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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Fans to be banned from Olympic events in Tokyo, 3 neighboring prefectures
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Welcome to the ways of Japanese politics, Ms. Former Athlete.
Well it's seems unless you follow the narrative you will get down voted to oblivion.
Yes, I was the right call to make, but I am disappointed and saddened, and was looking forward immensely to going as a life long fan of the Games.
Such a shame.
Harken your ears, plebeians! Caesar commands. And his Tribunal abides. No pay your tribute unto Caesar.
What is the narrative?
“Wave”? It looks like Bach is re-teaching his captive audience a traditional salute he proclaimed at the airport upon his arrival.
I said it yesterday and I am saying it now again.
A ban on serving alcohol is a key step to tone down Olympics-related festivities and keep people from drinking and partying.
This is the biggest BS I have ever heard.
Nobody was planing any Olympics related festivities.
People are against the Olympics or don't give a damn about the Olympics.
These Olympic Organizers are again damaging the hard working peoples well deserved vaccation.
At a SOE, people are requested not to travel to other prefectures.
Is Bach's trip to Hiroshima canceled?
As another possible ‘significant countermeasure in place’, it appeared just yesterday the current PM demonstrated the closed-fist, lesser plebeian (‘gaman’) ‘salute of submission’ to the athletes.
If the government wanted to open the Olympic in Tokyo by all means, why did they not begin vaccination earlier and widely? It is still at 15% who are vaccinated two doses. The figure is a lot lower than European countries.
Sorry to hear this news but glad President Bach could lift the spirit of Olympic.
“What can I say? Finally we are here,” Bach said, sounding upbeat as he opened the late night meeting that ended close to midnight. “I have been longing for this day for more than one year.”
jiji Xx
as for empty stadiums and arenas.... I wonder, will they have canned cheers, gasps, oohs-and-aahs, applause, to, you know, give the global TV audience that authentic Olympic experience.....
Today, Hashimoto demonstrates the ‘active listening’ pose as also, a lesser & meager form of salute for the masses to “their Victor”.
According to the contract, only the IOC can cancel the Olympics. Since they do the games to make money from you and the government, they are not going to cancel them. I feel really bad for the folks that live in the vicinity and can't make money because of these restrictions, hopefully, other countries see this and modify or stop signing these limitless contracts with an obvious greedy organization that cares little or nothing at all for the citizens or athletes it's all about money. Have a great day, paddles up
Should IOC have any consideration for the japanese people and the Olympics would have been postponed to a time when the country and its people could benefit from it.
This version of the Olympics is nothing more than a liability to the country, with very few exceptions.
IOC is using Japan to make their billions and, will leave the mess for japanese citizens and residents to clean up.
An olympics held under a state of emergency and with no fans. As long as Dentsu have the exclusive Asian broadcasting rights the show must go on. The lives and welfare of Japanese citizens are less important than Dentsu's bottom line.
Alfie Noakes
Hands up who want $4 billion?
Bach is upbeat. Everyone else sad or angry or both. Well done.
This is to protect the IOC who does not want to take the blame for anything (even requring athletes to sign a liability waiver which specifically identifies Covid-19).
As the article states: the Olympic organizers are making sure the games are safe - safe for the IOC from any liabilities.
This appears to be part of that plan. They are OK as long as they get the huge check from NBC. The could care less if the virus spreads due to the additionao 70,000 to 80,000 people who enter Japan during a State of Emergency.
“But he did not know the numerical details”
Muto mate it’s your JOB TO KNOW this. Unbelievable!
Not to worry, I guarantee "VIPs" and sponsors will be allowed in and they are happy that they don't deal with noise from the peasants aka regular people.
Ok cue an intense ad campaign with a slogan like “at home olympics” or “my home olympics l!” All in terrible katakana English
How do you say this in Japanese? Would like to hear the original. Koike, I am sure it is "gut-wrenching" indeed.
However, the games should have been cancelled to avoid this "gut-wrenching". Why did you and the JOC have to be so stubborn?
Now Tokyo is going have these "gut-wrenching" games during a state of emergency while the rest of the world looks on in bemusement.
I bet global audience numbers will be extremely low and hope this destroys the IOC. Oh the bitter irony.
Euro 2020 blamed for surge in COVID-19 cases as fans flock to stadiums
Alfie Noakes
Muto mate it’s your JOB TO KNOW this. Unbelievable!
