded other Asian nations, not to mention abused allied POWs in the Philippines. But those nations that were actually invaded, Philipines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam etc all have no problem with this flag. Neither does the Republic of China (Taiwan) which was the ruling government of China which was at war with Japan. No other former enmemy of Japan in WWII has any problem with this flag. South Korea is making a fool of itself once again.
Heckle, yes the Koreans did eventually ban the flags from inside the events but the flags were pretty prevalent outside. Plus, the Koreans were pretty happy that the flags were created in the first place before they bowed down to pressure. Therefore I find it funny that they are raising this subject so proactively. The pot calling the kettle black.?
gakin - we are not comparing levels here. If the Koreans produced a controversial flag at an Olympics (later dropped), it is quite hypocritical to criticise anothers flags. Its not about the level of war, its a general statement about controversial flags.
@Alex80 - You do realise that the Nazi Swastika is not banned in most countries in the world outside Germany. So nobody is committing a crime if they wore a shirt with the Nazi symbol outside Germany, but does that make it okay?
I'm not Jewish nor am I a black American, so whilst I recognise that the Nazi symbol and the Confederacy flag are offensive to many people, I personally am not particularly offended by it, even though I might be shocked to see one and start walking the other way as the wearer is probably not of sound mind.
SK are not asking the rest of the world to find the Rising Sun flag offensive. They are saying it is offensive to them, and for others to understand this. They are asking Japan to formally decide against using the Rising Sun flags, like SK formally decided against use of the Unification Flag featuring Dokdo.
This is what the United States Air Force thinks about the Rising Sun Flag.
South Korean needs to get a clue as to who is protecting them.
And the US Navy as well.
@Tigers - You are missing the point.
The point that the organising SK Olympic Committee officially and formally dropped the flag showing Dokdo for their own Olympic games, in the spirit of peace and in response to Japanese complaint, and used a modified flag that did not show the islets.
That is more than Japan has done about a flag that neighbouring country finds offensive.
@Ossan - That shows the Japanese Navy ensign, with the sun off-centre.
Are the Japanese wanting to wave their Navy flag at the Olympics? Why?
And as if USA would find the Rising Sun flag offensive, when they won the war and even caused untold suffering by dropping two atomic bombs on your country.
Wow I guess facts have no place here on JT.
People are actually denying reality and fact by disagreeing that the SK Olympic Committee formally dropped the Unification flag showing Dokdo, and that the official flag of Japan is the one with the red dot on white not the one with radiation sign.
South Korea should stop this nonsense and focus on what they usually do best at the Olympics; giving Japan a drubbing in the medals table.
I'm not shocked or offended by the Confederate flag. I associate it more with southern rednck wear. Swastikas...different story. Nobody wears that unless they're Manson or skinheads.
I don't agree with the Rising Sun flag. But the Koreans need to learn to put a lid on it.
The unified Takeshima flag was produced for, and used at, international sporting events prior to Korea's Winter Olympics. So they are in no position to raise this subject.
Like I said, the Japanese should also learn to lose the Rising Sun flag and use the Hinomaru.
I’m sure the Japanese are capable of understanding how the Koreans feel about rising sun flag. Why do they ask American high schools to stop using their nicknames,the bombers?
One high school’s symbol and mascot was the mushroom cloud. It hurt the Japanese’s feelings. I’m sure they can relate how the Koreans feel about the Rising Sun. Is this the special hospitality Omotenashi for the Olympic Games?
It is a huge mistake, as simple as that.
Rising sun flag is the symbol of Japan whether you like it or not! Based on Koreans’ logic, many countries will need to ban their flags such as UK, France , US China etc.
Koreans should also stop acting like they are the representative of the whole Asians by saying “this is offensive in Asia”, “this flag is the symbol of Japanese imperialism to Asians” blah, blah, when it’s only Koreans are complaining about it. Not to mention that they just started to complain about it recently based on some opportunistic motives.
black_jack, it is offensive in Asia, at least 80 years ago.
