Japan Today
tokyo 2020 olympics

Coates: Tokyo Olympics to go ahead even in state of emergency


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Well, all I can say is that I’m glad that I went back to the U.K last month. I do feel sorry for the general public, but you can always protest to make your voices known.

25 ( +26 / -1 )

She said the number of “stakeholders” coming to Japan from abroad had been reduced from 180,000 to about 80,000. She said Olympic “stakeholders” would amount to 59,000, of which 23,000 were Olympic family and international federations. She said an added 17,000 would involve television rights holders, with 6,000 more media.

And where are all these people going to be sleeping, eating, socializing, mingling?

35 ( +36 / -1 )

The advice we have from the WHO (World Health Organization) and all other scientific and medical advice

Are not all of you guys here telling day in day out, that we we should listen to to the science?

Here is what you get...

-24 ( +6 / -30 )

Day after day, we have news of these old guys from the Olympic gang, likely already double vaccinated, making dictatorial statements about proceeding with a possibly large spreader event. How did we get to this anti-democratic condition, where the needs of global capital preempts the safety of a local population?

33 ( +34 / -1 )

The IOC should come. Come and visit the hospitals. Visit the sick who have to wait at home because there is no hospital that can treat them. Visit the families of those who have died because of other non related medical emergencies because there was no place to treat them.


37 ( +38 / -1 )

Are not all of you guys here telling day in day out, that we we should listen to to the science?

The WHO has been caught out manipulating the truth a few times during this pandemic. I'm not calling all out conspiracy, but if you haven't questioned the WHO's motives and methods just a little by now - I'm sorry but you need your BS radar adjusted...

At some point economic interests are either going to correct against these forces (buoyancy)... or they going to sink.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

She said an added 17,000 would involve television rights holders, with 6,000 more media.

I saw elsewhere a couple days go that just China alone intends to send a 3000 person media crew to Japan for the Olympics.


16 ( +17 / -1 )

“At present there are not a few people who feel uneasy about the fact the games are going to be held where a lot of people are coming from abroad,” she said. “There are other people who are concerned about the possible burden on the medical system of Japan.”

Xenophobia. Athletes coming to the Olympics will be thoroughly tested, both before they come and during the Games. If you're so worried about people from "abroad," stop all Japanese from going on foreign business trips. That is a far greater risk.

-13 ( +11 / -24 )

The arrogance of these guys is off the scale

@Agent and Simian: Do you care at all that 80% of the Japanese citizens want the games to be cancelled or postponed? No one is censoring your opinions here and you are fully entitled to them. We disagree on this (and we do not need to call each other names to do so).

I live in Japan and the people I know, even LDP supporters, do not want the Olympics. I wonder if the polls are not skewed the other direction. Businesses I interact with are worried about further disruption to operations and supply lines. These people are conservative and do not want the games because they are worried about a potential impact on their business.

You seem to be business oriented people (I am) however if we look at this realistically holding the games during a State of Emergency will only benefit the IOC, the broadcasters (i.e.: NBC) and those with vested interests in the games. If they are held during a State of Emergency there will be no benefit to small businesses and the games will distract from taking care of the Japanese citizens.

The fact they are unwilling to think out of the box and postpone is mind boggling. So what if the games are delayed - the world will not end. This requires flexibility by the IOC and the broadcasters.

The Olympics were once great. They are now all about the money and are now run by narcissistic selfish deranged and arrogant people who do not care at all about the people of Japan.

37 ( +39 / -2 )

Of course. Who cares about the global pandemic and Japan’s stuff up as a host. Money is more important for IOC and Japan.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

If thats the case, then I’d like the actual WHO to stand on a big stage with a big megaphone and start declaring that its a good idea for Japan to hold the Olympics.

Take some responsibility for your irresponsible actions.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

So it is now totally obvious what is the first priority for the government, and it is not the people

If a vaccine was so necessary you'd still see the UK as a hotbed of infections as only half the adults have had a jab the virus has essentially disappeared and practically nobody at all is dying of it.

Outbreaks are a balance, distancing measures, treatment and natural immunity were not enough to pull that balance towards low levels of risk, vaccines are a huge improvement ("only" half of the adults is a huge number) that is the expected effect.

