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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Warning to athletes: Follow the rules at Tokyo Olympics, or else
By STEPHEN WADE TOKYO©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Athletes and their teams, most of them participating in what is probably the only version of the Olympic Games they will be part of...
Good luck convincing them to behave threatening with “warnings” or “something in between”.
The Nomad
Oh wow. Follow the rules or get a warning, a fine or something in between. How frightening, that will put some fear in them!
A warning. How scary.
jiji Xx
beyond 'muppet'
Follow the rules at Tokyo Olympics, or else,… *or, “something in between**”*
The newest “New World Order” has spoken! :
“So it is written, so it shall be done!” …
… until the next version is published!
(After all folks, “We’re making this up as we go along.”)
Derek Grebe
My idiot boss does the same thing every time he pulls a new "rule" out of his back passage to make himself feel like a big boy.
Empty threats of badly-thought-through punishment he has no authority to carry out, an would be unenforceable if he tried.
Dwight Schrute syndrome.
Face it....the athletes will be here for a one-in-a-lifetime experience. They are going to live it to the full.
The bars will be full of fans (until 8 at least) and then there will be down-low lock-ins.
And if anyone believes John Coates spent last night self-isolating, I have shares in Skytree to sell you.
Rules here are given like decrees. They’re misguided in thinking Olympic athletes will follow rules like the Japanese follow rules.
"Respect the Playbook, respect the rules," said Olympic Games Executive Director Christophe Dubi, speaking on a remote hook-up with Tokyo organizers.
Even the picture is awful, like a scolding Big Brother glaring down from the big screen at the forced attendants.
A draconian, authoritarian Olympics. Why even bother going to this as an athlete?
It represents greed, hypocrisy and the selfishness of capitalism.
Can put a finger on this, but there’s, possibly, something Dubious about these ever-changing faces and continually updated scenarios?
Why put this new guy on camera and not the familiar Svengali or the other, regular players we’ve grown to know and …love?
The above posters obviously have never written a apologetic letter in their lives, to do so is devastating. It’s similar to the self criticism used by Mao. But it is a laugh, Athletes- I’m going home so what I write if it gets the nod, that’s funny. A new story about Japans Olympics. And the serious faces as you write it just ads to the comedy.
And there you have it, money over. Japanese lives. One life lost is too much, this is disgusting.
Dango bong
Taxpayers funding events to line the pockets of worthless gasbags. Gotta love it
correction: “*Can’t put a finger…”*
The bars will be full of fans
Which fans?
Are not everybody supposed to be isolated in the bubble? at what time is then supposedly fine for attendants to be using any kind of public transportation?
“Team Japan” fans @Monty 7:18am:
IOC’s ‘Bach & Coates’ have been pressing lately that “*less than 30% of Japanese people are opposed to the Games *being held in some form”
Good luck. Only japanese people follow useless rules for the sake of following rules.
Ah, such wonderful Olympic spirit.
virusrexToday 07:22 am JST
'Are not everybody supposed to be isolated in the bubble? at what time is then supposedly fine for attendants to be using any kind of public transportation? '
Oh, don't worry . They just mean if someone wants to duck out for a bit of shopping or to do some sight-seeing around Tokyo; they won't be leaving the bubble for too long, and as long as they don't tell anyone it's fine.
All this says is that the IOC & JOC are transferring blame and accountability to those attending the games.
Why any athlete would want to attend these Olympic games is a mystery. No audience and confined to barracks with a risk of infection. What is the point? Stay home guys. You're not wanted. The games should have been postponed until 2022 or cancelled.
Abroad in Japan: please do something on how holding the Olympics is just wrong! Time to change the tide.
Everybody will ignore that playbook.
There's no reason to follow it.
It's gonna end up in the trash can.
What are the detailed rules ?
Write a guideline, read it and follow.
Impossible that 100,000 do all follow the rules, In Japan, rules are designed like if it is addressed to junior high schools.
Yes, like for every international event here, there is a fear about foreigners coming, though they are vaccinated and gone through many PCR tests. For sure, a few will bring the virus but There is more chance that locals do transmit the virus to Olympics related people than the opposite.
Restricted activities like expensive diners every night,
or eating a bento in his hotel room.
Michael Machida
I thought the athlete's are adults. How dare the IOC and/or Japanese Government speak to international athletes like this. Shame on you all.
