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Half of Japanese people think Olympics will be held this summer: poll
By Makiko Yamazaki and Antoni Slodkowski TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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So basically half know they have no choice, the other half are just silenced.
Well, even I think the Olympics will be held. Whether it's a sane idea or not is a totally different question.
Likewise - Of course they are going to be held. Personal opinions not withstanding.
I am also 99% sure that the Olympics will be held.
The only possibility for a cancelation is that many countries athlets will withdraw from participating.
But if I see international sport news, each country is vaccined its athlets and prepare to come here for the olympics.
In my opinion, it makes no sense to discuss this day in day out.
It is like it is, just let us make the best out of it and let us hope that their will not be a high increase in the Covid cases in Tokyo.
But honestly speaking, I dont think that we will see a big increase in Covid.
All athlets and probably many of their staff are vaccined and get regular tested.
So if they are negative, the japanese volunteer workers who are going in and out everyday by train, are at a not higher risk than during their daily life in Tokyo.
But that is just my personal opinion.
Half of Japanese people think Olympics will be held this summer: poll
Michael Machida
History will show that the international olympic committee and the japanese government were [ at best ] illogical and money focused without any regard to the safety of the people of Japan.
Of course Olympic will be held. Tokyo Olympic will provide the hope of the world in the post covid time. Also to lift the spirit of the Tohoku people is necessary. I feel it will be the heartful Olympic.
IOC thru media are incrementally reducing the solid 80% disapproval from 2 weeks ago!
Start looking around Jun 5 articles onward. The ‘people’ are being sold!
""Half of the Japanese public think the 2020 Olympics will take place this summer"" AND
Half of the Japanese public think the 2020 Olympics will NOT take place this summer.
It is an obvious result, the population has been repeatedly told that their opinion is not going to be taken into account.
Michael Machida
You have to wonder who the halves are.
You were vehemently opposed just days ago @Monty 6:58am:
We need to ask ourselves: Do we flounder now, and ‘lose all credibility and the respect’ we’ve gained for each other thru enduring many hardships over the last year?
No need to wonder @Michael Machida 7:22am:...
...”The 50%” include those here being lulled into apathy, then submission.
So this survey proves what? If the majority of japaneses don’t want the games in the first place surveys like this are sort of pointless
@Michael Machida: History will show them to have been a success by the end of August despite being held under exceptionally difficult circumstances. The world does need something to 'right the ship' - This may well be the perfect opportunity.
Athletes from the bigger countries will arrive mostly by chartered aircraft so I don't see many withdrawing - They know the risks and most are fit and young enough not to be too concerned. There will be some positive tests..for sure. The Euro 2020 competition starting at the weekend is already going to lose the Spanish Captain for the the first probably second group game.
I don't 'think' 'they should be held, but have accepted that they are and would not wish to be a failure if only for the athletes that have trained so hard to participate.
TV Sport at its finest I guess.
If this were almost any other country, citizens would be in the streets protesting until the games were pulled and there were some high-level resignations and heads rolled (literally in some places).
The media would also be tearing the iOC/JOC apart to get to the bottom of the corruption (hint: not hard) and exposing the ineptitude (also not difficult, with minimal journalistic skills needed).
But no. So the Japanese people get what they deserve.
@the resident
well said. We should all wish it’s a big success.
Unfortunately, most of the anti-Olympics crowd would be hoping it’s a huge failure, so that their constant whining & complaining can be justified.
Triumph of the will 2021, not a great idea.
Alfie Noakes
The Olympics will happen. NBC has decided it will go ahead:
NBCU Says Tokyo Olympics Will Happen, Plans 7,000 Hours of Coverage
The Olympics are a critical piece of the economic underpinnings of NBCU and its corporate parent, Comcast. The companies paid $4.4 billion for a rights deal that allows NBCU to cover the Olympics in the U.S. through 2020, and agreed to pay $7.75 billion for broadcast rights to the Olympic Games between 2021 and 2032. NBCU came away from its Rio coverage with approximately $250 million in profit. The company was poised to take in more than $1.2 billion in advertising for the 2020 Games before they were scuttled. NBC has spent the last year working with dozens of sponsors to get them to transfer their financial support to this year’s broadcast.
NBC made $250 million in profit from the 2016 Rio Games.
So, 80% of the public oppose the Olympics, Japanese and global health care experts oppose the Olympics, many current and former Olympians oppose the Olympics, even the sponsors want it moved. People are dying because of the Olympics, but the IOC and NBC have decided its going ahead so they can make a profit.
