Japan Today
Models present elements and items including podium, music, costume and medal tray that will be used during the victory ceremonies at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, at the Ariake Arena, in Tokyo on Thursday. Image: Issei Kato/Pool via AP
tokyo 2020 olympics

Eco-friendly Tokyo Olympic podium, medals, music unveiled


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eco-friendly "pruning" of trees in Yoyogi Park. (^_-)

36 ( +40 / -4 )

Try as much as you want, this event will be a joke.

32 ( +37 / -5 )

I wonder why every day we have to be submitted to Olympics news, an avent held between friends , within a sect. whose members are the J politics, IOC members and athletes. Outsiders will not be allowed to join, only paying the bill later or buying a Tokyo 2020 mug or Tshirt

21 ( +25 / -4 )

The “Let’s Smile & Feel Good” about ‘J Inc.’ “media circus” continues.

(Should we all sing along?)

23 ( +24 / -1 )

Eco-friendly Tokyo Olympic not pandemic free Olympic

20 ( +23 / -3 )

Will the medals be individually wrapped in plastic?

35 ( +37 / -2 )

Eco-friendly Tokyo Olympic podium, medals, music unveiled

It might even be an eco-friendly event, but it will never be, for sure, a japanese-people-friendly event.

21 ( +21 / -0 )

Cant’ fault the ”Pure” appearance of these good-looking, young people. They’ve done ‘their best’, despite the failings of the organization.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Sorry for the *cliché but, ... do those look like like ‘sushi trays*’?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Its beyond pathetic that the little podium and medals are what they are touting as their eco- friendly achievements for an event of this scale.

Hey, how much CO2 did you put into the air making all that concrete for the Olympic Stadium we didn’t even need in the first place? To ask just one of a million questions about the environmental harm caused by the games which dwarf this.

Oh, and yeah: Pandemic.

21 ( +23 / -2 )

Wonderdul! We will have a great Eco-Friendly, and Virus-Free Olympics!

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Eco-friendly medals = excavated and reused from the ancient Greek Games.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Have to agree 100% with your observation, this time. @OlympicSupport 7:18am. It will be...

*- “Wonderdul!” -*

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Well done japan! This has well and truly redeemed the trust of the world and repaired your shattered image! Genius move.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

"Rurouni Kenshin" series and "Eien no Zero" (The Eternal Zero)

Written by a paedophile and a Nanking-denying ultra-nationalist, respectively. Even something as supposedly neutral as the ceremony music has deeply unpleasant connotations.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

I am looking forward to an eco-friendly Olympic. This was my biggest concern in the lead up to these games. Well done Japan! If they need anymore empty pet bottles there plenty tossed into the local river along with other trash near my home in Osaka.

Come on Olympic!

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Not sure what best describes this. I hesitate between "beyond pathetic" and "beyond cynical".

10 ( +12 / -2 )

For a country that leave on florescent lights during the day. The hypocrisy is top level in this country.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

This is one of deception of Olympics 2020.

"Podium is eco-friendly" but unnecessary newly-establishment of national stadium fostered deforestation.

And now, Olympics 2020 disrespects human lives.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

it seems that the IOC are giving a hint that the pandemic is over and sense of falseness that Wuhan China virus is contained so there is no threat at all with Covid

6 ( +9 / -3 )

The word 'eco-friendly' means 'causing as little harm to the environment as possible'. There's nothing eco-friendly about any Olympics ever. These, however, take the cake for blatantly causing a significant amount of harm to the human part of the environment. Using a podium made of plastic waste isn't going to make up for the damage caused by holding these games in the first place.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Eco-friendly Tokyo Olympic podium, medals, music unveiled

I’ve never heard eco-friendly music.

19 ( +19 / -0 )

Also they should change the logo as every time I see it reminds me of covid because the logo looks like a covid variant

5 ( +7 / -2 )

those two look like they just got changed into their onsen clothes.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

I heard most gold, silver, bronze medals are made from all kinds of dumped/wasted computers and household appliances and podiums are made from marine plastic waste. It sounds like "Eco-friendly".

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

That’s great! Olympic Games are accepted by people of all ages, so it will be a great opportunity to make them be interested in SDGs or eco-friendly products.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

A joyless Olympics to suffer through. The IOC has killed its brand.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Marcelito, you beat me to the comment. I was going to say reminds me of hospital patients in their pyjamas.

And I would like to complete Mr Noakes comment by saying the music makes sense when they appointed a neo nazi as head of the Olympic village. One can always rely on the IOC’s moral and ethical values

11 ( +12 / -1 )

This is just another attempt at trying to create interest in the Pandemic Olympics.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Yet I called the local refuge collection office and was told to put plastic in can burn blue bags.., just for show as ever, fake fake fake.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I wonder why every day we have to be submitted to Olympics news,

I wonder why every day we have to be submitted to consistent whining & complaining

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Another day, another Olympics propaganda attempt...