He's repeated this like a mantra at every single press conference I've seen or read about. Not knowing is clearly his job.
It's the first correct choice they've made. But...
They really needed Bach to reach this obvious decision?
I see Bach's version of quarantine doesn't even last 1 doubt he mingled with staff and assorted others setting up his video meeting...which he could have done AT HOME!
ioc doesnt care, as long as nbc gets footage, sells footage, ioc gets paid, THAT is the bottom line
AND ONLY CONCERN ...................of the ioc
Welcome to the 2020 Tokyo Olympcs.
The special games where tax-payers, who funded the whole thing, aren't invited. Instead tax-paying residents can expect to have their belongings ransacked at the train stations in Tokyo. I already feel warmth, spirit, and inclusiveness on these games.
In the photo it looks like they're voting who's up for beers at the izakaya tonight.
Emperor Bacchus has arrived. I wonder if he knows how unpopular he is in Japan. He certainly won't be able to tell from the forced smiles and bows he is greeted with at his 5-star "quarantine" hotel.
Aly Rustom
would like to see the politicians donate half their salaries to help pay for this...
You hear that peasants. You will stay home and like it. You will bow before the J-pols and IOC and like it. Now shut up and stay home, oh and pay your taxes.
Hito Bito
Well, United By Emotion, is it? lol. Bach and the J-Gov are united by feelings for one thing: The Bottom Line.
What a travesty. People will remember these PandemOlympics for decades and decades to come, as a failure where obstinacy ruled with an autocrat's fiat in place of popular opinion and democratically-produced inclinations.
These olympics might as well be at the North Pole, for all the "emotion" such sterile, but commercial-filled, events televised from empty sparkling stadia will induce...
I'm not playing these "Games." Boycott!
Spectators have not been banned from baseball, soccer stadiums, etc
Why doing it now ?
Such a shameful decision and the loss will be paid back by the citizens taxes
Alan Harrison
Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. It has put the breaks upon this appauling new nationalism that has been growing in Japan, and would have come to a head if normal games were to go ahead. Maybe a repeat of 1936 has been avoided.
More and More Bars and Restaurants will ignore ban this time around. More began to crack at the end of the last SOE. Many have still not received their compensation from January. I'm not sure if my neighbourhood restaurants will survive another 6 weeks of not selling alcohol.
I am not a citizen but a Permanent Resident. I believe my taxes will also fund this fools errand. I believe the banning is part of the overall effort of the IOC to maintain any shred of a positive image it has (which is very little now) and also limit liabilities and damage to their reputation. They do not care one bit about us taxpayers.
If I owned a bar or restaurant I would absolutely defy the State of Emergency. My logic would be that how can the Government say with any straight face whatsoever that there is a State of Emergency and simultaneously invite 70,000 to 80,000 people to the "State of Emergency Zone". There are many downvoters here however not one is capable of providing a logical response as to why a simultanous State of Emergency and holding of the Olympics is OK.
Some dude
Alan HarrisonToday 08:18 am JST
Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. It has put the breaks upon this appauling new nationalism that has been growing in Japan, and would have come to a head if normal games were to go ahead. Maybe a repeat of 1936 has been avoided.
I do not doubt that if we were not in the middle of a pandemic, Japan would host the games more or less competently.
However, as a place for holding a colossally unpopular Olympics, in front of essentially no fans, during a worldwide pandemic, Japan would be just about the last choice.
No other country has the same level of skill in plowing straight ahead and pretending that everything is fine, when it is clear to any objective observer that they are witnessing at best a farce and at worst a disaster.
There will still be plenty of spectators allowed in to watch the games, IOC officials, dignitaries, sponsor guests, VIPs, politicians. Australia has a state premier, city Mayor, a federal minister coming along to enjoy the privileged party. ‘let them eat cake’ for the general public of Tokyo and Japan
blue in green
So the taxpayer in Japan will be billed for an event they have absolutely nothing to do with?
Of no value at all to the regular person in the street, and yet, they’re expected to pick up the tab?
In what universe is this ok?
We have ended up in the Absurd where hosting an Olympics without fans is the correct decision.
This decision in itself is correct, but only because a long series of inept decision-making and non-decision-making have brought us here. This was all predictable and could have easily been avoided. Most blame lies with Abe and the LDP since they insisted on 2021 and then did nothing to ensure a safe 2021 could happen. People talk about positive effects of the Olympics, but there are none for the Japanese public. Even something simple like a sense of urgency to get the country vaccinated in time did not happen.