Tokyo is most likely to withdraw the decision before IOC acts. Japanese are smart people.
From aesthetic point of view, the national flag is much more pleasing without the 16 rays.
S Koreans did not have any objections about Japanese rising sun for many decades after end of the war, but they suddenly started it around when comfort women became a big issue. (as long as I remember)
@black_jack: exactly. Plus, they are actually forcing people also here in the West into their narrative. They think if you use that flag you act like a Nazi. Of course some people are scared by this kind of accuse, but it's not right, because despite what they see in that flag, other people around the world see simply a symbol that isn't political at all. Exactly how the Swastika in Asia isn't offensive despite how the Nazi distorted that symbol. I can understand if they ban that flag in that Country, and if you are in South Korea, you must respect their law. It's their Country. But how they try to influence people attitude in other Countres is annoying. I spoke recently about the Italian comic artist that changed the cover of his comic because of Korean complaints. Korean propaganda abroad is harmful for our freedom, since it is fueling the fascism hysteria that is already rampant in the West during this period, where people can be easily labeled as "fascist" for any small unrelated thing, like being against massive immigration for simple reasons of obvious inabilitybof the government to handle the phenomenon at this huge level, that have NOTHING to do with racism.
inability of the government*
Neighbors should care each other. That is Confucius teaching, a philosophy of Japan for 2000 years.
I repeat, I am almost more annoyed with the ambivalent attitude of Western press about this flag problem, than with the Koreans. Because also in my Country we are starting to see always more weird complaints about this flag, articles like this that speak about it like a symbol of imperialism, etc. BUT at the same time you still see this flag everywhere, like happened normally for the past decades. There's plenty of clothes with this flag everywhere, but if one Western celebrity wears a shirt with that flag and publishes a picture on her/his social media, later to protect her/his reputation she/he is forced to apologize, like if she/he had embraced the Nazi ideology. So, please, we want only ONE CLEAR INTERPRETATION, because at this point we are tired of random accusations about fascism, nazism, imperialism, whatever. Enough is enough, we are living in very ugly times, seriously.
The urgent thing to do is for the northeast Asians come together to set up standards for common history. There is a committee, they need speed up on this. Japan did a lot of bad things, but also a lot of good things. There should be a balanced view, as simple as that.
It seems as though some in Korea are determined to make the US and other Western nations choose between Korea and Japan. If it comes to that, I am afraid Korea will be quite shocked at the result.
commanteer, based on International laws, Tokyo has to make a decision on this.
@commanteer: I dont know it, if you consider the current international mood, the magic words "defense of human rights" and random accusations of "fascism/racism" can play in favour of South Korean narrative, despite this kind of rethoric is being used everywhere as a political tool, ironically to limit any kind of legitimate criticism that has NOTHING to do with defending neo-nazi ideology or historical revisionism. As I said, here in Italy only try to criticize mass illegal immigration, because you simply see how the government hasn't the ability to handle such a situation anymore, and you are labeled as a fascist.
Another day another political stunt by South Korea. The rising sun flag is the legitimate JMSDF ensign, much the way the Royal Navy's White Ensign is a legitimate flag. Should the Royal Navy stop flying the flag because of the days of the old Empire? Russia still has red stars on its military craft and vehicles - should they stop because their national flag isn't a star? The Germans use the old WW1 cross on their military hardware... should they stop using it?
You can take this as far as you like - like Middle Eastern countries demanding that England stops using the flag of St George and the three lions symbolism because of Richard the Lion Heart and the Crusades.
South Korea needs to grow up, stop being so petulant and realise that WW2 ended in 1945. The world has moved on. Join us in the future - it's not as good as the films and books said it was, but it's better than sulking in 1945.
Haaa Nemui
On the subject of flags and the Olympics, here are flags from nations competing reimagined as anime characters. Very cool stuff.