Economic profit for a few over public health for all.
Pure fantasy.
If it happens, it will be remembered as the locked down, no cheering, no joy, no celebrating, no clapping, no friendship games. No benefit whatsoever to Japan, only risk.
Most of the tens of thousands coming will be staying in hotels scattered all around the country of questionable quarantine ability, interacting with staff, and having non-guaranteed vaccine status.
Really, whats the point of such a grim event, just to line the pockets of the elite who couldnt give a damn about the situation in the world?
Commodore Perry
Half of Japanese people think Olympics will be held this summer: poll
That, and the other half, are all longing for the Olympics to be held, no matter who they try to kid.
If any spectator tickets are made available they will ALL be snapped up by the Japanese.
「ハートフル」 can be read as heartful, or even hurtful.
Although this scenario seems more remote by the day, I still hope good sense will prevail and the Games will be postponed.
If they happen, well, I will make a point of avoiding them. And, as a big sports fan, that will cost me some.
If they happen, I don't think they will be a success though. Not because a small number of sports fans will boycott the event but because the larger public will not be as interested as usual.
See the second chart on this page about US audience:
Somewhere down the line, I hope this sad episode will lead to an in-depth reform of the IOC and the FIFA too while we're at it.
Agreed @nandakandamanda 8:26am
and difficult to interpret the intent of such comments.
50% ‘Probability’ and 20% ‘approval- are not the same.
Erroneously, many will interpret this headline as ‘half approve”:...
...and ‘the sheep’ ...
... will resign themselves to ‘go along with the flock’.
45 days until the Olympics, not really an event you just scrap together at the last minute. Either you do them or don't and make the decision pronto!
Didn’t a government minister come out the other day and say that the Olympics were absolutely going ahead?
If so, this statistic means that 50% of Japanese people don’t trust the word of their government!
Hilariously accurate!
Talk about a worthless poll.
You might as well ask people what do you think you’ll eat for lunch tomorrow? The chicken or the fish?
What’s the difference? You’re gonna eat regardless.
Now will that lunch be a delicious. Or awful? And why? That’s a slightly better question.
As for the Olympics, will it be a success despite the set backs? Or will it be disastrous due to all the set backs.
Well, only time will tell.
So, the glass is half full, right?
Ricky Kaminski13
wonder if all these comments will continue right up until, during and after the games? It must be a bit of a burden, staying this angry for this long. I’m with Monty now. Let them be staged, let it be. Participated in a small tournament on the weekend. Rubber gloves, mask and face shields, not fun but we put up with it, you know for the athletes. Everyone knew what they had to do.
Get on with your lives folks, just like the athletes who are getting on with their training in such trying circumstances, dreaming of glory. If they happen, and once it all starts, even try allowing yourself to cheer your countries athletes who have put it all on the line to be here. Pretty much done with chiping in everyday. Be safe good people, and be cool. #mic drop.
So, by your own admission it wasnt fun. No handshakes, high fives, cheering, yelling support, engaging with others. So again I ask - what is the point? Why hold the biggest sporting event in the world under such restricted curcumstances just for the sake of it?
The one-sided contracts between the IOC and Tokyo OC/ Japan OC have left it inevitable that the 'games' will proceed in some sort of fashion, due to the money involved, and the indecisiveness of the local organisers. The Lords of the Rings will collect their Gold, Silver and Bitcoins, and return to Switzerland to count their loot. Then the Olympic juggernaut will get ready to begin another round of collecting broadcasting and sponsorship fees in Beijing, before moving on to Paris.
Who or what is going to stop them?
Irrelevant and futile to waste a session at the Diet. It's the IOC, not the JOC/host Tokyo who can solely decide to cancel, delay or hold the Games as scheduled. The state or government under Suga is not even a contract party.
What Opposition should demand (and I'd fully support) is to ensure the public health safety with extra curbing measures namely the speedy mass vaccination. Cut terrible bureaucratic red tapes in order to further accelerate the rollout.
I am pretty sure they will, my company is partnered with them for some things and everything is full steam ahead. There's not even really discussion over what to do if they are cancelled because there is so much confidence it will go ahead.
I don't think they SHOULD be held, but they are being held almost certainly.
Some dude
I think they’re going to go ahead barring something extraordinary happening.