The only problem I really have with the Olympics is the surreally exorbitant cost but it's all been sunk in now so cancelling it would be just like burning my own money, I want to watch it now I've paid to be honest

Typical irrational behavior in gamblers, that after losing a lot of money they keep doing the same, even when it is obvious the risk of losing remains the same, to avoid feeling they wasted money they waste more and more money.

20 ( +21 / -1 )

about 30 hospitals in Tokyo and outside were contacted about caring for Olympic patients

i.e. Olympians and “stakeholders” get hospital beds while ordinary schmucks get to die at home.

But please understand. This is all for the Olympic spirit of international harmony and to put a smile on the faces of Fukushima victims and to show human victory over the Coronavirus. It’s not about money.

25 ( +25 / -0 )

And Tokyo has officially spent $15.4 billion to organize the Olympics, though a government audit suggests the real number is much higher.

Government audit? Doesn’t an audit reach a final figure rather than a suggestion? So did the audit reach a figure or was it one of those too embarrassing to release government audits?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

People don't like Coates. They say he is even more rotten than the Australian Prime Minister.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

Someone of stature in Japan needs to stir the public with a campaign to boycott the Olympics. Money talks.

Don't buy tickets.

Don't buy omiyage.

Don't watch on TV.
20 ( +20 / -0 )

The Olympics were once great. They are now all about the money and are now run by narcissistic selfish deranged and arrogant people who do not care at all about the people of Japan.

The IOC is a multi-billion dollar global corporation sponsored by other multi-billion dollar corporations. Since when did they care about the people of the host nations? The host city/nation exists as a colourful backdrop for sports entertainment as a business.

John Coates is the Sepp Blatter of the IOC. Endless corruption, endlessly:

"Similarly, in the race for the 2000 Summer Games, the Sydney bid team became embroiled in a bribery scandal. Sydney Lord Mayor Frank Sartor admitted his bid team had “prostituted ourselves to try to get one more vote for Sydney.”

John Coates, a leader in the Sydney bid team, admitted offering $70,000 to two IOC members from Uganda and Kenya the day before Sydney defeated Beijing in a 45-43 vote. Today Coates is an IOC member and the chairman of the Tokyo 2020 Coordination Commission. The Sydney shadiness was a precursor for the unbridled bribery in Salt Lake City during its successful effort to land the 2002 Winter Olympics."


27 ( +27 / -0 )

Your first post about doom and gloom? Less an opinion and more a provocation.

It was? I recall brushing on the subject of economic forces and the likely reaction of the members of this very board. Turns out I was right.

I digress... according to you, my post was a provocation, yet it is acceptable to refer to those that don't espouse the narrative so quickly as having "arrogance off the scale"...

... to which I have no objection, as a well formed post came after. I only object to the double standard.

Like I say, I'll be back (like so many others) when the playing field is level. It has a ways to go...

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

The IOC is a very corrupt organisation which is only looking for money. There is nothing left from the original Olympic thoughts. The arrogance is enormous and that to ignore the people's opinion is just wrong. Sad but true. And the JP government should just bare the costs, loose face and move on. Their priority should be to take Japan out of its pandemic and getting the vaccins out to the public.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

The committee clowns are at it again.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I predict that if Tokyo cancels the games, the IOC will hold them anyway.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

So here's the fix:

Even though I saw this story on BBC too, its is being buried by the J-media.

Its not mentioned anywhere on NHK (in Japanese).

But do realize that all the major news outlets including Yomiuri, Asahi, Mainichi, and Nikkei are all Olympic sponsors.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

A couple of (polite and well reasoned) lines about why you disapprove of holding the Olympics would help put a stop to this:


I've been emailing daily. Other voices would help.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Coming from an Aussie ,where the current state is the closure of the country's borders to all ,oh wait the rich and famous can still enter and do as they please , they don't do covid obviously ,is there no end to the stupidity

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I digress... according to you, my post was a provocation, yet it is acceptable to refer to those that don't espouse the narrative so quickly as having "arrogance off the scale"...

