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White House reaffirms support for Tokyo Olympics
By Trevor Hunnicutt and Michael Martina WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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You want to talk about mixed messages!
The United States:
DO NOT travel to Japan!
We support the Olympics fully!
Choose one America!
I bet the US position is going to change. It has to eventually align with the scientific reality that holding the olympics will cost lives. And that is not in the "best traditions of the Olympic spirit".
Japan clearly complained to the US for this to happen
@Scarce Here comes the BOOM! Olympics be gone! The most powerful country in the world has spoken!
That sure didn't age well.
There are very limited categories of U.S. travelers going to Japan for the Games," the State Department spokesperson said
So the travel advisery is completely nonsense.
Travel advisery says clearly, dont go to Japan!
But there are very limited categories of US travelers goIng to Japan.
So what is the reason for the travel advisory?
And if people see that Olympic people ignores that advisory, many other people will ignore it too.
Why would US even care?
Most it its citizens, and consequently athletes, are vaccinated and will get proper testing on the way back.
Japan should be the one cancelling the games, as its the one with its population at risk.
But Japan is stubborn and never goes back with its word... saving face they say!
Oh Oh....
This will definitely upset some JT posters. The only news accepted about the Olympics has to be about canceling everything immediately.
Stop. Let's just do Tokyo 2024 and enjoy it. Nobody deserves this mess. Also push the winter games to 2026 and hopefully the CCP will apologize by then so we don't need to boycott (fat chance I know).
Tom Doley
If the Olympics get cancelled, the IOC should sue the jgov for their total incompetence, lack of transparency and lies. Even third world countries would have made the games a success.
Sure, then yesterday the U.S. advises it's citizens NOT to travel to Japan. Hypocrisy OR Face Saving?
Well, if Biden sez so... who are we mortals to gainsay him? Meanwhile, if the virus could speak, we might hear it mutter in unison with a thumbs up gesture: Let the Games commence!
Well of course the US government is all for the Olympics - they have to answer to their overlords, giant corporations . What a sad state we live in where corporations have more say than medical experts when it comes to the safety of our health during a pandemic.
If a deeper outbreak and/or a single extra death occurs in Japan due to the Olympics, the US should bear responsibility due to supporting this utterly optional super-spreading event.
As should any country intent on sending their Olympic delegations.
As should the IOC for holding Japan hostage.
Because even if the athletes from abroad are virus free, they are expecting the Japanese people to direct their already stretch resources to aid these otherwise unnecessary people, while dangerously corralling unvaccinated Japanese people to provide support and stage this massive event.
Shame on their reckless disregard for Japanese lives.
Unbelievable: Literally immediately after advising Americans to travel here. It’s all about the money for all of these people. As an American my apologies to 80 percent of Japanese citizens who want cancellation or postponement.
What about the unvaccinated citizens of Japan? No one seems to care at all about them.
Cogito Ergo Sum
Tokyo Olympics are perfect for Pelosi's axe. No calls there ?
So some people actually interpreted a standard travel advisory as a decision not to participate in the Olympics.
Sorry to say but you will have a lot more disappointments in your lives
Aly Rustom
Just a day or 2 ago the Biden admin advises Americans against travelling to Japan. Less than 3 days later he voices his support for the Olympics.
would be nice if Biden didn't send out mixed messages so he doesn't appear to be "confused" on the international area.
Tokyo Olympic will lift and support the spirit of the Tohoku people.
I can't remember the last time when double standards were so obviously, officially in fact, displayed. I find it very sad and believe that's how you lose people's trust in the long term. Also surprised that many seem to find it normal or even feel happy about this.
Well, to quote the great Frank, Olympics aren't dead yet but they sure smell funny.
Rotten to the core, I'd say.
Well, if the Japanese government is not making the public health and economic recovery of Japan their priority it is hard to blame the US for not doing it either.
The US has nothing to lose by supporting the games, all the risk is for Japan, so as long as the Japanese government keeps ignoring those risks and shoves the event into the population the US can take advantage and profit with the opportunity.
The US said ordinary sightseers do not travel to Japan. Athletes are not sightseers, just go to games and go back home with medals right after done. Athletes seem official.
tamanegi Today 08:17 am JST
@virusrex. So It’s all about the money? Do you think it’s ok to profit on this?
The US Government should care about the will of 80% of Japanese people and making this statement clearly demonstrates they do not. And this literally right after a travel advisory? Unreal.
Alfie Noakes
Well of course the US supports the Tokyo Olympics. It's American corporations that fund them and profit from them.
There's also the matter of the impending American-led boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics; Uncle Sam supports its client states and they will be expected to reciprocate in 2022.
@Alfie. on
I am not the one supporting or profiting from the Olympics nor saying they can be held safely.