I can only see two possible positives which could come from this:
1) If anyone still believes that the Olympic Games are about sport / humanity / brotherhood and so on, these are the games which will definitively disabuse them of such notions.
2) Japan (and other countries) may think long and hard before committing to further boondoggles.
No choice in this country. Restart out of date NPPs on active faultlines, no choice. Buy 200m most expensive American emergency vaccines, no choice. Give 3.5% of Japanese land to a foreign occupying force with nukes, no choice. 100,000 Olympics foreigners with virus tests up to 60% accurate, no choice.
on the sunny side, I can buy cheap alcohol 24hrs a day in combini anywhere. And angry people don’t have guns.
That's a dumb title for an article.
Half of people still think they won't be held? A bit out of touch with reality if you ask me. IOC/JOC said they would happen even when the majority were against it, so surely they won't cancel now that it is 50/50. This goes to show why you can't trust these polls. Just because they are opinions doesn't make them educated opinions.
This survey is a demonstration of how the IOC have bullied a nation into accepting the unacceptable.
The logistical procedures/protocol necessary to contain the Covid variants are clearly self-contradictory.
Suga san Government must show leadership, stop kowtowing, and question the legitimacy to holding such an event, provoking the prospect of devastation to Japan population.
There was a time when a J Government would never have put up with such humiliation, forcefully telling an irrelevant sports organization on your bike sonny jim
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Well, the J-people can express their indignation at the upcoming elections to be held in September. If the LDP aren't slaughtered then, you can basically give up on this country. They will deserve their servitude.
Yours, @nandakandamanda 9:08am, is a reference to “Quantity rather than Quality”:
This headline is a reflection of ‘neither’.
Ricky Kaminski13
Fighto # no, it wasn’t fun. Those rubber gloves start to hurt after a while, but it’s not about us mate. That’s the point! It was about those out there, fighting their little hears out. The tears and tribulations that you can only get through testing yourself against the best opponents in your chosen field. Not something you wanna let go of lightly. If it can be done it should be done, and it can and it will, just watch.
What history will show and the people of Tokyo will be left with is the greatest financial disaster since Montreal which the residence had to pay an Olympic debt tax for 30 years to cover the cost. Tokyo's Olympics has long surpassed Montreal's debt even adjusting for all factors.
yeah sure the world with covid killing thousands around the world daily needs the Olympics, the 3 billion that were food insecure before covid and are worse off now don't need food they can watch the Olympics on their non existent TV.
The 2 billion that do not have regular access to safe drinking water 1 billion of those have no access at all can quench their thirst by watching mostly rich country's Athletes get fancy gold medals well that is if they have electricity and a TV.
Imagine how much clean water $15 billion could have provided but hey lest live in the fantasy that the Olympics are this great thing on the minds of billions waiting for Vaccines watching their family members die.
Apologies to those above who cannot decide which side I am on. The Olympic skeleton will go ahead, and I will probably watch some of it on TV. Not much else to do nowadays.
It will be interesting to see how they cope or do not cope with every facet of health and security. Other sports have demonstrated how to hold events in these times of infection.
In the meantime I hope and pray that a semblance of hive immunity will be reached with this belated population immunization effort, just in the nick of time. "Suberikomi seefu!" as they say in baseball. (Inshallah, fingers crossed.)
Watching paint dry on YouTube looks more interesting to me.
One of goats eating and clearing an entire lot of vegetation for nearly 24 hours would be time better spent.
Sincerest apologies if You found that ‘questioning’ @nandakandamanda 10:51am.
The intent was ‘just to use your observation’ as a ‘jumping off point’ for a commentary on the media ongoing campaign to ‘calculatingly and incrementally’ try to change “Japan’s 80% public disapproval of continuing with these Games”.
Perhaps you mean “herd” immunity? (“Hive”, while also apropos here, would be more descriptive of the overall Japanese populace’s ‘thinking and reactions’ to the dictates of their masters.) - “As-Salaam-Alaikum” -
You do know we have a one party system right?
Well...Suga's government and the IOC have made no indication of a pending cancellation so what else are citizens supposed to think?
You reckon even my Japanese wife and half kids are slave drones of the hive mind? I'm guessing us Westerners are all educated individual and critical thinkers though right with PhDs in every topic? God we're good compared to the Japanese drones!
