Japan Today
Tokyo Gov Yuriko Koike stands next to a statue of Miraitowa, official mascot for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government building in Tokyo. Image: AP/Eugene Hoshiko, Pool)
tokyo 2020 olympics

Koike says Tokyo Olympics will rekindle hope like 1920 Games after war, Spanish flu


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Koike's comment is by far NOT the dumbest given by Japan's political caste about the absolute necessity of carrying on with the Olympics. At least she knows a little history. My prize for the dumbest remark goes to Seiko Hashimoto for: "your smile will make the Olympics succeed."

26 ( +32 / -6 )

And attempt to maybe justify the unjustifiable..... Doesn't anyone in the government have the sligltest grain of decensy on them?

28 ( +31 / -3 )

Ah yes, the Antwerp games. They were great!

Said by absolutely nobody!

36 ( +37 / -1 )

Rekindle? Which wave...the 5th, 6th, or 7th?

23 ( +25 / -2 )

A big difference: World War I and the Spanish Flu were finished by the time of the 1920 Olympics. The Covid-19 situation in Japan is far from over and is getting worse.

44 ( +45 / -1 )

Ironically, by the time the Olympics start, many countries will be done with covid 19, while Japan will still be struggling.

31 ( +34 / -3 )

Also, we can benefit from the experiences of many international tournaments that have recently been organized

On April 24th, the UFC will conduct UFC 261 in a full sold out packed arena in Jacksonville Florida!

15.000 Spectators. Sold out!

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

"Koike says Tokyo Olympics will rekindle hope like 1920 Games after war, Spanish flu"

And I am SuperMan!

16 ( +18 / -2 )

Miss Koike, I am from Antwerp. The 1920 games did NOT celebrate the end of the Spanish flu but the end of the 1st t world war. They were not a grand event but yes, people were glad to celebrate. it was a new beginning, a modest one.

But they did come several years AFTER the Spanish flu pandemic FINISHED. Japan stil has the worst to come.

40 ( +44 / -4 )

Japan needs to cancel the Olympics or the world may soon cancel Japan.

26 ( +32 / -6 )

by the time the Olympics start, many countries will be done with covid 19

What do you dream about during nights?

But I hope you are right!

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Poignant detail: The article mentions that the Antwerp Games were held 'in the AFTERMATH of World War One and the Spanish flu', i.e. the Spanish flu had been over for 4 months when the Games were held. Hardly what can be said about the current situation, with Covid still raging around the world, and with less than 100 days to go till the start of the Games. Maybe this gives us a clue why the Tokyo Olympics cannot be compared to 1920...

21 ( +22 / -1 )

When the decision to postpone the Olympic was announced last year, a top brass from the IOC said the Olympic in 2021 would be the event to celebrate human's victory over the virus. We are yet to know how it will turn out to be but I guess victory is not one of them.

How can the Olympic rekindle hope to humanity in its battle against COVID-19 when you cannot even allow overseas tourist into Japan to attend it?

29 ( +30 / -1 )

Ludicrous. Nothing but talk....

ol Olympic going to save the world and be a hero against covid????

20 ( +22 / -2 )

Celebrations of hope with stadiums empty except for IOC officials and their guest politicians and visiting dignitaries. Massive testing of athletes to hold a safe COVID Olympics whilst in Tokyo, variants of COVID spreading around, almost no vaccinations and the hospitals may be full and people dying at home because denied testing ( tests kits withheld for the athletes ) . Lots of hope for the already vaccinated elite with their fingers in the pie but what about the rest of us.

21 ( +21 / -0 )

"The way the vaccine is handled differs between one country and another. So it cannot be assumed that vaccination will be necessary," Koike said.

watta messed up rhetoric.

watta bad justification for not making vaccines mandatory.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

What a joke Japan's leadership is.......urges,pledges and now visions.