What I am saying that the US is not the one that should care the most about the Japanese people, that role comes to the Japanese government, and if the local government is going to expose the people to completely unnecessary risks and even worse economic losses, then the US is in no position to refuse that chance. They are in deep need of economic recovery themselves, and the huge amount of profits to be made by the transmissions (not to count the raise in spirits of seeing a big sports event) make it understandable (if not morally acceptable) that they support the games as much as they can.
I mean, there are many other examples where the US has done things that benefit their own country at the expense of others, in comparison letting the Japanese government put their own people at risk is a minor thing.
first off, the travel advisory issued by the US state department was meaningless since Japan has banned all tourism. Only a very limited number of business or student travel is currently allowed.
secondly, the US offering support for holding the olympics is not related to the travel advisory. the travel advisory is meant for tourists.
why are so many people bent on not holding the olympics? the athletes and the travel parties will all have been vaccinated. they will live in a bubble in the olympic village. i see very little risk in any of them either spreading the disease or becoming infected with the disease.
In my opinion this just highlights the false narrative Japan has been selling the world.
People overseas check the official numbers, and see case numbers are pretty stable, and then assume the Government is testing and tracing thoroughly. Not knowing the Government has barely been testing.
They believe vaccinations are complete to a level that would make the Games safe. Not knowing that vaccination centers are still in the process of being set up.
The IOC and Government can barely shut up about how organized they are and how everything is fine. The reality is they are totally disorganized, their ‘bubble’ is full of holes and they ignore public health advice completely.
Why not ask the 70%+ Japanese citizens who oppose the games? You'll get your answers loud and clear.
Completely wrong. The majority of the 150,000 plus people coming over the two months will NOT be "staying in the olympic village". They will be staying in hotels in various cities and moving around to various venues nationwide.
There is NO mandatory requirement for vaccination.
Cancel this corrupt olympic trainwreck NOW before more damage is done.
Looks like I won't even have to wait until the weekend for confirmation that no one is pulling out Olympics.. Green Light. No one pulling out. Get your new TVs up and running.
Still think they should have rolled until 2024, but is what it is.
Brought to you by the same clowns who said "no masks...must mask...double mask...err...follow the science".
It seems to me all athletes all over the world do not come to Tokyo at once at the opening ceremony. They have to come with properly sparse distances. Athletes must stay in the Olympic village all the time. They go a few hours earlier when games starts. When athletes finished games, they will have to leave Japan soon. I guess.
@ Kwatt - The 90,000 foreign officials, plus unspecified numbers of media and sponsor hangers-on will not be staying in the olympic village. They will be coming and going from the country, and staying in many different hotels and moving around between cities and venues for the 2 months.
What could possibly go wrong?
Cancel the trainwreck NOW.
I guess minimum number of foreign officials and other media staffs and sponsors would come to the Olympics. Media and sponsors would have to stay in hotels. No problem for athletes in the Village.
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
You can tell the J-government whined to the US about the travel advisory warning yesterday and this was done to placate them. So pathetic, and just shows how Japan is the passive-aggressive junior partner in this dysfunctional relationship.
simply question : if all of them are vaccinated where is the problem ?
do you mean that vaccine is not effective ??? are you a no vax ???
Good job USA.
Sven Asai
I wonder now, which one is worse. Having a government that insists in holding the games or having a government that’s mentally sick, schizophrenic, saying ‘do not travel’ and ‘yes, travel to the games there’ at the same time. Hopefully both patients get well very soon.
Thank you Mr Biden and the American people
Conveniently ignoring the many 1000s of media, officials, coaches and sponsors that will come here too.
They won’t all be in the imaginary Olympic village “bubble.”
They did, Do not travel to Japan is for the general population of the U.S. while the Biden administration just doesn't have the B@lls to agree with the CDC and the .gov website. It's called saving face.
No proof to back it up, but I just have to think that the Japanese government "bribed" the US government to make this statement.
Trade deal, or something, I dont know, because it makes no sense to put out a travel warning to citizens and then "support" the Japanese government on holding the Olympics!
The US is sending a bunch of young, vaccinated athletes and a handful of delegates. They’ve got little to worry about. The Japanese public is no concern of theirs. The Japanese gov should be standing up for the safety of its own citizens but sadly it won’t.
If 600 athletes for the Olympics alone is a "bunch" I wonder who taught you math!
The US delegation alone should be close to 1,000 people!
Do not travel to the US vaccination tour from Japan ?
Nobody says about that ?
this makes no sense
@yubaru the point I was making, sorry you missed it, is that it is up to the Japanese govt to protect its own people. So it doesn’t matter if any other govt supports the Tokyo Games. Ultimately the responsibility lies with the Japanese govt. it’s time for Suga to put his big boy pants on.
very disappointed in Biden and America.
I thought Biden can do better than Trump and think about people in Japan, not the disgusting money and the media
I've lost all interest in even watching the Olympic games on TV.
@Yubaru. Haha. Proof or proof, the total notion of Japan being able to bribe the US with something is simply laughable. Can't you believe you wasted time typing that.
Yes, they will pay their medical bills.