2 Year Old
Japanese version of
Is less scary than 30% plus of Australian males who are covered in tattoos. Yawn…
What happened to the bubbles?
why don’t they release figures for how many of the other 75,000 will be vaccinated, seeing as they don’t seem to be in a bubble.
They have conveniently, constantly never talked about how to stop those 75,000 from 200 countries spreading the virus.
Do the hustle
Yep! Don’t want those pesky foreigners upsetting the ‘reiwa’ - Do as you are told and everything will be alright.
Remember the buzz word from the 2001 World Cup Soccer? “Hooligans!” We don’t want any Olympic hooligans, do we? :D
"Not responsible', instead if something goes wrong they'll say 'others made the mistakes, not us' the whine of weak leadership throughout history. These 'leaders' use the perks of their position and pad their bank accounts, while saying they're not responsible for something they are paid well to take responsibility for.
The corporate sponsors of this ongoing debacle also need to take responsibility for the messes t these games are.
And to think J. Inc had to pay large sums in bribes to get the games.
Believers in trickle-down theories,How much has been trickled down on families other than those in the ruling caste in Japan or anywhere else for that matter. How have these games benefitted Tohoku or the country in general.
olympic athletes, welcome, come to Japan, the land of the used & abused, how does it FEEL to be USED so nbc & ioc can get record profits from these COVID GAMES!
NEJM wrote quite the critique of the playbook, I wonder if the IOC has taken the advice of the medical community? The Lancet also came out with an article regarding the Olympics, I wonder if the IOC has taken the advice of the medical community? Japan's medical community has also questioned the wisdom of having the games or at least asked for stricter regulations. There are already models showing a surge in cases in August even without the Olympics because of the variant, the games will only exacerbate the numbers and once again threaten the hospital capacity. Strap in for the ride.
And to think J. Inc had to pay large sums in bribes to get the games.
Believers in trickle-down theories,How much has been trickled down on families other than those in the ruling caste in Japan or anywhere else for that matter. How have these games benefitted Tohoku or the country in general.
The thing is, most of the supporters these trickle down schemes, whether it is the Olympics or corporate subsidies or tax breaks, never have or never will receive any benefits and subsist on magical thinking. They just want to believe they are on the side of the "winners".
will all the chef de mission be culpable when the Olympic Epsilon virus spreads over the world or has the paper trail made everyone legally not held responsible?
Tokyo 2021 will rival Berlin '36 as the worst olympics ever.
Robert Cikki
A major obstacle will be the fact that most of the rules here are not written. A lot of the rules are either part of the culture, or a phenomena known as 空気を読める or reading the air. And especially the older generation, who are not used to foreigners or have not been abroad for a long time, do not understand that a foreigner does not know a given custom or rule. And so the popular "subtle hints" are often not understood. I too have a problem with those "subtle hints" even after more than 30 years here.
Or, relax and just let them be what they are. It's impossible to cover every possible variation of possible problems because there are many combinations of people, cultures and personality traits. Because even if you write down every conceivable rule and regulation, there will always be someone who breaks them. And there's just no way to prevent that.
The thing that everybody's forgetting is that the athletes desperately want to be here - it's their profession, they've trained for it, and they only have a small window of time in many cases. Does that mean all of them will obey the rules? I'll believe it when I see it. But though from outside it seems as though the IOC is pulling all the strings, the athletes are more than happy in most cases to go along. One reason the Olympics were postponed last year was big athlete groups, whole nations, refusing to go. Not this year.
Dad has scolded you now go to your room.
Olympic athletes and staff egos and the money made are more important than human lives, otherwise why would they go to China in 2008 and again in 2022? Thus caring about Japan isn't going to happen either
Are you sure the Olympics aren't held in N. Korea? Because I know if I got a threat like that for something I'm participating in, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd be out faster than the Flash at his max speed!
If you train for something your whole life and the biggest competition is only held once every four years then of course you'd still want to take part. Warnings and fines may not scare some athletes, but the threat of expulsion etc. for breaking pandemic rules would make them careful. Pretty sad to lose your chance to show of your athletic/sport skills by being caught breaking agreed upon rules.
Or worse, you might get Dean Wormer's "Double-Secret Probation"
Break the rules no worries just say sorry and bow. haha
What about the other 70,000 media, support staff, “dignitaries”, etc. who will also come and also be here “out of the bubble”?