I'm a huge sports fan, but I won't be watching.
@blue in green
This is OK in that special and glorious universe in which Lord Bach and the IOC resides. In the real world? - not really is why Bach is becoming one of the most despised human beings roaming the planet.
The Avenger
What would happen if they held an Olympics and nobody came?
Well, I guess we are about to find out....
One must respect the honesty from King Bach - of course he had been longing for this day for more than one year to get his bank account stuffed with $$$ - he is most happy to be "finally here"
Alas! GoTo Olympics campaign (also) failed
The majority of the opinion is in agreement with you and I believe holding the Olympics at this time is certainly not OK. You were downvoted for your comment by the way.
I am waiting for their logic which rationalizes a simultaneous State of Emergency and holding of the Olympics. It is likely not forthcoming.
Some dude
SPls stop writing BS and call it what it is - the shortfall will not be covered by "govt entitites" but by the taxes of average Taro and Keiko who get done by their govt lords as usual.
….after which said Taro and Keiko will vote once again for said “govt entities”.
@some dude
Fully agree. That's the bad side of the gambarou work culture.
Can we collectively agree to stop paying taxes to these people
Fortunately for the IOC the games are so universally reviled in Japan that this announcement is not expected to affect attendance levels.
Sheikh Yerboaby
But cram onto trains and keep going to work like good drones you fun, work, work!
Japan's answer to every more
Richard Gallagher
Ah. The IOC: it's essentially, a Ponzi scheme, the responsibility for funding the games is thrust upon the so-called Host Nation.
How does it possibly profit Japan aka Tokyo to host the Olympics? It does not. Revenue from ticket sales does not cover the overall costs, it is marginal in terms of offsetting the capital outlays. Though, now, even that revenue stream is non-existent.
An influx of athletes and staff, alongside various officials and dignitaries who contribute nothing to the local economy. In fact, they present a danger to the economy of Japan as a whole. The SARSCoV-2 variant has already arrived with foreign athletes, though the number was small, there are no small numbers in a pandemic - the spread is exponential, though not linear. Once introduced it is random and with the enhanced transmission factor of the delta variant, 50% more contagious.
Well. At least there will be no spectators packed into the venues.
Compared with the Euro semi-finals at Wembley Stadium. 120,000 fans.
and none wearing masks. Should not the Euros been canceled?
No Onlyfans? Quelle shock ... The ghost olympics, so expensive and so awkward. Wonder what the athletes will feel walking through an empty stadium all spaced apart, that's going to be so wierd.
Some dude
Japan's answer to every more
What nonsense.
Sometimes the answer is “shrug and give up”!
Some dude
Japan's answer to every more"
yup, because you have to harder to get thru the crisis
and the West's answer to every crisis... blame others and riot.
I prefer Japan's answer.
How about a middle ground: work smarter?
Back in the mists of time when I was still an ALT, I offhandedly mentioned the concept of “don’t work harder, work smarter” to the head English teacher at the school - an intelligent man. He looked at me like I had just revealed the secret to life,the universe and everything.
@Richard Gallagher
The Games do not profit to Japan but to a small number of powerful people in Japan, as they did in each host country since at least the L.A. Games. That's part of the scheme. You need an inside accomplice to rob a bank. The loser is the tax payer.
Alan Harrison
At a SOE, people are requested not to travel to other prefectures. Is Bach's trip to Hiroshima canceled?"
Why on earth would Bach want to visit Hiroshima. Sport is supposed to be separate from politics. Hiroshima (an event in 1945) has become politised over the years.
Designer 02
Well a little bit of common sense at last but really this is such an embarrassment and farce. The games should just be cancelled. I don't know which to think is worse this insanity or England discarding all Covid restrictions whilst infections rise exponentially. The World seems full of greed and insanity
Neither should be canceled, but they should be wearing masks.
Canceling all fans tickets when they are only a few people seriously sick in the whole of Japan is just plain ridiculous, and is a result of the hypocritical protests and nothing more. The rest of Japan will go on as if nothing changed, but only the Olympic athletes and ticket-holders have to suffer.
Well done Associated Press, this is how case numbers should be reported on - with a bit of context to give them some meaning.