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Well at least now we know why the Olympics could not be cancelled. They wanted to show the podium.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

How many trees will be needed to be cut down, especially endangered hardwoood trees, to make coffins for the new superspreader Japanese variant? Already in India there is a shortage of firewood for burning bodies so thousands and thousands are dumped into the Ganges River.

Eco really?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

eco-friendly music??

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Its hard to get fired up about this.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Great article to get us in the mood for the games. After huge negative press, people are seeing that the games are going ahead and getting excited about it. The hard work put into this event is astounding and is admired by all. The Olympic flame burns brighter than ever for humanity, let’s all enjoy.

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

So are we going to bombarded and brainwashed more with everyday’s these Olympics Aka. Japan’s hyper glorified sport’s day?

Okay,they will made the circus Eco friendly and they will go on with this circus no matter what.

We got it.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@FFS and possibly others thinking that people are getting in the mood for the games or excited about them, I suggest you take a look at the comments' section on this article on Yahoo News about this article on a Japanese swimming champion.


Very few people in Japan are looking forward to the Games.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

So are we going to bombarded and brainwashed more with everyday’s these Olympics 

You do know who has the biggest PR contract to friends in LDP right? Begins with “D”...

6 ( +6 / -0 )


always with these events there are vulgar, jealous people who will hate on those that have made a success of their lives. This is especially true with comments on places like Yahoo Japan which brings out the most vile of these types. The games are for the benefit of mankind and to show that hard work and perseverance can pay off and bring great rewards to ones life.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Most of these Olympics-related articles would have been wheeled out in up to the run up to the Games, Covid or not. They are just ‘feel good’ puff pieces that are produced for the media for any big event.

Are these articles a representation of people’s level of excitement for the Games?

the No, not at all.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

"The organizing committee will protect the health of athletes at all costs.". But they will not protect the people of Japan nor the parks. Really shows the true colors of the JOC AND THE IOC!!!

2 ( +2 / -0 )


You made my day! Thanks.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The games are for the benefit of mankind and to show that hard work and perseverance can pay off and bring great rewards to ones life.

No. That’s not their purpose.

Stop repurposing the Games to advance your own beliefs.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Once again, can’t find any account of the “vulgarity” or “jealousy” you’ve alluded to:

- @ffs 11:29am:“...always with these events there are ‘vulgar, jealous’ people who will hate on those that have made a success of their lives..” -

The majority here seem to love sports and admire athletes but despise the selfishness of those organizing and continuing to profit from the events they’re set on producing “At any cost”.

The only possible “obscenity” or “politically-charged” references you allude to could perhaps be:

- @marcelito 9:26am:“...the Japanese public who pay the ‘obscene’ salaries of all the Olympic bigwigs, ey?” -


- @AlfieNoakes 7:33am: “Written by a paedophile and a Nanking-denying ultra-nationalist, respectively. Even something as supposedly neutral as the ceremony music has deeply unpleasant connotations.

Perhaps the ‘villains’ you and the other Olympic flag-waivers are looking for can be found at your other referenced source of information:

- @ffs 11:29am: “This is especially true with comments on places like Yahoo Japan which brings out ‘the most ‘vile’ of these types’. -

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Each of the 98 podiums were created with 3D printing technology using plastic collected from more than 2,000 locations across Japan

Really wanted it to be environmentally friendly!

Instead of the high energy cost of recycling the plastic into the needed 3D printing material, then the energy needed to do the printing.

I and other craftspeople could have done the same using recycled wood boards from pallets, home demolition, and a few cans of water based environmentally safe paint.

After which the wood could be again used to make other things nothing special needed

There are millions of wood pallets no longer being used, plywood from demoed homes, we use this material to make shelves, bookcases, sofas, etc...

Those podiums would be so simple to build it would be a bit of a joke.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

They’re really having to dig deep to come up with useless, feel good “technologies” at this point on an event 80% of the population do not event want or possibly care.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Anyone notice the blue logo on the podium P&G ?

Maybe its for Pandemic & Games ................................

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Interesting @Antiquesaving 12:09pm. Will you have an opportunity to demonstrate, and profit from, Your ‘fuel saving and eco-friendly techniques’, for example “World Expo 2025” or YouTube?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Let the games begin!!!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

nobody cares about these things when the Olympics themselves are unwanted.

You know how to have an exco friendly Games? dont have it at all.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Will you have an opportunity to demonstrate, and profit from, Your ‘fuel saving and eco-friendly techniques’, for example “World Expo 2025” or YouTube?

No! Why would I?

Nothing I wrote is anything new or innovative.

Using reclaimed wood shipping pallets to make everything from a simple chair to literally an entire house as been arrond for some time there are literally thousands upon thousands of videos on YouTube, full websites dedicated to using reclaimed wood from old house that were demolished to wood shipping pallets.

My store and workshop was entirely done using reclaimed wood, from the countertops to the shoji doors and tracks, everything reclaimed, recycled, upcycled.