Good to see public opinion changing to more favourable of the games. No doubt the recent articles in the media and on TV are making the public see sense. As we get closer to the starting date we will see the majority in support as they see how safe the games will be. I’m hoping that certain types won’t cause disruption and soil the dreams of thousands of young people and their families.
Agreed. But it will add another $15 billion to that.
A survey conducted without claim of proof ( a report after careful checking JT articles) is simply a statement.
I think people should read the article properly.
All it basically says is despite heavy opposition 50% think the IOC, JOC and Jgov are going to go ahead no matter what happens.
And that is basically what most of us here know also, the majority don't want the games but we do not expect these old guys in charge to change and do what is right.
We could all die tomorrow and they would still try and have the games.
Basically 50% of Japanese have understood that and 48% are still holding out hope that by some miracle the government will come to it's senses and cancel.
Nothing has changed 80% are still opposed to the games
“I hereby open the Sanitized, ‘Bubble’, Spectator-free Games.”
That in itself will see it permanently being asterisked in records books.
Public opinion will push even further in support of the Olympics when the more famous athletes arrive. These will be broadcast on television so we can see our favourites arriving and ready to make their and their nations dreams a reality. The expectation is that once we get to the starting date those are mean enough to wish ill feelings to athletes will be such a minority they will be seen for what they are. Let the games be a success and the start of a new life post Covid.
Very funny and a good job, however as you are aware I disagree entirely
While the JOC and Jgov keep going with this joke, Okinawa is closing schools because of covid spreading and people are blaming those that traveled from Tokyo to Okinawa for the increase but at the same time support the Olympics.
I guess as long a no one coming to the Olympics goes to Okinawa it's Ok as it wouldn't affect them.
Oh I guess this school closures is a sign that covid is beat and life is returning to normal, right?
Alfie Noakes
It's ironic that this Olympics began with Shinzo Abe's big lie in Singapore in 2013.
The games won't come close to the catastrophic damage of climate change either:
Climate change is set to batter the world's economy with a G7 loss double that of coronavirus
And here is the problem. Who do you vote for? There are no strong opposition parties.
Stop fear mongering.
Every Vaccine here and in every country has the same thing and if you go buy your next pack of ASA, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.. I suggest you read the paper included as it basically says the same thing and that by taking the meds you agree to possible side effects listed and they list absolutely everything possible.
Amazed by the number of (apparently) English native speakers that make a confusion between the verbs "think", in the title, and the verb "wish".
Maybe you could check for the nearest Kumon?
“Let the games be a success and the start of a new life post Covid.” What life post COVID? We aren’t going to magically return to normal after the OLYMPICS.
Well that is a good question.
My neighbourhood it was most common to see LDP posters.
But a little frightening is people that usually and for years would have LDP support posters now have Japan Communist party posters and in over 30 years I haven't seen this many.
Now will they actually vote for them or are they just doing it to give the LDP something to think about, I have no idea but it is very strange and different.
Bert Smithson
cancel it. will be a failure and boring
But of course the Olympics will be a great success where the world will admire and respect.
After all two great PM like Abe and Suga told us that "Japanese summer is a perfect environment for the athletes!" and " The Olympics will be the celebration of victory over humanity".
When 4 percent of people in Japan vaccinated which keeps a high risk for everyone and the horrific and humid summer the medics and nurses will enjoy this Olympics and the people as well.
The propaganda is really working hard to sell this circus.
I’m sure they will.
Then when the games are finished, they’ll continue complaining about the corona numbers.
Then they’ll find something else to complain about.
negative leopards don’t change their spots
I am a native French speaker and I know the difference and I suspect those you are referring to do also just they are IOC propagandists trying to manipulate and give a false idea if what the article says.
Horrible mindless propaganda piece.
Consider this, IOC, JOC have already stated many times: 'We will not stop even should Armageddon occur; we see no risk to ourselves. Who cares what the Japanese people think.'
Consider this, Suga is a spineless puppet here to take the fall for the public health and economic fallout of the Pandemic.
A majority see the obvious issues with holding this event. The Japanese Government cannot be trusted to safely control a 'Bubble'. This poll is merely designed to indoctinate the fatalistic attitude of ''s going to happen anyway.' and thereby attempt to silence further criticism.
Wow. These Olympics really have ‘people on-edge’. Can’t tell which upsets people more @11:13am? :
A) civility by way of a sincere apology to another user for a possibly, unintended slight;
B) pointing out the ‘continued indoctrination of subserviency of a countries’ people’;
C) a ‘salutation’ and ‘wish for peace’ between users in a non-English language;
D) a general dislike, on this site, of ‘non-native’ speakers of English/Japanese.