The "arrogance off the scale" comment is regarding the organizers of the olympics, not about the commenters on this forum. Your comment, "cue the doom and gloom" is not about the article but about what you expect the commenters to write. There is no double standard. Your opinion on the economic forces, as is apparent in your later comment, has not been censored. Where is the censorship you speak of?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The Olympics possibly can be held safely. Even if they can be held safely, there is nothing that Japan will gain from holding them. If there does happen to be an outbreak of some coronavirus variant, does the IOC take responsibility for that? They will wash their hands of it. The responsibility will fall on Japan and Japan alone. Japan has nothing to gain but a lot to lose. There are two things I hope come from this. More reluctance from other nations about holding the Olympics on their own soil, and a change of leadership for Japan.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Coates is a despicable, foul individual. Absolutely shameless. Just like those other rotten to the core politicians Coe and Bach, it is always about $$$ for them. Running an olympics with an influx of 15,000 athletes, 90,000 plus officials and tens of thousands more media and hangers on, in a State of emergency - or not - ignores the will of the people and advice of medical professionals.

Cancel the trainwteck NOW.

18 ( +18 / -0 )

Money, Money, Money.

Must be funny, in a rich man’s world....

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Well, don't say we didn't warn you lot. If they get the virus, don't blame us. Enjoy the crow.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Brilliant! no matter what and no matter how many infected or dead people are there and no matter if people lose job and life becomes impossible for the common people,the Olympics must go on in the name of the few wealthy corporations and corrupted selfish technocrats.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

A BLACK day for IOC!

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Note these two parts:

be largely cut off from contact with the public. About 11,000 Olympic and 4,400 Paralympic athletes are expected to attend.


Olympic “stakeholders” would amount to 59,000, of which 23,000 were Olympic family and international federations. She said an added 17,000 would involve television rights holders, with 6,000 more media.

As we found out yesterday the "bubble" and "daily testing" will only apply to the first group and a tiny portion of their direct teams.

The second group will not be confined to the Olympics village and will be spread all over the place and will NOT be tested daily if at all and if they are asked to be tested they will have to collect their own testing samples.

So he and the IOC lied about daily testing and is lying about the safety.

And by their own admission there really isn't a bubble.

9 ( +9 / -0 )


Coming from an Aussie ,where the current state is the closure of the country's borders to all ,oh wait the rich and famous can still enter and do as they please , they don't do covid obviously ,is there no end to the stupidity

Thank you for pointing this out. In all of this I failed to make that connection. I will add hypocrisy to the list.

Also I want to make it clear my words "The arrogance of these guys is off the scale" is absolutely not directed at anyone on this website, including those I disagree with.

My statement about arrogance is solely directed at the IOC and those trying to force the Olympics down the throat of Japan. My true feelings are much worse however I cannot use the language which truly describes my feelings for the IOC on this website as it would be removed (rightfully so).

8 ( +8 / -0 )

complete madness

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This Olympic business is beginning to look like Tokyo gyokusai, the "shattered jewels of Tokyo." No matter what the cost to innocent people, full speed ahead on the Games!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

You would of thought the the ioc would have turned up for the Tokyo meeting. This would have given them a change to experience The Bubble by staying at the Olympics Village.

The retired nurses are going to be spread thin. Every other day there is talk about them helping with the much needed vaccination effort.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

John Coates, speaking from Australia in a virtual news conference with Tokyo organizers at the end of three days of meetings, said this would be the case even if local medical experts advised against holding the Olympics.

What a sleaze. I don’t know how else to describe the level of disgust I have for the IOC at this point.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I'm still hoping it will be canceled. If it's not I guess it doesn't really matter anymore if I go outside and get back to normal. I follow the rules, but for what?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There won't be another state of emergency at that time as Japan will be well over 50 million people vaccinated by that point. The warm weather of summer will also help put paid to Corona.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Why everytime I read the stuff the IOC and the pro Olympics people say on here, I keep hearing the theme song for The Twilight zone?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Don't question the WHO! Or can we cherry pick their advice and recommendations? It is all so confusing.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@Akula - is that sarcasm about the 50 million or a true belief? I too hope it to be true but I would completely understand the sarcasm.

@Tokyo-Engr - 100% on the same page as you. It saddens me that the IOC has turned the Olympics into such a sham.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

these stories are perfect for japan, or they can change the narrative to “we were forced to hold the game by foreign pressure”

3 ( +3 / -0 )

It saddens me that the IOC has turned the Olympics into such a sham.

The Olympics have been a sham for decades.