The safest place in Japan from COVID will be at the Olympic village.
The mRNA vaccines are highly effective. People with those really shouldn't have any restrictions on travel, provided the daily testing happens.
This isn't the first Olympics in Japan.
We will give you a stern warning. And then nothing else. Carry on!
Olympic athletes need their own labor union.
Amateur athletes are tools of the corporations making billions off these games.
To be subjected to such draconian rules is contrary to the spirit of the games. Hopefully, many of the top athletes will decide that being so disrespected and treated as untrustworthy is not worth the bother.
18 million have been vaccinated so far, and there are five weeks to go. How do they figure this, quote: "about 5%"?
Five weeks to go has nothing to do with it as they are talking about the current percentage.
18 million is the number of people that have at least one shot. The number of people that got both shots is 6,602,435, or about 5% of Japan's population.
(うち2回接種完了 6,602,435)
Maria 'Bing' Velasquez Reid
Yes! Must use real strict rules for everyone’s safety. I hope no one disobeys and then complain of strict rules. They have been warned.
This Christopher Dubi in the photo looks like some kind of cult leader. I Guess he is, the sick IOC/olympics cult, whose supporters all worship people like Coe, Coates, Bach etc.
Truly perverse.
I certainly do, even though it was 2002. The 'hooligans' turned out to be locals!!!!!
I bet whoever wrote this rulebook really enjoyed writing it. I remember the old days when the only rules were not to not blow your nose in public and change slippers when using the toilet.
A warning as impotent as Japan's SOE's. Any bets, the first violations will be from IOC officials or various hanger-ons and not athletes?
15% of the Japanese population has been vaccinated so far, and they are running at about 700,000 vaccinations per day. (5% have had both shots.)
I would imagine that based on the fact that Covid is currently rampant in japan those at greatest risk from contracting Covid during the Olympics are the athletes and company.
I mean testing under 10K people a day in greater tokyo is not what you would call thorough...and of those few tested about 10% have corona...hmmm
Excellent article. Hopefully this will reassure those with any doubts of the games safety. With the vaccine rollout now being implemented at record speed we can all feel safe. As I have stated before, safety is paramount. It’s time to relax and enjoy the games and support the athletes.
Anyone of them step out of line's the all-inclusive Ghosn deluxe treatment! I can see the headlines now..."Athlete unavailable pending due process at MOJ"
Anyone here, correct me if wrong, but since athletes are representing their country at an official capacity, wouldn't they receive some basic leniency of diplomatic immunity? I mean, a slap on the hand and back home you go.
The three *values* of Olympism are excellence, friendship and respect. I looked it up.
Nothing there about threats, playbooks, warnings, fines, expulsions, and deportation.
I find truly amusing how you get upvotes just for this specific topic against the Olympics.
What many readers might have fail to see is that all your criticism always goes to the foreign side of the Olympics.
Bach,Coates,Dubi Olympic comitee etc.
But you never criticizes your beloved LDP and the J-government.
Actually the main responsible.
But right wingers have always to put the sole blame on gaijin.
Richard Burgan
Yea, blame the Athletes they are all that's wrong with the Olympics. (After all the athletes are foreigners.) Almost all of the Athletes will be fully vaccinated. They are safer than the regular people in Japan, including the politicians! If you bring a smartphone to the Olympics leave it in your room and drive the trackers nuts. Better yet bring three or four and leave them all over the place. Olympic athletes are not criminals! (I can't say that for politicians.)
Hideomi Kuze
Japan's authorities avoid honesty explanation or deliberation , make accomplished facts one after another, produce social atmosphere as if Olympics is unavoidable, and urge to give up opposition.
This is typical their deception.
Well, there you have-the real reason these Olympics are taking place. Ratings and money. I hope people's health and lives are worth it. I really don't know how Japan is going to bounce back from the tumultuous last few years-economically speaking. The everyday people here are some of the most kind, polite, patient, and hard working people I know. But the decisions of the politicians and IOC who don't care about them is just criminal at this point.
You keep repeating this “record speed” falsehood, and is even contradicted by the “Excellent article” that you’ve supposedly read:
Did you catch that part?
I don’t think so.
Michael Machida
The deception of the IOC and the Japanese Government is vile.
No reference at all in your reply about the spurious claim that “*the vaccine rollout now being implemented *at record speed”. Why so quiet on that matter?