I don't claim to have come up with anything new, especially seeing my now retired 85 year old Master had been doing it for decades.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Thanks for pointing this. I had not noticed. The Procter and Gamble logo is almost dwarfing the Olympics' :-(

I don't have a problem with sports' sponsoring as such but I don't think the IOC can do that and feed us with the "Olympics' ideal" speech at the same time, and then expect us to take them seriously.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Somewhat regretful now to have shown even shown an interest in Your methods at “eco-Friendly(?)” techniques and a better way to have done what was presented in this article.

Q: “Will you have an opportunity to demonstrate,...Your ‘fuel saving and eco-friendly techniques’, for example “World Expo 2025” or YouTube?

A: No! Why would I?

Ouch!?! Once again, sir, many of us here don’t have your extensive experiences. (Thought maybe the younger readers might be interested given the topic but can now imagine how they may feel about asking questions) Sincerely though, ‘Best Wishes’ to you in your continued endeavors.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Covid-friendly Games.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Sorry didn't mean to sound dismissive.

I didn't mean any offense.

It is just that I was trying to convey I am no great genius or inventor of these things and didn't want to look like I was taking credit for work pioneer by people that came long before me.

You do have a point about it would be good to reintroduce the younger generation to certain things now with interest in the environment.

Previously in Japan reclaimed pallet Wood to build new things and using reclaimed wood from old buildings was common.

Now much of this still very usable material ends up being burned often in sento ( public bath) to hear the water many not having proper environmental safeguard from the smoke they produce.

Now not everyone can live like I do, I am a cheap B.....d so just about everything in my home is recycled, upcycled. It's not for everyone.

My name says it all trying to save as many things that can for historical value and avoiding waste and the need to make more and more stuff that ends up in landfills it incinerators.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Thanks for the courteous reply @Antiquesaving 1:59pm. (It’s “water under the bridge”, then.)

“didn't want to look like I was taking credit for work pioneer by people that came long before me. You do have a point about it would be good to reintroduce the younger generation to certain things now with interest in the environment.

Exactly our original intent and never meant to infer you would attempt to profit by any kind of ‘carpetbagging’. To many of us here, it seems at times, you and @zichi are living challenging yet fulfilling lives amongst the locals. Have to admit, it’s often envied by those of us constricted by the surrounding urban blight. (Perhaps your family, and friends, can help you put all of these experiences into a tangible form to pass on to the next generations?). Yes, “eco-friendly” on YouTube, etc can be very profitable for some. - As always, best wishes to you both.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

At least the medals are from 2020...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Eco stage, its already made from recycled plastic, what will happen to it after the shambles, sorry Olymipcs? will it be cut up into tiny pieces as a souvenir and sold off? will it be displayed in a museum? or will it be used as shuttering on a building site?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Have to admit, it’s often envied by those of us constricted by the surrounding urban blight.

I live right in Tokyo, ok shitamachi but very much Tokyo.

The Urban blight is what you make of it.

The rear of my house is no wider than a metre but somehow I fit in 2 stone lanterns and some greenery.

Before that in a rented apartment I turned the veranda into a nice green siting area to have coffee in the morning and wine at night.

And I may be able to work wood, metal, etc.. but a green thumb I am not!

But back to these podiums being green.

I did some checking and the plastic used needed considerable processing to eventually be usable in the 3D printing machine it is not as simple as just dumping old plastic into a container and the printer does the rest.

This was probably na very expensive and complicated endeavor consuming far more energy than cutting some reclaimed wood and nailing some boards together ( Even if ones used and electric saw and nailgun).

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@Oxycodin it seems that the IOC are giving a hint that the pandemic is over and sense of falseness that Wuhan China virus is contained so there is no threat at all with Covid

It's going to be china virus meets India, British, South Africa viruses in Japan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Pandemic blue medical scrubs for the awards presentation—?






-1 ( +0 / -1 )


those two look like they just got changed into their onsen clothes.


Those blue outfits resemble medical staff uniforms so quite appropriate for pandemic Olympics.

Patrice Pendell

Pandemic blue medical scrubs for the awards presentation—?






Comments like these just reveal you people have no conception of Japanese clothing & textile history, the traditional shapes, materials and colors.

Personally I love those outfits, and I think they're a great, modern nod to historical Japanese clothes, especially noragi. I hope they used real indigo, but as it would be costly, more difficult to take care of, etc., doubt it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Comments like these just reveal you people have no conception of Japanese clothing & textile history, the traditional shapes, materials and colors.


They look like they are in poorly made "jimbe" from leftover material used for some cheap store banner.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Eco-friendly Tokyo Olympic podium, medals, music unveiled

"eco-friendly music", LOL!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Stop your complaining Japanese peasants.

Let the Worlds athletes and entourage in.

Pay the cost of the Olympics.

And by the way, you're not invited to watch.

Simple summary of the IOC's thinking.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Antiquesaving - Yes, seriously. And jimbei are cool. They are essentially an attire for summer, after all - perfect for the summer games.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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