Would like to see more of this sort of thing instead of the political arguments between different countries.
Mister X
For the very small amount of anti-Japan protestors amongst the South Korean population don't worry you and your incompetent leader Moon can not only admire the beautiful Rising Sun flag next year at the Tokyo Olympics 2020 but the Rising Sun flag will soon also be reinstated as the Japanese national flag, it's just a matter of time.
Love it or hate it, it's a pretty cool flag. Remember playing street fighter when I was a wee lad - ed honda had that in the background.
Why would anyone want to wave (what has become) an officially-designated military flag at a sporting event when there is a far more appropriate and acceptable alternative that pisses off far fewer people? Are there any athletes that feel more encouraged from seeing the 'rising sun' flag rather than the Hinomaru?
Mister X
The Japanese Rising Sun flag was the national symbol of Japan created more than 400 years so of course Japanese people are proud of it despite the atrocities that were committed under its banner during the IJA period.
The European countries and the United States also wave their flags proudly at the Olympic Games and when we compare the atrocities they committed in the past and even the present under their national symbols when compared to the Rising Sun their really is no comparison.
Sure there are and why shouldn't they feel encouraged, the beautiful Rising Sun flag has been around for more than 400 years as a national symbol of Japan and is here to stay.
Koreans should focus their energy into the real issues the country is facing such as: North Korea, high unemployment rate among the youth, corruption in the government etc. It is sad that they cannot see how ridiculous they look to other people by throwing tantrum over a flag that historically doesn’t have to do anything with them (remember, Korea was not at war with Japan)
FIFA have banned it and the IOC will ban it with a decent backhander.
Just do it and get this trivial crap done with.
Exactly where in the article does it mention any Chinese entity demanding that the flag be banned?
Once again, those who are loudest to accuse Japan of whitewashing history......
Tom Doley
So many Japanese posters here complain about the Koreans objecting to the use of the rising sun flag in the west, yet the same Japanese never complain when they vociferously object to Koreans installing comfort women statues in the west. Talk about hypocrites.
princess row
Please, SK, you dont have to go and participate in the Olympics. Have some dignity and hide your hypocrisy and hatred. Your sentiment do not represent the rest of the Asian community in general. We are so sick of your tantrums. Please go away and dont show up in the Olympics. Please.
For those who think that Koreans will stop whining if Japan abolishes the rising sun flag, you are so naive! Next they will try to seek something else to criticise Japan. Shall we also ban the national flag too? At the end the Japanese military marched through territories they occupied with that flag too. Oh what about Union Jack, French Tri-color, US’s Stars and Stripes etc.? Koreans’ logic does not make any sense at all. They were not even at war with Japan
Quote from above: " [T]he beautiful Rising Sun flag has been around for more than 400 years as a national symbol of Japan and is here to stay." That's all very nice but the rising sun flag is not the national flag. It is a Navy ensign. It was that in the 19th century and continues today unchanged.
Unfortunately, the rising sun flag has been co-opted by the Japanese ultra-right. You can see those people around Yasukuni displaying that Navy flag while wearing vintage army uniforms.
Unfortunately and unfairly (perhaps) when people see the rising sun flag at the Olympics they won't think Navy but Japanese ultra-rightists. It will cause trouble. Leave rising sun flag to the Navy and wave the national flag.
Always the last sentence. It should reading: "If you wave the Navy flag and you are not waving the national flag it is in a way that's a kind of betrayal."
Mister X
Once again the Rising Sun flag is no navy, military or imperialistic flag it was created more than 400 years ago as a national symbol and to the general public it still holds that function today.
How on earth would waving the Rising Sun flag be a betrayal to Japan in any shape or form it is quite the opposite actually.
South Koreans have no issues with seeing the flags of the two countries that most recently invaded them in 1950 though...