19 ( +22 / -3 )

We can now clearly see @Monty 4:28pm that most commenters here are correcting Ms. Koike’s ‘misrepresentation’, er,... uh,... [correction:] ‘misinterpretation of past events’ as a comparison to current world events. So, will you continue to defend her?

“"Also, we can benefit from the experiences of many international tournaments that have recently been organized. Given these successful experiences, I believe we can hold Olympic Games in a safe environment." -

She’s now delusional with all the omissions, misrepresentations and justifications she’s made over the last year in effort to continue the profits ‘for a select few’. She can’t be trusted in having the best interests of her people.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Hopefully countries start seeing through this BS soon and decide not to send athletes here.

15 ( +16 / -1 )


A big difference: World War I and the Spanish Flu were finished by the time of the 1920 Olympics. The Covid-19 situation in Japan is far from over and is getting worse.

Exactly. That's what I was thinking as soon as I saw the title. What planet is she living on? And what planet does she think we're living on? Planet stupid?

Yesterday, Japan recorded more positive cases and more deaths than the UK!!!!! What makes it worse is that Japan is only doing a fraction of the number of tests compared to the UK. I don't want things to get worse, but that's the projection.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

This is pitiful. COVID19 has NO connection to the olympics. Olympics can't beat a pandemic. This lady has completely lost her mind.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

A century ago, in 1920, the Olympic Games were held in Antwerp, Belgium, while the world was just out of two major formidable events in which millions of people died: World War I and the Spanish Influenza.

KEYWORDS BEING "just being out of" This is the "4th wave" as the "experts" say. How is this "just being out of"?

The only thing "OUT OF" is this deranged ladies mind being out of touch with reality.


5 ( +8 / -3 )

As long as the Dentsu officials receive up to ¥300,000 a man per event the games will go ahead.

Japan is rapidly becoming third world.......no vaccine,run by old old men and no change.

16 ( +17 / -1 )

I think it sets a very bad example that the mascot isn't wearing a mask! (⌒▽⌒)

9 ( +12 / -3 )

2021 with Corona virus and over capacity hospitals.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

"As the first global sport event to be held after those two catastrophes, the Antwerp Games brought back hope to many people."

The key word being "after", as opposed to the Tokyo Olympics being held during.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

"The way the vaccine is handled differs between one country and another. So it cannot be assumed that vaccination will be necessary," Koike said.

Oh yeah, the "we do it differently, so don't compare us to anyone else" argument. Also, Japan is an island nation and the people here have nothing in common with the rest of the world. Right.

If any hope was 'rekindled', it didn't last get long, as far as I know. 9 years till the Great Depression and all the events that followed. Is that what they want to repeat? Now that I think of it...

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Some additional speculation about Ms. Koike’s misrepresentations in her statements to ‘beIN Sports’ and further, possible delusional statements. These may be evident in the above pictured ‘concealing thumbs’. These are ‘strong, subliminal indicators’ of efforts to avoid or confront the truth.

“If someone wrings their hands, hold them tightly together and twist & turn them, it’s usually because they are very worried or upset about something... also when they are expressing sorrow that a situation is so bad but are saying that they are unable to change it.” - Joe Navarro is a noted “spycatcher’, an experienced FBI counterintelligence specialist and authority on deceptive body language.

She is obviously under a lot of stress. You are kind in your concerns to question her motives and her suspected insomnia @Monty 4:32p: - “What do you dream about during nights?” -

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Pride comes before the fall!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

So excited, I know it's going to be an amazing Olympics. Australia is sending it's largest team in history and we're ready for gold Oi, Oi, Oi!

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

The keyword in the headline is "after" not "during".

5 ( +6 / -1 )

What she know about the Antwerp Games, other than it took place in 1920. Theres no way she can even point out the place on a map, let alone say the name.

"The way the vaccine is handled differs between one country and another. So it cannot be assumed that vaccination will be necessary," Koike said.

It can also be assumed that the Tokyo and really the JGOVT has done not a damn USEFUL thing since the RONA started.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Nauseatingly arrogant words.