Decades back when I watch Canadian runners get their training shoes to give to runners from poor countries because they didn't have a decent pair, when I watched western swimmers argue that their custom made multi thousands of dollars high tech swimwear was not an unfair advantage because "anyone can buy them if they wanted to" knowing full well most often non rich country's Athletes had no way of affording them and then we add in the professional athletes with their multi million dollar sponsorships and state of the art training that the vast majority of the rest will not even have a fraction of what they have.

It was clear the Olympics is a showcase for rich countries to collect medals and say they are better.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Cotes only cares about himself

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What a despicable and corrupt person. I do hope when he see's the outcome of his money-based ego, he faces prosecution.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Antiquesaving - I'm not arguing with you. Perhaps I should be saying I'm embarrassed that it's taken me until this point to realize it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

♬We want your money, we want your money...♪

7 ( +7 / -0 )


The warm weather of summer will also help put paid to Corona.

Can you try and stop this nonsense about warm weather /summer will stop Corona - you do realize that April/May months are peak summer time in India and everyone knows what happened/is happening in India??

6 ( +7 / -1 )

“If it doesn’t then our position is that we have to make sure that we get on with our job,” Coates said. “And our job is to ensure these games are safe for all the participants and all the people of Japan.”

Guess Coates statement above is correct as IOC leadership that his job is to ensure games proceed.

But what boggles my mind beyond belief is how come Japanese government is agreeing with IOC on such things - I thought every elected government first and foremost responsibility is to maintain peace and safety for its population - guess it is not true anymore in Japan.....

Lastly where is the so called "ware ware Nipponjin" and "national pride" where IOC is dictating terms to a country and the country PM says the decision to cancel Olympics is not in his control - are we running a madhouse here?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

And here was me thinking Japan was an independent nation while actually we are an IOC colony.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

“If it doesn’t then our position is that we have to make sure that we get on with our job,” Coates said. “And our job is to ensure these games are safe for all the participants and all the people of Japan.”

And if thousands more Japanese fall sick or die after the Games, either you or the IOC will be picking up the tab for the hospitalizations, loss of income, and compensation for death won't you Mr Coates?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The warm weather of summer will also help put paid to Corona.

Did you already forget last summer when the second wave hit in August?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Coates suggested public opinion might improve as more Japanese get fully vaccinated.

Oh really? Ya think?

Thats the biggest issue here, partnah!

Of course it would be more favorable if Suga and the rest of the useless had cut the crap since last November and got the people vaxxed.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

When do Bach, and Coates move into the Prime Ministers residence? Is there an official date set for that, or are they just going to lead Japan remotely?

The black van nationalists have all lost their voices and their country, hahaha...incredible!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

That's easy for him to say. He doesn't have to deal with the fallout from an even worse pandemic. He knows that the people will blame the government and is waiting for them to make the decision to cancel and deal with the financial consequences.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I am appalled that the WHO is going out of its way to review the Games' playbook. Don't they have more pressing matters to attend to?

Anyhow, the IOC is waving this alleged support as if it were the Holy Grail itself but there is a HUGE difference between Coates' statement here and the official comments by the WHO that can be found on the IOC website:


Quote: the WHO has "confidence that the International Olympic Committee and the host city Tokyo, and the Government of Japan, will make the right decisions regarding how best to manage the risks, and are working extremely hard right now to ensure that those risks are well managed”. 

In other words: they are doing their best. Well, what kind of commitment is this exactly? If the Games actually turn into a super spreader, they're going to come and say "sorry, we did our best". Who is buying that, seriously?

I will give some scientific credit to this so-called WHO support when one of their official will come to the front stage, look the public in the eye and say: "The Games will be safe".

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Akula - is that sarcasm about the 50 million or a true belief? I too hope it to be true but I would completely understand the sarcasm.

No I seriously believe that will happen, 2 months to the start of the games, and an average of 700000 doses a day will get it there as we are at 8M now. They are up over 400000 a day now and increasing. Expect Japan to do 1M vaccinations a day by mid-June.

The tragedy is that we got here due to the government's dithering. If they had approved the vaccine earlier, and started distributing it earlier, we wouldn't have had this current wave, and we wouldn't be having this 'cancel the Olympics' discussion.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Quote: "The IOC gets almost 75% of its income from selling broadcast rights, a key driver in pushing on."

