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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Frustration in Japan as Suga pushes Olympics despite virus
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When the Japanese people do not want the Olympics their Prime-minister do not care???
Sal Affist
This will be the cause of an LDP avalanche. His approval ratings will be down around the 8% that Prime Minister Mori had when he left office.
A lot of pained hearts today. Hope its nothing serious. It would pain my heart if it was.
Until recently I was considering finally procuring a TV to be able to watch the games comfortably.... my interest is now gone. What a piece of work that Suga is.
960 doses of the vaccine were lost in Kobe yesterday, after they were left in a regular fridge for more than 3 hours. Reported on nhk last night, with images of 2 oyajis bowing 90 degrees or so, before the cameras.
It is extremely difficult to understand what is the government doing right now, it enacts extremely unpopular measures of very limited effect on one side, while purposefully slowing down safe and effective measures like the vaccines on the other. And in the middle the Olympic games, that are at the same time unpopular and very likely to complicate the problem even more.
Fight against it, people... fight!
Aly Rustom
be careful what you wish for. I said the same thing about Abe and look what we got. I didn't think it was possible to think that things would be worse post Abe, but look where we are. The problem is not Suga alone. He is just a Nippon Kaigi stooge. The problem is the LDP and NK. Vote them out and you will see change. But replacing Suga with another stooge from the LDP isn't going to do Jack.
Aly Rustom
Frustration in Japan as Suga pushes Olympics despite virus
no sympathy from me. The public continues to vote the LDP in. You made your bed. Now sleep in it.
There have been reports, including HERE on JT, a few weeks ago that Japan can no longer find enough beds for the seriously ill and are turning them away and asking them to try and recuperate at home. The situation is getting much worse and we are moving rapidly toward an India style situation, although the MAIN reason Japan hasn't turned into India is because of demographics.. India is suffering the most in the countryside where the population is huge but resources are scarce, whereas Japan's countryside is depopulated and very easy to socially distance. Not to mention that Japan's countryside is not living in abject poverty, meaning many people have the means to rely on personal transport like K trucks and cars as opposed to public transport in India which leads to clusters. Where we see clusters in Japan is in the urban population centers where, fortunately, the resources are there. Yet still, we are seeing seriously ill patients being turned away, which puts us at a step just ahead of India, but the situation here is deteriorating and getting worse.
Without a doubt. And this is what many of us have said all along. The forces of imperial Japan have never changed or been rehabilitated- just repackaged and rebranded and sold as a democratic smokescreen.
If the people here continue to vote the LDP in, they get what they deserve. Vote for Edano's party or any other left wing party. Show the LDP that their disdain for the people and their haughty attitude WILL cost them an election, and you might actually see a change. Otherwise, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Boku Dayo
Yeah, I remember Gov. Koike saying something about "athletes first".
The time has come to let Mr. Suga go, Japan is in desperate need for a new leadership that will serve the interests of the Japanese public and NOT the Corporations.
Politik Kills
This is looking more and more embarrassing when you scour the news from other countries.
Can’t wait to be Suga-free.
The publisher said many Japanese people have faced medical and financial problems with little government support. It said the situation resembles Japan near the end of the war when the government urged people to fight with sticks and mobilized schoolgirls to train.
Very much this , and thanks to Takarajimasha for puclicizing it. The Olympics stand out as a symbol of the larger injustice of the LDP coronavirus response. Compared to other first world nations, Japan has ignored the impact of the pandemic situation on the working public.
No paid furlough programs, subsides to small businesses WITH job guarantees, regular stimulus money or expanded unemployment benefits.
Just Olympic graft and promotion, promoting tourism with subsides DURING a pandemic
and monetary easing.
Probably the most extreme case in the world of valuing economics for the wealthy versus the well-being of the public in this crisis.
The Olympic Games will provide some much needed diversion for a hysteric section of the public that is ruled by sensationalistic fear mongering.
Once the games begin and people see the wonderful athletic displays performed with no fear of infection, the paranoia that is stifling the public will ease up and sanity will prevail.
Still having difficulty to understand why public is being frustrated?