Has she not received the message? 3 out of 4 people in Japan don't want the Olympics.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Too bad the olympics will be cancelled.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I'm glad to hear this. Japan can be a beacon of hope for people all over the world.

"Koike said they could not set a condition for allowing only vaccinated athletes to compete."

What Koike said was so true! Forcing these untested "vaccines" onto visitors is just plain wrong. Newsbody knows the harm they will do montys or years from now.

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

No they won't. I predict that test results will be "lost" for certain athletes.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Times like these really require leaders who deal in reality rather than fantasy and hopeful visions.

Get your people vaccinated and do whatever is necessary to protect everyone's health.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Complete, utter, garbage.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I was gonna point out the major differences between then and now but seems everybody is pointing it out...

The damn Pandemic ain't over holding it now with no spectators brings no hope that the future will be any better. The games are meant to bring people together not seperate them.

This Olympics Brings The Wrong Message.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Is she truly ignorant or just a politician so lying comes naturally to her?

I had precisely the same thought on reading this as the vast majority of posters above. So if we all immediately see the difference between the two events, what is her excuse?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Monty - every night I dream I once met a politician I can believe tells the truth

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Okay, so now on top of being the Olympics for the sake of the atomic bombing victims (Japan is, after all, the only nation that suffered atomic bombings, they told us in bidding), and on top of being the "reconstruction Olympics" after 3/11, and on top of being as Abe said, "Proof we have beaten the virus", and more, they are now also going to bring the world hope like after the Spanish Flu. Got it. What else do they represent? Cherry blossoms and cicada, which also show the fleeting nature of life? Or maybe turtles and cranes, which show strength and duration of said... ummm... fleeting lives? Maybe to highlight the suffering of the kin of the abductees? I mean -- that's gotta be in the pipes somewhere.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Omg open a history book lady , your dates are all wrong .....

4 ( +5 / -1 )

"The way the vaccine is handled differs between one country and another. So it cannot be assumed that vaccination will be necessary," Koike said.

Couldn’t Japan make vaccination a requirement for participating athletes? Even though vaccination efforts differ between countries, the virus does not care which country it is in. If drug testing is mandatory for all athletes, so too can vaccination.

2 ( +3 / -1 )


But then, you're going straight to PRIORITIZING athletes for vaccines. Totally unacceptable.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Well Mrs. Koike, it hasn't done that to me so far, and based on what I see so far i really doubt it very much, SORRY.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The comments from most of you guys is disrespectful and at times downright nasty. Doesn't make the reading of JapaToday a pleasant experience. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Wonder how the sponsors feel. Wonder what potential sponsors think when they see all your Japan-bashing. Koike, has been through hell in the past year and a half. She's giving the world hope. The athletes, their families, friends and hometowns must really be looking forward to this. You should be ashamed of yourselves. If you live here, be more appreciative. This is a beautiful country, with beautiful people and a rich and sophisticated culture and heritage.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

The hard but practical decision would be to cancel the games and divert all logistical efforts and national resources to vaccinating the population as quickly as possible. If preparation for the Olympics is diverting one ounce of focus from vaccinations, cancel the Olympics and focus like a laser to vaccinate people.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Keyword being AFTER the flu. Not DURING.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Which of the Dentsu-affiliated PR companies are coming up with these dumb platitudes for her, Hashimoto and the rest of the Olympic circus to spout? Do they have PhDs in victim culture?

First it was the atom bombs, then Tsunami and Fukushima, then victory over Covid, then victory over war and flu...

Once upon a time, the Olympics were about athletes and sport, faster, higher, further.

Now it is gold, silver and bitcoins for the IOC.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Despite all the sensationalism and propaganda of the past year, this is hardly 1920.

Japan’s death rate last year went DOWN.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

What puzzles me is that at this late stage, no country, apart from North Korea, has said they will not participate. In fact, some countries have already begun vaccinating their athletes and I am certain many more countries will do so before July.