Of course not. Korea was China's vassal state for thousands of years. They cannot criticise their former master, even though they contributed to the division of Korean peninsula. I bet most Koreans don't even know that the Americans were successful in pushing North Koreans up to north and recovering the majority of Korean peninsula until China sent People's Liberation Army. Instead of asking for apology and organising mass anti-Chinese demonstration, the country led by Moon is kowtowing to China, as if they want to become their vassal state again.
How many issues does S. Korea have with Japan? How long would that list be?
Since S. Korea is the only country to protest and file a complain about the flag, they should just boycott the 2020 Olympics all together. You'll find something to get upset even if they do come and participate.
Allowing someone else to offend is your choice.
Nobody can offend you if you don't give them that power. Words, symbols, flags are just those things. We each get to choose what meaning they have.
It is just a flag that has been around since the 1600s.
If it gives you good feelings and power, great. Use it.
If it doesn't, ignore it.
To Japanese, it is a symbol of Japanese pride and used on many different brands from beer to newspapers to showing support for sports teams. It is a positive symbol to them.
AlexBecu, you are not authorized to ask Koreans to boycott the Olympics. They could but they shouldn't. Neighbors have celebrating events and should be congratulated, and participated.
You’re forgetting the goal is not to host a successful 2020 Olympics. It is to show that Japan has a right to wave a flag.
S. Korea list of complains against Japan
Comfort women.
Slave labor.
Apologies which never happened.
Apologies which are not sincere.
The Rising Sun Flag.
Text books.
Sea of Japan.
Takeshima Island.
Sea food from Takeshima.
Boycotting of Japanese products, tourism, cars, alcohol.
Trade curbs.
Problems with Japan government.
Problems with Japan's self defense force.
Problems with the Emperor.
Problems with water from Fukushima and it's disposal.
Problems with Japanese companies, brands.
Did I forget to mention anything? Anything else that bother you Koreans?
You know, this whole thing reminds me of the movie Invictus, when Morgan Freeman (playing Nelson Mandela) Heard some complaints about white South Africans flying the apartheid South African flag from some in his circle. And he responded to their complaints, and I’m quoting “it’s a constitutional right.”.
And he as well as many others around him, also faced atrocities at the hands of an oppressor, yet he’s still had the wherewithal to oppose this kind of censorship. I only wish the South Koreans could take note, and follow that example.
Why of course, North Korea. But you know, the South Koreans want to pretend that repressive regime ruled by a disgusting family and its systematic massacre of its own people in the millions is oh-so-much better.
Joe Blow
No, even that should not be banned.
But I guess only one country on Earth has protected free speech.
Oh, I don't know... the way things are going lately, I'd say it's more likely that Japan is in for a shock. See, it isn't for nothing that Japan is known as the "Galapagos Islands" of Asia (outside of Japan of course^^).
And it sure ain't Japan^^
The rising sun flag is seen, or intended to be seen, as an in-your-face provocation. The IOC would be well advised to proscribe it as being incompatible with Japan’s professed watchword 大和.
The 17th century was then, this is present day where the rising sun flag is a Navy ensign. It has been that, unchanged, at least since the 19th century. It is NOT the national flag. It is NOT whatever symbol you want it to be. It is the official Japanese Navy flag. If you have any pride or even affection for the Japanese Navy you should respect the rising sun flag for what it officially stands for and NOT what you want it to stand for.
The biggest abusers of the rising sun flag, the Navy ensign, are the ultra-rightists. If you go to the Olympics with the intent of waving the Navy ensign instead of the national flag (of which there is only one) you are abusing the rising sun flag and your own country as well. Ultra-nationalists who hate Japanese democracy are not real patriots. If you mimic them your patriotism is degraded.
JimizoToday 12:40 am JST
Actually this is false, FIFA have not named any flags and have not banned the showing of Rising sun flag.
It has more to do with "FIFA Stadium Safety and Security Regulations" in which it prohibits provocative and aggressive actions at the stadium in general.
