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Naomi Osaka adds voice to protests over police brutality in U.S.


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Police brutality accounts for a very very small percentage of cases.

-24 ( +11 / -35 )

Guess she's American again. Good on her for putting her star power to a good cause, at least.

-9 ( +13 / -22 )

Yes, this is tragic and the officers involved should be charged.

but where is BLM when Chicago is being shot up every week. Sadly most deaths to black men are from other black men.

-1 ( +17 / -18 )


Yes that is sad, but it really isn't the point, is it? In this situation the murderer was an official of the state. His job entails arresting people to be brought before a court of law. We cannot give government officials permission to take away life. While this is indeed a racial issue, it is also an issue of power differential AND a constitutional issue. Many people think they can shrug off the killing of minorities because it is not their problem... not yet, anyway.

Intra-racial murder (and all murder) is horrific, but it is a problem of the people and it needs to be solved by the people. Government sponsored killing is a different form of violence.

18 ( +23 / -5 )

How terrible the killing of that poor man and then the rioting, violence and looting that harms innocent people that followed.

A Martin Luther King is needed to bring about peaceful dialogue that leads to meaningful change and healing.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Good for Naomi. More celebrities should speak out. It's time to call out US Police for what they are - racist men and women of extreme violence, who stick together and refuse to condemn those in their ranks who kill. They MUST be defeated in the coming days, if the USA is to have any chance of ever recovering.

Power to the protesters - down with the police! Justice for George Floyd!

2 ( +15 / -13 )

it does not help the situation when the supreme leader quotes, "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" I understand that the government has to enforce law and order, and to suppress and calm the violent situation, but it can be done in a manor that does not add petrol to the already volatile situation.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

"To be able to use my platform to bring attention to a problem that has been going on too long feels good!!!" the 21-year-old tweeted.

I guess its okay to commit a crime, struggle with the police, refuse to get in the police car (claiming he has claustrophobia when he drives a Mercedes SUV) and dies impart from medical issues related to his health. In the video Floyd clearly looked agitated -- probably knowing he committed a federal crime and was going to do hard time -- on top of his already lengthy criminal record. As the song goes "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime"

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

Who exactly is she calling out?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

In a country where there are three times more guns than people it’s not difficult to understand why the police are so paranoid and aggressive. I understand that, in this one case, the person was killed by a psycho cop. However, this is only one incident. An acquaintance of mine used to be a traffic cop in Texas. He told me they stopped doing highway patrols because the cops were being shot by people they pulled over in remote areas.

it should be made very clear that, these people are not protestors. They are rioting looters on a rampage of carnage and destruction of property. That is not a protest. It is anarchy!

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Police kill a black man, that is terrible. Blacks killing blacks everyday, that is also terrible. But these riots are happening because these kids are having fun and it's a chance to smash up shops and grab free stuff. It's about time the army were out on the streets. Rioters should be told disperse, or the solders will open fire. This war.

-9 ( +11 / -20 )

This is war....

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

pointofviewToday  04:16 pm JST

Police brutality accounts for a very very small percentage of cases.

Anything over 0% is too many. We trust our law enforcement officers to protect and serve the civilian community, and we arm them so that they can fulfull that mission. To violate that trust is a massively terrible crime.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

For Naomi Osaka life in the US is of a much higher standard than Japan.

In the US her career, training and more importantly opportunities are not likely to be found anywhere else.

It seems that she has not experienced racism due to her ability and thus has not turned to a life of crime.

Mr Floyd was a criminal.

The Officer has been charged with 3rd degree murder as the state has obviously taken into account the relevant facts of the situation.

Whilst her condemnation of any action is her right, she should also note that she is also defending a known criminal...

-12 ( +8 / -20 )

There have been some crazy things recorded over the last couple of days, but this was the most shocking:


Hope the guy is okay.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The militarization of the US police force is an abomination. There have always been racism and corruption issues, however I have not seen "helpful" "public service" police attitudes since I was a teenager, i.e, a looong time ago. All interactions for me and my very law abiding family have been robotic at best and rude and unhelpful at worst.

Even outside of this murder (criminal activity not withstanding- remember police are not supposed to be executioners), serious, very serious police reform is needed.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


Please don’t assume that I am defending anyone-read my post again ok!

You like to assume, that is your right but you base your assumptions on thin air.


Regarding Mr Floyd there are reports in the media that he was known and had a criminal record.

The use of force obviously rightly or wrongly led to Floyd’s death but the court case pertaining, will lead to all the facts becoming clear-I will await the court’s judgement before I think about passing my own...

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Do the Hustle: "I understand that, in this one case, the person was killed by a psycho cop. However, this is only one incident."