I believe that if the Games go ahead, it will have to be done similar to the same Australian Open tennis model. No fun for anybody. It will be a TV Olympics.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Koike, is completely delusional. The pandemic is still ongoing. The aftermath will perhaps be NEXT YEAR, NOT in July/August. Having the Olympics while the pandemic is still raging across the world is sheer lunacy, as is allowing un-vaccinated athletes into the country - allowing such, because the vaccine is not being administered worldwide on a schedule that coincides with the Olympics. This is an individual who aspires to be prime minister, yet cares not for the welfare of the people.

7 ( +8 / -1 )


The comments from most of you guys is disrespectful and at times downright nasty. Doesn't make the reading of JapaToday a pleasant experience. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Wonder how the sponsors feel. Wonder what potential sponsors think when they see all your Japan-bashing. Koike, has been through hell in the past year and a half. She's giving the world hope. The athletes, their families, friends and hometowns must really be looking forward to this. You should be ashamed of yourselves. If you live here, be more appreciative. This is a beautiful country, with beautiful people and a rich and sophisticated culture and heritage.

Ah, an apologist for Koike. "Koike, has been thru hell in the past year and a half." Koike is an elitist, scion of wealth & privilege, who has ascended far beyond her station and abilities, other than a penchant for aspiring to positions of power, for which she is not qualified. Her determination to use The Olympics as a vehicle for her personal ambition, ignoring the impacts upon the population at large display her callow ambitions.

Let alone, that you ignore the 'will of the people' who oppose the holding of the Olympics, by 80%. Those are the "beautiful people" who oppose The Olympics.

As for the sponsors, they could have withdrawn or exerted their status & power to hold the games in 2022. An offer by the IOC, that Abe refused.

No one is Japan bashing, in fact the people of Japan, as mentioned, are as a large majority opposed to the Games. The athletes, certainly unfortunate, but they are approximately 11,000 individuals, not 127 million, which is the population of Japan. Many of the athletes in the marquee sports are corporate and a large number are the beneficiaries of a professional relationship which allows a very large advantage in terms of training and often underhanded practices which require testing for PEDs. Best to re-examine your assumptions.

12 ( +13 / -1 )


In the same period of time, more people will have died from hunger, despair and suicide than from the corona disease.


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I hope the Olympics are able to be held safely, both in Japan and in China.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Apparently, Koike is not tuned into the news, from CNN, hardly a scenario within which to hold the Olympics:

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday the pandemic was at a "critical point" and warned that the world needed a reality check. After a brief decrease in March, the number of deaths worldwide is on the rise again, with an average of approximately 12,000 deaths, approaching the 14,500 daily death toll (7-day rolling average) recorded at the end of January. The pandemic is not showing any signs of slowing down, as the 7-day rolling average nears the all-time highs of January -- over 730,000 daily new cases are being reported this week. According to JHU there are 140 million global cases of Covid-19.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I don't know when Covid-19 will end, but at the party I will have when happens, I certainly will not be limiting the number of guests, banning people from overseas, telling everyone to wear masks, and having hand sanitizer and temperature checks on the way in.

That is not my idea of a "celebration" of "victory" over Covid.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Well, please mention a better country than Japan.

Really? Let's turn it back on you. Name a country Japan is better than, and explain why?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

@Neil Macey

That is toooooo easy. But I'm not permitted to say...

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Ms. Koike, her view seems to be optimistic that Japan even much increase the infection, Japan doesn’t reach to Brazil & India level definitely . That’s why we can open the Olympics necessary . Does she think so? Utterly she doesn’t get down to brass tacks of Olympic matter. Is she really alright?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Who will put their collective hands up when innocent citizens start to die?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

they're just beyond saving just like last year. Someone else will have to pull the plug... again

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The Antwerp games were many years AFTER the Spanish flu had FINISHED.

We are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic now.

Putting Money above the LIVES of the people if the Games continue.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

after ?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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