The Olympics are about capitalism and not the pure love of sport. As long as capitalism prevails putting athletes in peril does not matter. The Olympics draining us of necessary medical resources does not matter either.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Someone watched “Wall Street” one too many times: “greed is good”

3 ( +3 / -0 )

How is it that a sports event committee has more decision-making authority than medical experts when it comes to holding sporting events during a pandemic? We live in an insane world

7 ( +7 / -0 )

It’s getting to the point that I am starting to think someone being a Tokyo Olympics gold medalist might be a negative, not a positive, at some point later.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

If it is safe to hold the games, then why are they wearing face coverings. I am confused.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Straight from the horses mouth. Mr Coates has informed us that the WHO and other experts have declared the games safe. So many here have complained about safety and the leading experts have said there is nothing of concern

Time to get down to the event and enjoy.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Looking forward to seeing the world’s greatest athletes.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Avoid saying such thing overly casually, too hasty, too quickly.

Someone appears to be trying to blindly trade human lives with the Olympic spirit of sports and glory. Is that worthy?..

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Straight from the horses [sic] mouth. 

I’ve learnt not to take medical advice from a horse.

Never works out well.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

“We’re starting to reach a point where we can’t even cancel anymore,” she said.

That's not the main point of what she said!

She said , "Most Japanese are raising skepticism and concerns about the Olympics, but IOC, the Japanese government and JOC all keep ignoring their voices. Dialogue is a basic requirement for peace-building. If they reject talks, there is no value in the Olympics. "

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Whatever. Obviously these elites care so little for the health and safety of the general population - their main concern is pride, profit, and plowing ahead, no matter what.

So, for what it's worth, before those 100,000 visitors flood into my completely ineptly run and unprepared City of Tokyo in a State of Emergency? I'm heading the other way - to the USA. Walk right into any Walgreens and get for minimal cost what this local government seems completely uninterested in providing me and mine with anytime soon.

No one will miss me, but on the other hand, I certainly won't miss anything related to this train-wreck of an "Olympics". So to each their own.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Serious inferiority complex.

Muto and Hashimoto listening to their boss John Coates.

Replace Muto with Suga and there will be no difference. The arrogance is unbelievable

it is as if Bach and Coates are the leaders of Japan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

He acts as if he has sole control of the choice, regardless of the peoples' wishes and, the way he states it, even without regard for the government's choice were they tochange their mind in holding the games.

I would absolutely bust a gut if they all showed up and were just denied entry at immigration.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


The WHO did not say the Games were safe. Coates said they did. Big difference.

Check my earlier post with the link to the IOC website if you are interested in facts, which I doubt.

All the WHO is saying is that IOC and Tokyo are doing their best.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Here is something the pro Olympics should look at.

Go to the Tokyo covid test results site.

Look at the daily positive then look tracing results.

80% of positive results on most days cannot be traced to where people caught the virus.

So if 800 are positive and they cannot trace where 700 caught the virus, that means there are at least 700 more people out not knowing they have the virus and spreading it.

Multiply this by 7 days a week and see what is really going on.

So the idea the numbers are low and safe to hold the games is all smoke and mirrors.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Coates left no doubt that the Switzerland-based International Olympic Committee believes the Tokyo Games will happen. The IOC gets almost 75% of its income from selling broadcast rights, a key driver in pushing on.

No doubt, from the horses mouth, money before people !

Boycott these games and the sponsors, make these athletes uncomfortable as possible about competing too !!

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Mr Coates told the truth and is an honest and kind man. He would never endanger the lives of anyone. The experts agree the measures will ensure a safe games for the competitors and the public. I for one am looking forward to the games immensely and I am certain they are safe for all.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

I no longer believe anything the news says in these often pro Olympics slanted articles.

I did some checking and followed the sponsors, partners, affiliates of the Olympics.

Every news outlet, has some connection to the Olympics and by every I mean every.

So no wonder they are all downplaying the dangers and promoting the IOC view.

Just strafe back ownership of the news papers and news sties to their parent companies then follow down what other news sites those parent companies own.

The results will be staggering.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They said the highly contagious british variant was responsible for the rapid spread in Osaka

and was also spreading in Tokyo but mysteriously never was contagious in Tokyo despite the

congestion and packed trains, low testing, no contact tracing. Even the number of serious cases

have reduced or are constant in Tokyo whereas in almost every other part of the country that is not

bordering Tokyo it increased rapidly.