No, the problem is that it is most certainly NOT one incident -- it has happened a few times this month alone. Secondly, it was not "one psycho cop"; his comrades stood by and watched. And what's more, and one of the big reasons for the protest, is the completely and utter lack of punishment. And not just this time, but time and again. People have had enough.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Vernon WattsToday 06:01 pm JST

I guess its okay to commit a crime,

There was no trial, no one was found guilty.

struggle with the police,

Struggle as they were beating him up, while other officers kept watch.

refuse to get in the police car (claiming he has claustrophobia when he drives a Mercedes SUV)

He was in the car being beaten, then the police pulled him out and slammed him on the ground. This is on video.

and dies impart from medical issues related to his health.

He didn't die because of his health. He died because the police beat him and strangled him. If they had simply arrested him, he'd still be alive.

In the video Floyd clearly looked agitated -- probably knowing he committed a federal crime and was going to do hard time --

He looked agitated because he was being roughed up and beaten.

on top of his already lengthy criminal record. As the song goes "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime"

No one deserves to die like that. No one.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

kurisupisuToday 07:44 pm JST

The use of force obviously rightly or wrongly led to Floyd’s death but the court case pertaining, will lead to all the facts becoming clear-I will await the court’s judgement before I think about passing my own

A man was murdered by police, and you say "rightly or wrongly"?

There is no "rightly" when it comes to the police using so much force on a man that he dies gasping for breath.

We don't have to wait for a court's judgment to know that.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

While the excessive use of force by police is never to be encouraged and I can not believe the fact that kneeling on someone’s throat is an accepted means of restraint (but apparently it is) and this officer has previous complaints on his record, nonetheless I can understand the paranoid over reaction and militarisation of police forces given the ridiculously massively weaponised environment they have to face every day.

None of which justifies the undoubted institutional racism ingrained in to the US police but it does highlight that this as most circumstances are more nuanced and not so simplistically black and white as all too often they are portrayed.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


The use of force obviously rightly or wrongly led to Floyd’s death but the court case pertaining, will lead to all the facts becoming clear-I will await the court’s judgement before I think about passing my own...

I am boggled that anyone could watch George Floyd's death, and come up with a "rightly or wrongly" scenario. Man didn't have to die. Numerous people drew attention to the dire circumstance unfolding, and Chauvin knelt on George Floyd's neck with an "I'm untouchable" smirk plastered across his face. As Zichi pointed out, he was unresponsive for nearly 3 minutes, and Chauvin didn't move. Didn't even move when the emergency responder took George Floyd's pulse.

Pray tell, what "facts" could lead you to believe that Chauvin was justified in his staying in his position - on a man's neck until that man - George Floyd - lay dead?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Police in the US kill about 1,000 people per year. Police in the UK kill about two or three people per year and police in Japan kill one or two people per year.

Why is that?

13 ( +14 / -1 )

“For young men of color, police use of force is among the leading causes of death.”

This a false statement. Leading cause of death for young men of color is their own peers.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

To the comment that he was a criminal- this is exactly the problem with this scenario and why this is an important issue.

Is it right for you to brand him a criminal without the presumption of innocence guaranteed by the Constitution? No. Would you assume guilt for a white man?

Is it right for the police officer to consequently based on the above to play judge, jury, and executioner? No. Would this happen for a white man?

Is it right for a suspect to be pinned down by the neck especially after being subdued by police to a non threatening state? No. Would this happen for a white man?

The BLM movement unfortunately rallies behind people with interactions with police who are then deemed to be criminals on the basis that "good people don't get arrested." However, people of color deserve the presumption of innocence that white people tend to take for granted or presume away based on this flawed assumption.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Kaepernick, who was ostracized by the NFL for kneeling during the national anthem in protest against racial injustice, has launched a fund to pay for legal representation for protesters who need it.

Has he been watching the news videos of these so called protesters, he better have very deep pockets coz he gonna need them , they arnt just protesting they are using that as a cover to loot, pillage, wreck, kill and destroy,

Probably being bused in and funded by some nutjob like soros

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Protesting is perfectly justified. Rioting, arson and looting aren’t. The rioters are not protesters they are just criminals who are undermining the message of a perfectly valid protest.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Mr Floyd was a criminal.

The Officer has been charged with 3rd degree murder as the state has obviously taken into account the relevant facts of the situation.

A petty criminal, his last offense being years ago.

What capital offense had he been found guilty of? Does US law allow even a convicted criminal (which Floyd was not) to be executed on the street by a cop?

He was handcuffed. How could he seriously ‘resist arrest’?

The land of the free. Wot a joke.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

"25 US cities under curfew as clashes continue"


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I've lived in the U.S. for close to 10 years, I wasn't a tourist but actually lived in America.

When it comes to race relations alot of progress still needs to be made.

Do you have police that makes stupid mistakes? Yes

Should you burn down cities, cars, destroy property, act violent, attack police officers or other people. Noo

No excuse for Violence and destroying people's business!


Would the same apply if a Japanese man, Chinese, Latino, or any other minority receive the same attention and focus in America? No

COVID19 has unleashed a storm of Racism, attacks, violence towards Asian people. Not one individuals but thousands! They don't talk about it, no one gets arrested, no one cares, they don't even look into it.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

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