As I stated above, you keep repeating this false claim. We all know this is not true.
Instead you just reiterate your belief that “it’s the right time for the Olympics to be held” and that we should “understand the importance of the games to the world”. I guess that is what your playbook says you should say.
Japan - as a whole, as the many surveys show - doesn’t feel that way no matter how greatly you want your vision to be accepted.
Raw Beer
Indeed, perfect time for the Olympics.
Don’t be naughty or you’ll get a stern talking to.
Ask yourselves this question:
“Do we do as Dubi does… or, as Dubi says?
It’s will be hard to do for many.
Acknowledging it’s perhaps ‘your style and all’ @blvtzpk 2:43pm but something about your comments here today that may appear somewhat ‘hypocritical’? -
No reference at all in your reply about the spurious claim that “*the vaccine rollout now being implemented *at record speed”. Why so quiet on that matter?
As I stated above, you keep repeating this false claim. We all know this is not true.
Instead you just reiterate your belief that “it’s the right time for the Olympics to be held” and that we should “understand the importance of the games to the world”. I guess that is what yourplaybook says you should say.
Japan - as a whole, as the many surveys show - doesn’t feel that way no matter how greatly you want your vision to be accepted. -
What’s with all the asterisks, etc? (Just a suggestion… ; )
Well noticed and a great post, I like your style.
This athlete playbook sounds rather toothless, almost like it was written by the ldp!
Reading all this and I wonder what is the point of having or participating in games that are starting to look like something one would expect from the 1936 Olympics.
GPS tracking, locked up in isolation, etc...
Oh right the games are important $ 4.4 billion important
It seems that quoting an already quoted post results in an asterisk being inserted at the beginning of the text. An asterisk appears to also be inserted when the original text was in boldface.
I have learned that to my regret!
Now having learned that this occurs, I can avoid doing that again. And maybe this information can assist you, too, in future posts.
My second post in this thread (2:43 pm) does not make much sense now. I was replying to a message from falseflagsteve, but his reply to me was subsequently deleted by the moderators.
However, a portion his reply is embedded in Raw Beer’s 2:54 pm post, so it can still be enjoyed - in part - there.
No problem @blvtzpk 4:13pm, may have confused @bltvpzk’s previous comments with Your comments today:
Upon review, Your posts aren’t necessarily hypocritical in content.
Just a suggestion…. May be best to enclose someone else’s posts “in quotes” and use the [ ” ] tool in the provided interface so that there’s no question of its origin later and, it’s never turned against you and used ‘out of context’, eh? Perhaps, like this, for example:
Indeed! - How about toning down your use of boldface, italics, and quotation marks? You’ve also had enough practice here to realize how unreadable your subsequent posts become with overuse of these features, with masses of asterisks breaking up the text, and varying formats making reading what you’ve written a chore.
Agreed. Maybe this information can assist you, too, in future posts. - Best wishes to ALL!
Word is that Vegas is taking bets on athletes or teams which will break the protocol.
Would you go with “sincerity for safety” or, …“disguising an intentional deception”?
Body language experts suggest Mr. Dubi’s gestures, while speaking with/to others, provide significant indications of his character and intentions at the time of this interaction.
Taking off his classes while speaking may indicate he is actively listening and trying to intellectually yet, ‘personally engage with others’ and ‘convey sensitivity and sincerity’.
However, his left hand is open, gesturing widely, while he holds ‘a prop’ (his glasses) in his right hand. Tightly pinching the fingers or clenching the items reveals a need to control the and intangible object, like an ‘idea’ and/or, control the audience’s perceptions.
Magicians often use ‘props’ and these wide gestures to engage the audience, alluding to “magic” and ‘wonderful things’ while distracting people from the sleight of hand’s “truth about reality”.
LMFAO this has become the inmate games Wearing a GPS monitor!
Richard Gallagher
More than 100,000 individuals. And The Playbook. A playbook without definitive rules or punishments.
Just terrific. The IOC & JOC & Comcast: it is all about the Benjamins. For all else there is total disregard.
The IOC would have hold the Olympics during the Black Plague.
Droll Quarry
This is an interesting article on Japan's history with the IOC.
Maria 'Bing' Velasquez Reid
Excellent! Whoever does nit want to adhere any rules should not participate and avoid all drama. It is only 2 weeks. (4 weeks if you are the accompanying media).