(Perhaps it is the latter?) - Regardless, wishing ‘Peace’ to all.
First place being when? At the time when the bid was won, or just since covid?
i am glad people are to beginning to realize olympic WILL happen!
Text from Japantimes, article here seems to be being deliberatelyvague:
PS re snowymountainhell above, I refuse to use the word ‘herd’ because it makes people into cattle.
With ‘hive’ there is a better sense of harmony and understanding about what to do under attack from wasps, disease, etc.
“The Bees” by Laline Paull offers some enjoyable reading.
In that sense Japan’s response to this thing has been less internally divisive than many western societies.
I wish the sports authorities luck, and hope there are no more suicides under stupid pressure.
Richard Gallagher
Time to roll out the high powered PR firms and hacks. And steam-roll the opposition with every possible marketing and propaganda technique. Misrepresent poll number and pad it all with spurious conclusions favoring the sponsors who care not one wit for the populace, except as rubes. Some odd hurdy-gurdy man act to gain profit, no matter the misery inflicted or the damage done. It's business, masked as athletics and the noble quest for gold. It's a clown car full of doped-up gladiators hyped by shoe companies that make high dollar warm-up suits. Same companies that corrupt college sports, their handiwork on display for all the world to view.
Comcast owns the Olympics. The IOC is its hand puppet. Brian L. Roberts owns/controls Comcast. The Olympics are his toy. Anyone who 'thinks' the Olympics can be postponed or cancelled by the mere opposition of 80 to 100 million citizens of Japan are ignoring the reality of the world. The aristocracy of money and power decides on the basis of profit. Comcast owns NBCU Every-time you go to Universal Studious, you put coin in Roberts pockets.
Olympics are a critical piece of the economic underpinnings of NBCU and its corporate parent, Comcast. The companies paid $4.4 billion for a rights deal that allows NBCU to cover the Olympics in the U.S. through 2020, and agreed to pay $7.75 billion for broadcast rights to the Olympic Games between 2021 and 2032. NBCU came away from its Rio coverage with approximately $250 million in profit. The company was poised to take in more than $1.2 billion in advertising for the 2020 Games before they were scuttled. NBC has spent the last year working with dozens of sponsors to get them to transfer their financial support to this year’s broadcast.
What is and has always been apparent, the Olympics are a shallow spectacle with purposeful narratives created to impress emotive responses. There is a jingoistic element to the entirety. All that 'Go Team' nonsense that wraps around the cult of sport. Bread and circuses, still an apt description. The entirety floating on a sea of cash and corruption. It's a circus.
C'mon, you guys cannot take this poll seriously, yomiuri though private is pro government or right leaning. A similar poll from Asahi or Mainichi can be trusted.
Hideomi Kuze
Yomiuri newspaper is pro-LDP government media of Japan, its poll always shows advantageous figure to LDP.
This time, Yomiuri changed questions from "agree or opposition" to prediction of people.
Present Japanese general public are weak to atmosphere of society fundamentally, easily forget and give up whatever happen.
So, Suga government still continue despite incompetence and innumerable misstep.
Self-righteous politics of Suga government that hold Olympics whatever happen means that many people will be killed by holding Olympics but Japanese general public pretend to not notice it or divert eyes from it.
The problem is following the assumption that the risk is only from outside. The risk is from so many tens of thousands of people, who wouldn't do so if it weren't for the Olympics, meeting, mixing, moving around. Volunteers can infect drivers, cleaners can infect coaches, media people can take it around town bar hopping, wait staff can pass it around on the train and take infection home to their families. It is blinkered to assume the risk is nearly all from the athletes. Of course this is what the IOC with their playbook and their J-government and JOC shills want you to think about, but the risk is really every which way. Plus the risk of infected visitors taking it back to their 200 countries, including new variants, which should worry us all at least as much as the risk within Japan. Noone is completely safe until everyone is safe.
They do it everyday. Have you seen the crowds in Osaka, where there was supposedly a medical crisis? The hypocrisy here is unbearable.
Let be clear, the $15bn cost for the 2020 games is a estimate, the final audited cost could well reach $26 to $30bn
Why The Tokyo Olympics Are So Expensive
As a example as the criteria a games is audited......
London 2012 Olympics....
