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Soto's record $765 MLB deal lifts Mets hopes and stuns Yankees


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I'm stunned that the record deal of the GOAT has been eclipsed. But Ohtani's deal is 10 years, Soto's is 15.

He'd want to guide the Mets to a World Series victory like Ohtani to justify that price!

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

But it isn’t a record a record breaking deal, my maths is okay but like fighto said Ohtani’s is over 10 years Sato’s 15 . Do the math and Ohtani’s deal is far superior per year

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

As the fans pay more and more and more for tickets. Like the Roman Colliseum, only the ricer upper classes will be able to afford to go to games.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Do the math and Ohtani’s deal is far superior per year

Most of Ohtani’s salary is deferred, so when you actually do the math and discount that back to today, Soto deal is worth more.

In addition to the $75 million signing bonus Soto received, he’s going to be paid roughly $5,900 per hour, every hour, for the next 15 years. It’s an extraordinary amount of money.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

So Sato ‘s deal pays 51 million per year yet Ohtani’s pays 70 million per ( yes I know most of its deferred) the math still doesn’t say it’s better

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

So Sato ‘s deal pays 51 million per year yet Ohtani’s pays 70 million per ( yes I know most of its deferred) the math still doesn’t say it’s better

The math is a little more complicated than that. There’s this thing called the “time value of money”. That means that money now is more valuable than money received in the future. For example, if you have $100 today that’s worth more than $100 one year from now because you can invest that $100 today and earn interest and it might be worth $103 one year from now.

Ohtani will receive $2 million per year for 10 years, then $68 million per year for 10 years starting in 2034. Using a 3% discount rate, the value of that deal at the time he signed it was $448 million.

Soto’s initial deal of $765 million over 15 years, plus the $75 million dollar signing bonus he received, is worth $683 million today. 

This doesn’t take into account the extra $4 million per year the Mets will have to pay Soto for the final 10 years if they choose to void his opt-out clause after the 2029 season.

I think Ohtani would get $800 million over 10 years if he were a free agent today.

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