The only thing remaining to ensure a safe game is to ban the athletes too from entering the arena. I hope the lawmakers and the IOC take this decision sooner than later.
The virus is nowhere near out of control, but I do agree that they needed to do a lot more considering they knew they couldn't delay the Olympics again. Tokyo in particular. Understandable the Suga gets the blame since he is the top but these are the Tokyo Olympics, and where has Koike been all this time? Hiding away?
Now ban Bach, Koike, Suga, Hashimoto, all other officials, sponsors, politicians, media and the athletes.
"although some dignitaries, sponsors, IOC officials and others will be allowed to attend."
If you are an executive at Coca Cola, Dentsu or any of the other companies paying for this super spreader event, you are welcome to drop in.
All is good in the j "government" world. The little people are totally banned but will be paying increased taxes for the few decades. The little people will just shoganai and dutifully vote in the ldp at the next election. No worries, all is good in the j "government" world.
Due to life's usual preoccupations, I'm betting most people outside of Japan are expecting to tune-in to the Olympics and see a somewhat normal version of the games they've watched their entire lives. Spoiler alert.
And that should've been the case. What is Tokyo averaging, 1 death per day?
Can one not see the utter hypocrisy, the VIP guests are obviously immune from this pandemic?
Yet the J tax payer picks up the tabs, whist these elite, and the IOC, sing and be merry.
J people banned from there own Olympics, A games they paid for!!!
It is an outrage,
Be wise Bach, of Nero's Rome it burned, what goes around comes around.
The question remain how much more humiliation will the J people take.
Lobby your Diet member relentlessly, there is an election looming.
Don't grumble get into the face of these politicians. This is essence of democracy, accountability.
And do what? The opposition and the newspaper that backs them are what led to this decision to begin with.
There will still be 10,000~20,000 at the main events. About 11,000 Olympians and 4,400 Paralympians are expected to enter Japan, with tens of thousands of officials, judges, administrators, sponsors, broadcasters, VIPs, friends, family, and media also entering. These members of the 'Olympic Family’ are classified as ‘organisers’ and are exempt from spectator restrictions and other limitations.
No doubt NHK and the broadcasters will pan, focus and zoom on these people enjoying their games, and avoid shots of freshly painted concrete and brand new empty seats.
This was to be expected after foreigners were banned from attending. I’ve heard that Biden will be attending though.
Under announced “state of emergency” restrictions, other sporting events, movie theaters, etc. can take place at 50% capacity or up to 5,000 people*, but not the Olympics. Japan’s most important event on the world stage since the 60’s and the government is makes no real effort for the Olympics to succeed.
If the government is worried that sporting events are dangerous, then cancel all spectators for all sports/events. If government is worried about the total number of people attending events during the emergency period, then why not cancel other events and allow Olympics at 50% capacity, or allow all events in Japan at a lower capacity, say a flat 30% (that’s much more scientifically sound).
You can bet that if Japanese spectators had been allowed to go to Olympics events at [50]% capacity, they would have done this: 99%+ worn masks, practice good hygiene/ hand sanitization, social distance, behave mildly (to minimize possible virus spread).
Why did Japan/Tokyo decide to host the Olympics anyway? There was clearly not much interest of Japanese people from beginning.
Japanese government had over 1 year to put measures in place to host a safe Olympics (vaccinations, testing, etc.). Rather than Tokyo 2020 signaling that Japan is finally recovering from with the funk of the bubble era, the Olympics and the pandemic has shown Japan has failed as a significant country in the world.
Separately, I hope Jill Biden decides not to come, she should stay clear of this failed event that seems supported by no-one.
Some dude
I'm betting most people outside of Japan are expecting to tune-in to the Olympics and see a somewhat normal version of the games they've watched their entire lives
I was on Whastapp this morning with a friend in England. He confirmed, as others have mentioned, that there is very little buildup to the games, certainly compared to a normal Olympics. He seemed pretty surprised that they were still going ahead.
What a bad joke these Olympics… and next they will ban the athletes from attending the event leaving in the end only the IOC members and Suga and friends
As so many have said the Olympics should have been cancelled or postponed again….
But the show must go on …(elections are close)
I once used to find the Olympics magic as a child but the harsh reality with all the money/power play is just disheartening….
Empty spaces - what are we living for?
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score...
- Show must go on...!! - (theme song from Queen!)