Final report for the Olympic Delivery Authority (2006 to 2014) published.
So I would not expect the final costings published until 2023/4
So the other half live in a make-believe world?
Texas A&M Aggie
As I predicted months ago, the number of Covid cases in Tokyo are dropping. Time for the Japanese to enjoy the athletic spectacle that is the Olympics with the rest of the wold.. Japan lobbied very hard to get selected. Now is the time to do the right thing: step up and finish what they started. Bring on the Summer Games!!!
'People think the games will happen' does not suggest growing support.
I'm dead set against the games being held this summer, I think the whole idea is ludicrous; but I do think they will happen. By your logic, that means I'm being 'made to see sense'?
They will be the worst games ever, but they will happen.
Because the IOC is run by folk who care only for the cash, and Suga is a moron being led by the nose by his IOC overlords.
I'm pretty sure it will grow dark before morning, but that doesn't mean I'm in favour of the dark; just that I have no more control over the heavens than I have over the IOC and the tax thieves in the LDP.
Just like I have to switch the lights on to deal with the dark come evening, come July I will have to make a point of staying away from Tokyo and preparing other stuff to do instead of watching TV coverage of a mega-super-spreader event. At least I'll have had both jabs by then, which is more than can be said for most of the poor souls who will be running round at the athletes' beck and call.
I wonder how respondents would have answered, if asked:
How they feel about being governed by a toothless paper tiger that totally disregards their collective will when foreign money is on the line*How they feel about paying for the maintenance and upkeep of $10B+ of infrastructure (think the Olympic stadium in Montreal, Canada: constructed in the '70s, so big you need a cable car to get to the top- now maintained by the city taxpayers to the tune of 10's of millions per year. But at least the children of Montreal have a nice stadium for their T-ball games, where under 100 spectators show up, leaving the arena 98% below capacity).
*How they feel about the current sloth-like vaccination trajectory putting Tokyo at herd immunity sometime in 2024
Cleo, great comment., nuff said
LOL, can we get more melodramatic? If know of a betting site where one can put money on the Olympics not making a difference in Corona hospitalizations in Tokyo, I am on.
Well, you had the injection with the experimental mRNA substance. Lets hope the long-term effects are as non-existent as the establishment media claim.
I'll take (and did) that miniscule risk over the very real risk of long-term effects from covid.
I did really, really well in logic in school though. Mensa level. So I sympathize with the lessers who don't get logic. It must be a scary life.
This is a rapid TURN-AROUND.
What happened to 83 % saying STOP.
50% thinking it will be held does not mean 50% think it should be held.
You can think something WILL happen without thinking it SHOULD happen.
I am strongly against the Olympics being held, but I seriously doubt they will be cancelled at this point, the window for that to happen has realistically already passed.
Commodore Perry
100% of them want it,
Perhaps @Commodore Perry 9:42am, ‘You’re choosing to be part of the ongoing ‘untruths’?,
with statements like this:
Since Jun 5, the media is Now methodically and systematically editing into a variety of news stories the reduction of last week’s 80% Olympics disapproval ratings. For example, today, the disapproval numbers are now being reported as:
and, to ‘double-down” on the manipulation, they’re Now claiming disapproval was as [65 %] last month!
Commodore Perry
snowymountainhellToday 09:57 am JST
No. But of course Japan/Japanese want the Olympics to the held here. Why wouldn't they?
If they had a sincere fear of the Covid virus, then before cancelling the Olympics, school would be cancelled, trains would be cancelled, work would be canceled.
That was obvious right from the beginning! If something goes wrong, IOC and Japan government will find some scapegoat...
Of course the Olympics are on.
Because this has nothing to do with sport, pandemics, or even money.
This is all about the Japanese obsession with saving face now.
Suga owns this one and he's taking it to the finish line now because he has to in order to save face.
...and the finish line will be sometime during or before September I'd imagine, when Suga packs up his crap in a box and heads back to Akita to farm strawberries.
Face-saving trumps the avoidance of career suicide.
The other half just doesn't think, period.
Half of the Japanese don't think the Olympics will be held.
I think there should be more chance where reflected citizen’s opinions. It’s because it seems like governments are deciding without any citizen’s opinions. I can understand not holding the Olympics will be not good for the athletes and the economics. But for citizens, they are concerning about corona. Despite they don’t agree, those aren’t totally reflected. So I think governments should hear the opinions more and more because the volunteers are gathered by citizens.