Political action The promotion or announcement of political or religious messages or any other political or religious actions, inside or in the immediate vicinity of the stadium, by any means, is strictly prohibited before, during and after matches. Provocative and aggressive action and racism a) The event organiser must guarantee in cooperation with the local security authorities that, in the stadium or its immediate vicinity, supporters do not act in a provocative or aggressive manner. This includes, for example, unacceptable levels of verbal provocation or aggression towards players, match officials or opposing fans, racist behaviour and banners and flags that bear provocative or aggressive slogans. If such actions arise, the event organiser and/or security forces must intervene over the public address system and immediately remove any offensive material. Stewards must draw the attention of the police to serious acts of misbehaviour, including racist insults, so that offenders may be removed from the stadium.Mister X
I see you keep denying history and refuse to admit that the Rising Sun flag is a Japanese national symbol/flag from it's creation going back to at least the early 1600's and it's is perceived as such so by the Japanese general public until this very day.
Even during the dreadful IJA period the Rising Sun flag represented the whole of Japan because that is the function of a national symbol/flag as is the case for every other country in the world.
The Rising Sun never was, is or will be neither a navy nor military or imperialistic flag like you keep wrongfully stating.
The biggest abusers of national symbols /flags are always ultra-rightists that goes for every country around the world not only in Japan.
However that doesn't stop other countries to be proud of their national symbols /flags because they know these symbols represent so much more than ultra-rightists people as does the Rising Sun flag so why should Japanese people behave any different then their counterparts around the world ?
Hello Kitty 321
@ Mister X
If you bothered to look it up you would see that it was never the national flag. In 1870 it was adopted as the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Army, then in 1889, it was adopted as the naval ensign of the Imperial Japanese Navy. The flag is currently flown by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.
Japan did not have a national flag until 1868, when they adopted the Hinomaru, which had been used by the Tokugawa bakufu, as this was familiar to Westerners who assumed it to be the national flag.
Mister X
If you had bothered to study even an ounce of Japanese history you would have known that the Rising Sun flag which origins can be tracked back to the 12th century is a national symbol of Japan since the early 1600's and recognized as such by the West dating all the way back to when the first Japanese - Dutch trading relations were established in that same time period.
Not true the IJA went to war under the banner of the national symbol of Japan the Rising Sun flag which had existed for hundred of years and in that regard they did exactly the same as the Western colonial powers did before them.
The Rising Sun flag was not created or adopted with the purpose to go to war that is incorrect.
Wrong the Hinomaru only became the official Japanese flag on the 13th of August 1999 and all that time the Rising Sun flag has existed alongside it as a national symbol of Japan and it still holds that function today so that's why Japanese people have all the right to be proud of that flag and wave it at the Olympic Games to support their athletes if they want to.
I don't know who's rewriting history here now.
Swastika was used as auspicious/sacred symbol across Indo-European cultures for many millennia, yet it is now widely resented, if not outright banned, for the hatred and crimes it represents.
Compared to that, meagre few centuries of use should not even be considered as an excuse to fly a symbol of war crimes in public. Well, 1400 years according to some, but others could argue that the 16-ray design is only 400 years old and it is mostly this particular design that is being resented.
Of course, neither symbols were created with intention for war but these were the flags flown by Axis powers when they were decimating people across the world and they still are being used to represent xenophobic ideology. Coincidence much?
Here we go again trying to equalize the Nazi political flag with the RIsing sun flag which is the same as the Iron cross flag that Germany had been using during the war and are still using it today.
Mister X
Incorrect the Hindu Swastika symbol is not banned but the Nazi flag is seeing as they are completely different things in both design and meaning.
The Rising Sun flag is much older then the national symbol of many other countries around the world so I would hardly call that meager.
Incorrect the Nazi flag existed for a mere 12 years and was created with the sole purpose of waging war and spreading a depraved ideology so it's completely different when compared to Japan's Rising Sun flag which was not created for those intentions and has been around for at least 400 years.