Indeed a pantomime show.
So now that we know there will be no great influx of travellers coming into Tokyo for the games, will they be cancelling the ¥1,000 surcharge they are adding to the Shuto expressway that was to begin soon as a deterrent to outside spectators planing on coming by car?
If no spectators then no influx so no reason to overcharge the regular users especially the delivery trucks that will otherwise avoid the expressway and cause more trouble and damage to local roads.
Peaceful protest, however increases the risk fact of actually accelerating the virus.
No much more effective, hit the media where it hurts the most the ad revenue stream through the use of social media,
Just as effective is the use of social media where diet members are concerned.
Be aware that the more eloquent, persevere, persuasive and polite you push your point, argument. The more the one can achieve a result.
It is akin to screwing into a piece of wood, start with a small twists slowly and then build up moment.
It now or never.
I have been lobbying, in both Kochi and Nagoya,
I am attempting to build up a group of the likeminded.
That have a strong present on social media. And possess some knowledge and interest in political science.
It will take cunning.
May have run out of time.
Oversea media and broadcasters, this is a area to look at.
Where the media is concerned one has to prise apart, there revenue stream.
Trust me it is very effective. Threating product boycotts. If this pandemic was to spread.
An association with a certain Olympic sponsor product range and the spread of the pandemic would be a marketing nightmare
Nice but wouldn't Leo Sayer's 1973 (Three dog night version lyrics)
"The Show Must Go On" be far more accurate.
"It seems it's strangling me now
All the wild men with big cigars and gigantic cars
They're all laughing at me now
Oh I've been used, used
I've been taken for a fool, oh what a fool
I broke all the rules, rules, yeah
But I must let the show go on.............I've been so blind, oh yes, I've been so blind
Wasted my time, wasted so much time"
Now I would pay to see Koike and JOC members get up on stage and sing it as it is nearly 100% what this clown show has been ( note Leo Sayer's sang this song dressed as a clown)
Been trying but seeing so many of them like CBC are also the ones broadcasting the games any attempt at pointing out what is going on in Tokyo or pointing out the opposition to the games gets "disabled" it seems the powers in charge will not let facts get out or in the way of their Olympic broadcast.
So you have to ask . . . . . Is Japan getting ANY benefit at al out of these Games?
John Kudlacek
So you pay extra consumption tax for years, buy your tickets when they go on sale, can't go to the event and then wait forever for your refund minus the service charge. Nice.
Apparently Suga wants lots of Japanese Gold medalists, so the nationalist sentiment will boost Suga's electors.
Paralympics have been cancelled 'cause they take place after-elections.
I'll drink to that!!
You don't have to ask. Just congratulate these "Looters".
There's your answer.
I know Antiquesaving, I have no influence here, I learnt that yesterday.
I have only managed to rise twelve. I guess it is a start.
I will not ask my own employees.
Maybe J people have accepted the unacceptable.
Ironically, I have had a more positive response from the politicians.
Actually offered to conference and help with advice.
One politely agreed, and stated japan culture, is not to shout out loud, but to convince through whispers.
Anyone else think that Bach's gesture looks like a Maneki-neko?
Though it is the right paw that is usually raised to get more money!
All those in favor of canceling the Olympics? Hai!
Appreciate what you're trying to do.
But here's the reality of Japan now:
70% of the people is over 65yo.
There's no young voters.
Diet members couldn't care less about social media.
Let's Olympic! Happy world together join sports!
Best thing I have seen so far was the woman firing the water pistol at the Olympic Flame rally.
Good on Suga to finally make the call to stop spectators crowding into stadiums. No sports event is worth increasing the pressure on hospitals for.
Peru was doing no worse than most of South America until the Lambda variant took hold. Now it is the worst hit place in the world per capita. Lambda has been responsible for 80% of the cases there. Is Delta on steroids.
@Bokuda - Exactly. Probably the best and most informed comment so far on this topic today.
Either the virus is dangerous and so there should have been NO sporting events over the last few months, or it is more like the flu in terms of casualties and sporting events, including the Olympics, should go ahead WITH fans (otherwise, there's very little point and the whole thing should have been cancelled). This whole debacle was not even Japan's fault (the virus didn't originate from Japan) and yet Japanese citizens have to pick up almost the entire tab for zero benefits, now not even being able to attend their own games. What an insult! Why was it not possible to simply put the whole schedule back one cycle? Why couldn't Paris and LA be made to wait a while longer as well, instead of ONLY Japan having to suffer for something it didn't cause? It almost goes without saying that the next winter games should be cancelled immediately and a new host found.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Family and friends from outside Japan keep asking me "Are you excited about the Olympics?"