Look at the recent rapid spread in Taiwan despite the stringent tracking and will leave you with questions

why this virus is behaving smart and spared Tokyo, looks like the virus is pro olympic

No it hasn't nor isn't, there is no logical explanation other than that the numbers are cooked.

Well, I know thinking logically is too difficult for some.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Mr Coates told the truth and is an honest and kind man. 

Wow can someone be that obvious in having a connection?

So if the IOC told the truth why do we now find out that the promised "daily testing for all those attending the games" is not that and is: daily testing only for the athletes and some officials and the majority of those coming may be tested sporadically if needed and even then they will have to collect test samples themselves on a honor system.

That is far far far from what he and bthe IOC promised.

So get off the "honest" man stuff he is a lier and the IOC has made that clear with the backtracking on daily testing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The picture says it all. While the Japanese leadership sits powerless, the IOC is running things from on high, deciding how Japanese national policy will manage its resources in the face of a national emergency. The IOC continues to frame the games as safe when in fact the real problem is Japan’s distraction away from accelerating its vaccination program and relieving pressure on its medical facilities. Japan is already struggling with its vaccination program. It doesn’t need the Olympics stealing precious resources away from the Covid fight.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The IOC continues to frame the games as safe when in fact the real problem is Japan’s distraction away from accelerating its vaccination program and relieving pressure on its medical facilities. 

It gets worse,

Now the IOC and TOC will be reducing the promised daily testing for all to only some.

The reason is because Tokyo and the IOC were expecting neighbouring prefectures to help by letting Tokyo use their hospitals and testing facilities.

The other prefectures publicly said NO, so now Tokyo would have to somehow test over 100,000 a day plus the Tokyo population when up to now it hasn't been able to do 10,000 a day more than a few times.

So solutions don't test the majority of the 100,000 only the core athletes and some officials.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I don’t care if the numbers are down. I don’t care if the vaccine works. I don’t care what the WHO says. Japan is in no condition medically nor financially to host these games and the IOC is simply evil for forcing us to do so.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Even the number of serious cases

have reduced or are constant in Tokyo whereas in almost every other part of the country that is not

bordering Tokyo it increased rapidly.

Saying it won't make it true.

A quick look at the charts shows the numbers have been going down in Osaka, Hyogo, etc.

The only place really out of control is Hokkaido - Sapporo in particular. No doubt the Susukino red-light district isn't helping things there.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The heck with the Olympics, an aging institution with only their own vested interests. I’m for one boycotting them from here on out.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Meanwhile, PM Suga's performance while saying "We have never put the Olympics first" should be the official entry for best actor at the Oscars.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Tick Tock. Called it all along.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

A quick look at the charts shows the numbers have been going down in Osaka, Hyogo, etc.

Yes and another quick check on the charts show testing going from 20,000 a day to 14,000 a day in Osaka.

So just like Tokyo the tried and true method of reducing the cases on paper of covid is to reduce the number of people being tested.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The games won't be a super spreader. They will do all those tests for the cameras and to satisfy the public demand. They just wont release the results in a timely or transparent manner.

Coates has several big brown envelopes prepared for Koike, Suga, Muto and Hashimoto.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I understand some have safety concerns during the Olympics. However all precautions are being taking to ensure we are all safe. Huge measures are being implemented to reassure those with safety concerns. As we near the starting date the media will be publishing the strict protocols being taken to ensure a smooth games. Television broadcasters will be given access to events, the village and shown the precautions being implemented. Hopefully these will educate and reassure the public of the high safety standards in p,ace.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Unbelieveable ARROGANCE!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

After Rakuten CEO calling the Tokyo Games a "suicide mission', Softbank CEO has raised doubts over holding the games: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/22/business/softbank-son-olympics-cancel/

Good to see the Business leaders of Japan showing some spine after the J-Gov has caved in to the reckless demands of IOC.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yes and another quick check on the charts show testing going from 20,000 a day to 14,000 a day in Osaka.

And a quick bit of thinking will help you realize people aren't going to get tested if they aren't sick, hence the lower number of tests.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Then you realize there are asymptomatic people with covid, and then you nest stand the need for more testing, not less.

I agree more testing would give a us a better picture.

That's not my point though. Someone claimed the numbers are going up everywhere but Tokyo and it's neighbors, despite the data showing otherwise.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And a quick bit of thinking will help you realize people aren't going to get tested if they aren't sick, hence the lower number of tests.