It's hard not to go on an expletive-laden rant in response.
Well if you apply the same logic as the people protesting the Olympics, then yes gathering to protest is a bad idea.
However as the outrage is selective, crowds that are not part of the Olympic events themselves are no problem. If they were a problem, trains would not be packed every morning.
Actually to the government's credit it has requested that companies try to get their employees to work from home as much as possible and if not possible to stagger office hours so those that must travel by train can do so outside the heavy rush hours.
Unfortunately as we have seen only a fraction of Japanese businesses followed this request.
Barring so form of legislation forcing businesses to do this, most workers have little choice but to go into the office and that usually means by train.
My wife's company had planned to move to mostly remote work in 2 years but move up the schedule to last year, but few of our friends were give that choice, a friend works telephone support for NTT and has to go into the office every day, one would think settings up a VoIP and VPN for a Telecom like NTT would have been easy and the thing to do but No! If the government cannot even get NTT to follow its recommendations how does anyone except smaller less resources heavy businesses to do it!
This is result of a wasted year. A wasted year where Japan has done little to none to fight covid.
Low number of testing.
No contact tracing.
No serious lockdown.
Slow vaccine rollout.
Politicians done everything to hide the dust under the carpet due to the Olympics.
And now look at the disaster.
What are they waving for? Looking at the fan cancelation pool boards?
Alright, who had 14 days before the event?
Koike? Ok.
She gets 10,000,000 yen of the Olympic fund..............
if anybody wants to take a look at Kyodo's front page - I'n not sure whats more pathetic. The picture of Koike cradling the Flame on this website , or the 'crowd' protesting the Olympics on Kyodo.
Not through choice @Zoroto. Lack of a chance to WFH and overcrowding.
We do however at least wear masks and stay silent on the train/bus which is more can be said in an average Western City.
I will be straight and honest. I am angry, this huff puff is for personal selfish reasons.
I wanted to attend this Olympics, I built up the surprise expectations for my nieces, then had to pull the rug from under them.
To say that has not influenced my sieving resentment is a understatement, when I hear and read that these Elites, IOC and select VIPs are going to be able to attend at the J tax payer expense.
To be wined and dined in empty stadia.
Perhaps to rub shoulders with the athletes before they are herded back to Camp Tokyo under close surveillance get rights up my hooter.
Only for the rest of us, to coin a phrase the so called great unwashed offered panem et circenses from our TV sets.
Nope, having none of that.
Went down to the sailing Olympic venue a few days back. Talked with all of the foreign guardsmen. No women. They were from all parts of southeast Asia. Everyone spoke English. They said they were all inoculated and these men were young.
The place totally locked down except for Olympiads with passes hanging around their necks. Maskless. They were free to go in and out.
It's obvious that IOC doesn't need the spectators money. Revenue comes from TV. I just hope that we can watch all events and not the overly curated programs.
Tokyoite, yes it is a conundrum of eventual chaos.
In Kochi most days I ride to work, at 07:20 the local JR train stops at Edogawa, Ino town, nine times out of ten I pass the train, 4 carriages packed to the ceiling with school kids.
My difficultly is the division within society, the acceptance, reflected in this Olympic Games that a established group considered to be an upper class, can circumvent every rule, or any democratic accountability.
We have to grovel, accept, pay for their entitlements and privilege's.
Worst of all my own family tell me I don't understand,
My Aunt a high school teacher gave me a lecture on knowing my place.
And refused to debate, calling me a divisive, unable to drop my Englishness.
What do you really know about what those "average Western Cities" were like? Are you there? Were you there?
Strange how most of the western countries with the exception of the USA, had their people remain home, even paying them or their companies to do so.
While here in Japan the government asked companies to telework, bars to close but offered very little as to make doing so possible.
I gave a good example of how NTT has required it's customer phone service go daily into work when a simple VoIP and VPN they could have easily worked from home.
All my family members in Canada, UK, Ireland and France were working from home in various businesses and government.
I'm sorry - What do I really know about the average city. Apart from having travelled extensively for the last 30 years and knowing different habits around the world.