Really so the fact testing suddenly drops during Golden week and every weekend means suddenly people aren't sick during those times.

Wow every weekend people are suddenly not sick.

I wonder if covid not only comes out after 20:00 but also takes holidays and weekends off?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I understand some have safety concerns during the Olympics. However all precautions are being taking to ensure we are all safe.....blah, blah, blah

Did the IOC dictate this again?

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Go see the charts again especially Tokyo gov.

Notice that they note how many of those that tested positive couldn't be traced back to where they caught covid it is around 80%.

Which means that the persons that transmitted covid to 80% of those that tested positive could not be found so are still out spreading it to others.

So 800 positive mean over 500 could not find the who gave it to them which means that 500 people with covid are still going around spreading covid.

So this 800 really mess there are 1,300 cases just gave found the other 500 yet.

Now multiply that by the number of positives cases this week and those not traceable and perhaps you may see how big the problem really is.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Go see the charts again especially Tokyo gov.

Notice that they note how many of those that tested positive couldn't be traced back to where they caught covid it is around 80%.

Which means that the persons that transmitted covid to 80% of those that tested positive could not be found so are still out spreading it to others.

So 800 positive mean over 500 could not find the who gave it to them which means that 500 people with covid are still going around spreading covid.

So this 800 really mess there are 1,300 cases just gave found the other 500 yet.

Now multiply that by the number of positives cases this week and those not traceable and perhaps you may see how big the problem really is.

Again, I was comparing to the other prefectures but regarding the contact tracing, they have long abandoned that, and will only trace places with high-risk individuals like nursing homes.

The situation hasn't changed from the beginning so I don't think we'll be seeing the apocalypse any time soon, although obviously it would be more pleasant if we had the vaccines already.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Since MR Coates clearly outranks the entire Japanese government and decides what happens in Japan, i will pay my taxes in Australia from now on

3 ( +3 / -0 )

So there are still people who actually think that the number of infections can be controlled for long if tests are deliberately limited.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Will Coates stop deciding for Japanese taxpayers???We do not want to have the Olympics.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Only the IOC can cancel the Olympics, it is writ in the contractual agreement with the host nation.

Coates tries to downplay the opposition to the games, which has been at 80% - phrasing it thusly: 60% to 80%. Then asserting the number in opposition will dwindle as everyone gets vaccinate, which is a big fat assumption with naught to back it up. Previously he determined the opposition would diminish as the opening date approached. Typical spin as he tries to beat down the negative numbers by creating his own.

As for the Olympics, after this fiasco flames out, a stake should be driven into the heart of Coates and the IOC who forced the Olympics on an unwilling public during a worldwide epidemic.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Anyone catching COVID after the first arrivals should collectively sue Coates and the IOC.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Perhaps the question should be asked... does Japan wish to remain a member of the IOC ? The Olympics seem to generate little payback long term.. Kenya hasnt held the Olympics - yet its runners are arguably the best in the World... go figure.... it's all about Money for the IOC and those involved in it's gravy train.

Out dated, out of sync with Society, and over priced....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Between the Billions of Dollars in Broadcasting Rights and the 124 Million Japanese, it's a no-brainer which one is more important. First during WW2 they nuked you then in the 1980s they played you out at the Plaza Hotel and now in 2021, they are sacrificing you. When will it all end?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Japan does not have to let in any foreign athletes. J-govt. has the ultimate role in determining how and if the Olympics will be held.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Tokyo and the JOC are the parties to the contract with the IOC.

Japan's govt. can ban entry to foreigners, and there would be nothing the IOC could do according to the contract.

In the end, Suga is overruling popular opinion.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is what happens when Japan is fails to sets limits and define the exact conditions for when the Olympics should be cancelled in the state of a national emergency. It also shows what happens when the nation’s medical leaders are not major contributors to decision making during a nation health crisis.

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Elvis is hereMay 22  06:43 am JST

Yeah right. Games are dead in the water.

This is going to be a disaster of tremendously epic proportions. Japan is in an emergency yet this is still scheduled as business as usual. It's going to blow up in their faces big time.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If people are really opposed to the Olympics, they should launch another cancel petition.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The first cancel petition showed that only around 352 thousand people from 130 countries care enough to sign if I recall correctly

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Big monumental mistake.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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