What utter nonsense are you spouting? You know as well I do that mask wearing JUST as an example is as accepted here as much as it is unaccepted in the West.
I am not disputing that WFH has been made difficult here and that companies have been far from proactive.
,....As predicted for a long time. It does not matter for the event, as by far the largest audience is on TV anyway. However, the hotel industry must be in a bad shape.
Hard to answer that when the state of emergency isn't necessary to begin with.
What they are aiming for though is just to prevent people from gathering to drink and shout at each other in close proximity.
I'm not too much into the juridicial details of hosting the Olympic Games,
but if it works, as people commenting before me said, that only IOC has
the power to cancel it, then at least Japan has the full right to sue them
afterwards, right? That's definitely what I think they should do as soon as the
circus is over. I can't speak for everyone but I'm pretty sure we Europeans
anyway would take Japan's side by default.
Dani , you are spot on, never been challenged though.
What if a City, a Country, a Government for clear national health security concerns, in this case a devastating pandemic, calls the IOC bluff and just cancels and declares in there legal system, overriding outstanding risk to the nations health that could cause overwhelming strain on the nation health system.
The IOC has to moral authority, it contract is null in avoid, it is a worthless piece of paper.
You see, the health of J people, the population must come first.
The so called contractual obligation of a two/three week sporting event are, should, and must be secondary. There is no mean of enforcement.
The problem here is leadership.
Hopefully this will be the last Olympics to be held anywhere.
A show of sporting greatness conceals a web of darkness
The self interested minorities and blatant THEFT of tax payer money should ensure that it is...the last!
Richard Gallagher
The IOC contract can be cancelled, but there is a caveat aka penalties in regards to costs. And indeed, there are means of enforcement. It is, after all, a contract framed by law with all the attendant obligations.
As regards litigation, what are the actual grounds in terms of the existing contract? Has any clause been violated? Doubtful.
Japan can cancel the Olympics. Then the IOC and others could file suit against Japan. There have been discussion among 'legal strategists' in this regard. If the IOC litigated, what country would possibly bid for the games.
The entirety is a fraud of sorts. The Host Nation bears all the costs for infrastructure. IOC reaps profits from broadcasting rights. Broadcasters profit from advertising. Host Nation, as is the empty promise, will benefit by marketing its brand, which never offset the cost of investment. Every four years a parade of athletes engage in a dog & pony show. There are marque events and the lesser sports get face time via some mediated viewing package. It is essentially a two week event.
Here is what the ranking IOC member pronounced with some manner of braggadocio common to sport: Dick Pound, the IOC's longest-serving member, told The London Evening Standard in late May that only "Armageddon" could stop the Tokyo Olympics from being held at this point.
Richard Gallagher, where would the IOC and others file these so called law suits?
Where? this pandemic has thrown up a whole new periphery of legal precedents.
This is a contract, no more no less for nothing more sporting event, not a treaty.
It is open to a whole host of legal challenges. Over years.
What the IOC is holding a meaningless piece of paper. If japan government slams the door shut.
What court? where? How would this court enforce any action? A Japanese court? Can you honestly see a Judge in japan rule in the favor of a IOC case when a real national health care risk is clear.
Richard Gallagher, my tone suggests that I am barking at you, I am not.
I contending with this pandemic all bets could be legally off.
Whatever that means.
This evening had a Friday drink with company lawyer, a friend, she suggested this whole Olympic fiasco is a storm in a teacup. Vested interests could be allegedly advising Government to hold back until a clearer picture of the spread of the pandemic becomes clear.
My retort is why wait?
Spectators or not I shall be watching on the TV
Rest assured, this will not be a super spreader event, all measures are in place to make it totally safe. The super spreader stories are by conspiracy theorists who believe outlandish things, like the earth is flat.
To anyone who just lost their tickets to the Olympics:
You can still watch baseball and other sports/events in person during this "state of emergency" period. Just go online to purchase. (That makes sense, right?)
Really there’s a lot of bitchinesses about the Olympics !!
Nobody glad , happy at all !!
Comfortable event no like a fluffy pillow !!
Selective outrage is how this works.
It seems for some people the Olympic protest has become their hobby and they won't know what to do with themselves once the Olympics is over.
If true, who bought the 3.5 million tickets locally in Japan in the first batch and why was it heavily oversubscribed?
People keep spreading the virus